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WoW accounts

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Erotic Adventures of S, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    Blizz needs to make some Dutch realms, the sheer amount of them on most English realms....
  2. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    Btw, you lied. Private servers are awesome. :awesome
  3. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    I agree. Some people try WoW and see the hours and hours of quests that are very alike,others see their character growing just a little every time they play.

    Graphics do not make a game, sure its nice to play something that needs a monster rig to play but many of those games suck. I still play classics like HoM&M II, M&M 7 and love them. Can you honestly argue that games have to be realistic to be good or to have fun playing them? Heck that's like nearly the entire gaming industry.WoW's graphics are not supposed to amaze you. They are done in the style of the other Warcraft games, sort of cartoonish. As for the arguably bad graphics, that was a excellent decision, it keeps system requirements down. Allowing more people to play it, increasing profit, some games try and hook you by having great graphics, but usually they are lacking on some other front.

    Level 72 Death Knight in blades edge, name Adwire.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009
  4. meatzman2

    meatzman2 Backtraced

    Nov 7, 2008
    Melbourne, Australia
    Hawt, I would be playing WoW right now except my screen died so I'm using the university computer lab.

    The thing about WoW's graphics that I really like is that with WotLK they really ramped them up, but they made it so that you can choose to implement those higher graphics in the video settings. Thiss way my shitty piece of shit PC can still play it but for those who want the game to look good they can max it out. I have to say that maxed out I think WoW is one of the best looking MMORPGs out there (I haven't played AoC).
  5. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    Well tbh if you have a lower end machine and try Wg, your fps is going to suck+ when you die it goes to load screen so that puts you at a disadvantage straight off.
  6. Deviace

    Deviace Second Year

    Jun 29, 2008
    Got my Dk to 80 awhile back and have been tanking abit of Naxx 25 on it.
    Alot of fun, though frustrating at times.

    Anyone else tried out the new Ulduar raid and VoA's new boss Emalon?
    Hard as all fuck, have only just cleared like 3 boss's in Ulduar and Im still yet to down Emalon. Anyone else had bettter luck then me?
  7. Agnostics Puppet

    Agnostics Puppet Professor

    Sep 28, 2008
    Denver, Colorado
    I stopped playing about two months ago myself. I had a handful of 80's, only one that ever made it to end game raids though. Quite frankly, they bored me and just didnt hold my interest. That and I never seemed to get anything from then other than wasted time... :(
  8. meatzman2

    meatzman2 Backtraced

    Nov 7, 2008
    Melbourne, Australia
    Yeah the raids they brought out with WotLK were on the crappy side of suck. They took out the major wipe fest modes of most of the bosses in Naxx and dumbed em down for casual raiders. By this I'm talking about things like you can now get 5 stacks of the four horsemen debuff whereas pre-BC if you weren't topped off and you were a low health dps you could get wtfpwnt by the 3rd stack.

    Still Ulduar seems pretty good, Flame Leviathan is free loot, Razorscale just requires constant movement more or less and an awareness of which mobs spawn. Ignis well he's a dickhead and it's pretty much all on your kite tank. That's all I've done on my paladin so far. As for Emalon? He's pretty easy if your dps are awake and paying attention, spread out and tank GTFO of lightning nova and it's all FTW. Admittedly I have yet to kill him, but then I haven't been on WoW much this week because of marking essays for uni and then breaking mah screen.

    As to Wintergrasp? I can't do it, game kicks me out. The only time I can do it is at like 3 in the morning when there is only 1 full raid rather than 2 or 3 as there are usually.
  9. TSN

    TSN Auror

    Nov 7, 2008
    Realm:- Arthas
    Race:- Blood elf - Undead
    Class:- Holy Paladin(PVP, PVE) - Death Knight(bloodPVE - FrostshadowPVP)
    Name:- Daskunais - Yosh
    Lvl:- 80
    Skills: Mining x2 - JC - Blacksmith

    Realm:- Arthas
    Race:- Undead - Undead - Troll
    Class:- Mage - Rogue - Priest
    Name:- Anduriel - Maztymoto - Vanatily
    Lvl:- 71- 74 - 73
    Skills: Tailorx2 - Herbx2 - Engeneer - Enchanter

    For those That are in Arthas My PVE Guild is Helping gearing up Ppl to prepare a 2cd group of Ulduar.

    Yeah I kinda wastes alot of time on this...
  10. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    Some nice charactes you got going there, what are you Prof levels and what kind of gear are you sprouting?

    Oh you made a mistake in your character profile, its supposed to say male.

    I am probably going to get out of Blades Edge first chance I get, Trade channel is becoming unbearable(the [Random link] anal spams+ trolls) also still no home for the dutch.
  11. TSN

    TSN Auror

    Nov 7, 2008
  12. Agnostics Puppet

    Agnostics Puppet Professor

    Sep 28, 2008
    Denver, Colorado
  13. Deviace

    Deviace Second Year

    Jun 29, 2008
  14. meatzman2

    meatzman2 Backtraced

    Nov 7, 2008
    Melbourne, Australia
    It really depends what you're looking to do in the game. I have at one stage or another played virtually every single class in the game at the maximum level, each class and spec has a different role.

    Are you looking to pvp (player vs player) or pve (player vs environment, raids, heroics etc...)? If you want to focus on pvp then certainly a rogue is one of the best classes in the game for a more individual style of play, up there with warlocks and death knights. There isn't much more fun than finding an isolated clothie and beating them down in under 10 seconds.

    I personally prefer healing for pvp, mostly in battlegrounds but a little arena from time to time is alright (except that paladins are expected to have some crazy 30/0/31 spec which I hate for decent 2v2 arena). PvE for me is all about healing or tanking, I'm dual specced and decently geared for both on my paladin. It's strange, my paladin is my main but my warlock, who's shared with a friend, is better geared and does some good (4k or so in 25 man raids) dps.

    So really deviace it depends what you're looking for from the game. What have you discovered that you like to do? Dual specs mean you can now dps as well as be heals or tanks (or be heals and tanks in my pally's case). That's what I like about WoW and particularly about the dual specs and having multiple 80s, when I tire of one role I can switch to another.

    [Edit] Bah Humbug, I just got hacked.
    Last edited: May 2, 2009
  15. Agnostics Puppet

    Agnostics Puppet Professor

    Sep 28, 2008
    Denver, Colorado
    Really? From the way people bitch and moan about paladins, I was under the impression that we all took 61/61/61 spec. I mean, we can do everything, right? Sorry. Cynicism over.

    Seriously though, thats one of the biggest reasons, just under being bored with the game, that I quit.

    :( Thats not cool.
  16. physwap

    physwap Squib

    Jul 14, 2006
    the US
    Realm:- Aerie Peak
    Race:- Undead
    Class:- Warlock( PVE)
    Name:- Adochon(main toon)
    Lvl:- 80
    Skills: JC-450/Tailoring-450
    Just switched to JC to max raid damage(the JC only gems rock)

    Have about 4 other toons on the server I play and have most of the professions covered. Having fun starting Ulduar. My raiding guild just started up (guilds having been breaking up on our server and so some members are being geared up through Naxx. )

    Gotta say Flame leviathan is one of the more fun fights in WOW. Haven't yet launched peeps onto him to do the shutdown thing. Might try it when doing the hard mode.

    Anyways if anyone else is playing on AP feel free to catch up
  17. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    Realm:- Shattered Hand
    Race:- Orc
    Class:- Shaman
    Name:- Agnostiker
    Lvl:- 80
    Skills: Enchanting 450 Herbalism 450

    Specc varies between Restoration and Elemental depending on encounter, lootwise restoration is my mainspecc, still played elemental at our first Yogg-Saron kill though. Played pve warrior and pvp rogue in tbc aswell, havn't bothered to get them to 80 yet.

    Flame Leviathan? Seriously? It's like hop into your vehicle, press w to get to the boss, collect your epics. Where is the fun in that "challenge"? Hardmode is definately more fun.
  18. meatzman2

    meatzman2 Backtraced

    Nov 7, 2008
    Melbourne, Australia
    Haven't had a chance to have a crack at hard mode yet, and not going to have a chance for the next week, probably at the very least. Just got hacked yesterday evening, gotta get Blizzard to reset the PW, hackers used the reset function too many times have to wait on Blizz now, then however long it takes them to restore all my gear and moniez (hopefully the moniez they always seem to forget that).

    Weirdest thing is I don't even remember downloading anything over the past couple of days that was even remotely dodgy enough to have a keylogger in.
  19. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    I've been hacked before, back in tbc. Easiest solution is to get one of those nifty authenticators, cost 4$ + shipping iirc, basically impossible to get hacked unless they manage to replace the client on your computer with one special made of their own.

    And as for this hacking, just pray it doesn't take them 30 days like they did with mine -_-, ruined my raid attendance bigtime.

    Oh, and if they forget to give back certain items you remember and asked for, just replace the ticket, a friend got his stuff back 3 times, ended up in earning 20k gold on him being hacked.
  20. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    Giving away extra stuff, albeit unintentionally? Does not really sound like Blizzard. Banning you for being near some people abusing a bug and reporting them: Yup, That's Blizz for ya.
    Last edited: May 2, 2009