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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    Bunny incoming:

    Through some machination, Crouch get's found out before the final task. Some creative interrogation later (by someone, previous Order, real Moody, etc) reveals that the plan was to use blood etc...

    Harry makes stupid plan, and (through more school-age hijinks, be they funny or serious) manages to get a biological cocktail that would make the Black Death look like the sniffles. Moody and him raiding some CDC center to collect their soup, maybe.

    Anyway. Harry thinks this is a grand idea, and goes on with it, thinking that the process will be fatal, if not immediately, then when Volde comes back and suffering some kind of biblical-proportion plague.

    Instead the magic warps the diseases, and now Volde is a magical Typhoid Mary. Plague elemental, or what have you.

    Can explain away Harry keeling over with magical immunity to muggle disease, basilisk venom/phoenix tears, or a suicide attempt. Or a horcrux thing.

    Thinking it would be amusing that the information got back to the magical world that he not only knew ahead of time and made the mistake, but is now responsible for the abomination that Volde now is, and the fallout.
  2. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Sounds a good way to bring about a zombie apocalypse, I like it! :awesome
  3. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    Humm. Horcrux based infectious disease... like a soul infection bug. Think agent Smith from Matrix fame.

    It's like Taure's Borg!Harry only the other side get's the toys. And there's more fun to be had, with plagues, apocalypse scenarios, and likely all the fun of knowing the slightest mistake would doom you to being a soul trapped in your own body, while Volde turned you into a thrall. Tasty.
  4. Snarf

    Snarf Squanchin' Party Bro! ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 27, 2007
    Forty-Six & 2
    High Score:
    Here's a pretty neat plot idea, I hope. It just popped into my head.

    Harry doesn't give Hermione and Ron the Felix Felicis before he leaves to get the Horcrux. Instead, he heads back to Dumbledore and they quickly go to retrieve said object. After everything goes to hell, Harry tries to think quick and gives Dumbledore half of the Felix Felicis, in his haste dropping it where it rolls right into the cave lake.

    Now this is where I hope it gets interesting. Everything still goes exactly the same way during the scene in the tower and Harry still watches helplessly as Snape kills Dumbledore and goes after him.

    Other events change though. Without the luck potions, Ginny disappears (she can either be dead or a play toy for the Death Eaters, your choice), Ron is fatally wounded, and Hermione's arm is nearly torn off by Greyback's claws. At the same time, Greyback is killed by Bill who is never injured at all.

    Due to these changes, Harry is totally destroyed. Not only is the girl he loved missing, his best friend is dead and the other one nearly died of blood loss. At the same time, he begins to go through a large spree of revelations about the events.

    He realizes Dumbledore had a luck potion, yet everything still turned out for the absolute worst. He starts off delusional, telling himself that the potion was just faulty. Slowly, though, his mind continues to turn back to the potion. While Hermione recovers, he is in the library reading up everything he can on felix felicis. He discovers that every aesthetic feature of the potion was spot on, and can't deny that it was a good potion anymore.

    Now he's left to wonder: if everything up to Dumbledore's death -which was all Dumbledore's luck could affect- turned out exactly how Dumbledore wanted it, why did he want to die by Snape's hand?

    At that point, he comes to a revelation that he does want to admit: Snape had to be on Dumbledore's side. If he wasn't, Dumbledore would never had wanted to die by Snape's hand. What would his death accomplish, if not for the fact that they had planned it out?

    Instead of trying to go directly for the Horcruxes, Harry decides that his next course of action would be to find Snape and force him to tell why he did what he did and what the truth was behind it. Hermione, while recovered with nearly full use of her arm, is traumatized by everything that happened. She watched Ron get mowed down by a wave of deadly spells and nearly lost her entire arm to a werewolf.

    I'd have Hermione quickly agree to not go with him when he broaches the subject of going alone, leaving Harry to fend for himself. Lost, he becomes pitted in finding Snape, hoping that the man will somehow mend the entire happening and return things back to the way they were.

    Without his friends, Harry would fall quickly into madness and take out anyone in his path of getting towards Snape ruthlessly. This story could concentrate on his decent into madness, which would be interesting to see mapped out. Or it could have him quickly find Snape, torture him and then force the information from his lips just to find that his quest was to sacrifice himself so that Voldemort would die. Either way, or both, I want it to be a darker story with insanity themes tied in. No ships, unless you want Hermione to go along with him, but I think that you'd have to kill her off at some point to tax Harry totally to the brink.
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  5. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    That's a lot of jumps in logic for our favorite moron. Then again, there's really no better shock to the system to spur it on than that little episode. Tension is the mother of epiphany.

    I'd be wary of killing everyone close off early. Do it later maybe, after the turn around. If you're pushing a dark Harry, half the fun is when he goes to the parades wearing skulls, yeah? Have someone left back home to call him on it, and make him squirm.
  6. Snarf

    Snarf Squanchin' Party Bro! ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 27, 2007
    Forty-Six & 2
    High Score:
    But that's the point. He's supposed to have no one at home to try and keep him on the beaten path, or even try. It's supposed to be death after death during a very short period of time, which forces him away from everything he know on a quest better left to someone with a lot more strengths than he possesses. This should inevitably lead to him collapsing in on himself and falling into insanity, which is hard to write but interesting to read. I don't want Dostoevsky; I'm not talking about redemption of the human soul. I'm just interested in the mechanics of insanity.
  7. novaschamp

    novaschamp First Year

    Apr 9, 2009
    Northen Virginia
    At the end of DH despite what Harry learned about Dumbledore he still viewed the man as his mentor and friend. I have a Harry that feels the same urge canon Harry feels to protect the wizarding world he just goes about it differently.

    Harry leaves after the defeat of Voldemort to travel the world and study the various kinds of magic taught by different schools and cultures. Learning and practicing the various magics and then, truly following in Dumbledore's steps he comes back to England to teach.

    The real plot would be that Hermione deciding change isn't occuring quickly enough in the wizarding world sets out to do what Voldemort did but from the opposing point of view. Voldemort tried to start a revolution with the haves and the purebloods, Hermione is going to do it with the have nots and the muggleborns.

    The only, I guess, twist is that Hermione disarms Harry before he leaves, by like taking his wand from him during a hug or something. Then, when she gets desperate to start the violent part of her revolution she raids Dumbledore's tomb, where Harry had laid the Elder Wand to rest.

    So we have an ElderWand!Hermione and a Harry that spent 6 or 7 years learning magic all over the world. It would take alot of Harry to fight his best friend but my thinking would be that Hermione goes about her revolution with increasingly violent and bloody attacks on the purebloods, even the innocent ones and Harry, because she has the deathstick feels like he has to stop her.

    My reason for Hermione being this leader and catalyst is because she has that intellect and she shows a zealous streak in canon with the SPEW idea. Also her increased status in the wizarding world as best friend to Harry Potter.
    Last edited: May 26, 2009
  8. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Two problems:

    1. Hermione is good at magic, but not at duelling. The Elder wand can only make your spells better (and Hermione's are already going to be pretty good), it doesn't give you better timing, reflexes, instincts, or nerve.

    2. Hermione's acquisition of the Elder wand is problematic. I think it's clear that you don't gain mastery of someone else's wand by simply disarming them, or mastery would be switching all over the place at Hogwarts. Rather, I think what is needed is a much more meaningful defeat, often characterised by disarming your opponent. This is kinda clear from the mechanics of the whole thing: wand's switch loyalty when they "perceive" someone else to be stronger. A simple disarming isn't enough for this - a defeat, however, is.

    But the idea of an older Harry fighting on the side of civil society against progressive terrorists is interesting. The idea has been mentioned a few times before but never executed in any decent way.
  9. novaschamp

    novaschamp First Year

    Apr 9, 2009
    Northen Virginia
    I agree about the wand not making anyone a better dueler. But, the Hermione we see in canon has that nearly eidetic memory and she analyzes and provides a response much quicker then most of the wizards we see. Do you think she could make a realistic advesary to Harry with her intellect and spells boosted by the Elder wand? My reason for giving her the Elder wand is to make her more of an even match with Harry.

    She knows more magic than Harry and is "smarter" but Harry seems to have a more intrinsic grasp on defesive magic and dueling.

    Again, your correct.

    I focused more on Harry's physical act of disarming Malfor rathern the what the act really accomplished. In a desperate situation it was more than a disarming it was a complete victory by Harry.

    The reason I wanted it to be Hermione is because as Taure said they would be progressive terrorists and Hermione, even more so than Harry, seems to the most progessive of that class.

    We never really see anyone else point of view in canon so there could be others, but Hermione's ideals get alot of page time. So if anyone in his class could do it I would bet on her. Of course the obvious drama there would be if his best friend leads a revolution against the establishment they just recently did so much to defend.
  10. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
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    I can see it working with Hermione as the leader if she worked in a way that avoided direct confrontation as far as possible, which is her weakness. Rather she'd be a schemer, trap-layer and ambusher, as well as manipulating politics.
  11. novaschamp

    novaschamp First Year

    Apr 9, 2009
    Northen Virginia
    So do you think I should just discard the Elder wand part? The Hermione I envisioned would have spent years working on this revolution.

    Harry had been gone for several years and her disillusionment had started fairly soon after he left. I had the thought of her working in the ministry and slowly finding sympathisers and people willing to take a more active role.

    I kind of felt like Harry coming back would throw a wrench in her plans and that the animosity between them would start with him rejecting her ideas and pleading with her to take a more moderate stance on the issues.

    The canon Harry goes into what, I look at as, the elite of the police of the wizarding world. So he wants to protect and preserve the society he has helped build.

    But in addition, I think a link can be made that he wants no part of another period of violent civil unrest. So in canon he serves with aurors, and in this story he traveled and decided to protect his society by teaching.
  12. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    One idea:

    Have Hermione trying to procure the Elder wand as one of her central plots within the story, rather than as something that occured before hand. Hermione recognises her lack of duelling instinct and tries to get the Elder wand off Harry to try (perhaps in vain) to correct that weakness.
  13. ParseltonguePhoenix

    ParseltonguePhoenix Unspeakable

    Oct 4, 2007
    South Carolina
    This is less a bunny, and more just something I'd be interested in seeing done. I've been really interested in the sanctum invocation and genius loci ideas Butcher introduced in Turn Coat (it was my first encounter with them), and have since fixated on the idea of using this sort of ritual in the HP-verse.

    What if Potter managed to succeed in a sanctum invocation with the genius loci of the Forbidden Forrest? There might not be a whole lot that could be done with it, but Intellectus-type abilities could be used, as could any other abilities an author could think up, I guess. It'd be one hell of a homefield advantage for any fights he might get into at Hogwarts, assuming he could take it into the FF. I suppose it could also be used in a way with the Centaurs. Either have them be really upset about Potter claiming 'their' forrest, or have them ear a respect for him as a whole, or blah blah blah.

    Like I said, less a bunny, more a small idea that would need a plot, but there you are. Idea purged.
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  14. Aerin

    Aerin Seventh Year

    Dec 15, 2007
    The Void
    *Cocks Plot Rifle*

    1: Harry decided to actually use a bit of his brain at the end of Year 1. Instead of going back to the Dursleys, he decides to just stay in the wizarding world.

    2: Less of a plot idea and more of an idea for people to use. More following.

    We all know the plot idea of Albus keeping Harry's bank info from him/ etc. Well...if Gringotts WERE to send out bank info to muggle households, wouldn't that under law break the Statute of Secrecy given that as a rule muggles aren't aware of the magical world.

    For the Auror Corps, I could see there being divisions much like a military force. A siege force comprisoned of powerful and broad-range spell-casters but slow to fire, a few recon groups that specialise heavily in stealth, the ordinary combat groups like front-line soldiers and maybe even an "armored" division. As in Auror's who are unleashed when shit goes to hell. Heavily enchanted robes and cowls, wielding two wands.

    I was thinking how Harry would perhaps make friends with the lower level of classmates/ potentially have romantic interactions with a few of them. So I got to thinking...why not have a peer program? Each third year is assigned a first year to help out with classwork and whatnot. Not only does it make sense but it also opens up a whole new level for Harry. As to why it was implemeted...Dumbledore would implement it so Harry could get more "power of love" or whatever from having more friends.

    The above idea is from my love of seeing Harry and Astoria Greengrass XD

    Don't you find it odd that there is no real room for improvisation in Hogwarts? You get the spell acceptably and you move on. There's no incentive to excel really. I mean...if you can reducto a brick a metre, you pass. If you blast a wall and reduce it to a storm of bricks...nothing. And there's no practicing in hogwarts. Where exactly can you practice spells to get better at them? And don't say RoR given that few know of it.

    I am frankly sick of Harry always being rich. Wouldn't it be much more logical if the Potter vaults were really heavily depleted? Because think. First Grindelwald then Voldemort...the Potter's seem like the sort to give everything so I could see there just being enough for tuition and etc. Harry throwing his money around irks me so it'd be good to see him being spendthrift. Now whilst the Potter Vaults can be rather large...potentially paying for mercenaries during the Grindelwald Wars to hold off his forces can get pricy.

    Another thing I wondered. You would imagine Ancient Runes would be a mandatory course given that it is on ancient languages and such so therefore it would make spells easier. Maybe even a Pre-Hogwarts Mandated Course. Hogwarts ships out introductory package a year before Hogwarts begins and kids then have a chance to learn about the basics. Because it doesn't seem smart to just throw kids into magic without having a good basis.

    Now to his social skills. I understand he grew up alone and doesn't want to venture out of his comfort circle coupled with irrational fear. A few things I could think of what would make him seek new friends would be...A) A wedge between him, hermione and Ron. Not to the point they hate each other but they don't go on adventures or w/e with him. More the good friend than best friend. So he'd seek out more naturally. B) He sees someone he likes but is too nervous too approach them because they could be beautiful and/ or smart so he works in from the ground level with his/ her friends.

    To that extent I could potentially see him gravitating more towards the female side of the spectrum for the reason they would provide the nurturing he'd need. The mothering in a way, if you know what I mean? And they'd be far more understanding (some would anyway) and due to Vernon/ Dudley...I could see him shying away from boys a bit because...well...males haven't exactly been kind to him. Voldemort, Dudley, Vernon, Dudley's gang...all the males he's known really have mistreated him so it'd form a precedent

    Now...another thing that bugs me is the lack of field trips. You'd think with the believably exorbitant fee the students pay that field trips could be arranged even if it was just within the isles. I mean...so many possibilities! Camelot and Stonehenge are just two examples of places where magic has been woven in the past/ source of magic. Plus the History teacher...frankly I find it somewhat poor that there isn't another history teacher assigned. Because honestly...how could Binns teach close to five decades or so of students with NO complaints raised? I could see History easily being a somewhat more interesting subject if they had a competent teacher and...field trips

    It's irritating that Harry always asks for Griphook and what-not. How the hell does he even remember the name of one goblin that spoke maybe 3 times total to him? And especially given his surprise and shock at everything would force the name right out. I could honestly see him just asking for a goblin and getting a random one than Griphook. What about...Jawcrack? Or Goretooth? Maybe Rockgrinder?

    Now on to Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Frankly...jack-ass extroadinaries that can't see past the ghosts of their own past. Lupin is so mired in self-loathing that he can't even bother to leave a few pictures of James and Lily for harry. And Sirius...blegh. Sees Harry as James and wants the littlest Potter to be just another Prongs. Shit...even calls him Prognlet, as if he's just a miniature of james and not his own person! Suggested remedies...Lupin actually tries his hardest to get to harry and actually manages to tame the wolf during the moons so he can try and get through the blood wards. As for Sirius...not much can be done. Could definitely see Harry being a bit cool towards him because frankly...Sirius did a dip-shit move. Left a baby with Hagrid so he could sate his own vengeance.

    He insulted Lily and James' trust in him by doing that, proving he was not a proper godfather. Since Godfather-hood is a sacred and magically binding thing in the Wizarding World...I could see that act stripping him of the title.

    Now...Legillimency and Occlumency. Yes, I am on a roll here! Occlumency I think is so mis-represented. Yes it's the art of defending your mind but so many have him building walls and what-not. But people don't realise walls can be gone over or tunnelled under. I think a better explanation for Occlumency is that the caster erects magical shields in a dome-shape tied to unimportant memories. Shield is breached and the memory is called up. Sorta like a tripwire. More of these tripwires you have the longer you can delay a person. Could also select bad memories so they break off the assault.

    Of course this would have the added drawback of theoretically draining a persons magical reservoirs so it could have an on-off switch perhaps?

    Legillmency...simply a form of progressive empathy. Caster uses it and the emotion they put into the spell pulls the memories associated with it to the surface.

    You know how in the 7th book it's stated that if you disarm the enemy then the wand is yours, right? Well...didn't Harry technically disarm/ defeat Voldemort when the curse rebounded? I mean, you can't get more defeated than banished as a spirit and sent far far away.

    Now...wood quality and Harry's wand. I know this is a lot of conjecture and I'll get a spike of iron heated by flames shoved through my frontal lobe but I'll go through with it anyway.

    Harry Potter was not only touched by the darkest curse, the Avada Kedavra but also has a Horxrux. Two of the darkest pieces of magic. So therefore I am quite surprised he reacts with a Phoenix Feather given the darkness that no doubt resides within him.

    So to that extent...I was thinking of different wand cores, woods and wood quality to match that.

    I could see...either Lightning-Struck Yew with Thestral Brain-Stem or...Fire-Blasted Elder with Thestral Wing-Bone. Thestral's clearly being an omen of death within a wizarding society and the two woods because Yew is often associated with death and the fact it's lightning struck would make the wand...interesting and Elder because it's so rarely used and the fire-blasted part making it harder/ potentially warms up in anothers hands until it burns them.

    And Lightning-Struck Yew for the irony. Light-bolt scar from a yew wand. Essentially...his fame made manifest.

    Thestral parts simply make sense given that you have to see death to be able to see them. And since Harry saw death in Lily Potter (I think) then he should feel a closer pull to Thestral parts, especially given that he was touched by death also knows as...Avada Kedavra! *Does Moody Roar*

    Now to cover my arse with a final plot idea so I can say I started and finished with one...

    XX: Harry Potter was cunning. Not ambitious but cunning. And not in the usual way. He simply learnt to be somewhere else when something was happening. Wether it was a degree of insight or not...nobody knew. Somehow sorted into Gryffindor despite his cunning, this Harry Potter is far more different than people could possibly imagine.

    XX: At the end of the war, the pure-bloods that escaped Azkaban managed to draft a bill and push it through the Wizengamot to have all of the Potter Vaults seized and their funds distributed according to the "loss" they had suffered in the war. Now bereft of money, how will Harry survive in the wizarding world?

    XX: Harry Potter. Famous Boy-Who-Lived, right? WRONG! With his being hidden away for ten years, the magical society grew bitter with their savior abandoning them. With him there they could lay all the faults and troubles at his feet without care or guilt. But with him gone...they are forced to deal with everything else. In conjunction with the rough details of the love shield being leaked by Albus Dumbledore in an attempt to drum up public morale and love for Harry...his fame decreased all the more with every family believing they could manage it. So now, a harry disliked by Magical England is entering his first year at Hogwarts.

    I'm envisioning the above idea to be an either Harry/ Daphne, Harry/ Tracy or Harry/ Astoria Greengrass idea.

    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  15. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.

    That is a whole lot of shit that I don't feel like sorting through. Mother of God...
    Of the final three, the first two plot bunnies seem rather weak.
  16. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    QFT. I read it all expecting to find something worthwhile. I regret that now.

    Harry is on his way to the owlery to send a message out to Sirius just before the second task during the Triwizard Tournament and spots Cho Chang coming down the stairs. He asks her to the Yule Ball only for her to politely decline and explain that she is going with Cedric Diggory. Disappointed, but still resigned to finding a date for the ball, he sends his message off with Sirius and heads back to the Gryffindor common room.

    The next day during a class with Ravenclaw he enters class late and is forced to sit away from Ron and Hermione and right behind Su Li. He notices that she is just as attractive as Cho, except easily more approachable - mostly because she is so shy she can't utter much more than a few sentences without studdering. Encouraged by her lack of courage, he corners her after class and asks her to the ball. Completely caught off guard she answers Yes, and they make plans to meet before the ball and talk.

    A week later, rather than going to Hogsmeade, he meets her in the library for an impromptu study session. After explaining the details he had divined from the dragon's egg he took from the first task, she helps him find a better answer than gillyweed in a matter of minutes - not only will he be able to breathe freely underwater, but it's a lasting effect that doesn't require anything but a wand; apparently in her home country of China her family is known for their skill with the sea.

    Their relationship develops from there... she slowly becomes easier to talk to, and he spends more time in the library with her than he does with Hermione and Ron in the common room (keep in mind he's still peeved at Ron for turning his back on him). Harry learns quite a bit during this time, and after the Yule Ball shares his first kiss with her.

    The year proceeds with the two of them becoming so close that Harry asks Sirius for a way to speak to her at night - thus receiving the two-way mirrors a year early (as well as one that links him to Sirius). By the end of the second semester, and Voldemort's rebirth, she asks him to accompany her back to her home in China, and do a slew of cool Chinese wizarding shit. Dumbledore tries to make him stay, but Harry doesn't want to spend an entire summer away from her, so he just dips out to a country across the world - Dumbledore has no idea where the fuck he is, so he figures Voldemort can't touch him either, and spends less time worrying about him (especially since Sirius is still in contact with him) and more time working on the Order.


    Su Li 4tw!
  17. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    Seconded. Fucker just e-vomited in the thread.

    Isn't that the kind of date-raping shit we expect from Malfoy and frat boys?

    Fucking laughing my ass off.
  18. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
  19. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Maybe corners her after classes was a bit strong... I meant that because she was so shy he didn't feel like it was going to be difficult to speak to her, and so he felt courageous enough to talk. And if Jbern can make South America cool, surely someone can make China cool. Dragons, warlords, maybe even water spirits like in Ectomancer. Meh, it's whatever.

    And Taure: lulz.
  20. scaryisntit

    scaryisntit Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2008
    Sydney, Australia
    Nice review :p

    And while I'm on that, you too, Mike.

    EDIT: Oh, goddamnit. It's ChemicalGenocide. Sera! Where are you hiding these days...?

    /end thread sidetrack.
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
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