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WoW accounts

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Erotic Adventures of S, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. meatzman2

    meatzman2 Backtraced

    Nov 7, 2008
    Melbourne, Australia
    Yeah as soon as I verify that they are giving me the account back then I'll be ordering a Blizzard authenticator. It'll take a couple weeks to get here, so I'll have to risk it. I haven't formatted my hard drive or anything, so the keylogger is probably still a lurking somewhere, I ran a full virus scan killed whatever warnings it brough up. Uninstalled Mozilla and cleaned out the TIF and the cookies and whatnot as well as deleting all WoW mods, might be enough, might not.
  2. Deviace

    Deviace Second Year

    Jun 29, 2008
    TBH Im not 100% sure what I want to do. I have my rogue setup for both pve (deep sub HaT spec'd) and pvp ( Mut/Prep) and I push massive dps on the rogue, Average around 5.5k-6.3k on patchwork 25. I also have my DK for a tank so I was thinking about leveling my 70 Shadow priest to try out a caster/Healer class although it bores me to tears just leveling it.

    I considered a pally, Druid or Shammy but tbh, Ill most likely stick it out with my priest and probably find it fun once I hit 80 with it.
  3. Demons In The Night

    Demons In The Night Chief Warlock

    Jan 11, 2008
    I got my paladin to 80 about a month ago. Since then I've done lots of heroics and raids. The thing is, it gets boring after awhile. I hate the grind of doing dailies and regular quests for money. I still don't have my 5k flying mount (although my professions suck so that doesn't really help).

    I just feel like I'm losing the drive to play. Normally when I got bored on my main I would play one of my alts, but when you've already played through the content 3+ times, it gets old really fast. Just last night I ended up logging on, but I logged off a minute later and decided to read one of my books instead.

    It seems like I'll probably end up quitting soon, but I'll give it more time to see if I can rekindle that passion that had me playing 8 hours straight on some days.
  4. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    Raiding doesn't get interesting untill you hit the challenging content, getting bored of Sleepramas isn't uncommon. Don't know how far you've progressed, but my tip is to keep pushing it. Otherwise, try some arena, can be very entertaining if you do it with a couple of friends.
  5. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    I guess you have a point but so far Ive even found Ulduar to be kind of boring, now I will my admit my guild hasnt gotten far in so I could be proven wrong but Im not holding out much hope.

    Zartrius 80 Death Knight

    Kyubbi 80 Warlock

    Before I get any cracks on the name, gods honest truth it was a random name, I thought it was too funny of a coincidence to pass up.
  6. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    I agree, but Mimiron, General and Yogg are all very fun bosses, don't judge the instance before you get 'em. Personally just looking forward to Algalon atm, though I'm unsure how we'll get Hodir hardmode with the nerfs after the ensidia kill in the near future.

    Kyubbi, am I the only one the get flashes of that pink little circle thingy in Super Smash Bro's?
  7. Azira

    Azira High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jan 8, 2009
    Lets bump up this thread shall we. Just wondering how everyone is faring in ulduar - I recently joined the top guild on my server and we have Thorim and Hodir 25man hard modes down pat, currently working on Iron Council.

    Iron council hard is just such a fucking insane fight, the amount of dps and coordination needed to zerg down steelbreaker is insane. we're making progress though so im happy with that, should have him down sunday/monday.

    80 Lock - Anduriel -
  8. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
    Had my first run into 10-man Ulduar tonight. About seven of us were completely new to the place, and we one-shotted seven bosses. We gave up on Hodir after he smacked our tank around five times. We needed frost resistance. Continuing later this week.
  9. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    Got the same hardmodes down, except we also got Iron Council and Deconscructor. Shitty thing is I had to sell my account because I needed cash, we'll see how soon I can be back raiding on my new mage -_-

    That's a nice job, I hope you enjoy it enough to test the 25 man version, imo always funnier with more people to play with.
  10. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Mmm. I have a resto druid with half decent gear. Am on a back-ass server with almost zero progression, but working on 10-man hard modes in a small guild.

    I've been focusing on pvp a bit lately, picked up my Furious one-hander this week, and quite enjoy ret/resto in 2's. Might not get Glad title this season, but will be fun to push for it.
  11. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
    Finally got my [Epic], achievement, but every Death Knight and Mage still seems to kick my ass in DPS. I don't know if it's because I'm a Druid or because I've only been playing this game a few months, but lesser geared people still smack me around sometimes.

    I was wondering if anyone around here had some suggestions for add-ons? I have a few, but they just seem to clutter my screen more than they help.
  12. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    You have item level 219 in every slot? Ok NICE.

    But make sure the gear works well. I.e. Doing be getting + int if you are a feral.

    What is your talent build?
  13. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
    Item level 213, actually, but I have a couple 219s thrown in there from that first Uld run. I'm a Balance, 56/0/15, using a Lunar Eclipse cycle. As leather with hit rating is pretty damn near impossible to find in WotLK, I'm still not hit-capped and a lot of my gems are being wasted on trying to get my hit rating to top off. (And my guild refuses to let me roll on cloth, which I can use. Go to hell, clothies.)
  14. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    Tip one; Tell your guild to suck it.
  15. Deviace

    Deviace Second Year

    Jun 29, 2008
    QFT. The lack of decent caster leather gear and no option to roll on clothy gear will seriously diminish your dps, either get them to let you roll on it or bail on them and join another guild.

    On another note. Respec'd my rogue to combat for the versatility and I have to say the dps is fucking awesome. In my 10 man Ulda run tonight I averaged 6.1k dps on Deconstructor and around 5-5.5k on everything else.
  16. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Yeah, if you're struggling on dps as balance, there's a reason. I raid fairly seriously as resto, but have a balance kit of mostly naxx-10 offset crap that I can break 5500 with on Patchwerk. No cloth in the set. If you post your armory I could probably help you a bit in regards as to what to shoot for, and point out any obvious problems. (Like not being capped on hit. Fix this, at any cost.)

    Addon-wise, get Squawk and Awe addon. It tracks the internal cooldown of eclipse procs. Go to www.elitistjerks.com, the druid forums, read the balance druid threads. Download RAWR, which is an incredibly useful optimization program, if you have more than one brain cell available to operate it (note: it's not great for all classes/specs, but the balance model is top notch).

    Any other questions, feel free to pm me.

    And, about the cloth deal? Yeah, it sucks, and there will almost always be some better cloth items for some slots. Yet.. Balance tier set bonuses are incredibly strong, and there are still very viable options as leather for the non-tier slots. Trinkets and rings/necklace are the ideal slots to pick up hit from, as they aren't unique to any brand of caster, and there's some pretty nice options hit-wise there.
  17. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
    My Armory page. (At the time of posting it has a couple PvP items that I wear during WG, but hopefully it'll update soon)

    My new staff gives me 114 Hit Rating, so I think I'm gonna start replacing my gems with more Spell Power.

    I'm hitting somewhere between 3.5 and 4k DPS in Ulduar 10, which is on par with a similarly geared DK in my guild. Of course, when there's AoE involved, I kick her ass. I do have Squawk and Awe, but most of the time everything just feels cluttered. I watch the raid videos and all these people have spectacular add-ons that work great and look all neat and orderly, I want those.
  18. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    One major thing I notice is the meta gem. Ditch the terrible 25/2% gem, and pick up a Chaotic Skyflare Diamond. 21 crit rating and 3% boost to crit damage, if I recall correctly. You'll see a noticeable gain in stats from this. Also....you have a prismatic +6 stats gem in your belt. You do realize that a primsatic socket doesn't mean that you need to put a prismatic gem in it, correct? ditch the worthless gem for a 19 spellpower.

    You'll need two blue gems to satisfy your new meta. Purified Twilight Opals in your best two blue slots are the way to roll there. Chest/Pants, I suppose? Eh. Your hit rating is a bit higher than it needs to be at the moment. That staff is pretty iffy, but I'm going to assume it was a substantial upgrade over whatever you were using prior. Drop down to 10% hit (4% BoP talent, 3% IFF), picking up 28 spellpower on gloves, or upgrading ring should work okay for this.

    Your UI feeling 'cluttered' is a common problem, and will just be a matter of taste. Download UI addons, and constantly tweak/move things until it suits you. Do some searching, try different bar mods, unitframe mods, castbar mods, etc until you fine things that look/feel 'cleaner'. I'd recommend quartz, if you aren't using it, though. A fairly essential caster dps add-on.

    I'd tweak your spec a bit, as well. Dreamstate is a relatively poor mana regen talent, and honestly shouldn't be needed - at all, in current content. Drop 3 points there, and max out Celestial Focus. It's a strong talent for 3 points at 1/2/3% haste. And... get 3/3 improved Faerie Fire. Drop two points in Moonglow. I'd drop Gale Winds, and pick up Nature's Reach. Not having/needing threat reduction talents means your dps is terrible, as balance. Here's a sample spec:


    Intensity 3/3 is the strongest mana regen talent, point for point. You really shouldn't even need that, but you give up minimal single target dps to acquire the talent. Glyphs are obviously Starfire, Moonfire, Insect Swarm. I didn't check, I'm assuming you're using those. You do lose some AoE/Utility talents with the classic 55/0/16, but you'll gain a fair bit of dps, and as the AoE is mostly only for trash, who cares? Your AoE is still sufficient for the few fights that require a little, and there's no fight that I can think of where 20% AoE boost outweighs a few hundred dps single target.

    This post turned out to be longer than I wanted it to be, but...alas. Hope some of these things make sense, and/or help you.
  19. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
    Ah hell, I didn't realize I had screwed up my spec so badly. I must've rearranged this one when I was half asleep or something, cause I made mistakes I really shouldn't have. No wonder my threat's been screwed up so badly, I hadn't realized I skipped over Nature's Reach. I've had to sit out for large amounts of time on some boss fights. And how the hell did I manage to screw up my IFF allocation. Christ. And it really sucks that I missed this topic, somehow, and I've been raiding with a horrible spec for a couple weeks now. But hey, if I'm pulling 4k DPS with a bad spec, that's not completely horrible.

    Thank you, Eido, I wouldn't have noticed this if you hadn't pointed it out.

    Oh, and to rant over something really quick: Guild did Ulduar tonight with a couple pugs, and the Druid/DK/Rogue/whatever shoulder piece dropped. Now, there were three Death Knights, three Druids, and a Rogue in the group, and I outrolled them all. My guild leader didn't give me the drop. Instead he decided that I didn't need to get the two-set and gave them to the lowest geared person in the group instead. I know my shoulders are good, coming from 25 EoE, but they can't compare to the set bonus I would've gotten, and I won the roll fairly.

    Apparently when a guild member beats a pug in a roll it automatically becomes Loot Council. Anger!
  20. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    You, a guild member, out rolled a pug fairly, and the pug got the loot?

    Assuming it was predetermined that rolls would decide the loot...find a new damn guild.