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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Realistically? Link the midguard serpent with parseltongue, or Voldemort specifically. Use Thor's ultimate enemy for Harry's.


    Plot wise:

    Maybe Voldemort begins to be possessed by the midguard serpent? While originally, i believe, it was supposed to eat the world, they could be talking metaphysically, and all he has to do is destroy it. As voldemort become more serpent like (physically) also increase the propensity for more violent confrontations between wizards. Likewise Thor is able to manifest more of his powers through Harry as time goes on.
  2. Heather_Sinclair

    Heather_Sinclair Chief Warlock

    Jan 19, 2008
    The Eighth Circle of Hell
    This isn't a bad idea. My first reaction was that having two godlike-superpowered individuals is that it would take over the story while all the characters stand to the side and watch them fight, but then I thought of the Denerian (sp?) series. If done right it could be good.

    I guess it would depend on how much influence Voldemort/Serpent have on one another. Plus, once Harry finds out about Thor he'd pretty much leave Hogwarts. I mean why stay. He's a god. Okay, now all I need is a hot blond girl to be Sif so he can have godsex complete with earthquakes and hurricanes.
  3. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    This may sound stupid and I openly admit it is not that well outlined but I had this idea:

    It is basically a minor crossover between HP and Full Metal Alchemist but only in the sense that the only thing from the FMA universe is the Philosopher's stone. Flamel has died by the sixth book and has left Dumbledore his notes where he explains that basically everything he told Dumbledore about the Stone was a lie. There is no Elixir of Life, the stone itself grants immortality in the same sense the Homunculi in FMA have immortality, they don't age and can only be killed if they die numerous times in succession.

    The shocking part for Dumbledore is the fact that the ingredients for the Stone are relatively easy to obtain if you want it: living humans (also including Goblins, House Elves, Vampires, Werewolves, Centaurs...)

    Dumbledore, mortified to learn that his friend and mentor of so many years has apparently killed more, although in a much more discreet matter, than even Voldemort gives him a heart attack.

    Incidentally Harry was on his way to him, (to look at Riddles memories), and rushes Dumbledore to Madam Pomfrey.

    Later, Dumbledore, having promised Harry that there were no more secrets between them confides this information in Harry, after having him promise not to tell anyone about it, including Hermione and Ron. He reveals the truth about the Philosopher's Stone and the fact that Flamel has left him two liquid stones, the sort which creates Homunculi and three solid ones, the sort which amplifies a wizards strength.

    Harry is torn, on one hand he knows that he himself can't win against Voldemort with only his current abilities and luck will only take him so far. A few nights later he sneaks in Dumbledore's office and infuses himself with the liquid stone.

    Only thanks to Fawkes' tears is he able to survive. Dumbledore is greatly disappointed in Harry and while he is going to support Harry, he clearly states the he does not approve as he sees the Philosophers Stone as something malevolently evil which should not be used as it is even more sick and twisted then a Horcrux.

    This would be a personal preference but here I imagined that Luna takes the second liquid stone, because she is sad that Harry, now an immortal would feel alone in a hundred years if all of his friends die and wanted to be a companion. Weak excuse I know, but this is one of the things which should be

    Harry and Luna, now Homunculi, slowly lose their humanity as they start to see others Muggels and Wizards alike as fragile and weak, at the beginning more Harry then Luna.

    Basically the story outline should be that they win, even relatively easy but the cost would be the growing use and dependence on the stones, like Dumbledore managing to heal his arm, the Order using the stones to win against the Death Eaters even going so far to use captured Death Eaters to make more stones. In the end they are victorious but are not better then Voldemort himself and they begin a war inside.

    Now Dumbledore, Ron, Hermione and Luna and a few others are the ones left who are still good and had frowned upon the usage of the stones and are now trying to collect and destroy them.

    The ending can differ but if I try to write it sometimes I would be aiming at a Harry x Luna pairing but lets see, should be interesting. What are you guys thinking, where does it need improvement?
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2009
  4. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Just had a small idea that sparked my curiosity.

    The idea is that Snape died during the first war after passing on the prophecy and turning spy for Dumbledore. Maybe his occlumency wasn't good enough to begin with and Voldemort found out, or he passed on some false information that was spread to only certain people in order to route out spies. Either way, he's dead, and is thus incapable of teaching potions to prospective brewers.

    Anyway, the point is that Dumbledore no longer has his pet spy in Hogwarts and the potions position has been taken by someone else. The logical choice is Slughorn, but I was originally thinking in a more humoristic way with a guy whose experimental potions tend to explode at inopportune moments. But running with the Slughorn theme, it would be an interesting take on the series if Harry didn't have the view that all Slytherins were evil from the beginning (which came about in no small part due to Snape) and had Slughorn fuelling his more manipulative side for whenever Harry needed anything.

    Possible scenarios I can envision would be:

    Harry learning of Slughorn's various vices and using them to bribe a pass to the Restricted Section out of him whenever the need warrants it. Harry being encouraged to mingle with students from other houses who have famous relatives (not saying friendship with Malfoy, but it sets up possibilities for romance/politics later in the timeline). It would certainly help improve his general knowledge of the Wizarding World at any rate. Also, most importantly, it establishes Harry as more than just an idolised figure in the eyes of a lot more people (and by proxy their more prominent family members) so that if the Ministry does go through a smear campaign as in canon, he has a firmer base to work with to counter the propaganda. Rather than Hermione, Rita Skeeter and Luna Lovegood.

    On a wider scale note, it would mean more graduates would have NEWTs in Potions since Slughorn is more lenient about grades than Snape was. That means more Aurors and likely more Healers as well for the fight against Voldemort.

    It's an interesting idea and I don't think I've seen a story like it done, or at least done well. Anyone read anything similar? Or willing to take this on. My recommendation would be doing it in snippets like Big D's What Would Slytherin Harry Do? series.
  5. Verse of Darkness

    Verse of Darkness Denarii Host

    May 29, 2006
    What about Nicholas Flamel teaching potions at Hogwarts? Could lead to some kind of interest in Harry, something a long the lines of an internship, but with Flamel more interested with Harry being a horcrux?
  6. Dark-Stallion

    Dark-Stallion Professor

    Oct 25, 2007
    Taure, as I've been gone for so long and found no better place to post this, I was wondering if you are doing anything with your 'Immortal' project since we last talked about it in depth; as I said at the time, it has potential to be a great original piece, but I would also love to see that idea come to fruition in fanfiction.

    Sorry for breaking the trend in this thread, I'll post some of my bunnies at a later date.

  7. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    I actually love this idea for the potential it can have.

    Slughorn teaching Harry in first year? The whole dynamic of the story would change. Instead of an evil bastard intent on bringing out Harry's inadequacies, you'd have Slughorn - who would immediately latch on to Harry not only for his celebrity status but also for his parents' legacy. No doubt Slughorn would pressure Harry - in a positive fashion, of course - to live up to his parents' memory. Slughorn would easily become the closest professor to Harry and could very likely become a mentor of sorts.

    And I'll say this - whatever vices Slughorn may have, he is defined in canon as a very competent wizard. A simple change in canon such as this could change the entire story easily as well as changing Harry's character profoundly. Here's a canon character that could fill the role of all of the badass!OC characters that inspire Harry to reach his fanon "potential."

    Someone should write this.
  8. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Cornelius Fudge was right all along - Albus Dumbledore was building a weapon at Hogwarts. His best students receive private instruction from his professors, and members of the Order of Phoenix are dedicated to taking over the Ministry. Voldemort really did die when his killing curse reflected off of Harry Potter, but there is a rumor that the Dark Lord has come back to life, and thanks to staged mugglebaiting by Death Eaters (performed at the Quidditch World Cup by undercover Order members), the Wizarding World has been coerced into believing Dumbledore. The newspapers have been printing a false prophecy for weeks, and the majority of the wizarding public firmly believe that Harry Potter is the “Chosen One”.

    Cornelius' regime is on the verge of collapse; the Wizengamot is knocking down his door (at the behest of Dumbledore) and the public is getting anxious. They want his blood for not standing up to the threat of Voldemort. He only has one card left to play—Rita Skeeter's information regarding Dumbledore's strange past—to keep him in office. If only he knew something about Potter to discredit him as well...

    So, Fudge personally investigates Harry's homelife and finds out the depth of the Dursley's depravity, learning that they more or less hate Harry's very existence. This, accompanied with revelations about Dumbledore's friendship with Grindelwald and his anti-muggle background, puts the seed of doubt into quite a few Muggleborn wizard's minds. It doesn't help that Hermione and Harry are not on good terms as a result of McGonagall giving him personal instruction despite the fact that she has much better grades.

    Harry knows that Voldemort cannot come back to life, but he also knows that his parents were members of the Order and understands that he has quite a bit to gain by following Dumbledore as opposed to Fudge, who has been highlighting worst parts of Harry's past and bringing it to the press' attention, causing many of his previously strong relationships to fail.

    Months pass (I'm thinking during Harry's sixth year) in much the same fashion, with Ron trying to stay friends with Harry and Hermione and for the most part failing. The Weasleys have encouraged Ron to be loyal to Harry, but he's fallen for Hermione, so he's walking a fine line between appeasing his family and remaing Harry's friend, and still having a chance with Hermione. Many Muggleborn students at Hogwarts distrust Harry, and quite a few openly hate him; meanwhile, families that supported Voldemort continue to hate Harry, and those that believe Fudge are against him as well.

    However, Dumbledore has been doing his level best to recruit members to the Order – the Bones, Abbot, Longbottom, Diggory (no Voldemort, right?) and MacMillan families have all pledged their allegiance to his cause—and Harry's. Thus, Harry has developed his friendships with Susan, Hannah, Neville and Ernie, amongst a few others – Luna comes to mind. The DA becomes a select group of Order Member's sons and daughters and people Harry believes he can trust. He begins to make friends with “the right sort of people” and, although he still stands up for what he believes to be right, he also becomes more manipulative. He knows what is at stake, and whole-heartedly believes that Dumbledore has the right idea.

    In other words, this fic would be Harry Potter without the threat of Voldemort – instead, the conflict is between Fudge, most of the Ministry and a majority of Muggleborn families, against Dumbledore, Hogwarts, and the Order of the Phoenix. Halfbloods and Purebloods are both choosing sides and remaining neutral.

    Harry/Susan 4tw
  9. Dark-Stallion

    Dark-Stallion Professor

    Oct 25, 2007
    You know when your mind picks a bunny up, then runs with it to such extreme's that you quickly become excited, but in the back of your mind you hear a small nagging voice saying "it'll be much too difficult/time-consuming to write it to a good standard"? That just happened to me when I read your post, Averis. It has that certain epic original flair, but it would take a lot of time and effort for it to develop to its full potential.

    Makes me excited in all the right ways, though...
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2009
  10. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Averis: the only weak point is the bit about information on the Dursley's discrediting Harry. It wouldn't discredit him - if anything it would make him even more popular, to have come through such adversity to be who he was etc.
  11. Memory King

    Memory King Order Member DLP Supporter

    Dec 17, 2007
    I've been trying to find negative consequences for Snape being pushed out of the way early, the first Quidditch game is the only thing that comes to mind. Probably wouldn't have been enough to kill Harry, but it could provide Quirrell with the distraction he needs, which could turn out quite interesting depending on what Dumbledore's plans in the story are.

    If an author wants to utilise Snape as a villain in later years, he can just send him to Azkaban instead.
  12. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:

    Yeah, you'd think that, but people are fickle. Anything said in the press can be spun to make someone look like a complete asshole. A couple quotes saying "Harry was always a freak. He never had any friends. He did magic on his primary school teachers. He hurt Dudley." Then throw in something like the Dementor episode from OoTP.

    Anyway, the point was - Fudge is grasping at straws, and pulls this stunt to discredit him. He wouldn't allow the release of the information to hurt him. This Fudge is supposed to be righteous!Fudge - sort of - who is facing a revolution from a more popular and powerful figure. He's liable to do anything to stay in office.

    EDIT: I've been trying to draw a rough plot outline for this story, so anyone that is interested let me know. It's slow going at the moment, but there might be something good here - although I expect it'll be HUGE.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2009
  13. Bikiluf

    Bikiluf Seventh Year

    Jan 12, 2009

    I don't get it, is it Fudge against Dumbledore political!Harry story or will there be armed conflict? I would think that a player like Dumbledore if he goes so far as to recruiting students to spread his world view would just take over the ministry Voldemort style. What is it that Dumbledore has the right idea about anyway, why is he faking Voldemort's return?
  14. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Well, to be honest, the idea started out as "What if Dumbledore actually was creating a weapon at Hogwarts in order to overthrow the Ministry?" Then I added the idea "Voldemort really hasn't come back to life, and the prophecy has already been fulfilled." Then that evolved into Dumbledore, rather than risking bloodshed (or so he thinks), decides to play on the fear of the Dark Lord that is still fresh in most Wizard and Witches minds, and uses it to get Fudge out of power in order to place someone more suited to his own worldview in the Minister's seat - a person like Shacklebolt (although Kingsley has no idea at this point and is just an Order member).

    Dumbledore is using the Order of the Phoenix in a different way than in canon. Rather than trying to clear himself, Sirius has decided to become the new face of evil - in my own outline, he is sighted with a number of cloaked figures in Birmingham just after a gas explosion that has killed 13 muggles, and although he's not responsible, he takes credit and even shoots the dark mark into the air. Moody, Shacklebolt and Tonks are responsible for infiltrating the Auror department, sabotaging any attempts to create more Auror positions, and finding possible recruits for the Order. Arthur is an expert of the inner workings of the Ministry and responsible for tracking the important people within the Ministry - Fudge, Malfoy, etc. Percy is deep undercover. Bill works in Gringotts. There is even one or two healers at St. Mungo's. See where I'm going with this? The Order has eyes in every major facet of the British Wizarding life.

    Fudge has always feared the influence Dumbledore has in the Wizengamot and at Hogwarts, and he has expected a ploy like this for a while. He reads the Voldemort situation perfectly - a switch up of canon - but he doesn't realize the danger posed by coming out and saying "Voldemort is not back, Dumbledore is a liar." Once he realizes it, it is too late to go back on his word, so instead he is forced to try and discredit Dumbledore.

    In the rough draft of the outline I was writing today, Rita Skeeter contacts him with this information and he takes it as a godsend, and decides that with something to hold against Harry Potter he will be able to better discredit Dumbledore. Thus, Rita interviews the Dursleys and twists their words to make Harry into a muggle hater. Around the same time there is a rift between Harry and Hermione, and within Hogwarts Muggleborn students begin to distrust Harry.

    It turns out to be a masterstroke by Fudge. Now that has the majority of Muggleborn wizards and witches on his side, (remember, Pureblood society is rich and powerful, but they have also been dying out) public opinion of him rises. He continues to do good things for Muggleborns at the expense of Purebloods - he passes a bill that inducts Muggleborns into Wizarding society at a much earlier age, and generally offers a helping hand to any and all Muggleborns. Here, Lucius Malfoy begins to turn away from him, and now a Pureblood initiative is taking place trying to remove him from office and place a more suitable Minister in power. And there - three factions are spawned.

    As for Harry himself, he trusts Dumbledore because he recognizes the sheer power and knowledge of the man, and knows that he has far more to gain beside him rather than against him - it also helps that people like Fudge, Umbridge (events of OoTP), and Malfoy will be out of power, both of his parents were members of the Order, and his general intuition is to trust Dumbledore... although he fails to recognize that Dumbledore has placed him in position to be harmed by everyone that is against him.

    I haven't thought about whether or not there will be armed conflict - like I said, I'm just starting out the outline and anything is subject to change. I do think that Fudge would try to use the Auror force at some point, and Lucius would not be adverse to a little blood shed, but I think that all three (including Dumbledore) would only rely on that as a last resort.

    I'm actually quite excited about this plot bunny (obviously) and if I'm satisfied with the outline when I get done, I might actually write something - although it's a bit wearying to think of the length it would have to be in order to give the "idea" justice.
  15. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Now that you've given us a better look in at the idea, I think it could work and be a damn good story to read as well. If you need a beta reader to look it over or to bounce ideas off just give me a shout and I'll help out as much as you want.
  16. Kang

    Kang Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Nov 5, 2007
    Why wouldn't Harry just talk to Hermione and the muggleborn mass?

    Sure the media would be cramming anti-muggleborn!Harry down their throats but Hermione has always trusted Harry. (ex. Goblet of Fire - unequivocal trust there!)

    With that happening you would have the muggleborn students believing in Harry, while having the majority of the adult muggleborns, and wizards who are not purblood surpremists, remaining suspicious.

    Obviously this wouldn't fit in with the story plotline but it is a fairly large plotline in the shape of Hermione's character.
  17. Bikiluf

    Bikiluf Seventh Year

    Jan 12, 2009
    It's a pretty good outline, remember to keep things complicated enough that you can't solve everything with one imperio on Fudge/Malfoy.

    Here's an idea of mine.

    The reason why enchantment of muggle objects is illegal: The presence of wizards ( and maybe other magical creatures ) enforces the laws of alchemy/magic as opposed to the muggle laws of physics. If an object is constructed by muggles they obviously don't follow the rules of alchemy, a wizard that enchants such an object enforces his own laws on it. This can be dangerous because it's unpredictible, an enchanted pair of jeans could either combust, come alive and strangle your dog or simply do the exact opposite of what it was enchanted to do. This depends on the wizards feeling towards the object, his need for it, his liking of it, how long he had it before he decided to enchant it,... Older muggle objects that are made from more natural and homogenous materials instead of polymeres and composite metals which would simply desintegrate in a wizards hands ( after a while ) are easier to enchant and have less unpredictible effects. This is not guaranteed, Ford Anglia ( CoS ) did become sentient if benevolent.

    Wizards in general are discouraged from owning muggle-made object as these after a long while could also gain a measure of magic e.g. use of pens and the like would be dangerous in Hogwarts as pointy objects are generally dangerous and combined with magic even more so. Wizard-made object can react in the same manner but with a much more predictible and less explosive outcome, they are usually benevolent e.g. Sorting Hat.

    Muggle object that are made out of natural materials that are correctly combined can be used relatively safely. In fact muggles were only able to industrialize because the wizards went into hiding. Guns won't fire around a wizard as muggle gunpowder is not combustible according to the laws of alchemy.

    Just something I thought of to explain why Harry doesn't go on shopping sprees and buys guns while being 15 years old. There are way too many fics that have stuff like that. Thoughts?
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2009
  18. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Averis: with the story as you are describing, an area you really need to find an answer to is this: with no Voldemort to oppose him, Dumbledore would walk all over Fudge and the Ministry (just as Voldemort did, without Dumbledore to oppose him).
  19. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Bikiluf, I like your idea except that I think that Alchemy should be the in between of magic and muggle otherwise what would be the big difference between alchemy and high-level transfiguration. Plus it would explain all the hype about alchemy being some big thing.
  20. Bikiluf

    Bikiluf Seventh Year

    Jan 12, 2009
    ^^ Please explain.
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