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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. LuckyFelix

    LuckyFelix Seventh Year

    Jan 21, 2008
    Charlotte, NC
    Ascended Ancients might have 'magical' powers, actually, far beyond wizarding level powers, but regular Alteran ancients? They were beyond regular humans and had many unique gifts but I don't think that they were at the same level as 'wizard'. Ancient tech is, imo, just super advanced but not magical, though it may be compatible with magic. I'd rather avoid the Wizard = Ancient cliche. If you want to tie wizardry to one of the Great Races, you could say that Wizards are the decendents of Furlings. Perhaps the plague that caused the Ancients to leave Earth also hit the Furlings? Eventually the Furlings, like Ancients, came to earth thousands or millions of years after the plague and blended in. Humanity would then be a mix of Ancients and Furlings and Human. Or something, I dunno.
  2. Bikiluf

    Bikiluf Seventh Year

    Jan 12, 2009
    Aren't Furlings like...............Ewoks? Just asking... How'd you explain such a relation though?
  3. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
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    The Furlings died out long before the start of SG-1, from the same plague that wiped out the Ancients if my memory is right. As for integrating it into the story, you could easily imply that the Furlings seeded life on certain planets just like the Ancients did, and since they were magical the magic carried on. From there you can have the Goa'uld bring a couple of them to Earth where they interbred with the human population and gave us wizards.
  4. LuckyFelix

    LuckyFelix Seventh Year

    Jan 21, 2008
    Charlotte, NC
    No. The only time we ever saw anything Furlingish was, I believe, during...I want to say 'Paradise Lost' or something like that. They found some old ruins that they THINK were Furling, but they were all died out. It looked to be some sort of social experiment, iirc. The remains they found were human-like.

    I don't recall anything saying the Furlings died out or what happened to them. Aside from Paradise Lost where the Goa'uld poisoned them or something, iirc.

    However, Paradise Lost (some sort of peaceful utopian society they set up, if my memory serves right) may have simply been a social experiment they used for some reason. Who knows.

    However, their disappearance could easily be explained by the plague wiping them out as well as humans because their physiology is so similar. It could also explain why one of the other 'Great Races', the Nox, are hidden away on their homeworld.

    The Nox, if you'll recall, have great healing powers so maybe they were able to fight off the plague before it completely destroyed their society. But not until after many had died, hence why they've only been found on one planet.

    The Furlings on the other hand suffered as much as the Ancients, but were perhaps not as technologically advanced as them so they didn't have some flying city to go off to safety. Eventually a very few remained, perhaps they built up a resistance or found a cure but by that time there were so few left that it was of no use trying to rebuild their society?

    So then they came to Earth and integrated with the human society there. Humans having been put there perhaps by the Dakara device when the Ancients left. Furlings mate with humans, and wizarding society is born.

    The problem, I think, with Furlings being brought by the Goa'uld is that wouldn't all Goa'uld want to have a wizard host? And if their magic somehow prevented that, then wouldn't the Goa'uld wipe them all out?
  5. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
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    Yeah, it's a weak point, but on the time scale we're talking the Furlings would have had to intermingle with great apes rather than homo-anything, which I find highly unlikely for an advanced race to do. So either they degenerated as a society (or simply lacked the numbers) and were taken by the Goa'uld, or they decided fucking apes would be a cool thing to do.

    Then again, you could argue the first one if you take into account that Nirti's experiments to create 'super humans' had to start from somewhere. Maybe she got hold of some Furlings and managed to breed them with the highest population creature in the galaxy. The reason she abandoned them though is because the diluted Furling blood wasn't enough to allow conscious wielding of their innate powers... without a focus, which she had neither the idea for or the materials to work with.

    It also sets the scene for other civilisations in the galaxy to be magical, which gives a whole lot of leg room to work with if any have mastered magic to the point Earth-wizards have. (Fidelius Charm on a planet to protect against invasion, anyone? Or even just having to be born on the planet to be able to get there? The Stargate being the sole exception to the rule, of course.) You could basically make every other Harry Potter AU into a civilisation on another planet, and explore from there. Would work quite well in the same style as Dimension Hopping For Beginners, I think.
  6. LuckyFelix

    LuckyFelix Seventh Year

    Jan 21, 2008
    Charlotte, NC
    Well, after searching about on Stargate Wiki, here is what I'm thinking for that...

    First, it seems that the Furlings stayed in the Milky Way even after the Ancients left. Eventually the Furlings and the Asgard got into a long drawn out war with Ra and the Goa'uld.

    This is supported by SG-1 canon in that the Furlings had some sort of utopian experiment set up on a planet (and the moon) during Paradise Lost in which the Goa'uld smuggled in a plant that caused aggression or something like that. So it does show that the Furlings were still around during the same time that the Goa'uld were running about.

    Anyway, the Furlings and Asgard were allies and fought the Second Goa'uld Dynasty and Ra (the first dynasty having been under Apep). This was all taking place when they were still in Unas form. Eventually Ra found Earth and took humans as hosts and then there was civil war of sorts when Anubis returned from banishment for the first time.

    After Ra banished Anubis, and after the Giza gate was buried, Ra and the Goa'uld went back to war against the Asgard and found that their other allies were missing.

    Also, the Asgard/Furling Alliances never pressed on too hard even when they were winning the wars against Ra. Why?

    Here is how it ties into HP...

    The Furlings/Alterans/Nox are very closely related in physiology, so the plague that started decimating the Ancients also decimated the other two. The Ancients fled in Atlantis.

    The Nox we've seen have tremendous healing powers, and the Furlings in this story would be wizards, who are magical. So eventually the two figure out a way to use their powers to stop the plague. The Nox gather on Gaia with what is left of their civilization and take refuge in their invisible flying cities.

    The Furlings perhaps do likewise, going back to their homeworld and regrouping. Then the Goa'uld start rising, the Asgard and Furlings fight them but that war only further decimates their population to the point where they'd have trouble ever recreating their former empire.

    So they end up going to Earth and decide to take refuge there, integrating themselves with the local population of humans and giving birth to wizardry.

    I wrote a bit of a potential prologue earlier, I might post it in WBA...but this story would be very much secondary to my others. I'd likely only write for it when I have a bright idea or the mood hits me.

    Which, if SGU is any good, might be a decent amount.
  7. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
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    Alright I dont know all the details but this is a little idea that I had feel free to tell me if its good, bad, awful or wherever in between.

    I love Supernatural and so I had an idea for something like a crossover between that and HP. Basically the timeline is a bit skewed for whatever reason you guys decide and Voldemort doesnt attack on Halloween. Instead he holds off for a few more years and the Potters have another child, Harry grows up reading various stories and legends told to always watch out for his baby sister/brother whatever you choose I personally prefer sister but its up to the author. Finally years later when Harry is about 8 years old and his sister is one Voldemort attacks Godrics Hollow to kill the one he believes to be the prophecy child. Honestly Im not sure whether or not Lily and James living or dying would be a better idea, if they don't die I suppose the best method to use would be simply having them not be at home but I digress. Harry is not in the house during the attack but comes home to find his sibling dead and he remembers the legend of the crossroads demon. Preforming the ritual he summons the demon of the crossroads to restore his sibling to life, the demon sensing the opportunity to gain the soul of a future hero accepts and gives him I'm thinking two years to live. When his two years are up the demon sends the hounds and his soul is dragged to the pit. Jump forward eight years, in an attempt to help out his war effort Voldemort has opened a Devils Gate to release the demons, one of which is our "hero" transformed by centuries in the pit with his humanity burned away except for one thought, "Voldemort must die."

    Anyways that's the basics of what I have, advice completely welcome.

    Also if anybody decides this is worth picking up Id be happy to help out, beta read and all that.
  8. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    I'd just like to point you towards my OP...

    Anyway, I've played with the idea loads, coming up with a ton of different variations. Alternative Abydos mission with wizards instead of Muggles. Wizards coming in mid SG1 timeline. Wizards coming late into an alternate timeline where the gate was never found by the Muggles and so the situation with the Goa'uld is very different (I had it as the galaxy being contested mainly between Ra, Sokar and Anubis).

    However, whatever I came up with still didn't work. On the level of personal combat wizards kicked too much arse. On the level of ship to ship combat the wizards had nothing (yet).

    My story Space Wizard was the result of this process, that went a little crazy.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2009
  9. The Santi

    The Santi Professor

    Aug 15, 2009

    I had nearly 10K words of a HP/SG plot bunny written out before I had to commit fanfic euthanasia on it. I fell into the horrible trap of making the wizarding world so badass that they would just destroy any opposition. There was no real lasting conflict, and so the fic had to die.
  10. LuckyFelix

    LuckyFelix Seventh Year

    Jan 21, 2008
    Charlotte, NC
    lol, never read the OP of this thread, sorry about that.

    And I just read Harry Potter: Space Wizard the other day, it was brilliant.

    Anyway, wizards are very powerful BUT there are ways to limit their power.

    For one, how many wizards are there on earth (we'll assume that wizards only exist on earth)?

    Now, how many of those are likely to be involved in the Stargate program?

    Not many, at least initially.

    Now, how many Goa'uld are there in the galaxy?

    How many Jaffa are there?

    So while one wizard may be equal to say, 10 or so Jaffa, they're still going to be vastly outnumbered.

    Also, wizards are going to have difficulty figuring out anything to do with technology, which again will hinder them against the Goa'uld (and other races, such as for instance the Aschen or something).

    Also, the Goa'uld are not stupid, don't you think they'd figure out a way to combat the wizards?

    Not to mention the Ori would likely be able to destroy wizards without a problem if they ever picked a fight with them. Ascended, imho, trumps wizard with ease. But they likely wouldn't enter the story for some time, if ever.

    I still think the Goa'uld could be a good opponent for wizards, you just have to refrain from making wizards all powerful.
  11. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    The simple fact of the matter is that a wizard armed with a shield spell and Avada Kedavra/Stupefy (insert your alignment here) can defeat any number of Jaffa without any trouble whatsoever. Two of them are basic spells that even Harry-Mediocre-Potter mastered by the end of the series (in three years, iirc).

    My second point, in reference to the Ori, is that the Ori themselves cannot act in the Milky Way galaxy in person without getting the other Ascended beings involved. So what the wizards are faced with are the priors, who have a very specific set of abilities that they can use, and can't apparate.

    To be honest, I'd put the power of God (minus one or two rather important abilities) over the power of the priors.
  12. dmacx

    dmacx Groundskeeper

    Jun 29, 2008
    There's no evidence that a shield spell will stand up to a staff blast, much less a whole shitload of them. Jaffa are nothing if not trigger happy. It would be nice if there was something in HP canon that showed how a protego dealt with a weapon that had energy-transfer and DET effects.

    The Jaffa also have a massive advantage in rate of fire.

    I'd be more interested in seeing how wizards deal with replicators (both kinds), or maybe Kull warriors.
  13. LuckyFelix

    LuckyFelix Seventh Year

    Jan 21, 2008
    Charlotte, NC
    Replicators would be a problem, sure, but Wizards won't have much in the way of tech for them to be interested in so they'd likely ignore wizards for the most part.

    And a shield charm MAY stop a single staff blast, MAY...but a whole lot, as dmacx said, can it hold up against that? Like I said before, wizards would be MASSIVELY outnumbered.
  14. dmacx

    dmacx Groundskeeper

    Jun 29, 2008
    The whole Wizard vs Jaffa thing comes down to the wizards. If they're actually competent, and use their magic creatively, unlike in canon, they can kick some serious ass.

    Hell, all the wizards really need are reducto, protego, disillusionment and apparation to take on 10 or 20 times their number in Jaffa. It's just the face-to-face slugfests that they need to avoid.
  15. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    You're all still thinking in the DnD style with mana points and the likes. HP magic doesn't work like that. As long as a wizard wants to be protected the shield spell will hold (Avada Kedavra being the obvious exception), even against a thousand Jaffa firing their staffs at it. The Shield Charm symbolises protection, just as the Killing Curse symbolises the inevitability of death and the cruciatus curse symbolises torture/sadism. Don't just think; this spell does this, another does something else. Think of them as metaphors for things in the real world, like death, pain, protection, change (transfiguration), etc.
  16. dmacx

    dmacx Groundskeeper

    Jun 29, 2008
    Um.. no.

    Just.. No.

    What you have said is a perfect example of a no limits fallacy. It's also fanwank of the highest order.

    You have basically said that if some uber godlike wizard takes a cannonball and banishes it (at 99% of the speed of light) towards a shielded wizard, the shield will hold. Let's ignore the fact that such an attack could do major damage to a continent.

    Hell, let's just put a shielded wizard next to a sun going nova and watch them survive it.

    Please point to anything in canon that supports your assertion.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  17. Bikiluf

    Bikiluf Seventh Year

    Jan 12, 2009
    Wizards can curse jobs.

    no limits fallacy = canon biatch

    EDIT: Yes, Dumbledore with the Shield Charm is so kickass that he can take an attack from the Death Star superlaser and live!!
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  18. Banner

    Banner Dark Lady

    Nov 23, 2006
    Virginia, USA
    Or the Goa'uld simply drop rocks from high orbit. Modern computer could sim that attack with sufficient accuracy to wipe out identified magical communities with minimal collateral damage.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  19. Bikiluf

    Bikiluf Seventh Year

    Jan 12, 2009
    There's also the fact that said computer would never find said unplottable, invisible, muggle-repeling community and just randomly drop rocks while wizards don't even notice that something was wrong and the muggle population was being wiped out. Also, the imperturbable charm reflects any physical object including sound. Everyone except wizards and roaches dies.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  20. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Ah... Aekiel, my dark apprentice.

    I'd just make one interjection.

    Not so: the "no limits" thing applies to the wizard attacking as well as the one defending. Unstoppable force meeting an immovable object and all that.

    This is basically a wizards vs. Muggles discussion with the Muggles given a bit of a tech boost.

    In the end it all comes down to how you think of HP magic. If you think that it's some sort of quantifyable energy that works within the framework of physics then you'll probably think that the Muggles/Goa'uld should win. If you think that it's kind of mysterious (or even "magical") anti-physics force that actually breaks the rules of nature, then fucks nature in the ear, then you'll think that the wizards should win.

    Also I'd like to point out for Aekiel that his point concerns magic in general, not necessarily wizards that we see. The average wizard, as we know, is useless. But a wizard like Dumbledore, who uses magic to it's potential (or a lot closer to its potential than other wizards) is practically Godlike. The number of things he can't do can be counted on one hand.
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