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What is the Fanfiction novel you think is extremely overrated?

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Salah, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. Salah

    Salah Card Captored and buttsecksed

    Jan 31, 2010
    The Left Behind series: Mainly because it was the first 'super!harry' I've seen. It's writing didn't flow as good as some other authors and yet its still regarded as one of the best.

    What is you're opinion about a fic?
  2. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    Bobmin's Sunset/Sunrise over Britain is at the top on my list. A million words of crap and it got worse as time went on, not better. I've never finished a story hating the principal characters as much as I did in that one.
  3. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    Lightning On the Wave's stuff.

    Even leaving out the slash, it's just way too emo.
  4. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    Considering this is about fan-fiction and not books... Moved >_>
  5. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I'll have to agree with Pers on this one, despite being a H/Hr fan. That fic was one great pile of steaming donkey shit after another, each trying to outdo the one before it in terms of sheer, unadulterated shittiness. Damn I hate that fic.
  6. The Fine Balance

    The Fine Balance Headmaster

    Jun 8, 2006
    Its characters might have resembled something from harlequin, but frankly, that shit had an awesome plot, good (and technically pretty much flawless) writing, and a very dedicated author. I really liked it until book 4, book 5 was nice, and 6 and 7...well, never really got around to those. Regardless, for the first 5, I'd not rate it anything less than a 4.

    Most of Jeconais' stuff.

    Okay, leaving aside the fact she decides to fuck somebody earlier than she'd planned cause she's pissed at her brothers, pretty much all of his stories have a variation of the above sentiment. True Love is always in the air in Jeconia.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2010
  7. Ryuugi Shi

    Ryuugi Shi Hierarch

    Sep 16, 2007
    Glorious Bellerophan
    The 'A Second Chance At Life' Series. Oh, God, The 'A Second Chance At Life' Series. I'm not going to bore you with the usual 'It's not Harry, Anymore' shit, because if it's well writen, I don't care what people's names are, though I'm usually weary from experience. And I don't care about the basically original Universe; in all honesty, it was pretty impressive that she built that from scratch. I don't even about the thousand and one Godlike beings that walked around doing nothing; some of them were honestly interesting.

    But it took forever to get anywhere. With a billion things no one cares about thrown in. I bet if I went back through it, I could cut out about 100,000 words, and not lose anything from the story.

    Actually, make that at least 100,000 words.
  8. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    This story would be good if the author had only listened to Pers...
  9. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    I'm going to get a million and a half flames for this, but a fic I found highly overrated was 'The Lie I Lived', by JBern.

    I'll give you a second for the shock to sink in, but I do indeed have reasons why.

    First is the writing. Maybe it's just me, but I find JBern's writing, in any way shape or form, lacking in the immersion factor. I can't envision the events or dialogue playing out as they supposedly do in JBern's work - which is really a shame, because some of the dialogue is witty, but not realistic.

    Secondly is a stickling point for me, and that's his tense choice. I'm sorry, but to me, if you choose to write in first person (much less first person present tense), I'm expecting to see some deeper insights about the lead character, something a little deeper. Admittedly, there doesn't seem to be much room for reflection on such things about Harry blended character within the story - and that's a damn shame, because there's a ton of potential threads he could have tugged, and didn't.

    I guess that reflects considerably upon my next major critique of the fic, and that's HJ. I'm sorry, but that character is as shallow as a fucking eggcup, and that hugely disappointed me. I never felt myself empathizing or connecting with HJ at all, and that killed a lot of my enjoyment with the story.

    The biggest complaint I'm going to throw out is how rushed the story felt to me, particularly in the later chapters. Everything came to a head too fucking quickly, with no dramatic timing, and that pretty much left me - the reader - exceptionally frustrated. The pace was wonky, and that really hurt the story.

    Now I'm not going to say that the story's not good, 'cause it is. It's got good ideas, some great moments, and can be generally entertaining. But it's not the best fic in the fandom (like some fans trumpet) and I find it more and more irritating when people say it is. It's good, but it's not the best.
  10. ReverseSide

    ReverseSide Slug Club Member

    Aug 1, 2009
    Any of Perfect Lionheart's stories. His writing is not engaging, all his main characters are shoddily veiled author avatars, side characters are always OOC in the most extreme way, and the actions he makes everyone take is that of a deranged nutcase.

    Yet, somehow, every second person (and their grandma) seems to have at least one of his stories on their favourite lists. Strange, yes?
  11. Salah

    Salah Card Captored and buttsecksed

    Jan 31, 2010
    Yes. I think she could have rivaled the Shezzaverse if the author was a better writer and didn't fill most of the book with fucking fillers.

    Back to my first reply, the book was mostly filler. RB made things drag on past what he should have. It was a chore to read and didn't get to the point fast enough. Most of the explanations are to convenient to believe.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
  12. Memory King

    Memory King Order Member DLP Supporter

    Dec 17, 2007
    The Draco Trilogy.
  13. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009

    Same applies to Bungle In The Jungle & it's sequel. They're all good, but not great.
  14. Oneiros

    Oneiros Groundskeeper

    May 2, 2009
    I agree with you on this one. It was amazing back when it was started, but now, it seems more competition from other authors who are quite simply better at characterizing people and have crazy awesome plots just seems to make this story still good, but not at the level it would have been had not the quality of a small number of fanfics went up.

    I draw the line at Bungle though. Sorry Fait, but I don't expect a story with that plot line to be that great. I mean it is sort of meant to be a fun action/adventure romp which I think it pulls off very well. It has both the benefits and the drawbacks that inevitably come from a story of that nature.
  15. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    I didn't expect it to be great, even by the standards of it's genre.

    A post 5th year fic that plays up all the cliches it can in the opening chapter? I knew what I was getting. But shit like the super-merc OCs and giant-animagus-patronus just fucked it up.

    Then the sequel's attempt to avert all the cliches it had used in the beginning of the first one. Dumbledore wasn't really trying to manipulate him into loving Ginny. Hermione really did like him. Ron wasn't a traitorous retard.

    They weren't great, even in their genre, but they were still good.
  16. The Fine Balance

    The Fine Balance Headmaster

    Jun 8, 2006
    Overrated, perhaps. But still good, no?
  17. SmileOfTheKill

    SmileOfTheKill Magical Amber

    Mar 24, 2007
    Florida, Sigh...
    I've always though JBern was bad, but then again... I find some other stories overrated that everyone here seems to like so I don't know.
  18. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    I can't believe his works hasn't been mentioned yet, butnanything by JoeHundredaire, I read some of his fics on TtH and they don't stand up to the current standards it all. Tiny chapters, flat characters not to mention in was a Buffy/BSG crossover where Xander appears in the BSG universe and kicks all kind of ass.

    He glosses over things that could be really interesting, like the introduction of vampires into the Colonial Fleet, I mean something like that could have been an entire subplot, kinda like a zombie epidemic, you have to quarantine them before they get off one ship, otherwise... But nope one chapter curb-stomp by Xander.

    And his romance is...shit, that's as objectively as I can put it. It's just... shit.

    And I'm not saying this so much for the DLP crowd as much as I am for his TtH fans and Spacebattles, where he walks around like a fucking king spamming all the rec threads and getting praised for it.
  19. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    I find it funny that you picked the only JBern fic that didn't suck.

    Anyway, I'm going to have to go with ASCAL. You've all seen my review of it, I'm sure, but still.
  20. Brown

    Brown Third Year

    May 16, 2009
    Half-Blood Prince.

    ...wait a minute...

    Lightning on the Wave's epic seven-part series. Epically boring. All the tight plotting and planning was let down by a complete lack of characterisation. Without interesting characters, there was no reason to slog through all those thousands of words.