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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. One armed boxer

    One armed boxer Second Year

    Dec 2, 2008
    I've had this idea for a fic for a long time but I can't really do anything with it. Its a sort of Marvel xover. I don't have plot figured out as much as ways to give canon characters powers.

    Harry would get bitten by an Acromantula. He gets treated by Pomfrey but the venom is still within him. Later on it reacts with the Basilisk venom and the Phoenix tears and viola! Spiderman!Harry.

    Hermione gets petrified while she's still half-cat girl. When she gets revived the effects can't be reversed. The way I thought this would go would be like Beast: She gradually becomes more and more feral until she basically looks like a werecat. She'd hide from people and throw herself into book learning and fill the role Hank has in the x-men.

    Someone (Evil) could get fucked up by the brains at the DOM and develop some Professor X like mental powers along with a giant cranium and only being able to speak telepathically.

    Other than that I'd need to find a way to make Voldemort Dr. Doom lite.
  2. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Find a way to write a better plot bunny first.
  3. Mutt

    Mutt High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jun 1, 2010
    So this won't leave me alone. I'm not saying it's good or anything, and it has probably been done before, but I haven't found it.

    Different prophecy, which basically states that Voldemort will bring about his own demise with the help of Harry. Dumbledore is confused as hell, but still sends him to the Dursleys.

    The horcrux is more dominant than in canon. Not as strong as Diary!Tom, as he is technically only about 1/32th of a soul. Throughout his childhood, Harry has a voice in the back of his head, telling him to do things. At one point, mad at Dudley or Vernon, he listens to the advise of the horcrux, and burns down the house. The Dursleys are fine, but he gets sent to a mental institution when he reveals the source of the idea.

    Dumbledore finds out and realizes what is going on, but has no way of rectifying the situation without killing Harry. He sticks him back with the Dursleys (no, he's not manipulative, he knows the protection is worth the risk). The Dursleys are terrified of him, so they do as he says.

    A year later, and Harry's off to Hogwarts. He dosn't realize there is something wrong with him. His childhood naivety has led him to believe that everyone has a voice in the back of their head.

    The sorting hat listens to both Harry and the horcrux, but is unable to distinguish between the two. Harry is a slytherin.

    The plot here on out is open. However, the horcrux is never Harry's friend. It manipulates him into doing his bidding, and he fights it all the way.

    Having a constant war of wits raging in his head, Harry becomes much more clever and manipulative than canon.

    Will most likely lead to a Dark!Harry. Would probably be best as a long oneshot.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2010
  4. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    This line gave me the perfect name for this story.

    Sweating Bullets.

    EDIT: Or, alternately, Black Toothed Grin.
  5. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    If the war inside my head won't take a day off, I'll be dead.

    My brother and I used to listen to that album all the time while playing Mario Kart at four in the morning.

    That, or Core by Stone Temple Pilots.

    Or selections from Miss Saigon... What? We got a bit punchy at 4am.
  6. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Alright, whether the idea itself is good or not, the story has to be written just for the name.
  7. Mutt

    Mutt High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jun 1, 2010
    Anyone who wants it can have it. I'd love to see it written by a talented author.
  8. EinStern

    EinStern Seventh Year

    May 25, 2010

    I think I saw a version of that story, except Harry ended up in an asylum early on... I don't remember who the author was though.
  9. Stalin's Pipe Organs

    Stalin's Pipe Organs Auror

    Apr 18, 2009
    This you mean?

    Yeah it's long abandoned.
  10. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008

    Author of 5 Stories

    Have been reading this today.

    The quoted bit could be an interesting plot bunny imho.. especially for you 1st person story writers.

    I think if you were to start the fic, as someone coming out of the imperius curse on a plane, or on a bus, or even the hogwarts express on the way to their first year... Well it could be an interesting mystery fic.
  11. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Haven't read the fic, but from the snippet, isn't that a bit overpowered? Leaving aside the problems of interpreting possibly vague and ambiguous commands as being threatening or not, even then; maybe for a much smaller level, even for a house, it might be believable. For a whole country (which is what your quote seems to refer to), well, it just seems a bit too... easy.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  12. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Unless you make it commonplace. It's the reason that there have been no magical wars in recent history. The advanced wizarding societies, perhaps Britain and other European countries, withhold the knowledge of how to create and maintain these wards from societies where magic is younger. The third-world societies are permanently in a position of vulnerability and can only be admitted into the International Confederation of Warlocks if they agree to whatever conditions that anchor them to predestined lesser positions within the union.

    The plot: The Ministry is trying to discern rumors of a shadow coup d'etat by an unknown Dark Lord in whichever country starting to gain cohesion, aided by Death Eater fugitives that fled Britain that were granted asylum by the other government, and has to find a way to get its agents and death squads of cleaners inside and cull the Dark wizard.

    None of this is known at first. The story takes place from the perspective of Harry as he arrives in Palermo, Italy, where the Dark Force Defense League has its world headquarters. The location is arbitrary, but it would be a dazzling and unconventional setting along those lines. The League hasn't recruited a member in over a decade and Harry is the candidate. Each of its twenty-five members, drawn from the member states of the ICW, are the most enlightened sorcerers of multiple generations, many of them sustained by Philosopher's Stones so that they can oversee wizardkind's progress.

    He is in extremely high spirits. He's got the perfect situation at home; he's been wed to Ginny for the last three years and his marriage is everything he dreamed it to be. He's got the Order of Merlin first-class, he's coming down from his high as the most recent champion at the Rhine, a grueling dueling tournament in Germany where Dumbledorean feats of magic are common place. His friends are proud of him, and Harry's anticipating being chosen as godfather for Ron's and Hermione's child, the two having been married. He's been looking forward to this invitation and immediately accepts it.

    He's granted entrance to the headquarters, a shockingly grim and austere palace with tapestries of the most famous deeds of the League's fallen members lining every hall. He is given a brief tour of a museum that disturbs Harry from the trophies taken from slaughtered Dark creatures and wizards, among them basilisk fangs, hollowed basilisk eyes, the smashed egg shells of Lolth, the Acromantlula Queen, horns of the satyrs and other trophies from dark species that went extinct after the League systematically wiped them out, the tattered cape and coffin of a vampire lord, the clubs of slain troll chieftains, replications of documents signed by the humbled Goblin lord-elect that forced them into subservient roles everywhere, bankers in Britain and other clerical professions elsewhere. He tenses up when he views the staff of the First Dark Lord - a terror from medieval society whose death represented the overall triumph of light in the mayhem of the Dark Ages. This jolts him from his happiness and his attitude sobers.

    Harry goes to the interview, and after making a good first impression on the head of the League is assigned to a mentor, a nine hundred year-old warlock who is a sixth-generation student of the mythical Merlin and a surviving member of the Transcendentalist Order, a movement created from antiquity dedicated to preserving the level of magic from the era of the Sunken civilizations, when Atlanteans could create airborne airships (ala Wastelands of Time) at will. It's equivalent to the high-fantasy grandeur of magic you see in Lord of the Rings or other series that evokes wonder, pure fantasy and whimsy.

    He goes through the trial period to determine whether he is worthy of induction. There's nothing related to combat, that is not the point. Harry's already proved himself capable of defeating the most fearsome of adversaries. His mentor tests him, they discuss philosophy and he probes Harry's convictions and ethics. He shows him wondrous feats of sorcery, among them forming a majestic castle by manipulating the water in the Fountain Pretoria, to convey what Camelot and Tintagel used to look like.

    Periodically, his mentor leaves Italy to attend other matters of interest, and Harry is dedicated to rising to this great level of sorcery, being one of the scattered and undiscovered few with prodigious potential.

    Harry is still corresponding to all his friends, who encourage him, and to his wife, Ginny. Harry is gradually inured to the local politicking, when his mentor is solicited to support someone in the upcoming elections. He notes an unusual habit and vague enjoyment of people watching, and a strange sense of nostalgia and melancholy when he notices this.

    He learns more of the Dark Lord working to supplant the government, and of the growing influence of dark magic. Children are playing in the streets of the hidden wizarding quarters in mock Death Eater garb, and he stumbles upon the activities of a cabal of dark magic practitioners disguised among the aristocracy.

    The letters keep coming, but he's starting to question whether his friends are being too superficial, too positive and one-note. He misses Ginny, but she says that her career is preventing her from visiting him, and when he suggests returning, she demurs, insisting that he stay and that it will make their reunion the more joyous.

    He begins investigating the dark magic, noticing recurring symbols and runes, trying to prevent death rituals, and is bugged by the feeling his mentor knows what he lets on.

    With a lot more subtlety than I indicate, the reveal happens. Harry's mentor tells him that the identity of the suspected super-dark-wizard is Malibran. The Death Eaters that fled Italy have killed major officials and assumed their identities, walking in their skin. However, the Ministry could not send its agents with their memories intact, and had to rewrite any knowledge of this with fabricated memories, tailored to avoid triggering the wards. They had to learn naturally and come to naturally oppose this Dark Lord.

    This causes the failure mechanism in the Obliviate spell, the true memories rising from his subconscious and replacing the fabricated memories, and utterly overwhelm Harry in a tide of grief. He breaks down, wracked by deep sobs, shoulders shaking uncontrollably.

    Harry, as the most powerful British wizard in the Ministry's confidence, was sent to Italy to head the operation to hunt down Malibran in secrecy, clean the Death Eaters, and then extract his men safely without blowing their cover.

    The pretext of his visit, the League induction was a bad joke, his mentor, one of the British representatives in the League and one of the main collaborators in the operation if I wasn't clear enough, regretfully stating he does not intend to give his approval for Harry's admission.

    Harry only accepted this mission because the Ministry would rewrite his memories, giving him reprieve from the reality of his life. Ginny had died - it is implied Harry was responsible for her death on the eve of their first anniversary - Ron died fighting Voldemort, Hermione left the wizarding world with a new identity she deliberately refused to tell Harry, giving up magic. Harry spent many months aimlessly searching for her, developing a habit of people watching hoping for glimpse of her face or of bushy hair whipping through the air. Maybe the faded romance aspect would work better and have greater poignance without Ginny at all and focus on him and Hermione.
    Somewhat ironically, the accomplishments he remembered he had are all absolutely real - they just didn't make a goddamn difference to him anymore, and as he became more distinguished he got worse and worse at coping with the loss and being unmoored by the sudden and complete aloneness he's been left in.

    He writes a hateful, vitriolic, letter to whoever is impersonating Ginny in response, and stalks off to kill a Dark Lord.

    While he's been gradually coming closer to the truth, the other sleeper agents were subjected to the same process, and upon realizing their mission, look to Harry for leadership. It's implied that the Death Eaters concocted this method to enter the country in the first place, and were welcomed by Malibran who helped them organized their foothold in Italy.

    Harry takes control of this effort, but things cascade out of control when his second-in-command is murdered. He learns that other members of the League are connected to Malibran and are opposing him, and that they discovered that his mentor was secretly guiding Harry to the revelation that undid his Obliviation. They are targeting them both now. Harry only avoided being ambushed by five of the world's best when he had to recover a message from the Ministry, so sent his second to investigate a suspected Death Eater masquerading as a banking magnate in his stead.

    He's totally outclassed and disperses his men temporarily, and learns that the treacherous faction are going to corner his mentor as he returns.

    (Alternatively, his mentor grants Harry his approval, and his admission goes up to vote. Surprisingly, it is accepted. It's revealed eventually that the 26th position contains a curse that strikes that wizard would befall him in ten days, striking with greater force in increments of 10 days, then, until it would outright kill in a decade, explaining the fixed number. Only the corrupt members know of it, and part of the plot would entail Harry tracking down the head of the League and handing in his resignation to escape the curse and trying to mobilize the pure faction of the League to his aid.)

    Harry rushes off to the Portkey terminals controlling international transit and narrowly the two manage to survive and hide in the countryside. They discuss their plot, and Harry keeps his men under cover in order to prevent them from being eliminated by the League members, who are still at large.

    At this point, the conspiracy to overthrow the state emerges and mobilizes to fight for its survival.

    The corrupt Defense League members and Harry wage a vicious war. He is in an ass-to-the-wall scenario. His cover is blown, Malibran's whereabouts are anyone's guess, and his forces number a scant two dozen without possibility of reinforcement. He has multiple centenarian enemies of at least his caliber with limitless resources of the League at their back, and Malibran's Death Eater allies are manipulating Italian security forces against them. He's suffering mentally, still has to track down Malibran who somehow secures the backing of some of the most powerful wizards in the last several generations and is poised to seize the country, eliminate the Death Eaters who escaped justice. The deck is stacked against him, and he's haunted by the memories and psychic scars, taking its toll on his focus.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  13. Swimdraconian

    Swimdraconian Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 10, 2006
    Goddammit - someone needs to write this.
  14. h2o

    h2o Professor

    Dec 13, 2007

  15. Tehol.Beddict

    Tehol.Beddict First Year

    Jul 30, 2010
    andromalius's plot bunny sounds like a cross of starcraft 2's ghost program (where the ghosts had their memories wiped upon graduation from the Academy and the Program) and then dropped behind enemy lines to well...in a phrase, 'do the shittiest things so people can live their happy, bunny filled, sun-lit, days).

    I agree with Swim - someone's GOT to write that stuff.

    On with my own plot bunny which I'm currently working on right now:

    Harry Potter makes a wish, and magic answers.

    July 1st, 1995 holidays before start of fifth year. Scarred by the events in the Triwizard tournament, and hating the lack of control, the technical know-how , the skills to beat his enemies, Harry James Potter makes a wish.

    At the stroke of midnight, the Devil himself answers; the soul of an ex-SAS soldier and K agent, Nick Stone(Andy Mcnab, google it) is merged with Harry's.

    The dursley household overreacts to the soul tranfusion and its accompanying fireworks and noise. Overreacting to the aggression, Harry kills off the dursley household and leaves it in flames, taking to the streets of London to survive.

    Albus Dumbledore, fearing the worst, calls in Order members to begin a SAR mission while Fudge calls in a specialized unit to hunt down and capture Harry.

    Meanwhile, the Unspeakables registers the odd soul magic that happened in Privet Drive, and sends out its own task force in answer; its task - send the souls back to where they belong.

    Meanwhile, Voldemort calls in a demand on the goblin nation. To be granted a place in the New World Order that the Dark Lord would create upon his victory, the goblins must needs hand him Harry's head.

    A specialized warrior race of the goblins join in the party. You might find a picture of them on google images by typing in the word 'Predator".

    Meanwhile, Harry must evade those looking for him, find his friends, keep them safe, and find refuge while attempting to stop Voldemort's covert operations.

    In Harry's perspectives, Dumbledore's motives are suspect, the Unspeakables and Aurors are definite elements of the enemy, while seven foot tall just-as-ugly goblins are hunting him.

    Harry has very little time in which to accomplish a lot of things.

    He must reconcile the two souls in his body. He needs the sorting hat for that; except its in the Office of a Headmaster who's motives are unclear. (Sorting Hat: ala Jbern's The Lie I've Lived.)

    Harry has few allies, and too many enemies to kill.

    Along the way, he must find out who decided to up and mix Nick Stone's soul with his, keep the few people he considers family and friends/lovers alive, and end the sorry clusterf-uck that is his life on a good note.

    Pairings are optional.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
  16. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Where is my god damn face palm button?

    Also, Andro's idea is fucking fantastic.
  17. Viper

    Viper Fourth Year

    Nov 30, 2007
    Man fuck you for ruining the ending of what could have been the most awesome freaking reveal ever!
  18. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    So...generic Indy!Harry fic, with two crossovers; one a series of fairly bad spy thrillers, the other implanted in a way which makes no fucking sense.

    That needs some serious work on it, my friend.
  19. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    This sort of thing isn't really my cup of literate tea, and it does remind me of the Bourne series of books/movies quite a bit, but even I have to admit that this is a pretty good fucking plot you've got scrawled up here.

    Are you planning on writing this in full?
  20. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Not anytime soon, since I've made good progress on the story with the summary in my signature.

    I just realized that for the idea I came up with I gave away the whole plot except for where what comes after I left off. In the future, when some of you forget the details and it gains more detail so that reading it isn't going to be so utterly predictable, I hope to write this.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
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