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Incest: Lily/Harry and Co.

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Zeitgeist, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. Agravaine

    Agravaine Seventh Year

    Jun 7, 2010
    New England
    This is vile.

    — Agravaine, out
  2. Little Knee

    Little Knee Seventh Year

    Jul 31, 2011
    Reading Ray's post makes me thinking more about Harry/Sister pairing. I read a short oneshot fic couple days ago, one that features this pairing in it. I wonder what you think about this incestuous pairing, and if any of you know any good fic with Harry/Sister inside it. Personally, I found Harry/Sister pairing is very interesting: it has the dirtiness on the same level with Harry/FemHarry and Harry/Lily, but it also feels cute and fluffy for me.

    This forum makes me happy :p.
  3. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:

    From the mouth of a fifteen year old lass...yeah, you should fit right in round here.
  4. Little Knee

    Little Knee Seventh Year

    Jul 31, 2011
    That's flattering, TheWiseTomato. Thanks ^_^
  5. Jarik

    Jarik Chief Warlock

    Feb 13, 2008
    5 easy steps to be accepted by DLP members:

    1. Post something about Ginny getting killed or Hermione getting raped
    2. Post something to do with incest
    3. Be female
    4. ???
    5. ...Profit? =O

    Also, I haven't ever seen Harry/FemHarry before. It actually exists? o_O
  6. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
  7. FreakLord

    FreakLord Professor DLP Supporter

    Feb 13, 2011
    What the fuck guys? This whole thread is nothing but pure shit. I am telling what I mean to, and then never visiting this thread.

    There are two types of people.

    1. Those who project only themselves onto the protagonist in the story. So, there is no problem with incest because they does not think of lily as their mother.

    2. Those who project their whole life into the story. Some friend onto Ron, someone onto Neville, their mother as Lily etc.. They will have problem with incest. Then, fuck you. Nobody is asking you to read incest stories.

    There are some people in the first category who still think incest in the story is bad. I think some of them are too religious.

    What I want to know is why Blaise doesn't like incest in the story? Don't tell me the shit that you don't like to fuck your mother. Nobody here likes it too... What's the real problem with you for opposing the incest in the story? Don't you like to imagine Yourself with Lily who by the way is idolized to be the most perfect character in the whole series.

    My last request is asking the moderator to lock this topic. This is utter shit. Every body have their opinions. No need to try to convince others.

    Advise to the guy who started this thread: Go to a forum where there are all fifteen yr girls writing Harry Potter fanfiction and ask them why they like slash. Don't start shit like this in DLP.
  8. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
  9. Shezza

    Shezza Renegade 4 Life DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2005
    Also. I started Harry/Lily.

    True Story.

    Just saying
  10. Jarik

    Jarik Chief Warlock

    Feb 13, 2008
    Which leads to the question.

    Since Shezza is a proud mother (?), does that mean the Future Remapped was actually an exploration of "Son-fucking" rather than "Mother-fucking"?

    Harry = SILF? o_O
  11. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    "Too religious"? I'm sorry, but supposedly veering on the conservative scale of things doesn't necessarily equate to being religious. Some people grow up in well-adjusted families and simply don't want to read about mothers screwing their sons.

    And there are stories out there which are "traps" and don't give the reader adequate warnings. :/

    I only jumped on the soap box when Rakkety Tam and I had a little "misunderstanding" or miscommunication, let's call it. Before that, I was genuinely curious to why some people harboured that particular fetish and wanted to know the reasoning. Now, I realise that everybody has their own thing, and all is fair in love and the interwebz.

    I just lost my temper, I guess, when Rakkety Tam brought my affinity for PJO into the conversation. Because fuck that shit, I had to study Ancient History and I liked it very much. I didn't like some guy popping in and making an argument that incest was a modern societal norm through historical evidence. Decades ago, maybe. Not now.

    I wouldn't ask that question on those forums because I know that those people have the average Intelligence Quotient below their average ages. I recognise that I'd probably get a predictable answer like "slash is hot, because it's forbidden! And because Draco is haaawt!1!1!"

    I merely thought that DLP was much smarter than the average fifteen year-old girl and would be able to have a reasonable discussion about it, before it degenerated into a shit-storm. Admittedly, my rage-filled post at Rakkety Tam contributed to it, but seriously, the posts preceding raised some interesting, well-argued points to why Harry/Lily was popular. Hell, even I was a little swayed when Tehan made his argument.

    All in all, I think this thread illuminated some pretty interesting things about DLP. Me, I'm probably an uptight twerp who needs to control his temper. DLP, it's a community of intelligent, eclectic, if slightly off-centre (in a good way), individuals. We can bring psycho-analysis into a discussion that was about fanfiction.

    I'll raise my glass if you could find a forum of "fifteen yr girls" who can do the same.

    And sunkarapk, just because you swear in posts doesn't make you sound any cooler or smarter. Make sure you use proper grammar and spelling next time.

    Urgh, I'm probably going to get shot for that very last comment. Came off a little too smart alec-y. Oh well.
  12. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Oh, I couldn't agree more... though there was this one post that had a certain flair. :D

    But did you finish Harry/Lily? :p

    Also, "I'm Sigmund Freud, the father of psychology, and I do C-C-C-Cocaine!"


    There are some of those stories floating around out there, but I'd wager most of it is PWP, and the stabs at making actual stories around the concept, rather than vacuous wank material, probably all ended up abandoned before they ever truly began.

    I vaguely recall there was one of those "Harry's soul ends up supplanting the soul of a Harry in another reality" fics, where the Harry being replaced had a sister... His involvement with her was one of the larger subplots, IIRC.

    I can't remember the title, but I probably had it on alert at one time, like about a thousand other stories, so that means it hasn't updated in ages and is likely abandoned.


    I actually started writing one, years ago, but it was strictly meant to be a one-shot gag fic, with Harry and his twin sister using time travel to save their parents on Halloween, 1981.

    It was also meant to be a farcical jab at all those wrong-boy-who-lived fics, because Dumbledore shows up, surprised to find the Potters are all still alive, and proceeds to make the most ridiculous assertions about the sister being The Girl Who Lived (a moniker which the Potters think is all kinds of moronic), and how one of the children should be sent away.

    He gets dealt with when the future twins reveal themselves, and then they fill their parents in on how the future got completely borked because of Dumbledore's mismanagement... but the gag is that, the longer they talk, the creepier the vibe gets for James and Lily.

    They start off thinking "Isn't it nice that they're so close, despite growing up apart." then it becomes "Gee, they sure seem protective of each other..." before they finally have that "Oh, fuck no!" moment when they realize their children are a couple.

    Right before the twins depart for the future, they make an offhand comment about being expecting... then James and Lily are left alone (and horrified) with their infant children, trying desperately to put them in separate cribs without setting off the WWIII of tantrums.

    Failing, they launch into the standard "It didn't come from MY side of the family!" argument, with Lily blaming all those purebloods, lurking on James's side of the family, with the branch-less family trees.

    Cue laugh track.

    Unfortunately, due to my propensity for making shit way more complicated than it has to be, I ended up stopping to seriously think about how that bleak future they alluded to came about, then wrote 8k words or so of a partial story outline, for turning it into a serious fic, with a ruthless and thoroughly despicable Dumbledore at the root of the twins' separation... I haven't gone back to do anything with it since then.

    It has to, according to the rules of the internet. But there haven't really been any additions lately, that I've seen.

    Damn... all this time I've thought these stories were scarce, and it turns out I was relying too much on the summary. :awesome

    Seriously, I don't see how there could be all that much of it, especially compared to slash and dramione. :facepalm
  13. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    FINALLY! The root of the problem.

    We need more Catharsis. And Harry/Bianca. Hear that nuhuh?

  14. El Duderino

    El Duderino Groundskeeper

    Jul 31, 2011
    I can't help but feel that those that think the incest is fine, are saying that you don't see it as incest, whilst the rest of you need to loosen the fuck up and stop being so angry.

    In short: i'm a little confused.
  15. Nuit

    Nuit Dark Lord

    Feb 14, 2010
    The Peach State
    Nothing ever makes sense here.
  16. El Duderino

    El Duderino Groundskeeper

    Jul 31, 2011
    Brilliant. And here I thought people here were sane or some shit...
  17. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Apart from the consent issue (can you really give it if they're in a position of power over you?), the problem with incest (for me) is the chance of genetic diseases.

    I truly do believe that all people should be free to love who/whatever they want, as long as the recipient of their love can either consent, or is something consent isn't needed for (like those people that fuck cars).

    But, genetic diseases effect the offspring, and (depending on the country) the taxpayer. Living in the UK, if I were to have a severe genetic disorder (such as Down's syndrome), it would cost the state to keep me healthy, not necessarily coming from my own pockets. (I have a disabled sister, so yes, I know this).

    Therefore, and this is going to sound kinda Nazi-ish, I do feel that some people could do with being disallowed (possibly even prevented, permanently or not) from having kids. Going back to my sister, there is no way she would ever be able to care for a child, and as such she would put a financial burden on the state. The same could be said of incestuous relationships. The child COULD cost the state quite a bit of money over their lifetime in comparison to a non-incest born child. Not saying for certain, as inbreeding can take ages to mess things up, but it could also happen in just the one. If an incest!baby had (as in pop culture) twelve fingers, seven thumbs, and an extra toe, then the state would have to pay however much (basic internettical research says $1500 per digit), or have the child go on with polydactyly.

    So , the Westermarck effect will often make parents unattractive to their children, and siblings to each other. But if they really want to go for it? Fine. Just, for the love of Darwin, no kids. Or at least, test-tube babies. Screen 'em all for genetic diseases, and implant the healthy ones.

    Also, would a child raised by an openly incestuous couple (assuming it were legal), be more open to incest themselves?
  18. El Duderino

    El Duderino Groundskeeper

    Jul 31, 2011
    Wow. Euthanasia and selective breeding much?
  19. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    I'm a biologist. Selective breeding happens, although GDs aren't as bad in this day and age. I know plenty of people with GDs are less likely to have kids (hell, I'm scared of having my own, just in case they end up similar to my sister), but having something like Asperger's doesn't immedietly stop you from having kids now.

    Also, not euthanasia. Positive eugenics, if you have to give it a name. I don't want to kill anybody, but I think (and I can't see why anyone would disagree), that children should be born into a family that is capable of taking care of them, and with the lowest risk to disease as possible.

    Hell, go the other way - don't ban select people from having kids, ban EVERYONE. Then license couples. Work on a points system -
    Can you support your own kids? +100
    Do you have a GD that means your child will need over $X P/A just to stay alive past the age of 16? -100

    Euthanasia would be going "Hyuk hyuk lets kill all dem retards!". Which is not cool.


    Eugenics is selective breeding in humans (cuz we're special and deserve special words).

    From Wikipedia
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2011
  20. El Duderino

    El Duderino Groundskeeper

    Jul 31, 2011
    So by your logistics, the Nazis, who had pretty much the same ideas, were ok guys in most of their ideas.