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General League of Legends

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Jon, Mar 18, 2010.

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  1. The Berkeley Hunt

    The Berkeley Hunt Headmaster

    Sep 19, 2010
    The Nevernever
    Why ask me if I was watching the minimap so much if you had called the gank? I wouldn't have needed to check that if you had said you were ganking. And obviously it was directed at me. Was there anyone else in that match you told to watch the minimap? Why beat around the bush?

    Exactly. I certainly don't expect the maturity and intelligence to realize that pointlessly ragging on one guy does nothing but aggravate both players. Yep, sarcasm is great.

    Well of course I'll just take your extremely biased view on this and accept it as pure fact. Yes sir.

    Hmm. Pointed out my flaws. All I seem to remember is "never playing with you again" and "so bad" "what are you doing" etc. etc., that isn't pointing out flaws, its shit-talking. And is it so difficult to say if you see I'm doing something wrong? Obviously I don't have your experience and some 'expert' advice is always valued.

    But I know what I did wrong. I obviously didn't harass well early and got zoned, resulting in shitty cs. I didn't respond quickly to teammates, mostly because I was trying to filter out the actual game information from your pointless blame. And eventually, I got so pissed off I started just making silly choices because I really didn't care that much anymore.

    I'm very happy to continue. My defence isn't that you're mean, its that your attitude is dumb. How do expect a team member to listen to you when you shit talk them? How do expect a player to play a better game when you give them shit? I'm saying its stupid to do what you did. As a high level player, you have to rationalize to yourself why you lost and didn't steamroll the entire enemy team. Since its very difficult to accept that they had better positioning or co-ordination, obviously you choose the easiest target and blame every possible thing on them. In-game, and on the forums, to glorify your own ego. Though it isn't my 'defence', it is true that you're a dick, but thats merely the root of the actual problem in that you can't keep your elitist bullshit to yourself and have to ruin it for me too.
  2. justbrowsing

    justbrowsing Seventh Year

    May 17, 2009
    Malz is my main and I have to admit I have never seen that before. I am kind of curious, not that I would ever use it myself. Maybe I will try it in a bot game. Seems pretty russian roulette and I don't see how it could work against real people.
  3. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Mainly reliant on being able to maintain voidling spam. Most people ignore the voidlings thinking low damage. They eat a very nasty surprise when Visions directs two of them and each chunk off 1-2 bars of HP per attack. Use Ulti to hold the enemy in place. Same with having an Exhaust summoner.

    Suggest you only really do this in Dominion. While it's average in team fights because you now have disposable carries, it absolutely excels in bot 1v1, making ti very close to Yorick 2.0.

    The reason it functions decently is because of Malz's high base on W. As long as you land it and follow up with Exhaust or Ulti, you'll chunk them for a good amount of magic damage while also ripping through them physically.

    Last night, in Dom, I fought a correctly built Yi 1v1. I was able to shred his HP from full to zero before he could kill me. I didn't have Exhaust or Ulti ready to fight him either.
  4. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I don't see how that build could work because while Malz doesn't have terrible mana regen, he doesn't have enough mana regen to spam out voidlings. Even if you go chalice/manamune you would be like a very weak yorick until late game, where you would be like a very weak yorick with range.
  5. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Blue buff. Catalyst. Also, hence the part about Dominion.
  6. goldenwolfeye

    goldenwolfeye Seventh Year

    Aug 7, 2007
    A tree, not a closet
    I've been jungling Shaco lately. His ganks are amazingly fun.

    Also loving the bugfixes/buffs riot's been giving him.
  7. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    ...Really, you're calling the latest nerf a buff? o_o;.
  8. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Relying on blue buff is dubious at best. You may get blue buff consistently from your jungler, but more than likely they won't give it up until the 4th buff spawns. If your blue buff is ever stolen, then good luck dealing with that. And catalyst on a character you are playing AD...would you build that on any tanky dps or AD ranged? You don't rush a catalyst on an Ashe to volley spam, so why would you on malzahar?

    I know that if I was facing an AD malzahar I would win the lane easily with most AP casters. Outside of his ultimate, the voidlings would never attack a smart player during the laning phase. If you get a voidling spawned, the player only has to stay 651 range away for 21 seconds. Even if they didn't, the damage any other AP carry could trade in exchange for taking the E hit+voidling would probably be in his favor. If you spawn the voidling on the malefic visions cast, his damage is neither empowered nor frenzied, and would be chopped down by the tower after the AP carry traded with you and came out ahead again.

    I mean....sure it can work, but so can AP Garen (who has 0 AP ratios). Doesn't mean it works as effectively as any other AD carry or AP caster would.

    I don't play dominion because I don't enjoy it, but if it works there then have fun with it I guess.
  9. goldenwolfeye

    goldenwolfeye Seventh Year

    Aug 7, 2007
    A tree, not a closet
    They nerfed his boxes, thats true. They also changed his deceive so that Shaco still crits even if he breaks stealth by dropping a box or using a summoner spell. His clone also now procs two-shiv's passive slow.

    The nerfs only really affect AP Shaco and his ability to kill by stacking boxes in bushes. Ap Shaco is a bad choice for jungle and falls off late game anyway.

    AD Shaco, however, is feeling the love.
  10. BioPlague

    BioPlague The Senate DLP Supporter

    Jun 22, 2006
    United States
    I play Leona pretty exclusively ATM. Prefer it since I'd rather not learn 4 new abilities every time I switch heroes. Comfortable with it and I'm getting used to being a stun machine. Plus I can spend time learning the mechanics and metagame. Username is DLPSaber.
  11. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Looking to get a game going, Goonsquad ASSEMBLE!
  12. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    5v5 custom or 5-man pre?
  13. TSN

    TSN Auror

    Nov 7, 2008
    look like i got inlate to the party.
  14. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    whichever we have numbers for
  15. Ceebee

    Ceebee High Inquisitor

    May 5, 2009
    Tomorrow (approx 15 hours from this post) is DLP 5v5 Saturday. BE ON
  16. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Right, so Jon and I don't work well together in-game due to different styles.

    I like getting jungle ganks way too much while Jon builds his junglers for speed levels instead of ganking.

    So, wires were crossed and we went and screwed each other over in the two games we had with Merril, Ceebee, and TheDeadGuy (Don't know your DLP name).

    Sorry about the failure and terrible communication.

    Also, hats off to TheDeadGuy for being the best Tristana I've ever seen in the last four months.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2011
  17. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Eh. We'll go better next time, It's just you call for ganks too often without them being ready to be ganked, that works generally when the enemy is someone who is someone that can be harassed easily, unfortunately Sion isn't one.

    In the future I'll go one of my other junglers who gank really well early on, like Nocturne, Rammus or Shaco, instead of someone like Shyvanna who, while she is able to hit level 6 faster then even the people laning, isn't suited towards full hp ganks.
  18. Redeye

    Redeye Penultimate Lurker DLP Supporter

    Aug 17, 2005
    Bros, add me. Redeye108. I'm good at most every role. My best champ is Poppy ATM, but she doesn't really fit the current metagame so people rage when I pick her, but then say I'm pro when I carry their sorry asses. Lately I've been playing Renekton solo top cause he's so bawse early-mid game.

    I jungle Lee Sin cause, well he's still OP. I've also messed around with Skarner jungle (dat ult).
    I go mid with Cass, Annie and Kennen
    My only ranged ad is Ezreal, but he's all I need!
    I support with Alistar or Taric at the moment.
  19. DvorakQ

    DvorakQ Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 29, 2006
    TheDeadGuy is this lurker named Shezza. :3
  20. BioPlague

    BioPlague The Senate DLP Supporter

    Jun 22, 2006
    United States
    Edit: Done raging. Deleted. Who cares. It's a game.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2011
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