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General League of Legends

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Jon, Mar 18, 2010.

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  1. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006

  2. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    A melee range caster? Shurikens are massive range skillshots and W is average range as well. Your ult its melee like Morg is melee. If you didn't lose your laning phase, you could easily destroy morg and fiddle with damage and wards.

    And both are great items. The problem was you didn't build a gun early, so you were completely dominated in lane. Completely. That isn't arguable. You can say you kept your tower, but fact is you were outCS-d, died multiple times, and your lane opponent got multiple successful ganks off while you were either dead or defending your tower with low hp.

    And no, if you built properly to begin with, you would have been able to run morg out of lane because you could match her sustain without being limited by mana. You wouldn't have been worn down slowly and then killed, and you could have ganked. Kennen's AP ratios are 3.1 in a gank where he can land all 3 spells, which is extremely simple to do. Flash-->ult--->E-->W-->Shuriken the stunned target. 3.1 is an absurdly high ratio and a deathcap would have GUARANTEED early game kills, especially considering I could flash stun (taric) to open that for you.

    I didn't really mention anything until late game. Generally, I don't actively look for mistakes people make which means I only comment when I notice something. Even after I noticed how poorly you were doing in mid, I didn't say anything because I knew that 'rushing' a gun 20 minutes in after being 3 levels behind would do all of nothing. Zeph mentioned that it was a good starting item. After you were that far behind, it didn't really matter what you built because TBH, I was outdamaging you with my DFG-->ult-->shatter. I had around 20 less AP than you at the end of the game, while I was buying 5 wards every trip back and keeping an oracles up as well.

    See now this is what just astounds me. How can you say that you CANT outsustain morg when you have infinite resources? If you run 'oom', you get it back in 20 seconds. If morg runs oom, she gets it back in 3 minutes. The fact that she had clarity is only a point against you, because it's a troll spell that is so bad not even the trolls take it.

    You have 1 ranged spell? Your Q has 7/6/5/4/3 sec cd. How does a 35hp heal before AP every 3 seconds not count as sustain? You don't need to hit morgana, you can hit the minions. The minions that stand still. With your infinite resource. Not to mention every 5th attack you can heal yourself for another 40 for free. This was a lane matchup that you had 100% advantage in. Do you want to take morgana and try to beat me as kennen? I have played less than 30 games as Kennen even though I've owned him since his release, and I guarantee you I could win that lane EASILY. Morgana has 0 killing power unless you eat snares. If you eat snares then you deserve to die because 1) its a slow skillshot and 2) you have a speed increase that can easily outrange/dodge the snare. Even landing the snare, a clarity morgana would have to lane a snare into soil into ult into snare into soil for a kill. And even if she flash ults you, you can flash-->E away.

    And if you have trouble with fiddle ganks, buy a ward. You never warded your lane. You can say that Zeph never ganked, but if you are dead or low hp as often as you were, there isn't much any jungler can do.

    It wasn't a 5 man, and neither of us had the DLP vent at the time. I didn't feel like searching for your skype name and didn't take the game that seriously. The point isn't that you built wrong, the point is you built wrong, did poorly, and refused to listen to more experienced players' (Yes, I am more experienced, as I have 3k games played since closed beta) suggestions. You still refuse, even now. Note that the only reason I brought this up is because you yell at an inexperienced player for not listening to you shout at them (even when your advice is actually the opposite of what most high-elo guides and players are telling him), but then turn around argue with me about how your item build, which left you as the least farmed player with the least damage, was better than what I was suggesting. It's like watching a driver flip his car because he took a turn at 90, while arguing that if he had gone 30 he would have never made it to the market in time, in midair.

    You had no wards in your lane until 15 minutes in. You died 1v1 to morgana at least once. The point of building WOTA is to have sustain vs a sustain laner. If you don't have sustain vs a sustain laner, you will be, shockingly, out-sustained. WOTA is an amazing item for any non-mana dependent champion. If you had gotten it, you could've handled your lane much more efficiently. If you had gone full squishy, you could have gotten easy ganks on lanes or skirmishes. Late game, you were essentially a nonfactor because your damage was nonexistent and your cc lasted as long as you did: about 5 seconds. Your late game build was not important in any way at all, because you were so far behind that nothing you built would make a significant difference on the fight. You had the lowest score and farm on either team. You would have done best for us by just buying a bunch of wards and baiting for us. My suggestions were how to fix that problem next time. If you don't lose the lane, you don't fall behind.

    Please, please, PLEASE don't act like you were forced into anything. I can tell you with 100% certainty that I did not pick taric because I enjoy playing support. We needed a support because every other spot was filled, so I filled it. I don't remember if you picked 1st or 4th, but you certainly did CHOOSE to play Kennen. I hate supporting, even if I am good at it. The only way I would pick a support would be if Zeph and I were the only ones left to pick or if I was the only one left to pick. We had 2 PUGS, you, Zeph, and myself. And even if you had gotten "stuck" with the mage-pick, you were free to play any other mage. Junglers/Tops/APs are my specialty, and I know I went into that game wanting to play sion or gragas. I just let you take mid because you picked Kennen pretty quickly.

    When you built for that game, you ignored your laning phase. By doing that, you were too far behind to even matter. It's great that you planned for how the teamfights would work out, but not building sustain vs a heavy sustain laner that had clarity for extra sustain put you too far behind. It's 1200g. It's not 3600g. It's 1200g. That's like 50cs and a few minutes of passive gold.

    I'm telling you how you could have played it better, but you are arguing that you made all the right choices, even though you had less kills, less assists, more deaths, and less than twenty CREEP SCORE more than the support. And I don't mean "support" as in "took cv and bought a few wards, then started building aegis and soulshroud and forgot what a ward was 10 minutes in", I mean full out CLG support, who takes 0 cs in the laning phase and spends 50% of his gold on wards. I never left base without buying at least one ward, and from 15 minutes on I bought 5 wards every trip back.

    Meanwhile, you are saying that you refuse to play with people who won't take your advice, when it is yelled at them as a first approach and not as a last resort, when it contradicts what they've read in guides, when it has only vague reasons supporting it, and when it isn't good advice in the first place. You are angry that he didn't listen to you tell him to build youmuus and gunblade on Irelia vs 2 tanks? Gunblade is absolute shit in that situation, and only situationally mediocre (not good) on Irelia. Youmuus would offer slightly more damage than Triforce during its active, but otherwise be useless, while triforce also offered significant other benefits. In that situation? Wits end or even bloodrazor would be better picks, because Irelia's only necessary DPS stat for taking down tanks is attackspeed. She has true damage. But seriously, you refuse to play with someone who won't listen to you when you tell them to build gunblade on Irelia because triforce isn't enough damage for killing tanky dps?:facepalm

    Well, looking back...I don't think words can describe.


    edit: And to be clear, when I say Zeph I am actually referring to Myst, because his summoner name is Zephyrical. From now on I will call him Myst to avoid confusion.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  3. stormfury

    stormfury Unspeakable

    May 27, 2010
  4. Trooper

    Trooper Death Eater

    Jan 8, 2009
    Bangalore, India
    Dude, chill.

    Frankly, If you're enjoying the time you're spending in the game, then that's all that matters. Doesn't matter if it's against bots or players or I dunno, just you messing around. \(o.o)/. The thing is, its serious business to a few people. Its just fun for a few. Yes, you'd like to win as much as possible, but it ain't shit if you don't.

    I personally enjoy learning new champions by playing them, no matter how much I suck with them. That's actually the fun part for me, which is why I refuse to go near any and I mean any guide whatsoever. And yes, Jon and Mishie have raged about this on IRC enough times, that a lot of people probably, already know this. If it was all about knowing your champs even before you play them, this would be a flash game ( like those Werewolves Vs Vampires games) and you wouldn't need to get to lvl 30 before you could play Ranked games. -_-'

    But, yes, Listening to people helps a lot. And the tone of the person preaching helps a lot in listening, but Churchy has already said that.

    tl;dr If you enjoy playin, its all cool.:sherlock:

    Edit : Edited in, cause this would not be complete without me saying, I still enjoy playing Attack speed AD Nasus immensely. :awesome
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  5. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    You're a bad person who should be beaten trooper. :D
  6. goldenwolfeye

    goldenwolfeye Seventh Year

    Aug 7, 2007
    A tree, not a closet
    Just had AP Nasus steamroll me. He had a archangel, death cap and a lichbane.

    His q hit for 750+ damage.
  7. Zephyrus

    Zephyrus Endlessly Tilting Windmills

    Jan 7, 2008
    I did say near the beginning of the game that I'm hearing impaired. Apparently, people missed that.

    If I am invited to another game, I will make an effort to be more outspoken. If someone is going to critique my build and offer suggestions on gameplay, I would much prefer it to be in written form. That way, I don't miss anything or look like an asshole because I'm not responding.
  8. IdSayWhyNot

    IdSayWhyNot Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jun 10, 2010
    Nasus' Q gains +3 dmg every time he kills something with it, be it neutral monster, creeps or champion. I often see people ignore Nasus farming in top while they fight 4vs5 all over the map. They think they're winning. And then, late game, Nasus outta nowhere comes to piss all over the map.

    In other words, don't let Nasus farm comfortably.
  9. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I don't know if you were with me and Dantage in the Nasus game last night (although iirc you were) but shaco was all over my lane, riven and he would tower dive me as early as 6 minutes. I started out 0-4-1 by 15 minutes, which i thought was pretty alright considering how Shaco had ganked more than ten times. Despite that, I was still matching Riven's farm, and we won the game because they had a fetish for focusing tank nasus instead of squishy morg/panth/1.9k hp mumu, so when we were 15 kills, 1 tower, and umpteen dragons down, we picked off two people and got baron buff then ended the game in one push through 2 towers in mid and then the nexus as well. Even though I was pretty shut down, my Qs were still had a bonus +260 dmg on them.
  10. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Suggestion for people who need to learn how to control their champions:

    Play dominion.

    While you won't learn about lane sustain or really practice last-hitting, the constant fighting and high-mobility combat will force you to get better faster than in Rift.

    Dominion forces you to learn how to get the most out of your own champion and how to fight fed enemies. You will learn how to ration your skills, how to land most of your skill shots on how mobility champions, and how to effectively kite down people in skirmishes.

    Rift teaches team work, rhythm management, and laning skills. Scar forces you to push your champion to its very limits for success at higher Elo play and to learn what objectives are actually worth fighting for.
  11. BioPlague

    BioPlague The Senate DLP Supporter

    Jun 22, 2006
    United States
    Skip Bayless of LoL right there
  12. Redeye

    Redeye Penultimate Lurker DLP Supporter

    Aug 17, 2005
    Just got off work, if anyone is trying to play I'll be on vent.
  13. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
  14. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
  15. Redeye

    Redeye Penultimate Lurker DLP Supporter

    Aug 17, 2005
    I was a fool to test those waters
  16. Beonid

    Beonid Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Jul 12, 2008
    RPS has better puns.
  17. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Other team is mediocre, but you fed Karthus?


  18. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Yeah I'm seeing sometimes it's less about doing more damage, and more about controlling where you do that damage. My favorite thing to do with Tristana is to bait the champ to rushing me near a tower, rocket jump past them, turn around and then ultimate push them deep into my territory where me and the tower just eat them up in a second.

    I'm trying to pick a few different champs and learn them well, right now it's Tristana, it was Miss Fortune before she rotated off the free list who'
    s going to be my first champ I either buy or unlock, and now Warwick, who I had just steamrolling through champs last night. I'm also breaking the habit of getting the recommended items, I see they're just basic suggestions, they don't really take any build into account.

    Question about jungling. Why? I understand you get more gold from each creep because you always get the last hit, but there's way less of them, they don't die as fast as the squishy minions, and they're spread out. What am I missing? I played a game with Warwick where I spent a chunk of it in the jungle farming, and compared to the mass minion rape I did the next game, I came out way behind. Other then the buffs, I don't get what the big deal is, so obviously I'm missing something.
  19. TSN

    TSN Auror

    Nov 7, 2008
    They give your more xp per camp you kill. and teh way they are spaced are to optimise your ganking.

    blue> wolf> golem> bot>red>wraith>mid>wolf>top and then you mix it up.

    this is a basic rotation, thought take in mind im not pro at jungling and many champ can start in many place.
  20. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Jungling primary roles in no particular order:

    1) Give your team an extra solo lane of farm + exp
    2) Dragon control for bonus gold
    3) Baron control for bonus gold and buffs
    4) Jungle buff controls to make mages and auto-attackers stronger
    5) Lane dominance from ganks
    6) Enemy denial due to taking their buffs and ganking
    7) Lane coverage when someone needs to base

    Your job in the jungle isn't to farm like a god. It is to make your team into gods through dragon gold + jungle buffs + lane control + ganks.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2011
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