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Gotham - Draw (Demon Mayor Wins)

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vesvius, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Ehhh its really because I went overboard trying to get Kai lynched and I was fairly defensive, I know I can't say a whole lot to sway people but in my defence who here can honestly say that they haven't had a moment or two in a mafia game where they wanted to punch Kai in the dick?
  2. Klackerz

    Klackerz Bridgeburner

    Oct 22, 2009
    So, Irene was not Batman after all.2 scums dead by day 2.That's awesome. Let's hope the scum will continue to kill each other and save us the trouble of committing them.

    Anyway, why the fuck did they target Nercule. I caIn't see the reasoning in that. I am feeling particularly suspicious of Irene,Krogan and Lungs at the moment.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 AM ----------

    Mhm, I can definitely say that I never wanted to punch Kai in the dick.
  3. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Because he switched his position from 'lets wait' to 'LETS LYNCH KAI'. Now, I can understand a switch, but in a game where we have little to go on, I'm trying to take notice of things like that, and use them. Honestly, I really don't know. I mean, I'm suspicious of him, and if he IS scum and we let him go, I'd feel like an idiot for him having persuaded me otherwise. If he is innocent, and an important role, I figure he'll at least softclaim something, and depending, I'll listen. Meh, I'm just going with my gut here, we'll see how I feel after more conversation has happened.
  4. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Alright well I don't know what it will count for but I am currently the most suspicious of Irene, if Kai had been innocent that massive post of hers ragging on me could have been written off but looking back at it in hindsight, it reeks of scum trying to protect the leader scum as she accused me of doing. Irene is very good at what she does but the level of detail and her writing style combined with the timing of her posting leads me to believe she is scum. If you notice she tries extremely hard to make it sound like she was arguing for the both of us and I just slightly edged out Kai but then when you look closer you see she subtly dismisses everything against Kai to point the finger at me.

    Beyond that I'm looking at Kalas, it simply struck me as very odd that he didn't post a word about any of this until I started driving at Kai and which point he began working to try and undermine me. I can't prove it yet but if I had to take a stab at it, they're Kais underlings.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2011
  5. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Kalas, Irene and Krogan are scum.

    Krogan is on a different faction than Irene, but Irene and Kai are on the same faction, which leads me to believe that, due to whatever happened here and there, Kalas, Irene and Kai are all of the same faction.

    Considering Kai's role, whatever just happened will probably mean that Town wins. We've nailed them :3
  6. tad2103

    tad2103 First Year

    Jan 3, 2009
    By both Krogan and Lung's logic there is more upside to Lynch Irene or Kalas today and go after Krogan if we mislynch.

    Worst case scenario is that Krogan is the Joker. Finding the clown as soon as possible is paramount.
  7. Irene

    Irene Seventh Year DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jan 21, 2008
    Hey people. Everything in the following post is absolutely and utterly true.

    This is probably gonna be my last post on mafia (Because really, I have A levels next year and no time for such games anymore)

    The purpose of this post: To show Krogan how batshit retarded he is. Also, it’s 3500 words long. Key parts in Red.

    First: I killed Batman.

    Yes, Shay, Drome, everyone, I’m sorry.

    I’m scum. I’m Hush, the anti-batman.

    The moment I realized I was not Batman, I promised myself I would do everything to kill Batman before Day 3, because, well, if you’re going to pin me against Batman, Batman won’t win.

    I can’t say I regret it. It was also meant as a middle finger to town to remind them that killing the Penguin isn’t everything.

    You know, with the Bane vs. Penguin fight, I knew Kai went way out of line. I was planning to let it stop, Krogan gets lynched, we both lose once, we face the town TOGETHER.

    That’s why I killed Fucking Batman instead of Bane, Lungs. I pleaded with Lungs, I begged him to let the thing stopped, one loss each side is enough. We call truce, I kill batman, I was HOPING that the other side gets the Question, yadda.

    Then Krogan, you dipshit fucked it up and killed Republic21.

    As such, I’m bringing the ship down. There’s no way I’m going to survive past Night 2. But it doesn’t matter. Town will win. But remember, you started the war which could have been easily avoided and might have caused a scum victory.

    Role-Read 1: Krogan is Poison Ivy.

    Reason: My faction has Scarecrow, who I’m not going to tell you who, but Scarecrow info-stole from Naeblis and Krogan. Got the message that Irene’s been role blocked.

    Yes, I’m Hush. I was going to check Dead, our darling red Hood, but they fucked it up. Krogan, you did, rather. In role-blocking me, you can never know for sure if Dead’s the Red Hood.

    Now, Naeblis is definitely not scum. He’s probably a major info role, Oracle, protect him as you will. Also, because we didn’t get any info from Naeblis, Booster/black canary, one of you guys are awesome and deserve a giant pat on the back.

    Incidentally, Naeb naeb, my dear batgirl, try to hide yourself better.

    That leaves Krogan to be Poison Ivy. From the very beginning, he’s been fighting against Kai, and yes, Kai did went over the line, but you started the war even after Kai’s death. You dragged the rest of the Bane faction into the fight, and Krogan, it’s not going to be pretty.

    Now, why should you believe me?

    Because Bane Faction still has 4 scum left, and Penguin only has 2. There’s no way for me to win, so I’m not going down with a fight, especially not if this loss is because the other side fucked up.

    Role-Read 2: Silens is either Clayface or Killer Croc.

    Calms Zeit down, directs attention to Kai. Silens is playing a very subtle manipulative game here, setting himself up for a Kai lynching later. After this directing away, the tension escalated, Kai crossed the line, Bane faction got pissed, Silens started the bandwagon against Kai.

    Well Silens, it shows one thing about you that I’ve mentioned, and it’s that you’re either scum or you’re a minor town role.

    Except, there is very little reason for you to be THAT pissed and draw attention to yourself even as a minor town role, especially when you think Zeit is over-reacting. Since I’ve made up my mind about Zeit/Lungs being Bane at this point, there is one logical conclusion: This guy, he is from the Bane Faction.

    Guess what, Silens, I lied. I don’t get a more town-vibe from you, I get a scum vibe from you.

    The fact that you and Krogan voted one after another made me even more sure that you guys are sharing a qt.

    Now that you know I’m scum, let’s draw all the townies to a question: ‘you could be scum’ ---> ‘even if you are plotting to kill me’

    He’s already made up his mind about me being scum. And I was obvious, mindblowingly obvious, I’d admit, but why say ‘you could be scum’ in the first place? Because at that point of time, Kai vs. Krogan was drawing to a close and I jumped in, and if he directly accused I’m a scum, it’ll be 2 scum vs. 2 scum Scum Fight.

    Oh, Silens, you were so intelligent. Why the fuck did you let Krogan convince you to kill Republic? What possessed you to think it’s a good idea starting a fight with me when you know my personality?

    Role-Read 3: Guljons is also Killer Croc/Clayface of Bane faction.

    Guljons? Why guljons, you’d ask. Well, everyone knows Republic is scum now…

    Exact same posting style. I don't think it's a coincidence. The mirroring words shows the guljons is probably scum, and not a Lone Scum, but a Scum within a faction.

    Also, this post of guljons':
    ‘These guys can really slip by and nobody knows them’

    Well, guljons, there’s where you made your second fatal mistake. Reverse psychology that ‘oh, he’s scum, he won’t draw attention to himself and hint so obviously’ doesn’t work if your tone already mirrors a known scum.
    That said, you abstraining your vote and completely not joining in the bandwagon again shows the same logic of scum level 2: Keep away from voting with the other scums in case the others go down.

    Except, you know, it IS a little weird that you’re so quick to jump on Eternity but says nothing about either Kai or Krogan, the more scummy people.

    So, my Bane Faction newbie… It’s just your luck.

    Role Read 4: Lungs/Zeit is Bane

    Okay, everyone, honestly, not even my own scum buddies believed about this for a while, but let’s go through the reasons why, in full this time.

    Before I start: Zeit, this could have all been avoided if you’d chosen Hush in your team, and I’d be with your guys, but apparently Hush is too useless a role and I was chosen last. Boo.

    I’ve already explained why I think Zeit is scum, but what really revealed him as Bane was Lungs’ behaviour. Yes Lungs, thanks.

    This reeks of retardation and sheer desperation. Besides knowing that I’m really scum now, throwing Krogan to the dogs was a smart move, but you were literally pushing hard for me to be lynched. Why? Because I scared you.

    This attempt to influence Batman/Huntress to kill your opposing scum faction off is a move that is off, Lungs, and really, Huntress, I’m glad you didn’t, because if you did, then you’ll never know who’s Red Hood and Joker so early.
    The fact that you’re practically ordering pro-town power roles to do your dirty job for you just reeks of you wanting to be in control, and given how Krogan and Silens jumped in to defend you and Zeit, I’m forced to conclude you’re Bane.

    Also, Drome’s point about intelligent!Lungs is valid. Your defense sucks.

    Now, the question is, why now? Why this game? Why try so hard to get me lynched as scum? Also, why are you showing your intelligent!Lungs when normally as town you keep your intelligence to yourself? And let’s face it, even as power role in HoT, you were unsure and entirely too…

    You made the same mistake as Vira in SW1. You showed that you knew too much. Given that it’s day 1, you can’t be a town info role, so you’re either Officers or Robin. But again, as officers, there’s still not enough info for you to sound *that* competent.

    I could have easily killed you instead of Batman, but really, I didn’t want a war. Because you derped and let Krogan take over, I guess there’s no choice now.

    This further confirms it. I told everyone on IRC I’m sinking the ship, and Lungs got what I meant immediately and tried to do damage control. Lungs, against me? No damage control is going to pull you out of this pit.

    Role Read 5: Dead is probably Red Hood.

    Now, I’ve had a lot of people feeling I’m playing differently, because I’m scum and such, but even as scum I’m stuck as Scum-priest, and as people see from lesstiny, I have a specific way of playing Priest. That is to say, my instincts are A LOT sharper as Priest of any kind.

    Which is why it really, honestly puzzled me that I can get NO READ AT ALL for Red hood. I was forced to come to a conclusion that Red Hood is by a newbie.

    The current newbies are guljons, Sacrifice, Yeagen, Eternity Lost, 1and1is 3 and Dead

    Guljons is dealt with. Sacrifice and Etenity Lost I’m pretty sure you guys are town by the point I decided. Sacrifice was acting as part of a group, so I’d say officer. Eternity… My dear Robin, I hope Batman interrogated the right person last night so that you can back me up, but really, I have enough faith in Necrule’s competence that he chose the right target.

    Yeah... not really defensive enough to call scum, hence why I put him as town. Even after that, he didn't really come on to post, which gives me the idea that he doesn't really care if he's suspected, more town behaviour.

    Yeagen and Dead. Now, these two are a bit trickier.

    Sensible, logical, quite careful… I was tempted to get the same conclusion as drome, and you know, just call him as Red Hood. He’s probably an info/power role if he’s town, I thought.

    But then, Drome, you know what? I realised something. If Yeagen was really Red Hood, he would benefit much more if he voted for Kai and blended into the bandwagoning crowd instead of staying under scrutiny for those who didn’t vote/can’t decide between the two. Even if you argue reverse psychology, Yeagen is unlikely to show that he is so competent as a player if he’s really Red Hood. Scum likes to kill new and competent players who hasn’t called anyone out on being scum.

    So that leaves Dead. I’ve told everyone why everyone ELSE can’t be Red Hood. What about Dead?

    He’s been mostly doing idiotic one-liner posts that contribute little to nothing to the thread.

    First post: I
    Complete… eh, nonsense? I mean, I think he’s not the type to risk true-claiming hoping someone will use reverse psychology, so I concluded that he’s not Joker. But why mention Joker, not penguin, blah blah…. I mean, maybe I seem to be nitpicking since Joker is the most famous nemesis, but what if it’s because Joker is on his mind a lot? If he’s not Joker, but something similar… it fits with my idea of red Hood being idiotic and staying under the radar.

    Dead also abstrained, didn’t get into the middle of any arguments… he seems almost too afraid to become a potential target of any NKs and posting just enough to be not seen as lurking.

    If Krogan HADN’T Roleblocked me I could have checked and confirmed my theory, but really, The Question, pick up the slack will you, dear Kang?
    Ah, as for why Kang is the question… (Oracle/Black canary/Booster Gold YOU BETTER FIND SOMEWAY TO PROTECT HIM… Huntress, you can start probably by committing. *cough*)

    Now, let's get into the reasons why.

    He's being his usual self, impulsive, blah blah, almost trying TOO hard to be his usual self really, but he didn't vote for Kai.

    Now, step back. Why won't he? The times he was on I've seen him looking at the thread when the Kai bandwagon has already started. Why did he abstrain?

    This leads me to think he's an info-role. But the fact that he's choosing not to vote for Kai also makes me think that he's not just any info-role, but one of the most powerful one.

    After his initial posts about everything, he just stopped posting, and even when Fen questioned him he chose not to respond. While this is clear scum read in some cases, since my scum-o-meter has been filled, I'm inclined to say power info role. And the Question is most likely.

    So anyway, even if he’s not the question, he needs to be protect because he’s some other power info role.

    Alright, it seems incredibly –ev town to role-read Kang, but I decided a) I’ve given you a full villains’ list, you don’t really need him as much and b) If I role-read town people correctly you guys would be more inclined to believe me about scum. I have nothing to gain from scum-win. God, I’m probably the most pro-town scum you’ll see. If this game had a warlock/soup you’d all be dead, but it doesn’t, so town-win>scum-win to me at this point.

    Now, for the final and most important role-read to my dearest Joker… Love… You didn’t kill Batman, I did. NYAH, SO MUCH FOR BEING HIS ARCH-NEMESIS, KENSINGTON.

    Role Read 6: Joker is Kensington

    I was really stuck between Fen and Kens. For one, Fen is being unreadable and scummy seeming and seem more dangerous to me even if he’s not Joker, so I was tempted to kill Fen next for Night 2 (Kang aside, I could’ve used Kang being alive to Role-claim the question)

    But anyway, the point is, after Kens making it the final vote against Kai with no reason other than to bandwagon, I think Fen's likelihood to be Joker has gone down. Yes, he also voted for Kai, but unlike Kens, he gave a well thought out post whereas Kens is being Kens but scummier.

    And Kens was being suspicious because, first of all, he only posted twice (Not like you to lurk, Kens) and he made one batman joke and went away. He inserted some Team Lynch Irene joke but didn’t follow up to vote for me on it. Why not? It’s not like he hasn’t done it for the first few times.

    That aside, Kens is also the Joker to me because, honestly, I get town vibes from almost everyone else other than Fen and Kens and the 5 scums above I’ve mentioned, so yeah.

    I was going to check Kens for Night 2, but since I’m probably dying now… Unless you guys kill Krogan first (I would be forever grateful, I want the revenge) In which case I’m dying Night 2 anyway, so you guys probably won’t know whether I’m right until you lynch Kens.

    I haven’t felt this confident about my reads for a long time. It’s really your choice to believe me or not, but yeah, hope this post BLEW YOUR MINDS (Just kidding. I bet the Batman Kill did.)

    That said, sorry Necrule for killing you first. If I’d known the other side are going to be scum-in-fighting idiots you would’ve been alive. My sincere apologies.

    Other than that… as my final sentence, woo, this post is 3500 words long, and my farewell post for batmafia most likely as such…

    Vote Player: Krogan

    FOR DEATH AND GLORY (to quote my scumbuddy)

    Bane faction: guljons, Silens, Krogan, Lungs
    Red Hood: Dead (if my check turns guilty)
    Joker: Kens
    Officer: Sacrifice and Sesc
    Batman: Necrule
    Kang: Question

    P.S. I have a lot more town role-reads if you guys need convincing, but I really don’t want the other side to get too much info from me, so… yeah.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2011
  8. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and say that while I FUCKING HATE IRENE right now, I believe her about all of this, and I think that we should lynch Krogan. Irene will hopefully be killed tonight, but if we let her live until tonight, that's one less town person that may be killed tonight.

    Just a thought.
    I will wait to vote, just to see what everyone says, but I am fairly sure that not lynching Irene will help us out.
  9. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    ... yeah.

    Is this the point where we stop the game and call it a day?
  10. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Wow. That's... really something, Irene.
  11. guljons

    guljons Squib

    Dec 20, 2009
    So Irene just confirmed herself as scum. Pretty obvious that we should lynch
    her, because we can't trust what scum says. She said it herself, there are only 2 of them left,so she has nothing to lose and she starts throwing around accusations trying to condemn as many people she can with no proof.

    Sad thing is most will believe her, because she proved that she can pull shit out of her ass in previous game where she pinpointed 4 scums. I bet that is what she is counting on, that people will remember that and trust her also this time.
    Of course some of the things she said is probably true, like the Krogan thing, but others are obviously not. I will go into only what she said about me.

    So I'm scum, because I said similar thing to Republic, who at that point I had no chance of knowing was Mafia nor do I think that it is scum 101 to wish a good game.
    And why are you defending Eternety all the time? Is he your last buddy?
    So I know everybody will think it suspicious that I post as soon as I'm accused , but I assure you it is a coincidence. It is morning where I live and I just woke up.

    Guys, lets not give her this game.

    Vote Player:Irene
  12. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Yeah, sorry guljons. That was the wrong post to make. You just confirmed her.

    Vote Player: guljons.
  13. Klackerz

    Klackerz Bridgeburner

    Oct 22, 2009
    Lungs, no comment about Irene's suspicipon on you? So can we take that as a confirmation of your guiltiness.

    @guljons: Your post just made me more suspicious of you.

    I am not taking anything what Irene said as proof right now

    Anyway I say we lynch Krogan today. Let the investigator do his/her duty and maybe investigate Kens or guljons.

    @Sesc: From your comment, I take it you and Sacrifice really are officers.

    Vote Player : Krogan
  14. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    It looks like a lot of guesswork to me, klackerz. I'm not giving away my role -- I don't see how anyone could read me, even, considering I only made a few posts because RL came up.

    But the list where she provided reasoning looks sound, and if that's the case we only need to pick the villains off one by one and a win is a foregone conclusion.
  15. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    Ahahaha, Irene, you may not be Batman, but you'll always be Batshit Insane. <3

    I have to agree with Ashaya: Killing Irene today is silly, because the earlier we get to confirm if she's giving us the truth about her suspicions the better.

    As to guljons... I was still pretty unsure if 'Reneywould be right about him. Until he posted just now. :/

    Still think Yeagen looks somewhat scummy, but far from certain. It's possible Irene's trying to remove suspicion from a team-mate, since she tried to cast him as an info-role, but either way we have lots of time before we'd get around to that.

    Personally, if I were in Irene's position I'd do my best to avoid talking about my team-mates. But we'll see.

    So who would be a a good person to kill off? We could either kill off our obvious candidates like Krogan and Lungs, but they were on the chopping block anyway and might not tell us much about Irene's sincerity. Guljons could be a good candidate since he's more of a stretch and lesss of a target so Irene might be picking him if the aim was to deceive us... he's also Bane's by Irene's reasoning, and it'd be good to get them out of the way.

    However, if she's sincere but she's wrong about him, that sucks more because we get the wrong impression.

    The red hood, our serial killer, might be a good target since if we eliminate him, we cut down instantly on a faction that can kill.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 AM ----------

    Actually, targeting the Bane candidate might be just as good, considering all of Bane's powers. It's possible that the person who Bane targeted with his ability survives if he dies. Plus we get rid of their ability to decide who to send to kill in the night, which helps our info-roles.

    Not sure if I should place a vote yet, considering we still have quite a bit of time. But anyway, I'm going back to playing Skyrim for now. :3
  16. 1and1is3

    1and1is3 First Year

    Jul 17, 2010
    Honestly, I was viewing this thread all the while. I just didn't post because I was overwhelmed with my part time job, boss gave me more stuff yesterday.

    But besides that, no one threw any suspicion on me, there was nothing for me to defend. And I learned that defending just digs yourself into a hole, especially when you are not suspected, which leads to people thinking that you are scum, and hence the lynching of you. >_> The idea here is to convince people that you are not scum?

    In any case, after experiencing Irene's powerful Aftermath ability in effect and Guljon self-pwning, I am inclined to believe that Guljon is scum. So...

    Vote Player: guljons

    You were too defensive of yourself.

    Best target now would be Bane, leaving Red Hood and the Joker alone first would be much better for town.
  17. Eternity Lost

    Eternity Lost Squib

    Jun 29, 2011

    1. Batman didn't get to interrogate anyone because it wasn't a mis-lynch. And now you killed him. Grrrrrr

    I neither confirm or deny your predictions about me.

    Now I feel no need to talk about my suspicions of Silens and Lungs. You've essentially said what I was going to say, although in a huge amount more detail than I was going to say.

    If all Irene has said turns out to be true, (which I think it is - Irene seems the type to commit suicide to spite the other team) I'm really happy I spotted Lungs, Silens and Irene as scum. All three of you were trying to lead us around, doing you bidding.

    Now, I think that the three players we should decide between are Silens, Krogan and guljons.

    My reasoning:

    Irene will probably be NK'ed as the opposing faction will despise her for this. If she isn't, we can always come back and lynch her later. So she isn't that much danger.

    Silens is slippery and may slip away, especially if some of Irene's predictions are wrong.

    Krogan because he's so aggresive I think he may sway some people.

    Guljons just because I think his recent posts have confirmed he's scum.
  18. Irene

    Irene Seventh Year DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jan 21, 2008
    Also, for clarification's sake: republic21 was the one who was sent to kill Necrule/Batman, and I was the one who suggested it, so blame republic21 for Batman's death (No really, he wanted credit for his last act in life.)

    Also, you guys might want to not do vote-splitting. Yeah.

    EDIT: I would also like to apologise to Krogan for the previous personal insult. Though I still would've posted that post, I think I was overly harsh on you. Sorry Krogan.

    On another note, Republic went down killing Batman. That's pretty impressive. I wonder how I'm going down to beat that... if I don't get lynched. Probably no town role would be better than Batman. Damnit, I knew I miscalculated when I killed Batman on Day 1. Republic gets all the glory. :(
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2011
  19. Sacrifice

    Sacrifice Guest

    Hahahahhahaha. Seriously, Irene, another batshit insane post? That's what made people like Lungs use you as an adjective.

    The moment you posted the tl;dr saying how Krogan should be killed instead of Kaidash, when Kai is so blatantly obvious, it's mighty suspicious. There was no way you could not have spotted that. Now you decide to tell everyone you are scum, so be it, because you REALLY IS A SCUM. From Penguin's faction.

    I will definitely not reveal my role, Irene. I don't get your read on me being an officer, as much as I don't see how you see me as acting as part of a group. I believe most of your deductions in there is correct with some to be questioned.

    i assume your self-claim as Hush to be true. That means you can be NK-ed by the opposing faction, which I believe will happen because you just spoiled the entire game for scums.

    Guljons, seriously? That was pretty obvious that you are scum. In Penguin's faction.

    /me tosses a die to decide who should die.

    I have decided..

    Vote Player: Krogan

    You know why, Krogan? Your behaviour was really crazy as heck when you and Kaidash started a war, which was pretty obvious that you are scum.

    DIE Krogan. Irene comes later as we need info-roles to check her, though I am pretty sure the opposing faction (Bane) will commit her because she screwed up Bane's faction chances of victory. As for guljons, I have no idea what your role is, but judging by your pathetic defence, there's no way you are not scum.
  20. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Oh god this is ridiculous, I point out that I think shes scum and not minutes after she comes up with this nonsense curiously enough targeted primarily at the folks who pushed for her scum boss to be lynched. This has last ditch revenge ploy written all over it. The length of it is just too pad out her pointing the finger at anyone who took a win away from her. I'd post more but I have to go to work.
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