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General League of Legends

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Jon, Mar 18, 2010.

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  1. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    You just had to kill another wraith or run an xp quint. The xp difference was literally 299/300 or 295/300, I don't remember which but I know it was one of those.
  2. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    I hate Skarner's ult.


    That is all.
  3. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I hate being wrong about my call on a champion, but attackspeed fizz is a thing, and it is incredibly viable.
    Keep in mind that given ideal circumstances, I do not believe this is his ideal build. I maintain that an AP build would do more damage while losing very minimal survivability.

    Runes: Attackspeed reds and quints, MR/lvl glyphs, armor seals.
    Masteries: 9/21/0, with the AD talents down to 10% armor pen, then in defense grab the 6 damage return, armor, both hp masteries, indomitable, enlightenment, honor guard, and juggernaut.

    Build is W-->Q-->W-->E, max W, max Q, max E, grabbing R when available. The decreased cd on E is nice, but without an ap build or masteries, the increased mana cost hurts a lot.

    Start cloth armor+5 pots and do blue with leash, then wolves wraiths red golems, spam W and Q, dont use E except to cross walls for speed. Go back and buy boots and go ganking.

    Fizz's ganks are the only thing that make this build work. Fizz's laning capabilities are mediocre at best and terrible vs most popular solos. With two gap closers, your ganks are unstoppable and your damage is extremely powerful as well. Once you hit 6, you essentially have an ashe arrow on top of that. The range is long enough to hit people from outside of the lane before running in most of the time. If you can close distance with just Q, you can tower dive comfortably by losing aggro with E.

    Build is cloth/5, boots, malady, merc treads, wits end or finish little razor if you need dragon control, warmogs, GA or finish bloodrazor. The ganks are better than shaco. I've played vs multiple shacos and outganked and outjungled them all, while having a MUCH stronger team presence late game. I run smite/ghost.

    I urge you to try this out, because it is an incredibly powerful jungle. I don't recommend this in lane because you are essentially still weak lane AP fizz, except with less burst and more reliance on sustained damage.

    I'm going to test out some things like Sword of the divine, phantom dancer, wriggles, and gunblade. Gunblade seems promising because the spellvamp and lifesteal, if they work with malady/wits end/fizz W passive, would be insane.

    edit: Tested out the gunblade. Definitely not worth it. You deal a ton of magical damage with this build, but the damage from your W passive, wits end, and malady do not grant spell vamp from what I saw. The slow on gunblade was nice and the damage burst was pretty good, but otherwise the item was mostly useless, and not worth rushing or even including in your build.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2011
  4. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:

    What? You don't enjoy being dragged out of your team, utterly incapable of doing anything, then being focus fired to death once every 30 seconds if Skarner is any good?

    Honestly, I feel like the ult of Skarner is too variable in terms of skill needed. At low levels of skill, it is devastating. At high levels, the same, but in between it always feels like you blow your load like a virgin for no reason.

    As a skarner player, its totally not overpowered at all.... As anyone being ulted, its ridiculously powerful. The only saving grace of the ability is that it is not a gap closer. Other than that, since the only thing Skarner can't do while ulting is autoattack, its an incredibly powerful ability. It is much stronger in the endgame than at any other time, but that's because it effectively scales with your opponents.

    Skarner is an odd champion, and I like to think of him as a date-rape champion. If you pert him get close, and don't gaurd yourself, he will rape you. If you do, he is probably going to leave you alone for the next poor SAP who isnt watching.

    He has a strong jungle option (as AD, not AP like I originally thought) and a strong top lane if your opponent is melee. Skarner has a lot of pushing power, and good sustain because of his E. The fact that you can poke and heal at the same time is amazing, but most of his power comes from the insane utility on his Q. Extra damage, aoe push, and a slow if it connects means that if you can support his aggression, and not die to ganks, he becomes very powerful quickly. Trinity and Wits End make his single hit burst intense enough that ive outlaned at top akali and renekton on several occasions.

    His jungle is pretty standard for an AD, but he has a great opportunity to harass mid at 3 if he starts at blue, and then counter jungle if someone has cb because of the speed of his clear. Skarner has very good jungle control assuming you can afford the wards. I usually jungle with 21/0/4 (I'm not level 30 yet) and I don't have any problems. He has a naturally high amount of HP, and with armor runes you are quite durable.
  5. Link

    Link Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 28, 2006
    He can do pretty much anything - even without blue. And he clears it so fast he can counter jungle like a boss. Sometime, I start at enemy Wraiths, do their red, their two golems, go back to base, and do my jungle. Pisses off the enemy jungler and disables his pre-6 ganks.
  6. stormfury

    stormfury Unspeakable

    May 27, 2010
    When I first saw Skarner, I had flashbacks to how much I hated Batrider : (

    But yeah, the second he was buffed, he went from garbage to awesome. In a team fight his ult lets you choose to kill any opponent on the other team, basically no matter what. They have a superfarmed Nasus who can oneshot 3 people on your team? Doesn't matter, he doesnt even get to pop ult before he dies! Alistar is moving in to pulv and ult? lol ult him before he gets to ult! Theres a Kogmaw in the back trying to outrange your team? NOT FOR LONG!
  7. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
  8. stormfury

    stormfury Unspeakable

    May 27, 2010
    Wait, Alistar's ult breaks the Skarner ult? I thought it just gave damage reduction, not cc removal 0.o
  9. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    No, it acts like gangplank's oranges and cleanses any and all cc, including suppressions.
  10. Chaoticblues

    Chaoticblues Professor

    Apr 12, 2009
    Lol so unimaginative.
  11. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    I'm not sure, but does QSS stops Skarner's ult? If it does, then its not too hard to overcome.
  12. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Yes it does, Quick Silver Sash cleanses Suppress.
  13. Red

    Red High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2008
    Fizz is seriously fun. Playful/Trickster is the ultimately troll move, it even dodges Karthus's Ult.
  14. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Indeed it does, and it's very easy to time unlike shaco's ult (which can also be used to dodge anything, btw).
    Only problem is it sometimes bugs out and doesnt let you hop back down. I've played a lot of fizz and a dozen times I've tried to use it to chase, only to get stuck in the air for .75 seconds and then drop back down without vaulting forward. It's also inconsistent when vaulting walls, but overall super powerful.

    As for QSS and skarner's ult, it is easy to overcome if you have 1400g that will likely not help you at all vs any other champion. If you rush a QSS you lose your lane without skarner helping. If you don't, you lose the lane when skarner flash ults you dead. =/
    There are ways to beat skarner, but it involves counterjungling or counterganking.

    I don't know if anyone has seen a skarner ult someone as they flash, pulling them back a million yards, but today I saw a tristana ult a skarner who ulted her, pushing him (and by stinger, her) far away from her chosen escape path. Was hilarious.
  15. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    So... I've just started playing a bit for the last few days, mostly with my equally-new friend. I did a couple of rounds with Taric, and did rather well, then I unlocked Soraka and have usually done the best-in-team by the end of the match, especially once those Ability Points start rolling in. Lastly, I unlocked Sona, and have tried a few different things.

    Speaking of the latter, what is the opinion on AD Sona? I played AP/Support for the first few matches, and did well, even if it felt a bit... slower-paced. Then I tried the AD Sona, and it's been just plain fun. Q+Passive really can be quite the surprise burst of damage, and has netted me a few First Bloods, as well as generally controlling my lane. Plus her ability to cycle skills so quickly, really lets the Sheen/Trinity shine through for bonus damage, and she chases well with her E when needed.
    The main weakness is durability, but an initiating Q+passive basic attack boost, followed by another, and Exhaust, a quick-charged E+passive basic atack, or her Ultimate if they try to run, has let me get quite a few kills off. As a side note, hitting three or more enemies with her Ultimate at once and forcing them to dance, while you either use it for escape, or for your team to trash them, is always a great time.
  16. Ceebee

    Ceebee High Inquisitor

    May 5, 2009
    I see your post and all I can think is, why are you playing support characters and building them offensively? Just pick an actual AD/AP carry and play that instead of doing weird (and ineffective past level 10~) builds. Or play the support 'correctly'.
  17. Lb13

    Lb13 Second Year

    Feb 18, 2011
    Well I just started playing a few weeks back and I've got to say, LoL is one of the most entertaining games I have played. The most irritating thing in the game thus far is my inability to consistently win with a 6 or more kill death. Anyway my summoner name is Introspectiv3D; hit me up if you want to play a match or two (I'm only at level 11 though so...).
  18. The Berkeley Hunt

    The Berkeley Hunt Headmaster

    Sep 19, 2010
    The Nevernever
    When did League of Legends become the DLP intro thread? What happened to Santi's fic? Madness I say.
  19. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I introd into Santi's thread, then like 75% of my posts have been in here when I asked for people to play with and found that we actually have a huge league community.
  20. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    I know, right? I'm tempted to post my referral link for new players/DLPers.
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