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DF Fanfic Ideas

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by ParseltonguePhoenix, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    You know, I saw your name as the last updater and sighed in disappointment, then I read your idea it was like a small, annoying chihuahua puppy suddenly learning how to do algebra. That's the first idea of yours I've read that I think could actually work.
  2. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Hmm that actually is somewhat worth exploring, you'd have to come up with a decent reason to handwave why Dresden would get the case but you could have him coming to town to investigate rumors of an old and powerful witch being resurrected in Smallville mainly the Countess and have it go on from there. If you wanted to use that idea the best suggestion I could give for the handwave part would be possibly something like, her spellbook was originally in Chicago and was smuggled out and sold online as part of the plan to bring her back by servants and Harry manages to track the book to Smallville where Lana bought it online.
  3. GiftedMonster

    GiftedMonster Squib

    Nov 22, 2011
    Bit of a crack-fic idea. I was watching Midori Days yesterday and I got to thinking...what if that happened to Harry Dresden, his right hand replaced with...well, numerous options but I was thinking Lash.

    Or probably his left hand, given that's where the sigil was.

    Reasoning is such: The sigil branded Harry, marked him as hers. Her property to do with as she wanted. So when the mental onslaught ripped away at her, she was condensed and in a last ditch effort, tried to seclude herself back inside the sigil to repair.

    Unfortunately...that didn't work out so well. Due to a number of mixed factors including the auric taint of He-Who-Walks-Behind, the mental assault and the volatile nature of Harry's magic, she was turned into his left hand from the hips up.

    Now Harry quite literally has a fallen angel on his hand. Can he hide her and what will happen if Murphy, Molly or Michael finds out?


    Yeah, it's a crack-fic, probably only got one decent chapter. But it would be hilarious I think for Harry, a life-long celibate practically with the exception of Elaine and Susan to have his left hand trying to seduce him.

    Plus of course with all the shit Lash would make happen for Harry. Swinging the arm forward to smack Murphy's ass or even worse things. *Snicker*

    Especially if Lash could exert the same degree of control over the arm as Midori did in the anime.

    Another idea I had is a HP Lovecraft and DF x-over. No doubt it's been done before but it could be intriguing. The Outsiders as the Old Gods with Azathoth at their head, Cthulhu slumbering deep in the ocean...

    If you add in the Fomor who seem to originate from the ocean, you have a potential plot point right there. Fomor, slaves of Cthulhu, sent to the land to steal away all those with talent to pave the way for Lord Cthulhu's return.

    At which point you have Dresden, the White Court and Faerie being the only ones who can even hope to stand a chance against the rising city of Ry'leh.

    I suppose you could theoretically tie in the Fomor being the mutated, degenerated Old Ones that once inhabited the oceans.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2011
  4. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Well, it's pretty much stated that the Old Ones are Outsiders. Jim mentioned on his forums that the Gatekeeper took down Abdul Alhazred, the author of the Necronomicon.
  5. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    ... Thats probably the worst idea I've seen come out of DLP since Knights of the Cross!MLP and Glorious Leader.

    Seriously, can we keep the anime aspects that are fucking retarded confined to anime, please?

    I mean, I liked Midori no Hibi as a manga as much as everyone, but objectively, good god was it a retarded concept. I has a crush on him, and now that he starts to like me, I refuse to go back to my body and instead want to live on his hand forevah!!! :facepalm I stopped reading shortly after she returned to his hand. :|

    On a less negative note, I've had an idea in my head for a while...

    Dresden knocks off Justin and goes off to Lae and eventually to Mabs attention. Rather that getting picked up by the WC, he gets the Knight spot about two or three years after Lae scoops him up.

    Some interesting changes could crop up. If you're of the mind to, you could have him stumble on Faith Astor and use that to his advantage, if you keep him based in Undertown/Chicago...

    Meryl/Fix/Ace/Lily have some potential as well if he took a liking to them and acted as some sort of mentor/protector figure that'd act as Ronald's replacement, instead of Slate fucking with them. Dresden and Maeve interaction as well, if you had him refusing to bow to her cause she's a bitch.

    Could probably even have him take over for Sells in helping the Beckette's fuck over Marcone. Obviously the War might not kick off as soon and it make take longer for Nick and the Nickelheads to show up and try turning Dresden away from the Winter spot...

    Of course, Summer Knight would also happen a lot different if Aurora turns up to buy off Dresden in Slate's place...
  6. LittleChicago

    LittleChicago Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Oct 3, 2009
    For some reason, this bunny hopped into my head:

    Dresden is forced to take up Lash’s coin during the events of Dead Beat – after ending up in the middle of the dinosaur-centered firefight, Harry takes a shot to the back. As he lays dying, he sees the Corpsetaker take Luccio, then explain that she’s going to take out Cowl and simply own the White Council and the world. Unlike in the White Night situation, there are hundreds of thousands of innocents at stake; Harry makes his choice and calls for the coin. Corpsetaker decides maybe Harry’s body would be of more use than Luccio’s (from a strictly power-level perspective, not from a control perspective) and tries to exchange with him as he is calling the Coin. There is, as they say, a reaction.

    Corpsey ends up displaced, and the power of Lasciel is split – half in Harry’s head, half in the unoccupied original body of Anastacia Luccio.

    Harry doesn’t get possessed, though he does get healed; Lash takes a slightly different type of ‘psychic bullet’ deflecting Corpsey, which, instead of killing her, merely prevents her from getting a power-up from the coin. Luccio/Lasciel (Lucciel? Lascio?) decides to finish the Darkhallow anyway to get a power-up (‘cause who doesn’t need to Win More?) and Harry ends up duking it out with Lucciel after she takes out Cowl and Kumori. Meanwhile, Morgan sees Luccio betray them, and goes into a BSOD, and inside Harry’s head Lash is having the severe identity crisis she wasn’t scheduled for until White Night. Not sure where it would go from there, but I doubt Harry would have a chance of beating Lascio, even with Sue.

    Or, alternatively, Lasciel's power does split evenly, and Harrciel and Lusciel end up in a fist fight of awesomeness.

    Would never go past a one-shot, of course, since the ending would probably be "everyone dies" but could make for an epic showdown.
  7. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Dresden/LOTR? Just throwing it out there. NeverNever incident gone bad, supernatural intervention relocating a convenient return to mortal life or otherwise passage through a Way.

    I'd like to see him tackle a Balrog, given some of the things he's had to deal with, let alone the Nazgul.

    "Dresden the Black," he introduced. "Namely 'cause anything that gets in my way is burned to a nice, charry-crisp."
  8. GiftedMonster

    GiftedMonster Squib

    Nov 22, 2011
    Dresden/ Skyrim or Morrowind x-over.

    The Outer Gates are the limits of this multi-verse. Sealed shut aeons ago by the strongest of Wizards, they have remained shut tight until now. A single event from outside the Multiverse has ripped a breach in one such portal, shattering the enchantments and all but beckoning the Outsiders in.

    But the breach is growing as someone...something is keeping it open. And the only way to close it against this malevolent foe is to send someone through, discover what is happening and shut it down before the Outsiders enter our reality.

    And who else is sent but everybody's favorite wizard, fate's bitch and Mab's tool for amusement, Harry Dresden.


    Bit of an odd premise but I did have a thought on how.

    During the events of Morrowind, the Heart of Lorkhan was shattered. The heart of a fallen god. Nobody knows what effects this could have upon the metaphysical universe and on the planes of Oblivion.

    Or...when Mehrunes Dagon stepped into the heart of the Imperial City, his shattering of the mortal barriers had a massive effect upon the ether, ripping holes into it. Most of the holes led to his plane of Oblivion but one...one went somewhere else.


    This may sound odd but it could be intriguing to see how Dresden would cope in this world, a world where sorcery is practiced openly and the only restriction is on Necromancy. Would he even want to return to a world where he is treated like an outcast?

    Destruction, Conjuration, Alchemy and enchanting to a lesser extent would be his major affinities I believe, given his skill at potion-making. It would also be fascinating to see how the world of Tamriel would react to him.
  9. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Potion making one of Dresden's strengths? Doesn't Bob have to guide him through every step?

    Also, his major affinities wouldn't be Destruction, Conjuration etc--they would be Evocation, Thaumaturgy and the like. Where's the fun of a Dresden/Elder Scrolls crossover if you confine Harry to ES powers?
  10. GiftedMonster

    GiftedMonster Squib

    Nov 22, 2011
    I was speaking of the Morrowind equivalents. And whilst that is true, Potions/ Alchemy is a bigger strength than Evocation which Dresden can only perform with a blasting rod.
  11. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
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    Not really. He can perform evocations without a blasting rod, they're just unfocused compared to when he uses it. Compare it to... Firebolt for blasting rod spells and flames for spells without a focus.
  12. Ryuugi Shi

    Ryuugi Shi Hierarch

    Sep 16, 2007
    Glorious Bellerophan
    As the resident Percy Jackson writer, I'm kind of curious about how a crossover would work. It's not that hard to start, I don't think, even if the Gods work a bit differently there--since the Demigods in PJ largely stay in specific areas except to venture out in small groups, you could even just have things set in the same Universe. Otherwise, you could use the Nevernever excuse, too.

    My basic idea was just that the various groups became aware of the existence of Demigods after Percy causes a volcanic eruption--or else, after NYC is suddenly put to sleep before a bunch of demigods throwdown in the middle of it.

    Not exactly sure where to go from there, though. Any idea how the different groups would react to a bunch of demigods?
  13. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    The White Council et al would probably be cautiously optimistic about the existence of the demigods. Wary as all get out because if they don't get along, the demigods have a very good chance of wiping the floor with them (especially if the gods get involved), but both have a fairly similar goal so they should be fairly neutral towards each other, leaning towards allies.

    The various mortal nasties would probably be fairly upset. Red Court likely to go to ground (possibly even break off the war against the Council), White Court will probably try to get a few demigods on their payroll, etc.

    The Fae would likely be relatively ambivalent about it. It's simply more mortals they can deal with, not really a huge threat to either Winter or Summer since they can't get into the Nevernever without outside help. Now, if the demigods then proceed to prove themselves a threat regardless, things will change, but that's the likely initial reaction.

    Monoc would be happy to see them (probably).

    The Denarians would do just about everything they could to get as many coins as possible in the hands of demigods.

    My brain is refusing to remember any more of the major players at the moment unfortunately, so that's all I got.
  14. syed

    syed Supermod

    Jun 30, 2011
    THere is this author who I like has been using SCION xover stories, so would be a good fit, sure she is poweful and awesome, but in Dresden verse just another piece on the board.


    They seem to be a really good fit.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2011
  15. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    Certainly the setting created in Scion would tie in nicely-ish with Dresden Files. But I don't really see the need to do it as a cross over. There are ancient Gods at work in the DF universe anyway, its simple extrapolation Odin is not the only one. No need to bring in a whole other setting, with its pitfalls and subtleties.
  16. GiftedMonster

    GiftedMonster Squib

    Nov 22, 2011
    Dresden Files/ Johannes Cabal cross-over.

    During Dead Beats, there was one last necromancer in Chicago, one who remained under the radar. But he didn't come for the Darkhallow or the Word of Kemmler. He came for more than mere power. He came for understanding and to destroy the Darkhallow.

    Johannes Cabal has arrived in Chicago and is perhaps the most terrifying of all the necromancer's there. Not because of the power or lack therof he wields...but his goals and aims are a mystery.

    Necromancy...it can get a guy resurrected.


    Bit of an odd idea. Admittedly, Johannes Cabal is based heavily off the Dresden Files in part, at least in terms of the character. Bit of a difference there though, in that Johannes approaches his field of specialization like a science and has more in common with Kumori than anyone else. Well, that and he seems to be a borderline sociopath at first.

    Could be a very interesting story that expounds more on Dresden-Verse necromancy and the inherent differences. In terms of magic, I'm fairly sure that Johannes has very little if any magic and uses science to work his art as well as understanding granted by Satan.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2011
  17. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    ... Horst the vampire brother and... an evil carnival.

    Soooo, ICP tried to write the Dresden Files?
  18. frodrick

    frodrick Slug Club Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    Idea for a dark drabble:

    Nicodemus and Deirdre have a father-daughter moment...in London...1888.
  19. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    What? Them going to visit their Son-Grandson-Brother to congratulate him on the good work he's doing?
  20. frodrick

    frodrick Slug Club Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    More like "Jack" being a lesson in anatomy and public terror and sensationalism for Deirdre.