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General League of Legends

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Jon, Mar 18, 2010.

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  1. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    I just punched in the builds. Mine costs about 750 less gold, is weaker to magic, is significantly stronger to physical, is capable of much higher DPS with Q weaving, and is far better at sustain in mid-combat.

    The major downfall in my build is that it has low HP compared to most other tanky DPS, only clocking in at 2650 before masteries and runes..

    And yes, while I do love BS bursting, Hecarim's entire build is very anti-burst. Q is low damage with low ratios, E is a one-shot spike that isn't that significant, and W is a DoT. It doesn't work well at all.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2012
  2. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:

    Well, I hoped.

    I'll give both builds a try. But after crunching some numbers myself I can see you're most likely right.
  3. Delirium

    Delirium Fourth Year

    Jan 13, 2008
    As far as my calculations go yeah I derped there pretty heavily.

    As far as ideal situations? Your argument is full of shit. I jungle extensively in ranked and the second mid starts warding both sides I grab an oracle, and I see everyone else do so as well. Pardon me for assuming common sense.

    Also as kass taking the unwarded route takes about 3 seconds longer since all u have to do is ulti over terrain and there unwarded.

    Also love the comment about the ideal situations and then you pick the dumbest possible move (aka diving smn with hard cc) to *prove* you are right) If the enemy is full heath u are not going to dive them. If the enemy is at bot lane and at their turret you are going to dive with your bot lane assuming that they are not full health. But hey if you expect kassadin to dive say a full health nautilus then that explains a lot.

    Also why does kass need to blow flash to escape your jungler if you are pushing all the time?

    Finally you keep thinking that kass does no dmg and that the other mid is just having a blast.

    Nice touch btw bringing in the LoL community mentality of smn disagrees with me they must be a troll.
  4. Delirium

    Delirium Fourth Year

    Jan 13, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2012
  5. Delirium

    Delirium Fourth Year

    Jan 13, 2008
    computer derp
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2012
  6. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    No no.

    Not computer derp.

    To put it in language you might understand:

    "Person derp."
  7. Delirium

    Delirium Fourth Year

    Jan 13, 2008
    D: What did my human ever do to you?
  8. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I usually don't have one bro, lol. I know the range of the champ I'm playing, I weigh that against which champs on the other team that I DON'T know where they are. If this champ shows up, can I either kill them or escape from them is pretty much all I think about, or I try to get into a position where we can pincer someone running off, or drive them towards the our other teammates for a surprise fuck.

    Your whole problem is just positioning and map awareness, that's it. You're still learning champs and what they can do, and mobafire is helping you a lot with items, so you don't buy the recommended garbage anymore, lol. I picked melee champs to start and got ruined, so I learned some ranged first, and now I'm more comfortable playing melee, so you're already doing better then I was when I was brand new.

    Teemo buffs.... wow. I never noticed his DoT not working, and I've used the guy a fuckton, and I usually run him at over 2.0 attack speed, so I should've seen it. Especially since they claim once you go past 1.0 attack speed at level 6 it becomes noticeable.
  9. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Sorry, this isn't common sense, it's derping pretty hard. Getting oracles that early is either assuming you are way ahead or spending what little gold you have on a consumable and putting yourself behind the other jungler. You assume ideal situations again where your jungler can afford this early without making himself a weak piece of shit who drops the second he leaves the jungle or the mid lane you face is buttfucking retarded and doesn't start warding till 15 minutes in.

    Diving someone with hard cc? You mean every support in the game that runs bot lane these days? The only options without hard cc are nunu/soraka/sona who can still mess your day up. Your situations are so full of shit that the toilet is jealous. You assume your bot lane will be stronger, winning the lane, and capable of diving. You assume that anyone needs to be full HP to use their stun. You assume that the enemy team will be divable at all because they haven't gone back and bought yet. You assume that you actually deal damage when it's just not true because Kassadin has pretty much the lowest damage of any AP mid in the game in terms of base AND scaling.
    Sorry, I forgot you automatically assume the most incorrect situation you can for everything. You push after 6, and 1-5 you harass and freefarm because kassadin is a weak piece of shit with no maneuverability, 0 damage, 0 cc, and less than 0 lane presence. And in that 1-5 levels, any aggressive jungler can gank him twice, easily, and kill him, because he lacks any escape outside of flash, and can't punish you for taking a few tower shots either.
    No, I don't keep thinking this, this is just true. I don't know what runes you run, but switching to all magic resist runes is pretty damn easy and gimps Kassadin's already gimpy damage. When the other mid knows what they are doing, he's a pathetically weak pick who can't push the lane, split the lane, kill his lane opponent, or gank well against prepared opponents.

    The other option was to assume you were stupid.

    There is a reason why he hasn't been picked or banned or glanced at in anyway at IPL4. He is a weak character that is easy to deal with and has no place in teamfights or the late game. When he could outrange most other spells with his Q, had better base damage on his abilities, and could still rely on 2% regen from blue buff (instead of the current .5%), he was a stronger pick, but those changes coupled with the addition of better characters makes that no longer the case.
  10. Delirium

    Delirium Fourth Year

    Jan 13, 2008
    Reading comprehension is overrated I guess... In any case continuing this discussion isn't going to change my opinion or yours and I would rather not endure talking to a brick wall that twists things to suit his purpose and then accuses the other person of doing just that. So bravo well done, you have proven your point by contradicting yourself. Solid position there. Edit: Just be clear, I am done on this topic with you. If anyone else wants to discuss that's fine.
  11. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    In response to this idiocy:
    QQ moar baddie.
  12. Lb13

    Lb13 Second Year

    Feb 18, 2011
    Well Churchey it's just that low elo players seem to think Kassadin is a problem because he has a ranged silence and unlimited blinks. Those are the only two reasons why people think he's a strong pick. Kassadin has a large mana deficiency which makes him hamstrung if he doesn't have blue, and with the new blue it still isn't enough for Kassadin. Simply put he's subpar and easily outdone by almost every AP mid. People don't realize this because they focus too much on the fact that he has a silence and free blinks.

    Also Delirium you are bad. Take that as you will.
  13. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I'm going to start banning people who can't have discussions without resorting to acting like children bickering.

    Also something to keep in mind, that Lb13 just brought up, most of us playing here aren't super high ranks, we're either still newbies, or are average players. Don't shit on a newbie because he likes champ X, but you know your lvl 30, full rune and mastery page, can name stats off the top of your head for every champ self, could crap all over that guy. Of fucking course you could.
  14. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    What is the point in picking Sooraka if you aren't actually going to heal anyone? Its me as Wukong and Sooraka on bottom, we've got a Kass and a Katarina against us and I can blast them down but she never heals me. If she had healed me literally even one time I could butcher them but she just auto-attacks and tosses one heal on herself while running away. Its maddening. It couldn't have been the Kassadin since the genius was too busy wasting his silence on me and Katarina barely popped in for a few seconds unless I got dead low.
  15. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Pretty sure I was responding to this

    and giving advice on how to counter him when this
    was posted followed by "Kass is unstoppable unless you counterpick him and win the game before 6". All of my advice is tempered by my experience playing with most of the people in the thread. TWT could beat a Kassadin by focusing only on farming and avoiding any confrontations with Kass, stealing his and the enemy wraiths, and waiting for teamfights. If the question was about how to play Kass, I would do my best to give advice on that, but it wasn't. It was about how to beat Kass, so I listed his many weaknesses instead.

    I give Shezza a lot of guff, but I'm sure if you asked him he would tell you I rarely actually get upset with him over League. I take this game seriously, but not nearly seriously enough to rage at my allies over it, unless they are being unnecessarily rude.

    I'm not going to sit by and be insulted by someone spreading misinformation though. "Play pantheon or GP instead, and win by 6 or you are fucked" or to quote exactly
    is not advice that in any way helps TWT with beating Kass as Vlad or another caster in mid. Saying that you have to win the game by 8 minutes against Kass or you are "kinda fucked" is sheer idiocy.

    And CLG vs V8 ended in an attempted base race, what the fuck am I watching??
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2012
  16. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    My two cents on the Kassadin issue: Every single time I've gone up against Kassadin as Viktor at mid, I've shit all over him, and there's a reason for that. Because, after his nerf, Kassadin sucks. As was said before, blue buff is an essential part of his build, to the point where any decent Kass had better hope to fucking God that his jungler is Lee Sin or someone with mana costs that are so absurdly low that they don't need blue.

    Viktor's Q has less range than Kass' Q (I believe that's his silence, never played him). The reason why I effectively beat a Kass at trades is because the silence does not stop a spell that is already in motion, i.e; Viktor's Q. Even if he pops his Q before I do, if I pop mine before the silence ball hits me, I'm going to ream your ass with my Q and get a 2 second shield out of the equation, which means that your stupid ass is probably running away because you suddenly cannot effectively trade.

    Viktor's E has absurd range when used correctly, to the point where I can freely poke you while you're cowering under your turret (as you should be, while playing as Kass) without worry of taking a turret hit for my trouble.

    Viktor's W, when placed right, sets up Kassadin for a world of hurt, because no Kassadin will blink out of the dome when they think they can secure the kill. Meanwhile, I'll throw my ultimate on your face and casually follow while you run away like a little bitch, and my ultimate still chases you down.

    This is with a champion who is laughably underpowered against nearly any other champion you'll see at mid, with very few exceptions (Kassadin being one of them, or, god forbid, mid Soraka).

    On the subject of runes, Kassadin's mana costs are high enough that mana regen is far more important to him than magic resistance is, although I wouldn't be surprised if a Kassadin ran 6/3 mana regen/magic resist glyphs.
  17. The Berkeley Hunt

    The Berkeley Hunt Headmaster

    Sep 19, 2010
    The Nevernever
    That CLG V8 game was fucking exhilarating. Its about damn time pro LoL games became exciting.
  18. Lb13

    Lb13 Second Year

    Feb 18, 2011
    Currently looking for a ranked duo queue partner since I can't carry these games by myself.
  19. Red

    Red High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2008
    So I have a question for some of the more pro players than me. So which three characters for every role/lane should everyone learn? I ask because I can certainly play all roles but which chars are sort of generally all around good for each role? And which Chars are good for putting your team on your back and carrying them?

    For example for top my go to champs are Singed, Vlad, Cho, Teemo, Wukong and WW. Thinking I should pick up GP, Irelia and Kennen. For mid(my weakest role) I only can do Lux and Karthus (thinking I should pick up Ryze, Cassio, Vei). Junglers I generally go for are Nocturne, Fiddle, Rammus, Malph and WW (should probably pick up Lee, Udyr, Mao).

    For bot I'm generally competent with most ADs but my crutches are Graves, Ashe and MF for this I'm thinking Vayne, Trist and Kog. For support I usually do Janna, Taric, Soraka, Naut and Blitz (I need to learn Sona and Soraka clearly).

    So yeah, top and AD are my best roles followed by support and jungler and lastly AP mid. Which champs to learn for each role and which are great at carrying their role?
  20. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    OH MY GOD.


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