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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Absolutista

    Absolutista Fifth Year

    Jan 30, 2011
    "Led" is a poor choice of a word. Fake Moody did in fact watched over Harry progress throughout the entire maze, even going as far as getting rid of some of the obstacles for him. And he managed to cast the emperius curse on Krum to get rid of competition too.

    And in this fic we don't know if Barty Jr. actually tortured the Longbottoms. But it seems likely. Remember the World Cup chapter? Calypso mentions a 'crazy house-elf' that injured her (or something along those lies - I don't recall very well).
  2. Hesser

    Hesser Squib

    Jan 6, 2012
    I didn't pay any attention to the house elf event :O

    Moody or not, I just cannot imagine that Harry would not be involved one way or another in Voldemort's ressurection. Maybe somehow Harry will go to the graveyard along with Nathan? I can imagin Voldemort promising knowledge, power and free cookie to Potter :D

    Damn, waiting for next chapter is one of the hardest patience lesson I've ever had.
  3. mercuryandglass

    mercuryandglass Third Year

    Mar 25, 2012
    Don't get me wrong, this is a great fic and I would like another chapter as well, but I doubt there's going to be one anytime soon. It's been a year and three months.

    Otherwise, this, like I said, is great. Although, as I look back, there are some minor faults, as metioned earlier in this thread. From me, 3.5/5, but I'll round up.
  4. CosmosGravitation

    CosmosGravitation Professor

    Sep 27, 2006
    A year and three months? You must not have discovered the Work by Authors forum.

    I enjoy this story as much as anybody, but the Santi will update when he updates.
  5. Lens of Sanity

    Lens of Sanity Backtraced

    Sep 17, 2011
    You realise she has a picture of a Kitten, and actual no shit kitten!

    Is this like kitten murdering season come early?

    @Silver Cat 777: If you’re lucky enough not to have found WbA, you’ve got about five awesome chapters to run through… hold on I’ll link you, CH12 is about 3/5ths of the way down the page.

    Enjoy I know I did :D
  6. Starwind

    Starwind Headmaster

    Nov 21, 2010
    I would post lots about what I thought of it after re-reading again, but Minion told me he'd hate to have to delete lots of posts again- so I'll be nice.

    The thing about the tournament is that most of it was just manufactured by Crouch, so even if he could compete, he probably wouldn't win, because Nathan has to win.

    I don't think he will go back to Durmstrang afterwards either, as Lily or James wouldn't want that with the war starting again, so Harry back at Hogwarts in year five to me seems the most likely outcome, but since Santi writes it, who knows?
  7. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    Crouch may have manufactured the tournament in canon but that doesn't mean that Harry wouldn't win in this story, Crouch can't guarantee Nathan will win, only give him an advantage. But since Harry's not in the tournament it doesn't matter.

    I don't see how the war possibly starting would have any effect on Harry's education, if anything I think James and Lily would want Harry at Durmstrang away from the danger, even with Karkaroff as Highmaster it shouldn't matter, after all, Snape's also a DE, I'd be shocked if Harry doesn't finish his education at Durmstrang.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2012
  8. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    I know that Nathan is more or less canon Harry but with another name but every time he comes up a like him more and more than Harry, he has a really likeable attitude that he is more or less trying to enjoy life to its fullest without overly complicating it( maybe trying to forget that he is a marked man) as compared to Harry who although is cool, I end up not liking his character as I feel I should especially compared to his brother.

    What about you guys, who do you find more likeable of the two?
  9. trollolol

    trollolol Third Year

    Mar 11, 2012
    I easily find Harry more likeable than Nathan. Not that I dislike Nathan, but he does do some strange things in this fic (that is very un-canon'ish). For instance, if in canon he had been offered a chance to learn some great defensive spells and get training he would probably have jumped at it (even if it was from his mysteriously brilliant twin brother) - even if ONLY so he could trounce Malfoy, at this early stage.
  10. meh444

    meh444 Muggle

    Mar 16, 2012

    Harry, I see the same faults in Nathan that Harry does, if I could talk to snakes nothing could keep me from doing so all the bloody time! And his veiw on the dark arts is so... black and white, I'm not a fan of black and white. Nathan could be fun to hang around with but he's just not really my kind of person.
  11. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I prefer Harry to Nathan in this fic.
  12. Crimson13

    Crimson13 Professor

    Jan 9, 2011
    This is going way far back and off of the current topic but I suddenly had a idea when I was making story ideas/daydreaming in my head. Tell me if anyone has posted this earlier.

    We know there's a spell that makes it easier to learn languages, when Dumbledore used it on Harry so it would give him a better transition to Durmstang. Would that spell affect things like Parseltongue? Because it's based on bloodlines and/or Nathan's connection to Voldemort would that mean it wouldn't work? I can see Harry looking into it simply because he could view it as more knowledge or a useful ability.

    What do you guys think?
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2012
  13. elflorddobby

    elflorddobby Second Year

    Jul 23, 2011

    It's possible. In canon Dumbledore knew how to understand Parseltongue, don't know about speaking it though. However this is Dumbledore we're speaking about here, he can do anyting with enough time apparently.
  14. Euro

    Euro Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Feb 16, 2011
    EDIT by Minion:

    User was tempbanned for this post. All people who gave him a thumb up received a warning.

    See: Rules concerning the Library:

    The parselmagic / basilisk derailment can be found here:
    If you intend to answer to the two posts above, please use that thread.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2012
  15. toosmall

    toosmall Squib

    Apr 3, 2012
    Some thoughts:

    Is Harry actually interested in learning how to make inferi? I really don’t think Calypso would expect Harry to be very interested in magic that requires killing people, but the text says that Calypso thought Harry would like it. So what I think is happening here is that we are being told that the book is on dark ritual magic in general, stuff like summoning an earth elemental for example. Evidence going against this theory: Calypso has been trying to learn how to summon an elemental herself, so if the book told how to she would probably not pass it along so readily.

    Harry doesn’t know that Quirrell was being possessed by Voldemort, but through reading his brother's mind he could discover this. Cannon Nathan only learns Occlumency in his fifth-year. This probably won’t happen though, since it could have happened already at their home, but didn’t. The big difference now is that Nathan is going to be blaming Voldemort for being entered into the tournament during whatever attempts are made to discover who put his name in the goblet, which is something Harry would find odd given that he believes Voldemort to be dead.

    Hermione is picking up on a lot of things that Calypso and Harry are trying to keep secret. We know she was marginally interested in learning German, we know when they lie to her after speaking German she still looks suspicious, and we know she has seen Harry use Legilimency on Draco. Her putting clues together and figuring things out is very much like her: she is the witch that figured out Rita Skeeter was an animagus.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2012
  16. Magic_Kirby

    Magic_Kirby Squib DLP Supporter

    Mar 15, 2012
    I don't believe you have to kill people to make Inferi, just have access to a dead body.
  17. toosmall

    toosmall Squib

    Apr 3, 2012
    Good point, we don't ever get any description of how they are made. Now that I think of it we don't even have much reason to assume that creating an inferi takes ritual magic either. I guess I connected Harry saying ritual magic was interesting with Calypso thinking the book would interest him.

    I really wish that Calypso and Harry had actually mentioned what it was that made people fear working with ritual magic. So far there hasn’t been any fear of dark magic which can’t be written off as a stigma against curses which can be used to harm someone or otherwise violate their rights. I am curious as to whether Harry’s family is right to worry about what he is learning. In cannon it sounded like dark magic actually corrupted Voldemort.

    Edit: The scene in which Harry botches his summoning of an Earth Elemental explicitly says that he used the book Calypso gave him to learn the theory of summoning it.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2012
  18. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    I think it was implied pretty heavily that the process of making elementals and inferi share much in common, and that inferi are in fact the pinnacle of that type of magic. By learning about inferi, Harry increases his understanding of elementals.
  19. PomMan

    PomMan High Inquisitor

    Jun 1, 2011
    Queensland, Australia.
    I apologise if this has been brought up before, I know that there is no mention of it in the last 50 pages.

    I cannot get rid of the thought of Bellatix Lestrange being Calypso's mother. This stems from her calling Lucius and Narcissa Uncle and Aunt. Unless Lucius had a sister, he isn't her biological uncle, and we know Narcissa has a sister who could have been in the position of having Rosier's child.

    And it has been implied that there is a strong similarity between Harry and Bellatrix's spell chains, bearing in mind that Calypso was the one to help him with it.

    I cannot find anything against the theory in the WbA, can any of you spot something I couldn't?
  20. Tomster10010

    Tomster10010 Fourth Year

    Dec 1, 2011
    I don't think so. AFAIK, Evan Rosier was her brother, not her half-brother, although that could be something that wasn't mentioned by Calypso. I was thinking that there was a significant similarity between Evan Rosier's spell chain. Rosier was the one who "recruited" Snape into the Death Eaters, so presumably they would have seen each other duel.
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