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General League of Legends

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Jon, Mar 18, 2010.

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  1. Reign

    Reign Fourth Year

    Oct 27, 2008
    Last game I was vs a Yi as Fizz. I was trying to find the perfect time to dodge the damage from Alpha Strike. I'm not 100% sure when I should use Playful. Either when his shadow hits me or as he is going back to the initial target. I think its the latter but in the haze of battle I could of been mistaken.

    Also, does Playful's invulnerability start as he's in the jump or as he lands on his trident?
  2. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    So I normally hate tank characters but I fucking love Gallio. I can get solid kills and its stupidly harder to take me down than on the other characters I play which is nice. Anyone have any tips they could share to improve my Gallio gameplay?
  3. Mibu

    Mibu First Year

    Jul 7, 2011
    as soon as fizz uses his ability he is untargetable (as he's in the jump)

    pick him if they have either double ap and/or you have 2 bruisers on your team(no tanks), then go mid.(can go top too if they have 2 ap)

    take teleport/flash (unless you're playing as support in which case take cv/flash)and stack magic resist.. then teleport onto wards for objectives and ult.. make sure you ult whoever can interrupt your ult (like if they have tristana who can ultimate you or janna who can tornado you, then you want to catch them in your ultimate. oh and be careful of people like udyr who can go into bear stance and then as soon as you ult he stuns you)

    i usually build something like boots->chalice->merc tread->abyssal scepter->banshees

    you can also get a fast shurelias after or instead of chalice.

    he is also a good support... I'm assuming he is better against bot lanes that dont have sustain

    you can build however you want lol.

    banshees before abyssal scepter is always fine because
    1) you already have insane magicresist/armor as galio with his items + his retarded OP shield. meaning that little extra health helps a lot.

    2) it helps against counter-engage (janna for example has retarded counter engage, with both her ultimate and her Q and at least one of them would be stopped with banshees)

    abyssal scepter on the other hand is more damage so i like it :p
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2012
  4. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    I've never really used Galio before, but can it be assumed that Banshees can be used to block e.g Udyr Bear Stance during your ultimate? Just wondering if in some situations it'd be better to get that before Abyssal?
  5. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    Yes, just like in some situations it's better to fast-track the item that makes you beefier instead of the item that makes you stronger. I've said this before, but builds are there to be guides. Generally, they're usually right, but it's the times when they aren't where you'll have to step the fuck up and change something about the build to cover an area you are woefully missing.

    For example, if the AD Carry is shredding you, swap something out for Thornmail.
  6. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    I just used him for giggles one time because someone instapicked Kog'Maw before I could but I was honestly really happy with how he played. The shield was a godsend for buying me those extra few seconds I needed to get away, the whirlwind was great for helping both me and my teammates advance on someone i.e. that little bitch Tristana and the eye lasers did very solid damage on top of the slow effect which I loved. The ultimate is nice I suppose but so far for me at least it only becomes really viable late game, early game I either die before it goes off or just dont do enough damage.
  7. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    A tank's job isn't really to do damage but rather enable his/her team to do damage and to protect your team. Galio just happens to do slightly more damage than most because of his passive. It is his form of sustained damage like all tanks have. But he does have that instant insane amount of armor/mr shield to protect a squishy ranged ad, a powerful slow and a speed boost for his team. He also has that ult which can be used to flash + ult to engage or to counter their engages.

    Remember that Galio can heal off the shield so against champions like Cassio, Brand, Teemo or simply letting yourself get smacked by a few minions allows you to sustain yourself.

    I find that Chalice is a great buy on him. It does syngerize very well the champion. After that, I usually get a negatron and then start building what I need to go vs their team (more health is always good or armor if they have a lot of strong AD. I generally get an Aegis on him as it is a decent item. Thornmail works for a pretty good armor item and then you can get Warmogs for HP. Guardian Angel is also a great choice. Abysal or Banshee's are both strong as well. Very late game I would get a deathcap.
  8. Mibu

    Mibu First Year

    Jul 7, 2011

    there are too many situations for a guide to cover so a good one will just try to give you the standard build. its up to the readers to think for themselves.

    its not a terribly complicated game; if you truly cant think of any reason why you would be wrong, then you're probably right. :p
  9. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    Alternatively, you might also just be stupid.
  10. Lb13

    Lb13 Second Year

    Feb 18, 2011
    How many people here talk shit when they find a bad player? I find myself talking shit almost every game I play. Obviously I don't talk shit about the people I play with unless I'm good friends with them and know they won't take it personally.

    Anyway with guides I just disregard them for the most part. I used to think they were the shit and you had to follow them or else you were an idiot. Then I realized that they don't work in some cases and learned that you should build items that either synergize well with your character or fit the situation.
  11. Red

    Red High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2008
    Honestly, stop this. It makes you feel better, but it literally does nothing to help the game in any way. Everyone finds themselves playing with a bad player, more often then they'd like, but its not like most people are intentionally bad. When someone fucks up, you know it and they know it so no need to rage at them. Offer advice, tell them to play safer, to ward, to just farm. Anything else, but shit talking it doesn't improve their play and it doesn't boost team morale.

    In regards to guides, they're just that. Guides. Use them as a loose rubric for what you should aim at building but take into account your lane match up, opponents team comp, how well you are doing. For example on Singed top lane most guides will have you rushing Catalyst by buying a Mana or Ruby Crystal early. If my top opponent is Gangplank I don't take either, instead I go cloth/5 pot for armor stats and potions lets me stay in lane longer to farm up. Depending on how the lane goes, then I go into my catalyst or more armor. If my top opponent is, say, Vladimir I'll grab and early Null Mantle for MR then Catalyst.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2012
  12. Lb13

    Lb13 Second Year

    Feb 18, 2011
    Sorry I probably wasn't clear enough. I meant to say I don't talk shit at all when I'm playing with people I don't know well. When I talk shit it's directed at the enemy team and not my own. Anyway I can see how you could confuse what I said.
  13. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Still not a good idea nor very productive. You'd be better off trying to help your teammates. Don't harass bad opponents. They might end up on your team in another game. If you don't think their teammates help, give some advice in the game lobby afterwards.

    Be polite. Be professional. Don't be a dick every time you get a kill.
  14. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Yeah I have to be honest this just makes you an ass, there is no need for it. Plus if you really need it think about whats scarier, the guy who insults your mother at every kill or the guy who just whistles happily to himself and chuckles while he flays you alive?
  15. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    Absolutely. If the enemy team has someone like Blitzcrank, Garen or Udyr with an on-next-hit CC ability, having a Banshee's Veil by the time team fights roll around is fantastic.
  16. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    You have to do the reverse smiley face to get that effect Krogan. :)
    It's sinister.
  17. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    I do when the other guy flips out after I kill him, it disturbs them :3.
  18. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    I actually meant the amount of bonus damage on Nasus' Q... 200 CS by 20 minutes is nice too though.
  19. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I've been trying out a lot of strange AP mids as of late, here are some observations if you're looking for some fun and playing with people who don't mind you messing around a bit.

    AP Blitz- 2 1:1 AP ratios make him pretty absurd. If you can land your hook before level 6, it can get you a kill because suddenly the bastard is behind your minions which makes a big difference, plus your fist hurts like crazy and your other fist is there as well, giving you few seconds of stun+air time to autoattack. After 6, you can charge into your opponent, use your ultimate which clears the creepwaves (with an AP page) and damage him, then knock him up, then immediately fist, then ignite if he is low enough. If they didn't go back yet, this is often a kill. Since your ulti is only a 30 sec cd (base), you can simply do it again in 30 seconds, which should be the kill. He also sets up ganks very easily, and his W is more or less a ghost to escape every gank, so feel free to take off down the river instead of going towards tower if they are pincering you. Conserve mana with your grabs and W, they can get you low on mana which makes your passive useless. Pulling junglers into your tower can often get you kills. Ward their wraiths and you can hook the big one over the wall and steal it without taking much damage at all. Generally hook+ult passive+powerfist will kill it.

    AP Nautilus- Like Blitzcrank, his damage is deceptive. His Q-->autoattack is amazing at all levels because his passive is extremely bursty. All of his abilities scale off of AP, and he has significant AoE. His shield is very amazing damage, and his E clears creep waves pretty easily. You can either max his W or his E, both work. Maxing W means that your combo is essentially hook into get as many autoattacks off as possible, it functions like teemo poison where each swing deals a portion of the dot as initial damage. Be sure to move with your target between autoattacks, stutterstepping makes his damage much better. Most people can't burst through your shield at higher ranks because they panic when they see the damage you are putting out and try to get away. Maxing E first means your combo is pull autoattack and then cast E and back away. Try to use your hook to initiate in lane because if you open with ultimate they can get behind their tower and try to combo you when you come in to finish them. Like Blitz, pulling junglers into your tower can often get you early kills.

    AP Malphite- Trade with Q whenever your shield is up. You can afford to start dorans ring because your Q actually leeches movespeed instead of just slowing, but boots+3 are good too. Back away from the creepwave whenever your shield isn't up. 10% hp isn't much, but it does make the mana to damage inefficient for most casters if they have to break your shield every time they want to harass. When you hit 6, ult into Q into E into ignite after you have weakened them with some Qs.

    AP Shaco-Many of you who have played with me know my friend Juede likes to take CV when he supports (which he does often). If your support takes CV, you can try to sneak into the jungle to take the enemy's red or blue (depending on when they start). With a full AP page (gives about 18 AP at level 1 in my set b/c I use per level instead of flat), you can get red with 3 boxes and autoattacks without taking much damage. This denys their junglers ganking power. Harass constantly with your shiv, if they turn away they take 10% extra. 1:1 AP ratio makes it hurt like a bitchcunt too. You can take deceive level 2, but I lay down boxes on one side of the river so if the jungler comes in to gank that way I see him, and if he comes another way I can run to them and get a kill if they decide to chase into them. That lets me take shiv level 2 and 3 and harass with it. Harass till you are OOM and go back. You can get kills in mid with the shiv spam and an eventual ignite, but the real power is in shaco ganks. Imagine jungle shaco ganks. Now imagine AP shaco ganks from a lane where he has a 2-3 level advantage on you. Mobility boots work well with this. Keep your lane warded with boxes when you are laning and drop a box or two behind you when ganking to have a clean escape.

    AP Nunu: Level up consume and snowball, but feel free to prioritize consume if they cunt is harassing you. Remember if your consumes hit hard enough you can autoattack all day to make them free to cast. Rush hextech revolver on nunu to make your consume heal like a soraka combo. Throw out your snowballs all day and remember that they won't be in range to cast all of their spells because you move fast+they move slow. Get a rylais for ultralulz when you see them bitches crawl.

    AP Sion-Not nearly as niche as the above casters and perfectly fine to take into a ranked game or with randoms. Very strong, but I thought I'd list him here because a few people have asked me about it. Your goal is not lichbane. Lichbane is not amazing, it will not get you kills. Lichbane is your luxury mid-late game item for synergy with your ult (800 burst healing is amazing, but it isn't a good first or even third item) Getting an early sheen is not good, and it will not win you the lane. Your goal on AP sion is to amass as much AP as possible ASAP. Get Q->W->W->E max W max Q then max ult and E. Getting your ult works in some lanes vs some people for sustain. It's nice for tanking dragon as well. Farm early, if they try to trade stun them and hit them ONCE before running for your life. In ganks, be smart about who you stun to get away. Stunning brand before he can stun you is good, but most of the time stunning the jungler with redbuff is better. Use W to farm waves and get mobility boots to gank. Q--W is 50% of bot lane's HP and will get a kill. The important thing about AP sion in late game is to remember that you are no longer god and being focused will break your shield and kill you. Building defensively solves this. Zhonyas/Abyssal/GA are great items to look into so you are a tanky mofo with hefty shields and stuns that hurt like fists of god. Ward their wraiths early and if you know where their jungler is steal them often.

    General build for all of them is a few dorans into deathcap. On Blitz because his damage is so high already, I actually like triple Gp5. Lichbane is great on all of them although remember it's a late game item. Very few heroes work with a lichbane as a 2nd or 3rd item even, and its almost always better to rush pure AP. I would not recommend it on shaco because he is squishy unlike the others who have some innate tankiness. Your goal as shaco is to harass with E, always have Q for an escape and a field of boxes to kite through, not get in their back with deceive crits. Box trap clusters are for noobs, box fields are much better. Shaco can do well with a mejais. Sorc shoes or merc treads on all but shaco/sion who do well with mobility boots. DFG is pretty good, but I don't like it on Blitz that much because by the time you get it you can't open with it because you grab first mostly.

    Hope you try some of these out and have fun, I know I did.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2012
  20. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    I decided to try Viktor out on a whim and he is honestly the most fun I've ever had playing an AP caster type. Yet I never see him, is it the whole 'wasted item slot' thing?
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