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General League of Legends

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Jon, Mar 18, 2010.

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  1. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Hecarim is like Shaco. No kills = Shit for DPS


    And running around with 40% AOE spell vamp on a 300 damage Q is always nice.
  2. Thorn

    Thorn Professor

    Jan 3, 2006
    Can I get an opinion/advice on my Garen build?

    I generally go:

    Merc treads
    Maw of Malmortious
    Infinity Edge (rarely get to this.)

    Enemy team always has a hell of a time killing me and I generally end up with a positive score by a few kills.
  3. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011

    Pretty standard build in my opinion. Although, many Garens also throw in Brutalizer for early game dominance. Youmuu's Ghostblade can be build in place on Warmogs if you want high offense, depending on the game. So Mercs, Brutalizer, Frozen Mallet, Atmas, Youmuus, Fon (Maybe Maw if you want even more offense, but Fon works really well with Garen).

    (Last Whisper probably needs to be built occasionally as well, depending on game)
  4. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    Teamwork. Specifically the fact that winning a match depends much more on how well your team works together than how individually skilled you are. That, along with how incredibly easy it is to learn the basics and follow what's happening - especially when compared to an RTS or FPS - is one of the major reasons it's so popular as a spectator e-sport.

    People play MMOs because they like the idea of an RPG that never ends, because dropping a couple bucks a month on an MMO is cheaper than buying a new game every week or because their friends are playing. They play World of Warcraft specifically because it's by far the most popular and most polished western MMO in the world.

    Happens on every server. On EU West it seems to be French duo queues that rage the hardest, though the Polish are almost as bad.
  5. Trooper

    Trooper Death Eater

    Jan 8, 2009
    Bangalore, India
    Lol, all you bishes were just jelly of my OP GP. :p

    7/12/41, if I remember correctly. :3

    Although, I genuinely apologize for the static. I tried to connect my mic so I could actually say something in Skype for once. That didn't work. I forgot to take it off once I got into the game. My bad.

    Again, TANK GP FOR THE WIN. D8

    @Coyote : Dude....DotA is still the boss in this genre. Most of the serious DotA players feel LoL is the simplified version of DotA with mildly better graphics. I'm just waiting for DotA 2 to switch over. Or at least make that my main game.
  6. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Well I'd like to think you don't think Im a horrible person >.> but I play because I actually enjoy the end game fights, I like the lore of Warcraft er well I did at least before they stopped giving a solitary fuck and started just skullfucking it and I liked feeling like I was part of it.

    That and the sluts, desperate WoW sluts are so fucking hilarious its hard to breath. You can literally not take a solitary step in that game without tripping over desperate skanks who will do absolutely fucking anything. Not fat ones either.
  7. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    So Pantheon jungle?

    Looks solid, most of the guides in fact recommend starting with a Doran's Blade, which is hard to believe. Is his shield passive really that strong? I don't see him very much after his ult nerf, but he looks interesting. Quits recommended for him are HP regen, which I already have. Anyone know how many RP he is? I bought like $10 because I wanted Jax and now I have like, 1k left over.

    Jax is kind of interesting. He is a solid top lane if you can get enough lifesteal on him to sustain trades, but his jungle is boring as shit, which is one of my favorite roles. After you get Rageblade on Jax though, it is hard not to dominate if you know how to time his dodge. I wish it worked on towers though.
  8. A Curious Stranger

    A Curious Stranger Second Year

    Sep 5, 2010
    Pantheon is very much an early and mid game champion. Once a match hits around the 30 minute mark or so and everyone's farmed up a bit, he drops off dramatically. I find his level 6 ganks to be spectacular though, I have to admit. It is very common for lanes to ward their rivers to prepare against a gank attempt, and if they see no one, many times players will push harder than they should. With Pantheon though, you can just ignore wards and ult in.

    His passive is also great because it makes tower diving far less risky during ganks. I don't think I would recommend him though because of just how badly he falls off. He is 975 RP in the shop.

    I've had a Pantheon grab around 7 kills off bot and mid lanes to the point my team wanted to surrender at 20. Luckily my friends and I managed to convince the other players on my team to stand strong since he was the only one who had been getting kills and we knew just how badly he would do late game. Managed a win around 40 minutes in.

    Edit: Sweet, Riot just announced a full Spectator mode.

    Here's a link.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2012
  9. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    So I load up a game for first win after I get back from work. Complete solo, no premades:


    And I run into Churchy.
  10. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Maybe my eyes are just fucked but I can barely read that.
  11. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    No, it's not your eyes. Evan does that with all his screenshots. He downsizes them so they don't break the page, into barely readable territory.
  12. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Honestly don't know how we won that. The lane matchups all favored then, and they had a superior ganker in the jungle. They were just awful. Juede and I both had around 90 cs to corki's 110. Not to mention playing double melee vs quadra heal bot should've been horrible but it was pretty easy in fact, even with the shen/hec living down there.

    But you should really leash for the jungle. Even with sion's mana costs, it takes less than a minute and a half for you to regen that, and with your gaining 40 mana a level anyway, mana isn't an issue for any mid that early in the game.

    Did anyone else get a 10 win IP boost? I definitely didn't purchase one but I have one.
  13. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Well thats just kinda silly. Evan why don't you just put a link to them? It kinda defeats the purpose of a screenshot if no one can understand what its a shot of.
  14. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    Funny thing is he's uploading the full image, but posting the thumbnail. And then forgetting to link to the full image.
  15. A Curious Stranger

    A Curious Stranger Second Year

    Sep 5, 2010
    If you've played a match in the last 30 days you're supposed to get one. It's an apology from Riot for the terrible patch and all the bugs that came with it.
  16. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Because Trist wrecked top and I fucked up Kennen and Hecarim pretty badly in mid. I was at that point wher I had so much over Kennen that even with WotA and burst heals from Soraka, I'd still scalp him in a fight.

    There was a Trist there too. Why should I waste mana to leash when Trist can just auto and run top?

    Not only would I lose mana, I'd also lose CS and exp while taking more damage before heading into mid to fight a Kennen with my Stun instead of Shield to shrug off harass.

    I'm not against leashing in general, but stupidly calling the melee champ from mid with crazy mana costs to leash over the ranged auto attacker going top? Yeah, fuck that. I'll wait for someone else to hit and help DPS with my axe.

    I've never had a problem reading my screenshots or any of the other thumb-nailed ones without links to the full size.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2012
  17. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Well not all of us have super vision Evan.
  18. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    Of course, while there are ideal leashes, it's better off for the team in general for the mid to lose a single or maybe even 2 cs compared to giving the jungler a shitty leash. A jungler that's set back means slower ganks, infinitely harder to counter jungle, and god forbids the camps to reset.

    You could say, yes, that 2 CS is crucial, especially in mid when every level counts. But then that just means don't be retarded and fight while they are level 6 while you are 5. Also, if you are running boots, even if you miss the CS, you can usually be in range for the XP regardless, maybe miss one depending on which side you are on.

    Also, correct me while I'm wrong, but with Sion, I think you should be able to blow up your shield to leash without having to get stun first. After all, the explosive radius is the same as your stun, so anything your stun can hit should be in range of your shield as well. Or hell, if you don't mind missing cs and helping jungler more, you can turn on shield, hit the camp twice, run away back to lane as your shield take hits/blows up. Any damage you do take would be insignificant.

    Before you talk about how Tristana should've leashed instead, I understand that and is absolutely correct. But this is just in the case of solo queues when some people are just dumb.

    Btw, your game with the quadra heal at bot is something I just hate and cannot stand. I do not understand the reasoning why people choose to run double heal, as it's just absolutely stupid. Having 1 heal and 1 exhaust is simply better. What makes it worse is they don't have a single exhaust in their entire team.
  19. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Someone told me that support jungle is the meta, as opposed to AD carry jungle. I generally do the latter, am I gimping my team when I solo queue? The other team never seems to have a support in jungle, but I suppose I cbf to learn Blitz jungle.

    Is it worth the time/effort? I don't mind not having the biggest e-peen in the game so that is not an issue, but I've never been a very gank happy jungle. Am I doing the jungle wrong, and should waste more time ganking even at the cost of CS? Generally, I'm about at the same CS as top with the way I play currently.
  20. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I play Mao/Naut/Malph jungles who can go with the double gp5. Junglers who are damage based instead of cc based tend to do poorly without farm. The biggest thing about jungling is that you need a jungler who can win the lanes for their team, not one who can carry the game with enough farm.

    Jungles like Yi/GP/others I'm too lazy to think of can't win games by farming, because competent solo lanes and ad carries will outfarm them. There simply isn't enough farm in the jungle to match lanes. Junglers with strong ganks just work better. Playing a shyvana or mundo who can gank top with exhaust level 3 vs the level 1 and snowball ganks from there do very well without cc while jungles like mao/naut have very strong ganks in the level 4-10 region. Jungles like Yi though don't have much of anything going for them. At that point you can't make ganks happen so much as hope to be in the right area for you to pick up some more or less free kills from overextended players.

    @tragicmat: Yea, heal is pretty toxic to the game. It's more conducive to stagnant play and punishes aggressive play too much. Lanes that run double heal summoners shuts down pretty much every non-support lane (like jarvan/leesin) as well as the more aggressive supports like nunu/blitz/leona. They nerfed flash because it allowed for such safe play and made mistakes too forgivable. I pulled a tristana into the tower as she hit me with her explosive shot at level 4 and hit her with the knockup immediately after. Even though she was hit with 3 seconds of cc with the tower aggroed onto her at level 4, she hops out and presses summoner heal and nothing ever happened.

    @Prom: That's kind of nonsensical. Leashing with Q and running to mid would get you there long before the first creep died unless you were extremely unlucky. Waiting for the ranged to pull and then hitting with your axe guarantees lost CS. I assumed you took stun first because 1) you said it was half your mana pool which would be exaggerating if you took stun (100/240) and hyperbolic if you took shield (70/240) and 2) that's what you should do. If someone decides to level 2 gank you, stun will save you way better than shield will, plus your level 1 shield is 2 autos to pop whereas your stun is free damage they can't retaliate against if they do decide to try to hit you. Plus, you can give a shitty leash by hitting the lizard minion and running. They do less than 7 damage a hit plus your passive might proc and block all of it. Your base regen would get you to full by the time you entered the lane. It just bugged me to see because at the time, trist was still at base and possibly afk, and you said you flat out wouldn't leash for the shyv. The trist leashed it but honestly you shouldn't take mid if you aren't going to leash for the jungler because you might take damage.
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