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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    So Gambit died during my battle with Brock, and I haven't been able to catch shit since :(
    I found a Pidgey on Route 3 and with no other option I had to level it. MT Moon gave me a... Zubat of course. Welcome to the team Vladiator :( Route 4 was just as awesome and gave me a Spearow... Next we have Route 25 which gave me a Metapod which I leveled to a Butterfree for Flash. Off to Bill now hopefully my luck will get better.

    Current Team
    Zoe the Pidgeotto 21
    LT2000 the Charmeleon 21
    Vladiator the Zubat 9
    Useless the Spearow 8
    Meh the Butterfree 10
    Anya the Rattata

    Gambit :(
  2. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    If you are lucky at bill you could catch an Abra and level the shit out of it, level your Butterface up to sleeppowder and catch that Abra:)
  3. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    It isn't so I fucked up my save HoS :( I started a new Nuzlocke on Soul Silver and I can finally save properly. So far I have Vira the fem Cydaquil and a Pidgey I just caught. Which I will name in your honor ;D

    Vira the Cyndaquil level 8
    HoS the Pidgey level 3
  4. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    Doing a Liquid Crystal hack nuzlocke currently, it's an adaptation of crystal for the GBA based off one of the Gen 3 games, here's my progress diary so far over the last two days,

    Got up and ran downstairs, only to find Mom talking to some woman, who told me all about her daughter as if I knew who the fuck that was. Pretty sure Mom’s been drinking again because she gave me a PokeGear, and said I need it to be a good trainer, but I haven’t even got a pokemon. As soon as I got away from the clearly drunk women, I headed out into the wide expanses of New Bark Town to go see Professor Elm.

    So, as soon as I go outside everything is red and the rain is falling, I’m not sure if the apocalypse has come early or the sun is just setting since I can’t seem to look up at the sky. Holy shit there’s huge red forks of lightning what in the fuck is going on.

    The professor wants to give me a pokemon, so he can research our bond and write a paper, so it looks like Mom needed more Merlot money and made a deal for me to be a research rat just wonderful. And now he wants me to go to Mr. Pokemon’s, did I mention the raging storm with lightning? Apparently bonding is encouraged by near death.

    After comparing the three pokemon available and realizing none of them is a charmander I’ve decided to take a Chikorita which, according to the professor, is very easy to raise. Doesn’t that sound bad? Not “oh it’s a loyal companion” or “That’ll keep you safe”, just easy to raise, oh well, he won’t let me put it back.

    Seems that even though the only more feminine pokemon in the world is a Jigglypuff, my Chikorita has the misfortune to be male, this means the only possible name is something masculine like Biff. Wait! I’ve got the perfect name, Bruno!

    Bruno and I quickly exited since it sounded like someone was going to dismember the professor soon, they were screaming and banging on the window, outside I saw some creepy lanky kid with long red hair so I’d guess it’s him.

    Met with Mr. Pokemon, crazy fellow in a bowler hat and suit in the middle of his own house which seemed to be a lab with no house elements at all. The infamous “researcher” Professor Oak was there, it’s rumored he was given a professorship after initially cataloguing many rare Kanto types because he was the most brutal and unforgiving trainer to ever hold balls. He complemented me on Bruno and told me to head back to Elm with the egg Mr. Pokemon gave me.

    As soon as I stepped back into the shoddy reception (due to the storm) I got a call from Elm blabbering about some terrible event, I suppose I should hurry home, but just in case Bruno and I will train along the way against wild ‘mons.

    I was just out of Cherrygrove headed back to New Bark Town when I ran into the red-haired fellow. it looks like Elm brought him on as another assistant though he seemed pretty standoffish and challenged me to a battle, bastard took a fire type at the lab, I better get my hands on something water type soon or I’m fucked. I beat him pretty easily but I’ll still have to finish the walk home.

    Once I told the police officer the red-headed guy’s name (Klael) I left Elm’s lab with a set of pokeballs. I killed all the mons on the first route, nothing decent but my first encounter from Cherrygrove to Violet was a very small Pidgey who Bruno tackled into submission and I caught on my first try, I named him Zephyrus.

    While Youngster Joey got smashed, both Zeph and Bruno hit the red according to my pokedex when I fought Youngster Michael. Once I healed back up at the pokecenter I headed north to Route 31, only to find myself a Ralts, I’m pretty sure they only live in Hoenn but maybe my memory is going a little off in my old age.

    After almost losing Bruno at the Violet City Gym to the first trainer, I decided to train my team up around Violet on Route 36, and the first poke I saw was a Gastly who Drome the Ralts took down to catching health. I named him Vash.

    Zephyrus- Pidgey - lvl. 14

    Bruno - Chikorita - lvl 12

    Drome - Ralts - lvl 9

    Vash - Ghastly - lvl 9
  5. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Hurray Nuzlocke isn't dead :D

    ---------- Post automerged 09-10-2012 at 07:52 AM ---------- Previous post was 09-09-2012 at 07:26 PM ----------

    Quick update before I head to class-I have been having really shit luck so far D8. Route 30 and 31 both gave me Pidgeys which I KO'd. I caught a Rattata on Route 46 which I boxed and name Raps in honor of our horse loving friend. But my luck hasn't completely faded as in Dark Cave I caught a Geodude which I named Giovanni. After class I will be grinding him up to crush Falkner.

    Vira the Cyndaquil Level 9
    HoS the Pidgey Level 7
    Giovanni the Geodude Level 3

    Raps the Rattata Level 4
  6. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    Grinded in the wild quite a bit, saw some Growlithes but the Pokemon Extinction Referendum keeps me to one catch attempt per route here in Johto. Took on Falkner, Drome slammed his first poke and his lvl 17 Pidgeotto went down once Vash laid a curse on him and Zeph finished him off to win the Zephyrbadge. Heading down to explore these fable ruins of Alph then on to win my next badge!

    Oh for fuck’s sake, as soon as I made it out of the Gym my boss the Pokemon Professor called, apparently having him give me money for food and lodging as one of his aides has some serious side requirements. I met his Aide at the pokecenter and he gave me back the egg, asking me to please hatch it, I’ve heard hatching is actually mostly triggered by movement not battle experience so I might take a couple hours to run in circles to get this shit over with.

    Shortly down Route 32 I caught a Wooper who I named Nessie, she’s at level 8 and will most likely be an anchor for my team when I run against Klael, since he has a fire type starter. I’m going to have to grind on the road to … wherever the fuck I’m headed. Having moved here from Pewter I really don’t know Johto at all. I’ve decided to see the Ruins later, no real reason to look at some archaeological site right now. I’m going to stop for now at a small bed and breakfast on the road south more on my progress tomorrow.

    Party Roster.

    Zephyrus- Pidgeotto - lvl. 19

    Bruno - Chikorita - lvl 14

    Drome - Ralts - lvl 13

    Vash - Ghastly - lvl 14

    Nessie - Wooper - lvl 8

    Fuckwit - Egg - lvl FUCKING USELESS
  7. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    After grinding in the wild for a bit I went to Sprout Tower hoping for a Bellsprout. Of course a Rattata appeared and was KO'd. I rocked Falkner literally, Gotta love Giovanni's rock throw. After I beat Falkner Elm sent me an egg which was awesome. I went to Route 32 and wanted a Mareep but ended up with a Bellsprout ;_; Welcome to the team Gambit

    Gambit the Bellsprout level 8
    HoS the Pidgey level 12
    Vira the Cydaquil level 12
    Giovanni the Geodude level 12

    HM Annoyance
    Raps the Rattata
  8. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    I love how the only people doing nuzlocke are in the same place, however thanks to a shitty team I had to train way more for the first gym so I could possibly kick your ass, might need to train Nessie a bit is all, like 2 levels.
  9. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    And revivification time! Fun Fact: Revivification is actually a word. I did not know this until now. But now I do. Anyway, I've had B2W2 for about a day now, and, as promised, am doing Black 2 as a Nuzlocke run. And with Nuzlocke run comes... TRAVELLER LOGS. We're back, baby. Spoilers and stuff; if people request it, I'll full on tag these or link them to a pastebin or something, but so yeah. Enjoy!

    - - -> Traveller's Unova Log, Entry 1.

    The Traveller awoke in a teenager's bedroom. Not for the first time, and most definitely not for the last. Reincarnation, while also certainly throws a wrench in the once-popular slang slaying YOLO, comes as quickly and suddenly for The Traveller as herpes did back in the middle ages. Those prostitutes appeared clean, but well, The Traveller's been tricked by their kind before, and will certainly be on the lookout for them again. Much like the dreaded AshayaTravellerSlayer, bears, and Gravellers with Selfdestruct. Over many lives, The Traveller has learnt to be wary of these things. Perhaps it was one of these things that ended The Traveller's last life, and that's why The Traveller was here in the body of a teenage boy this time.

    The teenager's name is Nathan Onyx, or Nate for short. The Traveller learnt this from looking at the newly printed Trainer I.D. card on Nate's bedside table, and from Nate's mother calling out that she was going to run some errands today. The Traveller's voice broke and crackled a little as The Traveller called out a goodbye.

    Then, The Traveller realised. Trainer I.D. As in, Pokemon Trainer. The Traveller had ended up in the crazed universe filled with creatures called Pokemon, used for battling one another as a twisted sort of sport. There were rules, that Pokemon who died in battle could not come back, and that the first Pokemon encountered in every designated area was the only one that could be caught. The Traveller remembered that much of The Traveller's previous adventure in a region known as Sinnoh, fighting exploding Gravellers, a team of bad haircuts secretly ruled by a puppet of AshayaTravellerSlayer, and then... the Elite Four. Cynthia the Champion.

    They had killed The Traveller's team, in the end. Stormy, Copper, Vee, Serenity. All dead.

    Nate's computer helped put things into context for The Traveller. The Traveller was now in an entirely different region in this Pokemon world, named Unova. It was located far away from Sinnoh and all the memories therein. In fact, a quick search on Pokesearch showed The Traveller's disastrous attempt at Sinnoh's Elite Four nearly ten years prior was on record. And on video. And The Traveller's not entirely manly tears as Cynthia's Garchomp killed Vee the Jolteon had a million hits on PokeTube. And a dubstep remix. Uploaded by a person with the username TotallyNotAshaya. Of course.

    Well. If that's what the world had thought of The Traveller, it was time to set the record straight. It was time for a new journey, a new championship, and, should the time come, revenge on all those who crossed The Traveller. Ashaya, bears, Ripper The Clown, Selfdestructing Gravellers, Ashaya's clone Ayahsa, strawberry jam, Woody Harrelson's neckbeard in the year 1984, The Fifth Doctor, and Cynthia The Champion.

    They. Would. Pay.

    Traveller Out.

    - - - -> Traveller's Unova Log, Entry 2.

    The Traveller is travelling once more. Barely six hours had passed since The Traveller arrived in Unova in the body of some kid with an unfortunate taste in hats named Nate, and The Traveller was put to work on a Pokemon journey. With Pokemon. And a Pokedex. And stuff.

    The Traveller chose Tepig for The Traveller's starter Pokemon, and used it in battle against Hugh, a local older boy and apparent friend of Nate's, though The Traveller is wary of anybody with the name Hugh, so The Traveller will endeavour to be careful. Anyways, The Traveller defeated Hugh's Oshawott handily, and named the Tepig Hamwise, in the hope that he'll remain forever wise and smelling pleasantly of ham.

    Note to The Traveller's Self: Should situations with food get dire, eat Hamwise.

    The first Pokemon The Traveller captured was a Purrloin nicknamed Huntress, the vicious cat bitch that she was with no less than twenty wild bird Pokemon being brought to The Traveller's feet since catching her. Misty the Azurill was the next capture in Floccccesssssy (The Traveller always forgets how many Cs and Ss there are in that name, so from now on it shall be called Floccccesssssy) Ranch, and The Traveller decided against training her, for now, mostly due to the Hamwise and Huntress combination being nicknamed HamHunt, and it was too much of a catchy nickname to try and add Misty into it.

    Oh, and there was this one guy in a black outfit claiming to be of Team Plasma. But he did not seem as related to any of The Traveller's enemies as Team Galactic did, so The Traveller will pay it no mind. Unless they are secretly... bears. Or Ashayas.

    Team HamHunt paved their way to victory against the first gym leader, Cheren, with Huntress Fury Swiping her way through Patrat's bowels and Hamwise roasting Lilipup after a fierce Work Up Vs Defence Curl attrition battle lasting twenty turns
    went awry.

    And now, the newest addition to the team is Dovely the Pidove, captured on Route 20. She seems more powerful and potentially useful than Misty or even Huntress, and if The Traveller does decide to keep her around, Team HamHunt can now be called A Dovely HamHunt. See? It works!

    Traveller Out.

    - - - -> Traveller's Unova Log, Entry 3.

    After watching a startling documentary on the Poke-E!-Channel called Behind The Travelling, The Traveller has decided to go back out there and continue journeying.

    How did it get to this? Well, it started in Virbank City. It was all going well until then, with The Traveller training The Traveller's team with no incident - excepting that one fucking Dunsparce that one bitch on Route 20 had. If it had built up a big enough Rollout momentum, The Traveller's team would all be dead by now. Anyways, The Traveller caught a Magnemite in the Virbank Complex, and nicknamed it Sonic Boom, after its main use attack. It has become Dr SB, PhD for short, for it has a PhD in badassery and Pidove-slaying. Huntress and it are bros for life due to that fact. Ham continued to be a reliable leader and source of bacon-lust. Dovely was shaping up nicely too.

    Then came the gym battle. Her name was Roxie, the leader, and she had a good singing voice, so good in fact that The Traveller kinda just stood in her gym for a good hour just listening and bopping The Traveller's head up and down. P-O-K-E-M-O-N! Dammit, The Traveller'd just gotten that out of The Traveller's head, too. Dammit.

    The music died when Dovely did, in fierce battle against Roxie's Whirlpede. Despite use of Air Cutter and some Quick Attack manoeuvring to avoid Roxie bringing out a healing item, it wasn't enough when Whirlpede got in a critical Pursuit, and Dovely was killed. Hamwise, wise venerable piglet he is, killed the Whirlpede in return (Which will no doubt spawn a new album from Roxie. First day buy, FYI), and evolved into a Pignite after the battle. Dovely was avenged, at least, but The Dovely HamHunt was over. It was now Team HamHunt with special guest star Dr SB, PhD of BAMFery (Kinda rhymes!).

    But the event still sent The Traveller into a spin. All the deaths from The Traveller's journey in Sinnoh still weighed heavily, and Dovely might yet be the first of many, The Traveller thought, over and over. The Traveller drank a bit, and when The Traveller ran out of money, The Traveller joined PokeStar Studios and became an actor.

    Within two days, The Traveller had produced a dozen movies, made billions of dollars, bought six mansions and two cars, had two whirlwind marriages, experienced one smaller gusty divorce and one cyclone-y annulment, lost billions of dollars to drugs and alcohol, crashed the cars into each other while only driving one somehow, and, to top it all off, the only movie offer The Traveller could get was a Michael Bay film.

    So fuck that. The Poke-E!-Channel special documentary about The Traveller's career only helped push The Traveller away from the glitz and glam of PokeStar and back on The Traveller's journey.

    Dovely would not die for nothing. The Traveller would train outside Castelia City, and capture a new teammate and friend. Or else. Or something.

    Traveller Out.

    Addendum One: The Traveller caught a sentient trash bag in Route 4. Named her Spikette after her usage of Toxic Spikes.

    Addendum Two: She actually shows promise. Stay tuned. Traveller Out for realsies.

    - - - -

    And that's all I got so far. More to come, promise. Hope y'all liked. Team HamHunt With Special Guest Star Dr SB, PhD of BAMFery away!
  10. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Well I forgot about my Nuzlocke due to problems with my team and school ><. But Matt's awesome post has convinced me to restart it. I don't remember what I last did since it has been so long but my current team is~

    Gambit the Bellsprout Lv 16
    Vira the Quilava Lv 15
    Giovanni the Geodude Lv 15
    HoS the Pidgey Lv 14
    Minion the Togepi Lv 1
    Raps the Rattata Lv 4

    Zeelthor the Zubat Lv 7

    I'll probably get on pokemanz later to ask for advice about my team.
  11. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    - - - -> Traveller's Unova Log, Entry 4.

    The Traveller's log is covered in blood. Lots of it. For The Traveller lost some Pokemon today. Not one, or two, but six. Six. Since the beginning, The Traveller has captured a grand total of eleven. And lost seven, six in one day and in quick and bloody succession.

    Ye. Fucking. Gods.

    So how did this happen? The Traveller won't lie, a bit of it was sheer stupidity. But most was stupid dumb luck, crit hax, and fucking Sandshrews.

    The first one down was Misty the Azurill, in Castelia Sewers, who gave her life valiantly to take a fully charged Bide in order for Hamwise to not be killed. It was the only death of the day The Traveller could say The Traveller was actually cool with, all told. At least it was valiant and noble and stuff.

    No one died in defeating the gym leader, Burgh. In fact, Spikette and Hamwise went to veritable town on the entire gym, with Spikette's usage of Acid Spray allowing for massive Special Defence reduction being most useful, and her Toxic Spikes playing a part in defeating Burgh, too. All seemed to be going well by then...

    Then Sonic Boom got destroyed. Dr SB, PhD of BAMFery was struck down by a Magnitude unleashed by a wild Sandshrew in Relic Castle. The Traveller thought SB was at full health, and that its ability Sturdy would come in handy then and there.

    The Traveller was wrong.

    However, the Sandshrew that killed Sonic Boom was captured, and nicknamed Killer, quite appropriately. Also quite appropriately, she died a few minutes later against some dickhead psychic with a Sigilyph using a critical Psybeam. But The Traveller didn't like her for killing SB, so that was taken in stride.

    Of the Sandile caught in Desert Resort, nicknamed Asura for his constant use of Assurance... well he died too. Wild Darumaka with critical Fire Fang. Fair enough, The Traveller thought at the time, for there was still an opportunity to capture another ground type in Relic Passage and -

    Oh, right. Old Rufus the Drilbur died in its third battle against - wait for it - a fucking Sandshrew owned by some fucking cunt who also decided that its Magnitude was worthy of spamming.

    And the crit hax gods intervened, and Huntress, The Traveller's first capture and Hamwise's oldest friend, was the last in these Dead Six to fall.

    Team HamHunt was over. All that remained as The Traveller pushed onto Nimbasa City was Team HamSpike, reliable, sure, but fucking useless against ground types or psychic types, of which there were an unfortunate abundance of as of late.

    Maybe things will turn around now. The Traveller, only two Pokemon in The Traveller's arsenal, quickly and stealthily took advantage of Hidden Grottos in Lostlorn Forest and Route Five to capture a Leavanny, nicknamed Whistler, and a Minicocco, nicknamed Chupacabra. It may not be the most reassuring thing in the world, but having anything but just two Pokemon left is better than nothing, and The Traveller will take these four The Traveller has and train, and train damned hard. So even if - WHEN - the crithax gods and Sandshrews and whateverfucking else decides to take a crack at killing The Traveller's team, they can take a damn hit or two before striking back with great justice six or seven times as hard as they took.

    The Traveller swears this. On the lives of Misty, SB, Killer, Asura, Old Rufus and Huntress.

    Traveller Out.

    - - - -

    Yeah, seriously. Six Pokemon. Within one hour. So much rage.
  12. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    So I made my choices about my team, Zeelthor and Vira are with me with Raps as the HM Whore. Raps died to save Vira against Bugsy but other than that no problems. Ilex Forest yielded a Weedle and Route 34 a Rattata. Now heading towards that whore Whitney, if that bitch Roll out Ko's me I will probably stop Nuzlocke and go buy B/W 2

    Vira the Quilava
    Zeelthor the Zubat
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2012
  13. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    The Traveller's Unova Log, Entry Five.

    Previously, after losing six teammates within one day, The Traveller swore not to lose any more.

    Well, Chupacabra died pretty much instantly. The Traveller dislikes Sigilyphs. A lot.

    But Whistler the Leavanny turned out to be a handy teammate to have. Strong, capable, quick enough, and can cover ground and psychic types where Ham and Spikette could not. However, The Traveller was still worried in the lead up to the gym battle with Elesa, who used electric Pokemon. The Traveller had heard tales of her dreaded Zebstrika with Flame Charge, and Emolga with Aerial Ace... The Traveller needed to be strong, capable and quick enough to make that bitch feel some hurt before she even realised she could hurt The Traveller back.

    And, in the end, that's what The Traveller did. Spikette lived up to her name quite admirably when, after seeing Elesa's Pokemon perform Volt Switch like it was going out of fucking style, Spikette used Toxic Spikes. Got two layers down before her Flaafy Volt Switch'd out. Emolga? Poisoned badly. Flaafy, coming back? Poisoned badly. That Zebstrika? Teehee, just gone. All Spikette had to do was sit back and let The Traveller shower her in Super Potions every now and then. Easy as pie. Mmm. Pie. Delicious.

    The next location on The Traveller's radar was Driftveil City. On the way, The Traveller captured Penelope - Pen for short - the Ducklett on the Driftveil Drawbridge, and she's a handy one so far. In the city itself, The Traveller was gifted a Zorua from a former elder of Team Plasma, which The Traveller has nicknamed Freebie. Freebie evolved soon after, and is good enough to deal with any more Sigilyphs along the way. The Traveller caught an Emolga on Route 6, too, but Skyrat was discarded aside when a Ferroseed was caught in Chargestone Cave, nicknamed Ferric.

    Ferric was promptly taught Seed Bomb from a tutor, and proceeded to wreck the entirety of Clay's gym.

    With no deaths weighing on The Traveller's soul this week - Chupacabra doesn't count, all right? ALL RIGHT? - The Traveller can now move on to the Driftveil Tournament. Sounds like an adventure to be had! Travel on!

    Traveller Out.
  14. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    What happened to me?
  15. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Purgatory AKA the PC. Crobat is better than Pidgeot imo
  16. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    He's a hot-headed Traveler,
    Bad guy unraveler~!
    But then he goes for a stroll...
    He's lost to a graveler~!
  17. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I really wish I had done my homework before buying this time. Should have gotten Black 2 instead of White 2, had no idea there were so many differences.
  18. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    What are the differences, if you don't mind pointing them out?
  19. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Far as I can tell, you can unlock Hard Mode (which would be fun to play) after beating Black 2, while White 2 has some crappy Easy Mode instead. Route 4 (the desert) is entirely different in each game, with the construction project started in the first games being allowed to complete in Black 2 and being halted due to some ruins being discovered there in White 2. Beating the White Forest/Black City subquest apparently lets you get a Gible in Black 2, while White 2 only gets you a shitty Dratini. That's all I've noticed thus far, but I'm not even halfway through the game. Every difference I've seen, though, seems to favor Black 2.
  20. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    Main difference is the version exclusive pokemon, like always though none of the pokemon there are all that compelling anyway and the GTS makes trading a breeze.

    Some of the locations are different: Black City/White Forest are the obvious ones. Opelucid City will also be rustic in White 2 and very technological in Black 2. Route 4 (the route where it was solid construction through the desert in the original B/W) is either a completely developed suburban area of Castelia City in Black 2 and it's kind of a neat, half-finished little desert hellhole in White 2 since they discovered "ancient ruins" and stopped the construction.

    There's lots of other minor aesthetic changes between them, too. Usually White will feel older and more natural. Reversal Mountain is filled with water in Black 2 and with lava in White 2.

    I just got White 2 since I wanted the Reshiram version of the Kyurem amalgam.


    To be honest, there doesn't seem to be any differences drastic enough to make me regret getting one over the other.

    Edit: Yeah the Challenge/Easy mode separation is a bit of a clusterfuck, but you can use the key system in the Unova Link thing to get the one you don't have. Same system that lets you share Black City/White Forest to the other respective game.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2012