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General League of Legends v.2.0

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Dark Syaoran, Sep 10, 2012.

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  1. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    You know... I would be surprised for the Yi build to not include a Zephyr, and/or even a Static Shiv, since the attack speed is comparable, and they have even higher movespeed than a Phantom Dancer now. Is the crit on Phantom Dancer really all that useful without any AD items, after all?(and the Zephyr has AD, with the Shiv having some crit as well)

    Plus the tenacity, I suppose, since hard-CC is his main nemesis.

    Ah well, nostalgia, eh?
  2. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    Well, if Master yi decides to build Merc Treads, then there's no need to build Zephyr. Otherwise, yes. Also, PD's ignore unit collision is quite important, especially for a melee champion.

    Although, for those backdooring ad yi's, maybe getting Zephyr + Boots of Swiftness could be kind of fun.
  3. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    He had Zerkers, 3 PD's & Wriggles and was basically backdooring because teams have a habit of chasing when they shouldn't here - naked Nexus, inhib, pushed lane, chasing into an obvious trap etc. I constantly get shouted at over not chasing 'gg Leona not there report x9' after they chase from the inhib - mid lane without checking timers.

    Still, he was building BT for his final item, daresay he'd have sold the wriggles, though I've no idea what for, spent the whole game split pushing top once laning phase collapsed and nobody warded, stayed top to hold it off or even tried to stop, they were more content chasing mobo boots TF.
  4. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
  5. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    Ah, well, I just meant that instead of three PD's, he could have built one each of PD, Zephyr and Shiv, for an all-around possibly better effectiveness. Slightly lower attack speed(10%?), unfortunately quite a bit lower crit(-40%?), but higher movespeed (+6%), more AD (+20), Shiv effect, and a lack of redundant unique passive. That, and Tenacity making other boots an easier decision, of course, as you said.
  6. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    Oh, LOL. Wow, I must've not had the context correct at all. Having three PD's is just redundant, and there's absolutely no need to stack them like that. The stats by itself simply aren't good enough.
  7. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
  8. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    I'm guessing AP Yi is the Achilles Heel of 1300~ ELO, that's 3 I've faced, and 3 that have just dominated my team. I don't even know how you lose lane to AP Yi but apparently you can as Mordekaiser, Ahri and Cho'Gath.

    Maybe I should just main it myself, seems to work perfectly fine as nobody focuses him even when I catch him, stun him, exh him, stop his heal and stun him again...

    Edit; And I have to dodge because people apparently can't read or enjoy playing the silent game. Seriously. If someone picks Cho'Gath, goes 'I'm mid', why do you then have to pick Nidalee and go, 'I'm mid?' - Ok, fine, no problem, Nid says she'll top.

    Shen's open, I'll grab Shen for our jungler because the other team are stupid and haven't grabbed him yet. Grab Shen, guy below locks Jungle Kha'Zix after I lock Shen ... Final guy picks Ashe, so, balls to that game. Nid & Kha didn't read and Kha just sat there silent. There needs to be some kind of system that forces you to at least say or do something that requires brain functioning before queueing/picking a champion, damnit all. Also - Getting a normal queue ban for dodging ranked is retarded.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2013
  9. Mishie

    Mishie Fat Dog

    Jul 1, 2009
    To be fair you could have gone support shen for a kill lane. ;p
  10. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    I stuck with support Shen but then I looked at our comps and realised we'd have been butt-fucked. Ashe, Shen, Nidalee, Cho & Kha vs Zed, Shaco, Ez, Zyra & Gragas. We probably stood a chance because of how hard Shaco falls off late game but I wasn't risking it. Dying 11 times in the previous AP Yi game was bad enough due to the wonders of people being incapable of warding.

    Reminds me too, of our Singed (picks Singed into Fiora, really? Over Jax?) taking Flash saying it's better than Ghost, then all he did was spend the game chasing people... and never catching them. 118 CS at 40 minutes. On Singed. The sooner I hit another miracle streak of wins the better, though I need to improve myself drastically.

    I spend far too long staring at the lane as a freaking support. I should have my eyes glued to the minimap when I'm not looking at their ADC overextend for the 3rd time & wondering why I didn't go HAM. I got us killed twice in bot because I didn't ward tri & Mao came down through it both times (I expected Morde to ward; mistake). So, I had plenty of mistakes myself, but, meh.

    My post-it notes next to my LoL launcher literally say;

    1) Minimap.
    2) Think - Is it worth it?
    3) Objectives, always objectives.
    4) Don't chase what you can't see ahead of.
    5) Vary your champions.

    5 Is probably my biggest bug-bear after 1. I seem to just pick Leona and boom, lane's won. It works too, I've yet to lose lane apart from being camped one game when playing Leona, but I know it's a huge hole in my repotoire. I own every supp char bar Zyra & Nami, and I really need to play different supports, but Leona just works so well at what she does. 9 Games out of 10, people will pick champions that are all damage, no CC so it's up to me to bring that otherwise we'd get stomped. The number of times I've landed an ult on their carries, they get blown up and I get no thanks for it as they all brag about their damage... I don't ask for praise, but, eh.

    I'm thinking I need to get some hard practise on Lulu, maybe Soraka and something out of the ordinary like Lux or Morgana as everyone I play against is Taric or Leona, seen 1 Nidalee and 2 J4's oddly enough. It's just having the balls to pick my supp that fits into whatever our comp is (some hodge podge damage mix with no front line, guaranteed) and that I feel confident with. Leona sadly seems to be the main support for that and it kinda bugs me as I know once I hit 1500~ maining one champion won't do jack shit for me.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2013
  11. Super Bunny

    Super Bunny Fourth Year

    Dec 13, 2010
    Janna against Leona and Tristana is really fun and rewarding :D

    Oh also idk if that guy I was talking to reads this thread often or not, but here's what I was talking about regarding warding.

    Dropping the ward a little below that circled plant, where the x is, just barely gives you vision of every entrance to dragon, while giving vision of dragon itself. If you ward this spot and tribush, there is literally nowhere they can come from aside from lane. It helps the mid out too, a little. Yea, it's a little "too high," but...

    ...warding in these spots will do nothing for you except let you know you're about to die about 2 seconds before it happens. If you are already overextended, by the time you see the jungler in these areas, you most likely won't have enough time to react.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2013
  12. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    The top spot I generally try & ward but at this ELO, hell, most ELO's it can be scary leaving your ADC alone for 10 seconds to do it. Still, I need to practise warding over drag from purp side into the tri, and over the wall purp side into the river bush. I used to do it in normals all the times but I've yet to manage it once since hitting ranked. It's only a small thing but it can be nice if we beat them to their own tri at level 1.
  13. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    The top ward is good, but not perfect. Guys like Jarvan IV can easily hop over the wall from purple's blue straight into the river brush, neatly bypassing your ward and fucking you over.
  14. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Same goes for Jax and Lee Sin if the enemy warded the river bush, or if they carry wards/wriggles and are any decent at using them.

    I like to drop my wards on the plant to the bottom right of that one to have an eye in the Dragon pit and to have an idea of the timer on enemy blue. That spot doesn't help mid if the jungler goes through the brush but it does give warning for counterjungling.
  15. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Hmm, I think I need to take a break. Every game today my mid lane has fucked me over, surprisingly every game was Akali vs Mord. Mord hard-counters Akali (I know at this point it's skill > counters) and the Mord lost the lane hard every time with little jungle interference. Made me sad really, depressingly so.

    That & I got forced to play ADC twice, the role I'm simply shocking at, bleh. 3 Chain losses puts me down 60 or so ELO wasting my days work, not to worry. Taking a break today as I've got Uni work to get on with. Did well as Morgana one game though, went 5-0 but my other lanes fed their jungle Olaf & Graves so we got stomped...

    Overall not a good day in the world of League, frustrating but it happens!
  16. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Honestly, it's not a hard counter lane. It is a soft counter because Mordekaiser folds to anyone who can gap close on him and outsustain his damage. If Mordekaiser gets ahead he should win the lane, true, but Akali gets ahead Mordekaiser has no way of returning the lane to neutral except by not sharing the lane with Akali and farming up to recoup the gold difference. Otherwise once Akali gets ahead she can all-in Mordekaiser while his ult is down and drive him out of lane continuously, or outright kill him.
  17. Lamora

    Lamora Definitely Not Batman ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 10, 2009
    New York
    High Score:
    Unless you level shield first and sit in the middle of her shroud. That's how you deal with most gap closers, actually - I've shit on Garens and Pantheons alike by surprising them with just how much it sucks to stand next to me. Shield does damn good damage, and you can use it to farm and discourage their farm by throwing it on minions.
  18. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Unless they don't need shroud, which they won't if they get ahead of you. If they are in lane (they just killed you) and you return to lane, they should all-in you and force you out of lane again since you won't have had the opportunity to build shield, and have no ult since you used it to save yourself before dying anyway.
  19. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    So the thought came to me when Chaosguy criticized my Sion pick and I meant to post this but browser messed up and I lost a wall of text so I said fuck it at the time, but: I think that s3 items really help out Sion.

    I don't play AD sion, it's a bit like Nasus with the need for farming and also pretty gimmicky in the sense that you do need to make a very specific team set up to let him shine and also only play him against certain team comps. It isn't bad, but too specific for me and too far from the type of champ I prefer to play for me to bother with. That said, I think that lots of items help him, notably Hydra and SOOTD. If you fight a low cc team, he could be a big threat.

    For 6kg, Sion can get a lichbane/dfg and be a major threat. With 7.1kg farm at level 9 (which I find Sion gets very easily), when other casters have their ult, and a rank 5, rank 2, and rank 1 spell, Sion can have a rank 5 and a rank 3 spell. On top of that, Sion's 1-2 combo deals a pretty beastly 480+1.8AP damage.

    With some AP runes (Sion can afford to run full AP, but assume a modest 20), the 7.1k gets you the level 2 boots, 180AP, and the active/passives of lichbane and DFG. Your combo deals 15% max HP+1056, with an additional 110 damage autoattack and 230 damage ignite at level 9.

    Ignoring the math theorycraft, his damage is just the same high amount it always was, but the new DFG+lichbane make them viable early game options.

    Sion always needed the lichbane to have something besides his shield and stun, but by the time he could get one while still acquiring the ap to make its damage relevant, the game had progressed to the point where he can't afford to be in melee for long while also needing armor and mr to make his shield beefy enough to still take damage long enough to still deal it. The 1100g difference between the old deathcap/lichbane combo and the new dfg/lichbane (or 900g difference if you stick with rababane) is signficant, while the DFG instead of deathcap buy gives you solo killing power on its own.

    Sion's greatest strength is undoubtedly the strong targeted stun that lets him both facilitate jungle ganks and gank other lanes, but the DFG gives him the AP for super farming while also giving him killing power he lacks. He still has the same power he had before when he was "stupid OP" fotm and got nerfed with the dreaded 0.1AP reduction on his Q and W, but now if you are in the situation where you can't gank top or bot because those lanes are losing, you can stuff your axe down mid's throat and actually kill 1v1.

    Now sion could always do this of course, but if you have to rely on someone losing 40-60% of their HP in one combo and then making the executive decision to stay in lane and wait for a second one, then you can play whatever you want mid and still win with some effort :p With the new DFGbane, you have killing power and can 100-0 a bitch with an all-in.

    He still can't carry from the depths of hell when your other lanes feed horridly, but that's true of "real" AP mids as well.
  20. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    Not to be completely rude, but why would you care about criticism from ChaosGuy :p

    Anyways, Sion has always been an easy bursting champion, and will continue to do so. If only Twin Shadows gave more AP, it'd be such a nice item on AP sion.
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