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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase

    Wouldn't dream of not including Fleur in a set-up like this. :)
  2. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    Impossible because the ultimate Harry is a Muslim story has already been written.

    Also, Zeitgeist has the right of it; 1,001 nights influenced story involving HP trucking around the Middle East with Bill and Fleur would be the best.
  3. Triple_9

    Triple_9 Squib

    Jul 25, 2012
    Ok. I was half joking with my previous suggestion but this actually looks like it could work.
  4. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    A twist on the old and tired Peggy Sue plot:

    After the Hocrux hunt goes bad and Ron dies,
    Harry makes this complicated and interesting ritual to sent his memories to his 11yo body and all is fine and dandy.

    Except, you know, that part when his memories arrive in Vernon's mind instead.
    Yes, I went there.
    Mr. Dursley now knows everything that will happen in the next 7+ years and also has a bad case of split personality.
    And no, he does not have magic.

    Of course, if this was done before, link it people.
  5. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    I'm thinking of writing a one shot that follows an OC's desperate attempt at infiltrating the death eaters and looking for a chance to kill Voldemort.

    Basically its always bothered me that the wizarding world rolled over for Voldemort without much of a fight, and it just sits wrong with me.

    The story would show how much the character would be willing to do to get his chance but he would ultimately fail.
  6. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    But that's how it usually is in the real life, isn't it? There is always a small part of society that fights against oppression and that's the Order and few independents like Rufus Scrimgeour, but most just want to stay out of trouble. And Voldemort let them as long as they didn't oppose him.

    As for the specific idea, I think it could be nice story. Especially if you let the main character cross his ways with the Trio, maybe even somehow helping them without anyone noticing.

    Also, my idea for OC as the main character and it's a time travel story.

    Yorick Winter is a thirty years old wizard who grew up in the world ruled by the worst Dark Lord ever known. With the help of the Resistance he managed to find his way into the past. His goal is to kill the Dark Lord before he becomes too powerful for anyone to oppose him.

    The problem? The Dark Lord is Harry Potter who right now is trying to survive being hunted by the worst Dark Lord ever know of his own generation. Not to mention that at the moment is a one hundred percent hero.

    To make it worse, Yorick is not aware of who exactly Voldemort is and what is his connection with Harry. Nobody ever heard about him in the future and he considers the current Dark Lord to be just another dark wizard that tries to rule Britain, but ultimately will fall anyway.

    In Yorick's mind Voldemort's reign of terror is nothing compared to what may happen if he fails. Because of that he is ready to do anything to make sure there will be no Dark Lord Potter. Even if that means helping other dark wizards catch Harry.
  7. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    Yeah I actually considered that but I went a different way, to him the trio don't mean anything and when he does come across he does his best to try and stop them without using a lot of force.

    Then when he discovers who they are he actually tries to kill them because he doesn't believe in the myth of Harry potter and in his mind killing him does two things,it gets him one step or all the way into the inner circle and at the same time it will galvanize the wizarding world to stand up and fight as they would see Harry as a martyr and not a savior who would save them as the cowered in their homes.

    As for your point about a small group fighting back, I completely agree, my point was that at least an should have shown little acts of rebellion, like a grief stricken survivor attacking a publicly suspected death eater, people who have nothing to loose after the death eaters attacked them fighting back, witch hunts on suspected death eaters(who may or may not be guilty) things that aren't part of an organized rebellion but rather actions mainly driven by emotion.

    Hell even after the first war, I'm surprised no one attacked the death eaters that got off after claiming such bullshit as "I was under the Imperius". I am not well versed in history but would it be safe to assume that after the second world war there were people who would execute Nazi's on sight?
    Love this idea, History is written by the victor kind of thing. So would you have Yorrick siding with Voldemort, the lesser of two evils?
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2013
  8. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    An interesting idea for another story.

    Probably at first. Voldemort my look like the lesser of two evils to a time traveler, but in truth he just didn't have time to really show how bad his rule will be. The question is if Yorick will be able to see it or his hate is so strong that everything seem less evil than Dark Lord Potter, even if it's not.
  9. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    That is interesting although it does raise one interesting question what would make this fic different than the other Harry goes back in time to off Voldemort before his rise to power and finds out just how grindelward was just as bad if not worse than Voldemort.

    Also it would be interesting to see how the most hated man in his timeline was the savior of the wizarding world in the past. Would he try to just kill him off, something that the Voldemort has been unable to do? Or would he go for destroying Harry's influence in the society first? Anyway it is an interesting thought and it would offer a fresh perspective on just how Harry affected the wizarding world directly or indirectly.
  10. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Well, for one Tom had nothing to do with Grindelwald, but you need Harry to take care of Voldemort. And the Boy Who Lived was famous almost all his life and constantly under a protection or fighting for his life on his own. He is much harder target to get than teenager Riddle who has no reason to think that someone is trying to kill him.
  11. Dr_Orpheus

    Dr_Orpheus First Year

    Sep 23, 2008
    I had an idea for a post-Voldemort story in which his followers briefly maintain control, pardon all of the Death Eaters, and exectute Harry. The Ministry's actions push the normally apathetic magical population into a full blown revolt, and the badly outnumbered Death Eaters and Aurors find that they are no longer able to cow an angry mob into submission without their master to back them up.

    Unfortunately, the new government swings to the opposite extreme and ends up much like France during the Reign of Terror. Anyone suspected of supporting Voldemort is brutally executed.
  12. Oruma

    Oruma Order Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    PoCo, Canada
    Bunny #1:

    Mixing Harry Potter with Issac Asimov's Robots and Foundations series, post DH.

    Basically, Harry is convinced that Earth isn't big enough for both muggles and wizards anymore, and becomes the benevolent guiding force that aids muggles achieve spaceflight and reach for the stars; in doing so he saves earth and allows it to flourish, leading to the resurgence of the wizarding world.

    Obviously, it's not as easy as it sounds; dissolving the Statute of Secrecy, pacifying the goblins (always murderous), random Dark wizards, pulling the wool over increasingly tech-savvy muggles etc. are all challenges Harry has to face. Oh, and the fact that he is immortal (due to the Master of Death thing) means that he must act both in front and behind the scenes.

    Bunny #2:

    Post DH, ignore epilogue. Inspired by Roarian's Doorman's Herald and one of the TGYH challenges. Story begins with goblins actually begging for help against something they uncovered deep beneath Gringotts - a Balrog. Harry's corp of Aurors and Unspeakables defeated the creature after huge casualties, and learned an ancient prophecy: the unearthing of this minion of Morgoth is actually a sign that the Age of Man, after enduring for 72 centuries, is coming to an end. Morgoth has returned and his dark forces, more terrible than Voldemort can ever imagine, are stirring, and the Dagor Dagorath is at hand.

    Most HP/LotR crossovers have HP or co. crossing into Middle-Earth for various adventures - often joining the Fellowship and helping destroy the ring. This story instead sets HP-verse as the future of Middle Earth, and near the end of its life as well; Harry and his fellows will be the focus here, with whichever non-dead LotR characters (the Ring-Bearers, Legolas, Gimli etc.) as supports.

    My only problem is that I am not well-versed in J.R.R. Tolkien's work, and that this will be much harder to write due to journeying into the complete unknown - there isn't much info on this. But then again, that's what make writing this interesting and challenging.

    Thoughts, suggestions?
  13. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Re: LotR, you'd have to go against canon somewhat, which holds that elves eventually shed their bodies and live as beings of pure spirit once they reach a certain (unspecified, but it has to be over 10,000 years) age. So no LotR characters would be left on the Earth, as the only ones long lived enough to be hanging around would lack bodies, if they chose to remain rather than listen to the call of Mandos.
  14. Oruma

    Oruma Order Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    PoCo, Canada

    Sorry I forgot to specify: those that appear wouldn't be hidden enclaves of elves on (Middle) Earth, but rather returning form the Undying Lands to do one final battle against Morgoth and his followers.
  15. arkkitehti

    arkkitehti High Inquisitor

    May 31, 2012
    Doesn't the opening of The Hobbit (or was it LotR) imply that Hobbits are still around, but that they are just stealthy enough to avoid detection?
  16. KGB

    KGB Headmaster

    Jan 18, 2011

    How would the HP/Foundation fic work? Is Harry Daniel in this fic? Pretending he is a humanoid robot would be great cover for the immortality bit, but it would add nothing else to the story. Or did you mean the first exodus? The spacers being wizards would probably fit, but again i fail to see how magic would enhance the story.

    Plot Bunny:

    Was clicking through the hp mames thread and this pic gave me an idea.

    Time turners are the perfect plot device for a minority report style utopian society fic. Lets say that Tom Riddle never learned of horcruxes and never went down the evil overlord path. Instead he became the minister, learned of the time turners and decided that they were best used to fight crime. Now the entire Auror department work in tandem with the unspeakable, who are tasked with the actual time travel bit.

    The story would start out with a scene where, fresh out of Hogwarts, Harry is working as a rookie auror. He is not tasked with investigating crime scenes and creating recommendations for insertion points to best observe how crime has happened. Instead he spends his days transcribing memories that the unspeakables bring back. He is bored and underutilized when he notices inconsistencies in some of the memories.

    From there on it can go in several different ways. Perhaps the unspeakables are masking the fact that criminals have figured out how to beat the system, or perhaps they are masking their own crimes, or Riddle is using it to take over the world.

    What I'm really saying that this fandom is in need of more stories that are actually about time travel.
  17. Rache

    Rache Headmaster

    Mar 7, 2012
    Correction: The Harry Potter fandom needs 'well-written' stories about time-travel. You could find a few hundred time travel stories out there if you searched.
  18. Oruma

    Oruma Order Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    PoCo, Canada
    He would actually be the fusion of Dr. Fastolfe, Elijah Baley and Hari Seldon - he sees that the Earth is being depleted quickly and that the continuously increasing muggle population has to be helped too; so he uses magic to aid in the advancement of space-faring technology and gently guide muggles toward the stars.
  19. KGB

    KGB Headmaster

    Jan 18, 2011
    Well yes. But there are very few that are actually about time travel. There are fucktons of redo fic's, but time travel in those can easily be, and often is, replaced with an act of god.

    The problem with that is the destruction of the entire plot of the foundation series. If you have Harry solve the problem of Earther emigration there is no Daneel, no Galactic empire, no Gaia and no Seldon Plan. On a more basic level if you introduce magic into the universe and have Harry actively use it to help humanity, than the society would not become so dependent on robots in the first place.

    Than again i might be thinking a bit to canonically so if you can pull it off good on you.
  20. Doctor Whooves

    Doctor Whooves High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2011
    The only problem with that pic, KGB, is that only one of those 'situations it could be used for' is actually possible using canon info, and that's observing Pettigrew's crime. The way the time-turner was presented in POA suggests that time travel cannot be used to change time, and but instead only facilitates it. So observing a crime committed a few hours ago would be acceptable, but attempting to change it would be impossible.

    I suppose Auror response time could be expedited, to near zero, but never before the crime itself was committed. Also, it'd probably be easier to use pensieve memories of witnesses rather than time-turners. In my opinion, the Ministry being willing to use expensive, powerful magic items to help schoolchildren is one of their few redeeming features.
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