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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Rache

    Rache Headmaster

    Mar 7, 2012
    Yeah. Do tell who his minions are going to be. The Malfoys, or the other Dark families who sided with Voldemort?

    For this to happen, everything should be very AU. Like Voldemort's horcruxes not working and he dying. Harry is going to take up his mantle after he is like 35-40 years old and ready to challenge Dumbledore's power.
  2. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    His army of evil House-Elves obviously. Haven't you read the books?
  3. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    I had an idea of an actual Dark Lord Potter, I just don't have the skills to pull it off. Harry would be the champion of muggleborns, and trying to rid society from the pureblood filth.

    It would start off in year 6. After being betrayed by someone in Dumbledore's army, he creates a much more secretive group. Hermione and others manage to create some sort of ring that would forbid you speak about the group outside of the meetings. These rings over time, would become more and more complicated to the point that if you betrayed the group, it would kill you. Very similar to the dark mark.

    Things change, Harry has more people to help him fight Voldemort and his horcuxes. They all become darker but not necessarily evil. It isn't until Voldemort falls do things begin to change. Families that supported Voldemort are being declared innocent and freed. Over the years, nothing has changed.

    It is the group (not Harry) who wants revenge on these purebloods, and they begin to organize attacks against them to get them to confess. This turns into assassinations and evolves to the point that they want to overthrow the government. Harry and his circle just become less caring and darker to the point they are revealed as Dark Lords.

    I have a few awesome scenes in my mind, like no one knowing who is the dark lord for the longest time, as Harry is still playing the hero in public.

    The biggest problem I have would be there is no one to go against Harry. You would have to make it so Dumbledore never put on the ring, and therefore never died. You could actually make Dumbledore the enemy, but at the same time being the good guy.
  4. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    Either that or Harry going Palpatine.

    He turns to politics after some time in the MLE - if we follow canon - and creates a persona of a standard politician. At the same time using Polyjuice Potion, Time Turners, Memory Charms and Imperius Curse he manages to acquire materials and wealth to support couple extremists factions at the same time, possing as their member or a representative of their benefactor.

    In time, Harry, creates a situation where the Ministry is struggling to combat several different threats at the same time. And then Harry, steps in, takes power, and using special privileges for war time, brings peace. And his totalitarian regime.

    Why become a Dark Lord, if you could become Big Brother? Or High Chancellor of Ministry of Magic?
  5. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    "I am the Wizengamot!"
  6. KGB

    KGB Headmaster

    Jan 18, 2011
    I just rewatched Children of Men so forgive me if this sounds like a ripoff:

    After the war finishes Harry and the gang go to liberate the muggleborn camps. Insert tear jerking scenes as necessary. Hermione decides that these people deserve reparations, with lukewarm support from Harry. The ministry flat out refuses the demand, either pureblood conspiracy garbage or they refuse to acknowledge any responsibility. Harry is disgusted by their actions and utterly drained from the war, so he just leaves the ww behind for a peaceful life for [insert rustic lifestyle here].

    Some years later Hermione shows up at Harry's door asking him to take a package to the minister of magic. Harry is bemused, but decides to indulge the ragged looking Hermione. She thanks him and leaves in a hurry. Before Harry even has time to look at a package Aurors arrive at his door and demand he accompanies them to the ministry.

    Here Harry has a talk with the minister and is informed of an insurgent group that has been operating for a while. The minister wants him to come back and serve as the public face for the investigation. Harry gets pissed of at the request/ministers tone/the fact that someone named Ian became the minister and storms out., leaving Hermione's package behind.

    As he walks away from the ministry, cursing the ministry and everything it stands for, an explosion rips through the street. Hermione promptly shows up and apparates both of them to a safe house. Here Harry is informed that the package he carried into the office was a bomb and that Hermione is the leader of the insurgency. Harry is fingered as the ministers assassin and declared public enemy number one. Hermione uses Harry as the public face for her cause in order to gain some legitimacy.

    Bam a muggleborn rights Dark Lord Harry Potter.
  7. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    What you described isn't the Dark Lord Potter but rather Half Wit Potter.

    Nobody would read if Harry is going to be a half wit who needs to be led by nose by Hermione.
  8. KGB

    KGB Headmaster

    Jan 18, 2011
    Why? Because he got blindsided by the events?

    That's all that Harry does in canon. With the possible exception of PS Harry deals with situations he is thrust into by external factors. That is exactly what we have here.

    If it's the comment about Hermione using him for legitimacy that can happen almost instantly. She just has to claim responsibility for the attack and corroborate on Harry being the murderer.

    Now the story is wide open for Harry to do what he does best, cope. There is no reason for him to fallow Hermione's lead or even stick with her group. All he has to do is use the power that being though of as a dark lord gives him. After all there are things he dislikes about the ww and now he has the opportunity to deal with it.
  9. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    I just rewatched that scene, and now I crave Harry Potter/Star Wars fics. Damn you Xandrel! Damn you! ;)
  10. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    I would read that story, as long as Harry isn't controlled by Hermione at every turn.

    One of the reasons why I love the OOTP is because Harry is completely wrong. Voldemort used him completely. His mistake caused Sirius to die (and this is probably why it's so emotional, because we all made mistakes that caused someone to be hurt). As much as I like bad ass Harry, I don't want him to be perfect, never getting anything wrong or falling under anyone's spell. This whole premise reminds me of those god awful indy fics where 11 year old Harry wins over Dumbledore.

    It's awesome when a character makes a mistake and suffers for it. (example: A Song of Ice and Fire)
  11. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Such is the power of the Dark Side.

    "Umiejętność zniszczenia planety jest niczym w porówaniu do potęgi Mocy."
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2013
  12. Psychotic Cat

    Psychotic Cat Chief Warlock

    Jan 3, 2009
    Translation: The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.
  13. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    This have a spelling error and stylistical errors ;)
    The correct version would sound like this: "Zdolność zniszczenia planety jest niczym wobec potęgi Mocy."

    Ending the off-topic:
    In HP Memes this was posted. Do you think this kind of story could be written and not fall to all the pitfalls it predecessors had fallen (i.e. Voldemort locking Harry up to be immortal, Harry acting like a retard because nothing can kill him, etc.)?
  14. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Well, it is, isn't it?
  15. Chilli

    Chilli Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    May 27, 2006
    ok, for some reason this reminded me of the scene:

    -I'm on the Brute Squad.
    -You are the Brute Squad.

    We need an HP/Princess Bride crackfic...
  16. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
  17. Chilli

    Chilli Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    May 27, 2006
    hee hee
    Montoya!Neville is rather promising. Lestrange et al. were never arrested for his parents' torture. Neville was hidden in a closet and could only see that the hand holding the wand had six fingers.. you get the idea.
  18. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    Harry Potter in 40k bunny or rather 40k in Harry Potter.
    In my mind I imagine a 40k crossover starting in the DH where Voldemort kills Harry and Harry instead of going to King's Cross station is thrown to immaterium.
    He wakes up in the Forest of Entropy in the Nurgle's domain. This is a place where there is no hope and everything dies. When he wokes up first thing he sees is a small, red, winged, fairy like creature wich hovers around him for a moment before disappearing. Second thing is dead plants and tainted fruits. Harry gets up and starts walking in a random direction all the while refusing the eat anything around him in the fear of taking the taint. Even Harry can see this place isn't normal and giving in to the despair would kill him. His wand's absence is the cherry on the top.

    He goes for a while until his strength starts to fail and he realises that some shadows is fallowing him ready to eat his remains. Harry staggers for a moment from tiredness. It is enough to make shadowy demons to attack. when they get close Harry realises that yes these shadows gives of an aura of cold just like dementors. Out of desperation Harry calls out "Expecto Patronum" all the while pouring all his hopes into the spell. A stag made of silver flames appears out of nowhere and burns the shadows. Then Patronus comes to Harry bending the knee. Harry realises his patronus is real enough to carry him. Where ever this place is he doesn't needs his wand to use magic and more than that his magic different. As the prongs carries him out of forest he finds it ironic that his hopes given shape carries him out of what he called forest of despair. He doesn't realise by bringing hope into the Forest of Entropy he pissed of Nurgle something fierce.

    Next Harry arrives into a battlefield where 2 armies fighting for a bridge. One side is an army of savage deamons while other is made up tall humanoid people in gleaming armor. Before he can do anything he is captured by humanoid soldier. They take him to the leader of soldiers who is called Farseer. Farseer does question him and when she realises that no Harry doesn't have a clue where he is, she makes a deal with him. She will give him a compass which should allow him to avoid battles and show him the way out of the Khorne's realm in return Harry has to destroy the bridge so 10k eldar souls isn't lost to Khorne even if it means Khaine will be displeased with her for not taking the bridge. But Deamons outnumber her forces 100 to 1. She can't go against her orders directly of course but Harry can.

    Here Harry spends some time with Eldar learning about immaterium and how to use his magic and he sees that fairy like creature again which he recognizes for what it is, as his wand which became fully sentient and followed him around ready to come to him the moment he called.
    He uses wand(shapeshifted to look like wand again) to destroy the bridge(which is big enough to drive several tanks side by side) and cause thousands demons to fall to their deaths. Because of it Khorne sends entire army after Harry angry he interfered. Harry runs away with the help of the compass and hides in the labyrinth he found. Army follows him in. Labyrinth isn't empty of course and those deamons inhibits labyrinth forces army out of it. Khorne thinks bridge was destroyed by Tzeentch sorcerer so laying siege to the Tzeentch territory is perfectly acceptable.

    Inside the Labyrinth Harry's compass useless for reasons he can't comprehend but he uses his own magic to protect himself and eventually he stumbles to a lab like place where 3 items is poked and prodded by robed sorcerers which Harry now knows as Tzeentch's servants thanks to Eldar Farseer. 3 items which is very familiar to Harry. A cloak, a wand and a stone. He steals them and uses cloak to hide stone to ask death people for the exit and wand to destroy any obstacle he can't get around normally.

    Tzeentch is very angry with Harry of course not only did he not trick Khorne in to attacking him he also stole 3 items which he was curious about. but he can't follow he still sends he own agents after him.

    Harry is forced to evade any and all deamons that follows him since Forest of Entropy and sometimes he is forced to fight but after The Labyrinth he can evade easier thanks to cloak.

    Eventually he comes onto the shores of a sea made of souls. Souls which has human voices and in the middle of the sea a Throne made of gold giving a light like lighthouse into the every direction but when he looks at the man who is sitting in the throne he can't see his face. Or rather the face is constantly changing not yet known who it will be.

    After leaving the sea he comes to last place he hasn't looked in the immaterium. Unborn god's domain. the domain is made up 6 circles where every circle represents one temptation. He passes thought them all until he cames to a palace. Palace of the unborn god who is in cocoon which saves Harry since if Harry were to look at him directly he would have lost his own soul. He sneaks into the palace and finds that unborn god is feeding thought perverted emotions like love. Harry finds corruption of love an abomination and steals the love (which is represented by a rose) and is forced to flee.

    Harry is running out of time as all 4 gods of Chaos is after Harry and is getting closer to him. His wand in his fairy like shape leads Harry to a clearing where he finds a altar. He puts hollows the compass he got from Eldar the rose he took from unborn god to the altar. His wand/fairy companion lands to altar and burst in to the flames.

    Flames opens the way for Harry to his escape in to the real world. Last thing he sees before he jumps to the flames is a red headed women with red wings and green eyes like his own reborn from the flames. He wakes up in The Forbidden Forest where Narcissa Malfoy checks if he is alive or not. He doesn't have his wand since both his and elder wand turns to dust. Harry backhands the killing curse back at the Voldemort and wins.

    Rest goes pretty much canon (minus) epilogue as Harry is immortal he does the family thing for a century or so before leaving or doesn't depends on the writer I suppose.

    Eventually Harry learns the use magic without wand. Learns why wands necessary for common wizard (stops them being a snack to deamons) how wands actually has spirits of their own and the reason why he can't use wands because he already has a spirit who has bonded to him. A spirit which looked like a fairy once upon of time and now looked like an red headed green eyed angel.
    Notes: I imagine Harry's wand spirit acting like Shezza's Meciel. She is Harry's other half and she mirrors his goals. In the future She would be known as God of Love, Loyalty, Courage and Magic. She and Harry are 2 sides of the same coin but a lot of people would think she is his god as Harry himself would refuse to be seen as a god. Her name I imagined would be Rose after Harry gave him the rose he stole from Slaanesh which signifies love. On the other hand If a better name were to found that can change.

    I imagine GEoM would be interested in Harry as a (potential) peer. They would have a student and teacher relationship but later on GEoM's more radical actions would tear them apart.

    Harry is alpha+ psyker when he comes back from The Warp. Not at the level of GEoM but slightly stronger than a Primarch.

    I don't have many plans for this after this part but Harry in 40k as a leader trying to do best for Humanity all the while Caos tries to do best to destroy him might be interesting. He gave all Caos gods the middle finger after all.

    On The Stolen Love;
    It is significant in that Slaanesh deamons can't seduce someone who has True Love; Be it two lovers having sex or a mother's kiss result is same as DF White Court vampires would get(as in burns). But if it isn't True Love it doesn't work.

    Slaanesh hates Harry with a passion of 10k suns because of this. On the other hand he is confused about Rose. He isn't sure if he should kill her or take her as bride. Rose on the other hand finds him creepy, she is happy with Harry thankyouverymuch.
    Sorry for the grammar.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I wonder if a fusion fic that combines the worlds of Harry Potter and Beetlejuice would work.

    For those who forgot, let me refresh your memory:

    1.All who die become ghosts, regardless if they were magical or not.

    2.You have to be a ghost for 125 years on Earth before you can enter the afterlife (you don't have to enter it though).
    Furthermore, you have to spend those 125 years in the place you lived, for example your house.
    If you attempt to leave that place, you get transported to a pocket dimension referred to as 'Saturn' (never confirmed to be actually the planet itself).
    I'm assuming that the Stay-In-House Rule is invalid after 125 years (since it didn't apply to Beetlejuice, who admitted to live through the Black Plague and he isn't limited by houses).

    3.All who die receive the Handbook for the Recently Deceased (presumably in their language) which explains all the rules and how the afterlife works.

    4.Normal people can't see ghosts, however if someone truly believes in ghosts and the 'strange and unnatural' then they can in fact see ghosts.
    Yes, even muggles.

    5.Those who committed suicide become civil servants in the afterlife.

    6.Ghosts can physically harm humans and humans can exorcise Ghosts (if they have the required knowledge from the Handbook).

    7.Ghosts can create illusions, become invisible, bend matter and laws of physics, fly, pass through solid matter, possess the living, teleport and shapeshift.

    Now, assuming the Ghosts of the Potterverse are altered to work like this and wizards know they exist, I do wonder how the series would look.
    Obviously Voldemort would know Merope, Dumbledore could speak to Ariana, Harry would know his parents, the possibilities are endless.
  20. arkkitehti

    arkkitehti High Inquisitor

    May 31, 2012
    It would change everything/too much for it to be recognizable as Harry Potter anymore, at least if you're honestly trying to work in your new rules. Besides, all those rules seem to be a bit arbitrary.

    You'd be better off by doing AU where someone who died stayed behind and study how that would change things rather than trying to work in a new universal rule of magic. You'd have equally unlimited possibilities with only one recent ghost who messes up things from behind the grave.
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