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SURVIVOR: DLP - Outwit, Outplay, Outlast [COMPLETED]

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Zeitgeist, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Well... this was underwhelming. But 'grats guljons.
  2. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Hello, you have Tree Mail!

    "For the Final Test, be prepared to face the ghosts of the past.
    Those who re-examine their faults will outwit, outplay, and outlast."
  3. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Remaining players:

    Aekiel, guljons, Caesar, Castiel and Stojil.

    Best final three for each of us (IMO):

    For Aekiel: with Castiel and Stojil
    For guljons: with Castiel and Stojil
    For Caesar: with Castiel and Stojil
    For Castiel: with guljons and Caesar
    For Stojil: with guljons and Caesar

    The reasoning behind this is:

    1) The Gryffindors should prefer to go into the final three with both us Slytherins, so that the Wizengamot is made up of 5 of them vs. 2 of us.
    2) The Slytherins should prefer to go into the final three with two Gryffindors, so that the Wizengamot is made up of 3 of us vs. 4 of them, and there's the chance their vote is split between their two former teammates.
    3) Aekiel has probably the biggest chance to gather all of Gryffindors' votes of the Wizengamot.

    This is obviously simplified, and I don't know much about the behind-the-scenes in the Gryffindor House, BUT... here's my proposal. How about we vote out Aekiel and then go from there? He's the odd man out, isn't he? And him going into the final three isn't convenient for anyone but him.

    Also, the final elimination could be very entertaining if we get there that way. So much possible backstabbing! Will Caesar and guljons remain a unit? Will Castiel and I keep on being loyal to our former House and each other? What last-minute alliances could be made?

    It makes for fun gameplay, IMO, but Aekiel is in the way. :p
  4. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    Lot of assumptions regarding people voting according to house loyalties there Stojil. I'm sure our Wizengamot are above such petty concerns.:p
  5. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    As a matter of fact, it is an assumption as far as the Gryffindors are concerned. But I'm like 99% sure of it when it comes to the Slytherins.

    TSN, LochNess and Irene are in the Wizengamot right now: who do you think are they going to pick between either one of you Gryffindors and either one of us Slytherins?

    I've been very vocal for Irene's elimination all game and this new proposal of mine is certainly not going to grant me Aekiel's favours. I have had no contact with either TSN or LochNess, and neither has Castiel (and can you see Irene or Aekiel voting for him? I honestly can't).

    So, unless one of you guys had some kind of fight with a Gryffindor in the Wizengamot (and they also must be the grudgy type for this to matter), then I'm pretty sure they aren't going to vote for my or Castiel's win.
  6. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase

    Welcome to Tribal Council

    Welcome, castaways, to Tribal Council. You have been sent here, to this abandoned grotto, to cannibalise one of your own.

    Grab a torch and light it in the fire pit. On Survivor, fire represents life. It is what hastens in the dark. Your aim in Survivor: DLP is to keep your torch from being snuffed out by those around you.

    This is how Tribal Council will work. Firstly, castaways, you cannot post in your House QT while Tribal Council is commencing. You will also be given a series of questions which you must answer, in order for Tribal Council to conclude. These questions are designed with observing your performances at the Immunity Challenge and any fractures within your House.

    Ordinarily, at the end of these questions, you will submit a vote via your private QTs. How you submit a vote is "Vote Out: [PLAYER NAME]". You should also append your vote with a short voting Confessional, which is a sentence or two (or more, if you feel passionate) explaining your reasons/feelings towards your vote. Examples of Confessionals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9ikbfa7Igw

    Tribal Council 9 has started.

    Posting is now permitted in this thread until all Tribal Council questions have been answered. Votes can be submitted once everybody has answered all their allocated questions. If you know that you won't be online at this point, you may submit a vote early, but once a vote is made, it cannot be retracted.

    Everybody may currently post in this thread.​

    Asterisk (*) indicates that the person is wearing the Individual Immunity Necklace and thus cannot be voted for at the next Tribal Council.

    Apart from Zeitgeist and Palindrome, only the following (5) individuals are allowed to participate:





    If you have any question about Tribal Council, ask me in your QTs.

    Here are the Tribal Council (TC) Questions for TC 9:

    These questions are for everybody to answer:

    1. Why was Irene eliminated at the last Tribal Council?
    2. Some people considered her elimination to be quite surprising. Was it surprising to you, considering how she seemed quite secure in the game?
    3. Does the current constitution of the Wizengamot worry you?
    4. Your thoughts on the last Tree Mail?
    5. What is more important: loyalty or self-preservation?

    Last edited: Mar 12, 2013
  7. guljons

    guljons Squib

    Dec 20, 2009
    1. Why was Irene eliminated at the last Tribal Council?
    She was a too big of a jury threat. Chances of her not winning, if she made to the end were slim.
    2. Some people considered her elimination to be quite surprising. Was it surprising to you, considering how she seemed quite secure in the game?
    3. Does the current constitution of the Wizengamot worry you?
    I have some concers.
    4. Your thoughts on the last Tree Mail?
    Next challange will incorporate different challanges from our past, maybe.
    5. What is more important: loyalty or self-preservation?
    You can't be loyal to everyone.
    But I would argue, that loyalty is more important.
  8. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    1. Why was Irene eliminated at the last Tribal Council?
    Because odds were high she would have won if in the final three.

    2. Some people considered her elimination to be quite surprising. Was it surprising to you, considering how she seemed quite secure in the game?

    3. Does the current constitution of the Wizengamot worry you?
    A bit.

    4. Your thoughts on the last Tree Mail?
    guljons' idea has merits.

    5. What is more important: loyalty or self-preservation?
    It depends on the situation.
  9. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    1. Why was Irene eliminated at the last Tribal Council?
    Greatest threat.

    2. Some people considered her elimination to be quite surprising. Was it surprising to you, considering how she seemed quite secure in the game?
    A little.

    3. Does the current constitution of the Wizengamot worry you?
    A little.

    4. Your thoughts on the last Tree Mail?
    As others said, most probably a reworking of a past challenge.

    5. What is more important: loyalty or self-preservation?
  10. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    If you still thought Irene would have voted for a Slytherin, then that's your answer, Gryffindors (or at least my interpretation). How do you explain her thumbing-up my and Castiel's post and not guljons, if not so that you guys can see it and fear it? :sherlock:

    Man, she's devious.
  11. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    No thumbs up for posts, except for those made by either myself or Drome (or Lutris), are allowed.
  12. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    I so wanna thumb up Stojil's post. xD
  13. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    1. Why was Irene eliminated at the last Tribal Council?
    Because it was the first time she was vulnerable and would probably have won if she made the end.

    2. Some people considered her elimination to be quite surprising. Was it surprising to you, considering how she seemed quite secure in the game?

    3. Does the current constitution of the Wizengamot worry you?
    4. Your thoughts on the last Tree Mail?
    We've already had a return of a past challenge haven't we? Maybe something to do with those we've voted out.

    5. What is more important: loyalty or self-preservation?
    That's highly situational but... self-preservation will help you survive while loyalty will help you win.
  14. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    1. Why was Irene eliminated at the last Tribal Council?
    Again, she would likely have won if she went through.

    2. Some people considered her elimination to be quite surprising. Was it surprising to you, considering how she seemed quite secure in the game?

    3. Does the current constitution of the Wizengamot worry you?
    A bit.

    4. Your thoughts on the last Tree Mail?
    Same as above.

    5. What is more important: loyalty or self-preservation?
    Loyalty, of course.
  15. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase

    A consensus has been reached

    Now that you've all had a chance to speak up, I'll go tally the votes.

    First vote is for...


    Second vote...


    That's 2 votes for Aekiel, 1 vote Stojil. Next vote...


    2 votes Aekiel, 2 votes Stojil

    And the eleventh person voted out of Survivor: DLP and the sixth member of the Wizengamot is



    That's three votes, Stojil, and that is enough for this Tribal Council. Please bring me your torch. As fire represents life, unfortunately, the journey ends here.​

    STOJIL, the House has spoken.


    Apart from Zeitgeist and Palindrome, only the following (4) individuals are allowed to participate:




  16. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    "He told me enough! He told me you killed him!"

    "No, Luke. I am your FILLER!"​
  17. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase

    Welcome back to the Challenge Arena. The Immunity Necklace is waiting...

    Welcome back, castaways, to the Immunity Challenge. Before we start, guljons, I'll be collecting your Immunity Necklace. For the final time, Individual Immunity is back up for grabs.

    The last Tree Mail alluded to the contents of today's Immunity Challenge.

    "For the Final Test, be prepared to face the ghosts of the past.
    Those who re-examine their faults will outwit, outplay, and outlast."

    The motto can refer to the players you've eliminated, the mistakes you've made. It can also, however, refer to the Challenges you've faced, the most horrible memories you've tried to suppress...

    Today's Challenge, the final Immunity Challenge of the game, is Ghosts of the Past. Befitting the final challenge, it will consist of three gruelling rounds. And as the Tree Mail suggested, the Wizengamot have decided that the following ghosts of the past should return...

    In Round One, the Wizengamot have decided that you will have to once again relive the feared Pole Balance. For this Challenge, each of you will have to balance on a beam as long as possible.

    In your "Pole Challenge QTs, once every 5 minutes, you must post "I am balancing on the beam". Once you miscalculate and post too early or too late, you will be disqualified. You CANNOT delete your posts and start over. If I catch you, you will be DQed. The player who balances on the pole the longest wins Round One.

    Please note that you cannot proceed to Round Two until you have submitted an attempt at the Pole Balance.

    Round Two consists of the Web of Sudoku. For this Challenge, you will once again (without Irene and fontisian's help) be playing Sudoku. You will go to this link:

    And play any Medium level game you wish. But before you begin, please click the Options button so you can make sure the Competitive so that the timer can be seen while you solve the puzzle.

    After you have completed your Sudoku grid, you will click an option "Invite another Player" or "Player against a Friend" and input your email address (doesn't have to be your personal one; just an email address), input your DLP Name, and input "oddfictionrambles@gmail.com" into the friend's email section.

    If you do all of these actions successfully, I will receive an email in oddfictionrambles@gmail.com which states your DLP Name and your Time/Score. The player who submits the highest score (i.e. fastest time) will win Round Two.

    Please note that you cannot proceed to Round Three until you have submitted an attempt at the Web of Sudoku.

    Once you reach Round Three, you will begin the last leg of this Challenge and answer the Wizengamot Trivia. The Wizengamot have kindly answered some questions for you, and you will have to correctly guess (out of the multiple choice answers) the answers of the Wizengamot. The player who guessed the most number of questions correctly wins Round Three.

    Once everybody has completed all three Rounds, the player who has won the most number of Rounds will win Individual Immunity and a guaranteed spot in the Finale. Each player is allowed to go at his own pace and can decide how much time to allocate in each Round. However, players must complete Round Three by the time 24 hours elapse and must complete the Rounds in the order mentioned.

    Now, that's an impressive Challenge, befitting the Finale. Thank the Wizengamot, because this was their idea.

    Challenge 10 (Day) has started.

    Posting is now permitted in this thread until the Ghosts of the Past concludes in 24 hours.

    May the odds be ever in your favour.

    Apart from Zeitgeist and Palindrome, only the following (4) individuals are allowed to participate:





    You have 24 hours to complete this Challenge.
  18. guljons

    guljons Squib

    Dec 20, 2009
    In the Sudoku one, we can send in more than one attempt?
  19. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Yes. In fact, multiple attempts will probably raise your score.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 AM ----------

    After consultation, I have decided to extend the time in which to complete the three Rounds from 24 hours to 36 hours. That way, you guys don't have to be as stressed. Have fun!
  20. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    Well that didn't go as planned.