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Bioshock: Infinite

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Shinysavage, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
  2. PinstripedPajamas

    PinstripedPajamas Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Jul 27, 2010
    I don't know, Bioshock just doesn't feel like Bioshock without the water.

    Still, it looks epically creepy like the other two games, so it's got that going for it I suppose.

  3. JenosIdanian

    JenosIdanian Professor DLP Supporter

    Jul 10, 2009
    With HP and the Hipshit Sparklepuff...
    Has flashbacks to RE:5 and the horror that was Sheva whilst trying to play through in single player... Call 911, NOW!
  4. Aquila

    Aquila Squib

    Nov 24, 2009
    I dunno, Sheva for me was pretty useful as an ammo carrier and stuff. And she gets really accurate if you take away her handgun and give her an SMG in Cover mode. She just pops heads and kicks 'em. Pretty good in Veteran.

    Professional on the other hand...you really need a real life person for that. Your co-op partner dies too much.

    Now...on topic, I'm pretty sure the rumors of this popped out more than a year ago of a Bioshock in the sky. It seems interesting, but I'll need more info before I set my heart on getting it.
  5. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    A very cool promo video.

    I really like how they managed to make a new setting remind you of the original one and still be so different.
  6. ZombieHunter

    ZombieHunter DA Member

    Jul 18, 2009
    Just finished it. Very disappointed and depressed about the ending. ME3 all over again.

    As a sidenote, none of the supposed choices I made changed anything. So there's that too.
  7. Joe

    Joe The Reminiscent Exile ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter ⭐⭐⭐

    Jan 24, 2008
    Canberra, ACT
    High Score:
    It's the journey not the destination, mate.

    Here's a rather well done review, if anyone is on the fence about this game:

  8. Red Aviary

    Red Aviary Hogdorinclawpuff ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 25, 2008
    High Score:
    I'm glad Adam Sessler's still in the business. Can't believe it took him so long to leave the sinking ship that is G4 though.

    I want this game bad, but i m 2 poor. ;_;
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2013
  9. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    I remember when it was still Tech TV... and was good.

    My situation, exactly.

    If they're going to charge the same price for a no-extras digital copy as they do for one that comes with a disc and manual and you don't have to download a zillion gigs over your shitty connection, they should at least send someone out to give me a handjob or something.

    And, when I finish, they have to make the Link-found-an-item noise from Zelda: A Link to The Past, then get the fuck out of my sight.
  10. Big Z

    Big Z Headmaster

    Nov 20, 2006
    Chicago, IL
    Uh, the thing is, they didn't. Amazon offered Bioshock Infinite, XCOM:EU, and $30 credit for $59.99. GMG offered Bioshock Infinite, XCOM: EU, Bioshock, $15 GMG credit, and your choice of Civ V, Darkness II, Mafia II, Bioshock 2, or Spec Ops: The Line for $59.99. Gamersgate's offer was similar and Steam offered TF2 items along with XCOM and Bioshock instead of credit and another game.
  11. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Credit is okaaay, but games I have no interest in -free or not- are not a desirable alternative to simply not charging me as much in the first place.

    Also, don't try to cockblock my funny-making with shit like logic. :p
  12. ZombieHunter

    ZombieHunter DA Member

    Jul 18, 2009
    I MUST have the soundtrack. I just cant find it to buy it or share it anywhere. Anyone have any suggestions? I checked amazon, but the only thing I've seen so far is an exclusive download from the 2k website if you've bought the premium or better versions.
  13. Tehan

    Tehan Avatar of Khorne DLP Supporter

    May 22, 2007

    That all happened.

    Seriously, if you haven't finished the game, would you kindly not read this spoiler. Thank you.

    My understanding after extended musing.

    So... Booker is kinda messed up in the head after Wounded Knee. According to one of the diaries, he torched a tent full of Native American women, egged on by whispers that he was part-Injun himself. So he ends up in a river about to get baptized and born again. Booker A backs out at the last moment, creating the Booker Prime Universe. Booker B does not, and is reborn and takes the name of Comstock, creating the Comstock Prime Universe.

    Vaguely meanwhile, femLutece from Comstock's universe manages to get in touch with manLetuce from Booker's universe, and brings him through. Whether they were twins and one died in each of the universes or whether it's a genderswitch scenario (sup Amer?) is unclear. But the Letuce 'twins' working together manage to create Columbia in Comstock's universe, which does not exist in Booker's universe due to manLetuce's absence, which as far as I can see, is for all intents and purposes is identical to our world. They did so by using the 'tear' technology to raid the future and alternate realities for technology. The tears are also (ab)used for the entertainment industry, and this is why you get things like Everybody Wants To Rule The World being sung about eight decades early.

    Columbia secedes from the Union and falls to infighting after it was used as a weapon to put down the Boxer Rebellions, causing significant political backlash. Comstock wins the civil war, mostly due to the technology and 'prophecy' available to him through the Lutece twins. But extended exposure to their gizmos has rendered him prematurely old and sterile, which sucks since he's built his cult around him and his progeny. The Lutece twins suggest a solution: to take a child from his alternate self. Booker, from the Booker Prime universe, who has since had a child with a woman who died in childbirth.

    ManLutece buys Anna off Booker. Booker either never intended to go through with it or backed out after the fact, because he goes after him and tries to recover her - and in the scuffle, Anna's finger is lopped off by the closing dimensional portal.

    Comstock has a daughter now, but Comstock's wife thinks the child is Comstock's and femLutece's. After many arguments, Comstock snaps and kills his wife, framing it on one of the servants, future leader of the Vox Populi, Daisy Fitzroy. He also pays to have one of the Lutece's experiments sabotaged, removing them from the picture. But the experiment malfunction doesn't kill them - it turns them into something akin to dimensional ghosts, able to bounce around realities pretty much at will.

    Anna, renamed Elizabeth, is raised as Comstock's own until she starts developing tear powers of her own due to her being from another dimension. She's locked up in the tower and her power is harnessed to provide Comstock with tear technology once more, restoring his power of prophecy. He foresees Booker coming for Elizabeth, so he preps his society to be on the lookout for the False Shepard - the man with AD, for Anna DeWitt, branded onto his hand.

    The Luteces - at manLutece's urging, since femLutece is just content that she's with manLutece, insert-suggestive-eyebrowwaggle-here, decide to fix things. Their opening gambit is to bring Booker from the Booker Prime Universe to the Comstock Prime Universe. The jump between dimensions scrambles his memories, and he loses all memory of Anna (because this universe's 'Booker' doesn't have any children?) but he remembers that he has to recover a girl to wipe away a debt. So he is left at the lighthouse by the Luteces.

    And infinite timelines are born, and the game begins.

    You can see the Luteces monkeying with things throughout the game - they send him a note not to take the fateful ball 77, but they're unsuccessful in averting it. They're experimenting to see what they can change and what they can't - the tallyboard full of the Booker flipping a coin and it coming up heads is one thing that can't be changed. This comes up repeatedly - there are constants and variables. That coin coming up heads is a constant. Ball 77 seems to be one too, but who he tries to throw it at is a variable.

    The game continues on, Elizabeth rescued, variables happen (choker pendant, bird or cage? Ticket booth ambush, did he pull his gun or did he get stabbed?) but it's all mostly constants. Bit of Bioshock-brand meta-fuckery - we're all playing the same game, and all the major things happen to all of us, but we all take slightly different routes to get there.

    Along the way we find an alternate universe where the Vox Populi were strengthened by the martyrdom of that universe's native Booker. The variable is always Booker.

    Quite a while later - Elizabeth has been snatched by the Songbird again, and Booker goes after her. Is running across a bridge and finds himself suddenly surrounded by snow. He's been snatched by another rift, and is eventually confronted with an old-as-balls Elizabeth. Her native booker was stopped by the Songbird, and she was implanted with a device that severely limited her tear ability and was brainwashed into being Comstock's true heir. It took her until then to muster the strength to open a tear and pull through Booker to give him instructions to her past, alternate self to ensure that Booker isn't stopped by the Songbird. So she sends him back, and he manages to rescue her.

    The Leash - the device suppressing Elizabeth's power - is destroyed. She becomes able to see all of the infinite dimensions. At this point they could have just opened a rift to Paris, but Elizabeth wants to end all of it - understandable, considering she's looking at the infinite-minus-one realities where Booker failed and a colourful variety of horrible things happened to her.

    So she goes back to where it all began - before there was a Booker Prime or a Comstock Prime. The river of the baptism. And she ducks him under the water, and all the other possibilities wink out of existence, and credits roll.

    After credits, Booker wakes up in his office, opens the room with the crib, and says 'Anna?'

    Elizabeth just shot her grandfather, to dust off that hackneyed ol' sci-fi trope. She drowned her father before she was born. My best guess is that if Elizabeth exists - if the universe branched into Comstock - then pre-Comstock Booker died. So the only remaining universe is the Booker one, and there is no Comstock to take Anna.

    But, seemingly, Booker remembers. And quite possibly, Anna does too.

    And the Luteces? FemLutece's universe no longer exists. So either she's not around to whisper to her brother and cause him to discover the tears, or he's been pulled over into a universe that no longer exists. They're probably out of the picture.

    So Booker and Anna - all the Bookers and all the Annas, not just the protagonist ones - have a chance at a happy ending, with no Comstocks and no Columbia and probably no tears.

    Songbird is another alternate Booker?
  14. Nuit

    Nuit Dark Lord

    Feb 14, 2010
    The Peach State
    You could download it from youtube with the right site/app/plugin.

  15. Big Z

    Big Z Headmaster

    Nov 20, 2006
    Chicago, IL
    Eh, why didn't you just buy the AMD Promo then from reputable traders (Tomb Raider + Bioshock Infinite) for $45 or Bioshock alone for $25? Just saying :p
  16. Cruentus

    Cruentus Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jul 25, 2006
    Just beat it, was very impressed.
  17. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    My head is full of fuck.
  18. Sin Saiori

    Sin Saiori Death Eater

    Jul 28, 2009
    It's a pretty trippy game, but that journey was amazing. Highly recommend it to anyone who has some free time and a mind-fuck itch to scratch.
  19. JoJo23

    JoJo23 Unspeakable

    Mar 22, 2008
    The story was interesting but the gameplay mechanics were a massive step down from Bioshock 1. They stripped out just about everything that made it great and unique in favour of copy paste fps gameplay. Very disappointing.

    I would strongly reccomend waiting until you can get it cheap as hell before buying it.

    EDIT: A little digging reveals that Bioshock Infinite appears to be some form of frankenstien game built in about a year out of various components. Compare this
    with what was finally released.

    to quote:
    Major story and gameplay elements seem to have been removed in the final year of development between the 2011 demo and the release. I recall there was some news of a slumtown section being cut a few years back (that is mysteriously back in the main game) as well. Maybe to tie a few sections together? There is also a very odd narrative flow at various points in the game. Nobody seems to have noticed the bridge being blown up at the beginning of the game when you wake up on the bridge for example. The story was also very clearly different too. Elizabeth mentions asking Constock for help escaping in the demo, this clearly is nothing like the shipped product!

    Ken Levine states that enough content was cut for ten games. I really really believe him. Maybe publisher meddling? "Create a COD style shooter out of what you have, or we wont publish"? Because thats what this is. There is nothing of Bioshock in the gameplay.

    This sucks. What a disappointment.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2013
  20. Samuel Black

    Samuel Black Chief Warlock

    Feb 22, 2007
    Yeah, see, I read that, and I think, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. But then I remember the sheer amount of fun I just experienced. And that ending.

    Holy fuck balls, that ending.

    Regardless of how great the game might have been, its still pretty fucking great. Story is mostly what draws me to games nowadays, and Bioshock Infinite had that in spades.