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Improvement Thread

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Jon, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    *Check Ego at the Door

    So, I got bored and after an annoying game where a friend raged at me and deleted me for dying twice in his lane and taking three minions It got me thinking; Where Can I improve?

    So I ask you, people who've played with me; where can I improve?

    I don't mean 'Stop messing around and play seriously' I mean genuinely, where could I improve to help you guys in mid, top and bot? More ganks? Better warding? Counter jungling? Better calling?

    edit: btw? the game was against xangold the admin from twitch.tv :s
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2013
  2. Kaemrynn

    Kaemrynn Fourth Year

    Aug 29, 2012
    Stop playing Shaco in the jungle. In fact, stop playing Shaco period.

    Other than that, a lot of jungling comes from map awareness. You see enemy jungle gank top so you know his bot jungle is clear so you do a little counter-jungling. Wards at enemy buffs are essential to contest and hopefully gimp at least one person. Enemy mid not getting blue when your mid has your blue can be a huge advantage in lane.

    Ganking effectively comes from looking at your laner's CS versus enemy laner's CS as well as KDA and items bought. If your laner hits his 25 CS mark 10 minutes in to the game, don't bother helping much. Hopefully you have ganked before now, but from this point on, don't help. They are already gimped and chances are the enemy laner has a significant advantage so you might possibly feed a kill, if not two. Know when you can and can't help. If the team mate rages, so what. Some things can't be helped, so you need to know when a lane is a lost cause.

    Know how to properly set up ambush ganks, counter ganks, and lane ganks, not just come through river to see what I can do mentality.

    Communication is key. The more information you can get from your team, the better. The jungler is a leader role; they can look at every aspect and make calls. You have smite, so YOU dictate when dragon or baron should be contested. Buffs are privileges, one that you may or may not graciously dole out to your laners, not a right. It is the discretion of whoever has smite.
  3. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Play CC junglers. You have this fascination with damage junglers that have pathetic CC or don't really scale into late-game.

    Maokai, Jarvan, Sejuani, Amumu. We need those guys. The people in DLP already pick damage champs, but rarely do they pick heavy CC machines.

    Shaco, Trynd, and Shyv jungle doesn't really jive with those types of comps.

    Also, when you try and gank when there's this mega creep wave at our towers and we can't wave clear? Yeah, those minions tend to fucking hurt.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2013
  4. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    I haven't played Shaco in close to 5 months.

    I do this already, lol.. I should have probably mentioned I wanted more personalised suggestions.

    Admittedly I usually don't bother warding at enemy buff because I have them on the timer, so if I'm in a position to steal them I usually do so.

    This was a reasonable suggestion but It isn't really something I have full control over. In general the laner is the one who has the power to put their lane into a position to be ganked. It's easy to ask for a gank on a lane, but when it's pushed up to their tower or they've fulled warded there isn't much that a jungler can do. More often than not these days people don't even communicate ward positions, leaving me to walk to lane and then watch as the enemy back off, wasting 30+ seconds of travel time.

    Over all good suggestions, not entirely what I was looking for, but at the same time valid. Thanks Kaemrynn.

    That's a reasonable statement, though generally it isn't entirely applicable. My usual jungle fair is; Jarvan, Nautilus, Nocturne, Trundle, Vi, Volibear, Xin and Zac. So while sometimes I don't go for pure Tank/CC it isn't something that doesn't exist.

    Again, haven't played Shaco in an age, or Shyvanna due to the lack of cc, and I only play Trynd when I'm in the mood for enjoying a game, rather than purely to win.

    In general when I do find myself ganking a lane with a sizable minion wave it's because the enemy just happen to have finally put themselves in a position to be ganked and it's a case of attempt to gank or let the lane re-equal out and lose a chance to get an advantage for the lane.

    There are a lot of times when I leave the lane since the cs farm would equal to the kill gold anyway and rely on the person just last hitting under tower while I go back into the jungle to farm more.
  5. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Man, I've never seen you use CC junglers with me. It's always Shaco, Trynd, or Shyv.

    Oh, I'd suggest learning Maokai and Sejuani too. From your list of junglers, you're still leaning really heavy into damage over CC, with your only real super CC champ being Naut.

    Sej and Mao would even out your inventory a lot.

    Also, Hydra's isn't such a good purchase. I mean, yeah it lets you wipe the minis faster, but BT would give better sustain and fighting capability. Hydra's not gonna have a good full passive effect unless you play a mega-CC jungler or champs who can trigger right on engage.

    So like on Trynd? Better off just grabbing IE or BT to wreck everything.

    Shiv is also a really lackluster item to ever purchase. You'll get more damage and waveclear off ghost blade. Shiv's power drops below GB and PD for similar slot once you buy your 3rd complete item.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2013
  6. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Again, haven't played Shaco or Shyvanna for a long, long time.

    From my last 10 matches:

    3 trynd, 1 noc, 1 xin, 1 zed, 1 jarvan
  7. Lb13

    Lb13 Second Year

    Feb 18, 2011
    Best advice I can give you is to play jungle as much as you can initially, and when you have a high understand of jungling you should play all the other positions as much as you can to learn what they can do and how you can interact with them.

    Some people don't have enough time for that though so just learn how to play 3 of these heroes extremely well: Nasus, Maokai, Lee, Elise, Alistar, Nunu, Hecarim, and Cho to a high degree, know exactly what they can do and when they can do it. Consciously think about everything going on around the map as much as you can, you should always be looking at your mini map unless there's a threat of dying.

    I don't really pay attention to the map or my teammates when I play normals so I don't really know what you specifically do as jungler, but general advice can't hurt. Time summoner spells, make use of your double buffs, keep up in exp and gold in comparison to the other jungler, make use of your gold efficiently, buy a pink ward if you need to gank a warded lane, lane gank a lot, invade if you have a stronger skirmish, ping and say something when you're going to invade, always have a ward on you, know when to split push, don't try to force a gank unless you're way ahead, dive whenever possible, if you die to a lane and give it buffs you should gank that lane as soon as you can, always be on the look out for the enemy jungler, etc. Most of that list is just basic stuff I've learned to do from playing the game.

    League is wholly about creeps and towers. Jungling is so important because at any time you could show up to kill creeps and apply pressure to an objective. Little things like noticing that your mid lane is an early pusher and that you can invade their purple side red off this and immediately apply pressure top lane if the enemy jungler is worse at skirmishing than you are and started blue is a perfect example. By doing this you set the enemy jungler behind in exp, gold, gank potential, and kill potential, while setting up your top laner for a free back and potentially giving your mid laner an advantage, not to mention it makes their jungler attempt risky plays to try and get back in the game. But if you do this and the purple bot lane is something that pushes hard against your passive lane then you've lost a lot of pressure there and your bot is probably is getting face rolled. Moral of the scenario is that you've got to think about the map like working out. Too much pressure in one place damages the part you're exercising, not enough pressure turns it into fat.

    Also Shaco is a god of team fighting, hydra is good on melee casters, melee carries can work in the jungle but only if you tax lanes hard, shiv should only be bought if you're short range and do burst damage, and work on your decision making/game sense.
  8. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    I'm just chuckling, Jon, because of some of the early 'harsh' replies. Especially Kaemrynn, heh.

    For what it's worth, while you've never even played Shyvana in a game that I've been in, but I'm almost completely sure that you were jungle Shaco in one or more of our games within the past few months. Perhaps not, though, I haven't been able to play for around two weeks anyway.

    If I can give any personal advice from my specific experience playing with you, it's something I try to adhere to myself. (albeit sometimes too far, I will admit)

    Don't. Give. Up.

    I'll give you credit, in that it doesn't happen often, but I have witnessed you get frustrated from, say, multiple ganks in a row just not working out. Then, hopefully without harmful intentions, you start making some really bad judgement calls. This, just cycles into itself, and would make most anybody ever more frustrated than they already were. We all make mistakes, though, so... yeah.

    Honestly, this applies to everyone that plays, but it's the only thing I could think of off the top of my head that may have not been mentioned already. Try, just try as much as possible, to keep a cool head about things. It's a rare thing indeed, and that 38 to 86 match that I was in was my most glorious personal example, but even some of the worst games can be turned around. Some skill, some determination, and a heap of luck, can turn around a bleak match.

    Oh yeah, one last thing! Players should also be mindful to give out (constructive) criticism, if appropriate, in a manner in which it might actually be received. As opposed to the most common method, which is rarely constructive and is also rarely helpful. More often than not, criticism is given in a way that is harmful to the overall team effort, the way I see most people doing it.
  9. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    When you go jungle TF, don't get executed by wraiths :3

    I guess you could prioritize different lanes, if one's getting completely fucked by ganks because they're playing shitty, let the enemy jungle waste time there and put pressure on bot to stall till late game.
  10. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    I agree completely with you Spencer. We've already talked about that a few times but it is worth reiterating. I can go on pretty fucking messy tangents in some games where I start playing more and more reckless.

    Feel free to remind me in game if it happens. ;_;