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Thread Necrophilia [READ!]

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Giovanni, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Doxkid

    Doxkid Backtraced

    Mar 18, 2006
    Physical plane, Fire realm.
    You may want to include a detailed description of how to avoid bumping, the definition, and the number of people who got banned for retarded bumping (Meaning they bumped for the hell of bumping, or thought it was cute) everyone gets a few free shots unless it is a blatant entertaining bump. try not to use you get out of ban free card on something so stupid because they may not like you much. I am a perfect example of this; i bumped a few times, but i wont bump again. I spamed once but i will...damn, i keep doing this.

    Disappears into shadow to grumble about being over thankful.
  2. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    No need at all. Bump except as stated for story threads and your banned, or at least, put in the red Reputation wise.

    Hahaha, no they don't.

    z0mg, I like.. so totally care that a fucking retard hates me! Piss off.

    And, shock-shock, you still post like a fucking retard.

    Look bitches, the fact is, this site is run by Raven, Mid, Vash, and Zev[As well as the moderators].

    They don't have to lay out shit if they don't want too, and *shock again* may choose to simply not!
  3. Jheph

    Jheph Groundskeeper

    Jun 15, 2006
    I was a bit alarmed when I read my name in the thread, but thanks to Yarrgh! http://forums.darklordpotter.net/showpost.php?p=63900&postcount=19 for clearing that up.

    The real problem is the lack of “common sense” of posters. It is fairly obvious that replying to threads that are a year or months old is not only stupid but also makes no sense.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2006
  4. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    I will admit to not being here long. But I agree people who bump anything over a couple weeks old with out something useful to say is annoying on any forum. I have seen other HP forums and like someone else said. None can compare with DLP.net.

    If your Sick and Twisted around 720 degrees you fit in.

    If your insane and you enjoy it. YOU FIT IN HERE.

    If you like Blood, BDSM, Gore, Darkness, Evil, etc... YOU FIT IN HERE.

    My point is. I fit in here. And H/G lovers, and an innocent little kids dont fit in here most of the time. Finally if someone wants to form a lynch mob dont forget to call me.
  5. Doxkid

    Doxkid Backtraced

    Mar 18, 2006
    Physical plane, Fire realm.
    First point: it doesn't state what bumps are. I don't think it actually says it anywhere what it is unless you ask a lot of people in a thread. And yes, i believe that purpose bumps should end with immediate banning.

    Point two: i and many others have been allowed to stay after one mistake. Only complete and total retards and assholes get kicked off, not noobs after a small error. otherwise, there would only be a handful of people here and there wouldn't be nearly as many story links.

    Point three: im not talking about myself (this is obvious because it said they not i) so you may want to reword that. This is their site after all so i doubt they want to be insulted by a bastard bashing both them, and a kid that wants to help. Congratulations, you insulted a fourteen year old. You mother must be so proud. this is a place for people who like these kinds of stories, not the mary sue robots that agree with you every thought and emotion. It is controlled, ran, and owned by i believe Raven, Mid, Vash, and Zev so if you have a problem with me making a suggestion to hep get rid of shit fucks like you, please excuse me.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2006
  6. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Bumps is the bumping of a thread on Page 2 or lower in a category, thats something every forum user on the fuckin' web knows except newbs.

    Hahahahahah! You think we want to keep retards here because you post links? Ask DarkSyaoran how much absolute shit he's deleted - He didn't have to do that pre-influx of people[not on this scale, at least].
    I'll just quote what I said before rather then rephrase:

  7. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.

    Who is he talking to in point 3?
  8. BloodLust

    BloodLust Banned

    Mar 12, 2006
    Out of my mind...back in 5 minutes
    I thought it might be Xiph0 but I'm not sure...
  9. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    This was quite a funny thread to read, did that Doxkid person jsut get banned for posting what he did?

    ONto the actual topic, I would like to add to my previous post, that for a long time I have noticed that a lot of n00bs, gain posts at an alarming rate. I think when I joined, it took me about 2 months to get to 100 posts, and I haven't sped up overly much since then. The first time I really noticed it, was with Link (where is he anyway these days?), he seemed to go up by about 100 posts everyday. And I remember how annoyed I got at it.

    It didn't used to be such a widespread problem. There were a group of folk who were regular posters in the games threads. Their posts usually went kinda up and down. As they posted loads, then the mods and admins cropped the games threads. Now, so many folk, just post shit everywhere, even in the thread which is about too many folk posting shit everywhere, that the mods and admins are hard pressed to delete it all the time. I recognise the effort you all make guys, and I doff my hat to you.

    However, on another note. Too many "older members", and Im not talking about the actual Old Guard, which is folk who joined in maybe November or before, so folk who joined between about December and maybe April, are acting so upity. Its like they think they are better than the new members. Just because they have been here 5 minutes, does NOT mean they will never contribute anything. It does mean that they have not yet had the chance, and if when they make their first post some guy, who thinks he is one of the "golden oldies" but really isn't, posts very negatively in responce to their style, or opinions or expressions or something like that. When I joined, it took me maybe 10 or so posts to get into the way of posting in a fairly reasonable manner. Everyone was very patient with me. I think that this attitude of so many of the people of medium age is putting a lot of newer members off, or is just causing problems, that result in them being banned, and the otehr person, who sparked it off being congratulated by other folk for "speaking out" and "speaking the truth about n00bs".

    Something I would suggest, is that it is made a mandatory rule, that the first person to reply to an introduction thread posts the link to the rules thread, and also any other threads that might be useful, like the DLPisms thread and such like, just to ensure that the rules are read. It would also give the n00bs a thread that they could ask any questions on, without having to start a completely new thread for each one.

    That would make the introduction threads a bit more useful than simply folk gaining posts by saying "welcome to DLP" to 40 different folk, every week.

    Sorry to the mods and admins that this went a bit off topic, but I think it was a fairly reasonable direction that it went. And I apologise if it came off as a rant, it was not meant as such.
  10. Fulgar

    Fulgar Second Year

    Aug 1, 2006
    The only way to combat this threat is by eliminating the Cuptardent gene in every single poster!

    Heh, seriously though, bumping old threads is pointless and stupid.
    (Insert impossible idea mode)
    Maybe people would stop doing such things if when you clicked the registeration button it would direct you to a rule page with all these laws stating which you should or shouldn't do, then when you click next there would be a quiz on those things. Quizing is limited to 1 quiz per day for every person and people are passed if they score 80% and above scoring.

    Someone who is good at programming could probably do this but there would be too many flaws and finding a decent programmer would be troublesome in itself. :mad:
    (End impossible idea mode)

    As long as you have something to do with the subject and contributing to the thread then it's ok, as long as it isn't 14 months old! :D

    Mordecai, the problem with linking the page with the rules is that most of the n00b's won't bother reading them and instead just start a thread containing a a question already answered in the linked page.

    Also Mordecai, you spelled uppity wrong. :)
  11. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    I'm a programmer, however it is a futile idea. As it is, once I upgrade the forum I'll make it so once someone activated their account they're taken to the Morons Need Not Apply announement.
  12. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    Fulgar, that is the sort of attitude that makes the older members not like you. Its ok to poke fun at some one in that way when you have been around them for quite some time, like the older members have, but when you are a new member, you have to let people get to know you, before you can start to act like that.

    I am NOT saying that new members should be "hazed" as many people are now putting it, but they should realise that they cannot immediately join in on the camaraderie that comes from speaking to folk for many many months. Some of the oldest members have been around here for something over a year, you have been here a maximum of 6 days, you haven't quite found your place yet. However, if you give it time, post sensibely, and most of all, don't nitpick about simple spelling errors (especially when your nitpicking gives you the appearance of being the word you corrected) and such like in the older members especially, but also among the newer members, then you will find your place eventually.

    I have to admit, that in the past several months, when i have looked through threads, I have not recognised all the posters. This is not necessarily a bad thing, new ideas and opinions are vital. But in another way it is not so good, because there was a time, I knew roughly who would respond to a post I made, or that someone else made. If I made a post I knew roughly how much it would rock the boat, and I didn't make it if it would rock the boat too much.

    Now, with so many enw members, it is impossible to judge that, so I think everyone, is making posts that are not so well recieved anymore. But the newer members especially, because the odler members don\t hesitate to lay into them for the slightest thing.

    Ill edit this later and continue, I have to go.
  13. Im afraid of making my first post in this thread but i am compelled to speak. I first found DLP over a year ago(?) when, checking out a possible story, i saw a link in the author's info. I realized that i had discovered a place where i would no longer have to filter out H/G crap or authors without the most basic understanding of characterization and plot development, it was quite a relief. Admittedly i am not the greatest Hp fic lover in the world but i appreciate a good story and check DLP whenever my budget won't allow a trip to the bookstore. Recently though i have been a bit disappointed with DLP, an influx of silliness and sub-par fics have in my opinion taken some of the edge off this forum. I must admit that i pay very little or no attention to that which is not in the library. Disagree with me if you will, it is only one man's opinion.

    On a more positive note i would like to encourage the 'regulars' to keep up the good work ::insert glowing compliments here::

    P.S. I appologize for being a bit off topic but this is the thread that encouraged me to say something.
  14. Fuegodefuerza

    Fuegodefuerza Minister of Magic

    May 6, 2006
    We're glad that you've spoken up!

    That's also what we feel. There has been a slew of new, sub-par recruits posting idiotically and flying in the face of our ideals. Back when I first joined, and way before I joined (since I still have semi-n00b status) this place was a great place to find great stories, authors and discussion. In fact, each and every one of my current favorite stories are authored by members here. But, now, it seems that more and more people are signing up, being idiots, and degrading the forums. It's really quite sad.

    Now, Felix, head over here and introduce yourself properly.


    Of course, that post would be a fine introduction anyways...
  15. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO

    Notice that we've been cleaning up our library by implementing a strict review process through the "FOR REVIEW" forum. Only stories with 4+ stars make it into the library. 3 into the Trash Bin, and 2 or less are deleted. We've also been cleaning up new members.
  16. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    It's getting to where some of the older ones are tempting me to toss them out as well, but I won't do it simply because they offend some new user.

    We police our own quite well, generally if someone gets way out of line, the others tell him to back off, and stfu. If 10 users are in a thread, and 8 of them are telling the 9th to go screw himself, and the 10th is preaching peace... then the 9th one probably deserves it

    I think things would be alot better if we didn't have so many utterly retarded new folks coming in. It's made the older guys bloodthirsty, and then the new kids whine and carry on like we're all evil and shit... oh wait a sec... *looks at the forum name*

  17. Lord Blackmore

    Lord Blackmore First Year

    Jun 23, 2006
    Antwerp, Belgium
    Perhaps some kind of filter is in order? Before admitting new members at random, present them with a few standard questions and see how well they can answer. Look at spelling, grammar and general skills in presenting their opinions.
    Just a possibility I saw being used relatively successfully. Of course such a system would demand a lot of time as well as effort but it could make for a lot of entertainment as well.
  18. Fulgar

    Fulgar Second Year

    Aug 1, 2006
    I'm... not liked? :eek: *starts crying*

    Joking aside, Mordecai I was just joking around about the uppity thing hence the smiley face. Thanks for the advice too but when you've been stalking for over 3 months doing nothing but reading posts and learning about some of the DLPerians you sort of want to join in on the fun. :(

    Ravenclaw, the whole idea thing was never meant to be taken seriously but it is nice having someone agree that the idea is a total failure. Well, not total failure per se but highly unlikely.

    Blackmore, as for your idea I may not be an expert on human psychology but I'm pretty sure when someone really wants to get in the DLP forums, they'll actually THINK, use spell check and grammatical error fixing things. Then once they're in they'll post crap like; OMG H@Ve Y0U EVA TH0U4T 0f Suicid3?

    By the way, that post was quite funny with all the bashing if not correctly labeled as the post posted. ;)
  19. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    The newest member updated a thread without a post in like 4 months. GAH!!
  20. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    The solution for the problem: Neg rep those who don't follow normal logic and give them a good kick up the arss fi they don't listen to advice being yelled at them for their idoicy(sp...).

    I've been around for a while, and I have hardly any posts. I spend my time in IRC and browse the forum and post when I need to. Remeber this little kiddie newbies: Your Post Count Doesn't Matter, your reputation doesn't come from it.

    *Agrees with Syao in that the tread is hugely amusing for some reason*