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Ranked Diaries

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Churchey, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Eh, I like having a Shurelya's at least for when my team inevitably chases and gets caught out. Aegis/Locket is w/e.
  2. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Well, i'm talking from the perspective of a gold player who carried themselves out of silver with semi-carries and Mordekaiser. Keep in mind when you run a semi-carry you are running a kill lane; if you don't secure enough kills to replace the money you spent on sighstone then you're doing it wrong. My advice is based on the fact that you might not belong in bronze. If you do then play as normal and improve your mechanics until you naturally progress to silver.

    You 'replacing' the carry bottom as yourself doesn't help if you aren't better than the carry you're taking the CS from. The point is to take the money and use it to assassinate the other team's ADC (who is worth more than yours by virtue of yours sucking and having low CS because you're taking it) and surviving to still deal damage. If you can't do that, play a traditional support and hope for the best. Regardless of what role you play, over time you will eventually wind up at your true skill level of play.
  3. Dante

    Dante Slug Club Member

    Mar 31, 2007
    The thing is that I play Lulu and Thresh with Ignite. If my ADC is not a total retard, it's almost a kill lane either way. Enemy bot either gets zoned out or killed. I don't know, maybe it's a bad thing, but before enemy ADC gets BF Sword or Cutlass, I pretty much play as if he's my bitch. Enemy Support running Exhaust really helps with that. I poke a lot, if I see an opportunity, I go on the ADC, pop ignite. Normally, one of three things happens: a) ADC dies b) ADC has to back c) He stays in lane with 100-200 life. If a), great, lane half won. If b), great, lane half won. If c) I pop my pots, heal up, kill him later, great, lane half won. I can often get away with doing these things because a) I have Health Quints, so I have more room to work with. b) Enemy ADCs rarely run Life Steal Quints in Bronze, so if they get down to low life, they can't heal up. c) They are just bad, so if my aggression is not totally reckless, I can poke them for free. Over and over again. It's almost a kill lane anyways.

    The problem with running semi carries for me is: I would have to learn to play them. Now, I can play Lulu very well, my Thresh is good, could be loads better, of course. My Sona is reasonable, played with friends today, finished the game with 8/3/29, got a kill on an invade, proceeded to totally abuse their bot lane of Volibear Draven resulting in a level 6 double kill. Ran around with 2 Vision 5 Sight Wards and Oracle's up, didn't know what to do with my money, bought Ancient Golem and Aegis. I was third in damage done on my team after Miss Fortune and Kassadin.

    But that's a normal. Anyway, I really believe that vision wins games. I also believe that for it to win those games, support has to have great ways to catch somebody. That's why I play Lulu and Thresh.

    The only semi-carry I could play is Fiddlesticks. The problem is that without ult, it doesn't carry, without Zhonya's he just dies as soon as he goes in as support because the damage is not THAT great and if you try to get Zhonya's, there won't be any vision superiority which is actually a bad thing if you play Fiddlesticks in any role because his ult loses a lot of his effectiveness if people see you coming. Now, what's left? Playing it like a normal Support. But then again, why risk it if the comp could also work with Thresh, Lulu or Sona? Of course, if enemies don't have any way to screw Fiddlesticks over and it goes well with my team, I will happily play it and CAW CAW CAW to victory.

    In the last three days of playing, I'm 21-4 playing real supports. Yeah, ADC sometimes call me a noob for running Ignite instead of Exhaust and occasionally getting kills (I think I average around 3 per game) but as long as I see that "Victory" thingy at the end of the game, I don't really mind. There still are people who understand what I did, friend me after the game and ask to duo :p I make a lot of mistakes, but the more I play, the better I get. I believe that if I continue doing what I do, I WILL get to Silver before the end of the season. Played duo with a Gold V friend vs. Silver III guys, did not feel outplayed at all, kinda raped both games, actually.
  4. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Lulu <3.

    I carried myself out of Silver playing almost exclusively support. It doesn't matter if the ADC you're paired with can't hit 90 cs at 10 minutes, odds are more than likely that the enemy AD is just as (un)skilled. Zone the enemy, make them miss more cs than your ADC, and set up kills with CC. By all means take cs that your lanemate misses or simply cannot get, but actively farming the feet under them pisses them off and ruins the chemistry or destroys their morale because you display no confidence in them, leaving you with an ADC with no presence at all after laning phase.

    My latest ranked game I played AD because first pick demanded my Lulu. Had a ~30 cs lead at 10 minutes which only stopped growing to 50 at 30 mins because I rotated to other lanes and took towers to end the game. Had some excellent kills set up by a single glitterlance and survived ganks due to ult. Incredibly satisfying first game of my promo series.

    One luxury or burden, depending on how you see it, of playing support is that you can be the shot caller, with eyes on the minimap and a mind on objective timers while everyone else is focused on mechanics.
  5. Dante

    Dante Slug Club Member

    Mar 31, 2007
    In theory, Lucian should be very annoying for Lulu to deal with due to slow removal, but somehow people fail to click it :D
  6. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    I fucking love Lucian. Kind of weak early game, but dear god that late game. I can 1v1 a well-fed Vayne with decent chances of success, which I can't say for, well, anyone else.
  7. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    An equally built Quinn can pretty easily challenge Vayne in 1v1.
    If you have the first attack, an Auto(possibly another auto to proc the freshly-placed passive if applicable, and if it wasn't there already) to start, then the following.
    R-E-Q-Auto(repeat if necessary)-Ruined King if desired-R-Auto again if needed because of miscalculated R-release.
    If you really have the sneak attack, jumping straight into the latter section can work wonders. In bird form, her condemn isn't going to remotely stop you from catching her, especially if she condemns before you E(wall-stuns aside).

    I've been trying out Youmuu's lately as well, and bird+Youmuu's is a pretty ridiculous steroid, especially since you get the melee-duration then you can switch right back to ranged if you want to. Ruined King alone, perhaps berserker's greaves, and the above is easily near max attack speed.

    Well, as for versus Vayne, it's obviously the Blind on Q that makes the whole thing work easily, that and unlike, say, Teemo who can stick pretty well, Quinn really-really can while in bird form. Vayne scales off of attack speed, and gets free AD + W, Quinn scales off AD, and gets free attack speed + passive(while human, and lots of attack speed and move speed while a bird). Both are AD's who can perform assassinations fairly easily under the right circumstances.

  8. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005

    Played a 52 minute game yesterday as Nami. Lane partner was the worst Tristana I've ever seen in my life, duoing with a decent Vi. After 20 minutes she was 0/3, and the idiot was taking tornado's and Cait's shots to the face like it was her damned job. She'd rocket jump into 3 enemies, rocket out, I'm spazzing to save her, Cait would ulti, and I'd dive in front of the bullet to save her. Only reason she didn't go double digit deaths.

    Minute 20 the team was begging to surrender. Me and Nasus spammed wards across the usual spots. We abandoned Tristana to bot lane farming, picked up Lux, and start hit and running catching champs out. By minute 40 we had next to nothing left, Tristana finally got done dicking with minions to come finish off a post Baron weakened team for a triple kill. Came back due to vision. I'd Nami ulti all but one into the air, Lux would bait into a bush, I'd bubble the chasers, and the rest would destroy the poor bastard caught out. Minute 52 we won.

    Tristana flips out on me for not staying bottom with her. When even the other team was laughing at how pathetic she was. Couldn't even last hit properly, if not for her passive damage to all surrounding minions, she wouldn't have even hit 190ish cs in an hour like she did. Nasus by that same time frame had nearly 400, and he spent most of the game post minute 20 rolling with me and Vi.

    Edit: I forgot to mention... I'd pop them into the air, and she'd ignore them, CSing instead. Seriously.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2013
  9. Dante

    Dante Slug Club Member

    Mar 31, 2007
    A Nasus with Q farmed like hell and a full tank build... Did he one shot people? :D
    EDIT: Also, had a game today. our team - Cait, Warwick, Karthus. I'm support. Enemies have Blitz, Zed, Katarina and Volibear, I think. My turn to pick. I look at Karthus in my team. Teammates say that we need hard CC. I pick Fiddlesticks, The last guy gets Darius. Enemy picks Sivir as ADC. Bot lane matchup is absolutely terrible. I am preparing people for the super hard laning phase, telling them that I will try not to feed too much. Me and Cait are guarding red, I see a full invade on blue. everyone pretty much gets out, me and Cait give jungler Red buff, go to lane. When Sivir and Blitz come to lane, we are level 2 already. Lane goes well, I get CDR Cap, Ruby Sightstone, in other words, the usual stuff with a little tweak. Zed ults, I fear him. Katarina tries to do anything, I fear her. Volibear tries to run in, I fear him :D Was very fun :D
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2013
  10. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Yep. I popped them up, and he just exploded a massive chunk of their life away. I HATED Nami at first bc I played her like an Ap carry. I love her now though.
  11. Peteks

    Peteks Order Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Ranked is just not for me.

    Went into game, our first pick locked Alistar support, I was kinda happy, and filled jungle for us with Elise.

    This Alistar intentionally stayed to last hit my blue when I asked for smiteless, then went and towerdove enemy mid level 2, and by towerdive I mean give free kill for no reason while leaving our ADC stranded at bot.

    Well, the 3 others started raging like mad while I tried to pacify them to get something out of the game, but Alistar just kept on trolling and the other team members kept on raging and proceeded to feed in their frustration. Just god awful.

    Then I went Rene top in my next game, because our first pick took Kha, then realised he was counterpicked and went to jungle, just to feed like mad.

    I beat Lee at top by good 40 CS and 2 kills, but one does not simply carry a game with Renekton when ADC can't last hit for shit and jungler feeds like mad.

    So, from being at 100 LP and one game away from promotion, I've had client freezes and trolls till I'm now at 0LP. Fuck this shit.
  12. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Had 2 brutal games last night as Kayle mid. One game I was vs an anivia. In the first 4 minutes I had a double kill and double buffs. I proceeded to max E and push anivia in then counter jungle her Vi and roam all over the map with the aid of my Hecarim. Final score: 9/0/x

    Second game was vs a Talon who coukd never quite kill me. Max CDR with blue and some aggressive shielding by me meant that in the few close fights we had (when he would jump me when I was half hp and he was full) when it came down to the last auto my heal was always up in time to save me.

    Both games were vial starts into nashor bits then gunblade. The sustain you get from gunblade is huge and it basicallu has no cd. Combine with the Q damage increase and double slow I was hitting for 300 damage per hit, with an equal blend so itemizing against me was crap.

    Guess that breaks my losing spree. Which is good because I was playing vs a silver 3 in that anivia game.
  13. Peteks

    Peteks Order Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Kayle Q actually doesn't increase the damage you do afterwards anymore ;)
  14. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    Well, technically it does, since it adds a stack of her passive... just not the previous bonus percentage, that's true.
  15. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Well ill be damned. She sure doesn't feel much weaker; Kayle is a bully with built in CC and sustain. Never mind that she shreds defenses by 15%, just putting a blue buff on her makes her hard to push out. If you het a bit of vamprism? Forget it. And you arent even really in danger if you overstay either, because r to w to q opponent is a ridiculous escape.

    I never even got the to liandry to aoe shred teams either. Her roam is just incredibly brutal and her skirmish synergy is hard to compare to. She can boost herself or an ally to help them land their CC/abilities, has a slow herself, r is amazing for counter ganking and her built in defense shred is literally without peer.
  16. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Just had a 0/0/8 game as cait. Was pretty boring, and easy. Enemy was all over the place, our Zed mid got babysitted and got huge, bot lane was abysmal. I only went b once, to buy BF and vampiric. All the rest of the game I was hammering away at bot lane, then mid lane, then nexus turrets, then nexus.
  17. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    She doesn't feel weaker because Nashor's tooth is op on people that can use it properly
  18. Peteks

    Peteks Order Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Got ADC Annie on my team, except he built AP anyway and died a lot raging at everyone. We were even winning, then he went afk and we lost, back to 4 LP, wondering how the fuck am I supposed to carry this shit from jungle, I was 5/0/6 before he went afk after he tried to solo towerdive two full hp champions. GG
  19. Consumptus

    Consumptus Groundskeeper

    May 3, 2009
    My Kayle build is Nashor's into Lichbane. The burst and sustained damage you get at lvl 13 is stupidly good. You dominate mid game, and her kit lets her do well in lane as well. Level 2 cheese is also good on Kayle.

    Anyways, I'm on a 8 or 9 game win streak.
    2 more games as Fizz, both won. One of them I killed Diana early, but she's a stupid champ and went 3 Dorans. I didn't use my R and she got away with 100 hp and killed me. =( Definitely a misplay by me, I didn't expect her burst.

    Two games as Corki, and one as Kayle. There were AP Ez's in both my Corki games for some strange coincidence. I'm loving Corki again, especially with the change to Triforce/Phage and the mana costs.

    Guess my MMR is finally going up again, because I keep getting 20+ LP games.
  20. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Noticed a huge number of Corki's lately. Guess people are loving the new Trinity Force? oO
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