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Xbox One v Playstation 4

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Relic, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    I'm so used to having the fan on for the PS3 that I haven't played without it on for the PS4. Will try it today and update here.


    Played about 6 hours straight yesterday without the fan on and PS4 doesn't heat up as much as the PS3 or make as much noise. It is cold in my room so I'm not sure how much of it was offset by that. Still much better than PS3. When flat the PS4 is pretty quiet but when I stood it up there was a lot more noise.

    As for the PS4 controller, the thing that I at first liked (the glowing light) seems to be a waste since its always on and I'm thinking using up battery. Will have to check if they have an option to turn it off.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2013
  2. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    I heard questionable things about the bumpers. How did they feel to you?

    FEdit, since this is actually probably the most important improvement they had to make: how is the d-pad?
  3. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    The X1 controller is less chunky, easier to hold and an improvement on the old one. Then, the controls felt smoother and more responsive. The d-pad is clicky, when you press it you feel a click. Not sure how I would feel about that long-term.

    PS4 has the better layout in terms of the dpad being on the upper left instead of the lower left which was a little awkward to me.

    I wasn't actually considering getting the X1 so I wasn't paying as much attention as I would have otherwise.
  4. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    PC > PS4 > Nintendo Shit > Xbone.

    Sony is making an ass of themselves right now, but they're still not nearly as big of assholes as Microsoft is. Microsoft continues it's war on Used Games, on Solo Gaming, on Dedicated Gamers and on Indie Gamers/Developers. Sony embraces these things to a higher degree than Microsoft does, and does it all while costing less and having the more powerful machine that doesn't come with a mandatory device which will spy on you constantly and be used as a way for the feds to watch you, if they want to.

    For their Reveal Day Fuckup alone, I will refuse to buy an Xbone. I think you're all forgetting about the BLATANTLY anti-consumer bullshit they tried to get away with, and only changed somewhat because of MASSIVE consumer pressure. Micro$oft tried to fuck the gaming industry and gamers in the ass. I for one, refuse to forget that and just buy one anyway because "omg Ryse is so pretty and it's in Rome OMG." I will not reward them for being smart enough to realize they had better hide their 'fuck the little guy' attitude better than they were.

    For all that Lord Raine has terri-fucking-bad presentation, she makes some good points. PC is still the best, PS4 is meh but acceptable I suppose and Xbone is fucktarded.

    I'll Buy a PS4 after the bugs have been worked out and the library of available games is both more robust and better. Probably in half a year to a year.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2013
  5. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    Buh? No they aren't. Sony's doing everything they possibly can to avoid being assholes right now. The launch of the PS3 really affected the way they operated, especially as far as this console launch goes.

    Good to hear! Thanks for the info. I'll probably never buy an xbone because of the way they announced it, but it's still interesting to hear about the controller.
  6. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    I find it a little ironic that you bemoan Microsoft's 'anti-consumer bullshit' yet still stand by your 'PC#1!!' flag.

    Their emphasis on TV aside, I'm assuming the major gripe you had with their initial stance was the always connected, anti-used games model?

    Is that not Steam?

    Was Steam not initially laughed out the door?

    Is Steam not now vital?

    The only thing Microsoft got wrong was how they went about getting across their message, and having Don Mattrick speaking in public. Ever.

    Even boxing in Kinect was a clever move, it guarantees a high attach rate for their flagship tech, one that'll be vital in the future of consumer electronics - at least in the direction they're taking it. They can also get developers to make games for them much more easily, given that everyone with an xbone will have one.

    BTW, this comes from someone who'll never buy an xbox of any kind, can't stand their exclusives and who'll be picking up a PS4 when it comes out at the midnight launch 29/11.
  7. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    The big difference is that Steam puts games on sale for extreme (often 75%+) discounts with an incredible frequency, while Microsoft only begrudgingly started putting years-old games for free on its for-pay service and - to my knowledge - very rarely discounts games at all.

    It's really hard to complain about Steam when it got you dozens of games you were likely going to buy anyway for hundreds of dollars worth of savings. Steam doesn't need used games, they sell new games for cheaper than that.
  8. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    The difference there is console gaming is far, far more popular than PC gaming. PC gaming was kind of going away until Steam came along, which made it a for more popular and attractive concept.

    I assure you, Steam doesn't want to give you shit for nothing. They have to. Microsoft never had to give away games for free either, that is until the ridiculously amazing PSPlus came onto the scene and they were for forced to compete.

    PC gaming also needed something to discourage piracy. Being able to buy games for next to nothing makes Steam a more attractive concept too, killing two birds with one stone.
  9. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    Right, that's true enough, but kinda irrelevant? The point is, Microsoft tried to replicate the Steam system, but because of their perceived position in the market they were all but guaranteed to try to replicate it without any of Steam's actual positives.

    And it sounds like they're still not really trying to compete with Plus on a value perspective.
  10. NTD

    NTD High Inquisitor

    Jun 2, 2012
    Roaming, accruing charges... Please wait
  11. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Eh. No, that's not steam.

    A. Steam doesn't require a constant internet connection. You can, in fact, play steam games in offline mode. Yes, you have to check in every 24 hours, but that's way different.

    B. Steam doesn't demand you use the Kinect, which many people hate the idea of. Something always watching, always listening. Something that the feds have an agreement with Microsoft to be able to use to spy on you if they want to.

    C. Steam Offers games for much, much cheaper, nor does steam require you t0 pay hundreds of dollars to use their service. All you need is a PC, which you probably had anyway before steam ever came around, and which does many, many more things than just play games.

    D. To do basically anything on the Xbox One, you have to have Xbox Live Gold, which will cost you 60 a year.

    E. Steam supports the indie gaming community, both developers and gamers. Steam tries to make it as easy as they can for small studios to make waves and get their games out there. Microsoft actively fights indie gaming studios.

    F. No, steam isn't Vital. I don't use steam very often, actually. I play a couple games on it, but most of my games come from other sources. Some of them I've picked up from friends, others I've bought myself, and a few I've torrented. Nonetheless, Steam didn't Hijack my computer and say "ANY GAME EVER PUT ON THIS MACHINE CAN ONLY BE PLAYED THROUGH STEAM ON YOUR ACCOUNT FROM THIS MACHINE."

    Which Microsoft was going to do, until people shit their pants in rage and threw the anger-fueled fecal matter at them.
  12. samkar

    samkar Temporarily Banhammered

    Jul 26, 2010
    You weren't limited to the machine but only to the account's licenses for obvious reasons. So if you moved to your friend and enabled your account and you had the patience to install the game on the machine you could have.
  13. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    I watched Ryse on a bunch of streams for a few hours. It was fucking sweet. Like that old PS2 Shadow of Rome game with better graphics and none of those retarded stealth sequences.
  14. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Except you couldn't just 'enable' your account on other machines. An account was locked to one machine as it's 'primary', and using it on other machines was full of convoluted, restrictive shit.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:44 PM ----------

    Forza 5 Xbox One Graphics Downgraded From E3 Build

    Oh lookie lookie, the Xbone has dropped Yet Another Cookie.

    ---------- Post automerged 11-24-2013 at 01:21 AM ---------- Previous post was 11-23-2013 at 10:27 PM ----------

    More Xbone Fails

    Xbone Sells One Million Units in One Day....

    Over 13 countries.

    Which PS4 did in ONE country.

    Ryze gets terrible reviews.

    From both gaming sites AND players.

    Which is exactly what people were saying was the reasoning behind the embargo on reviews till release day.

    Even the Wii U Dominates the Xbone

    With Higher Metacritic Official and Player reviews on their launch titles in all but one instance. That one instance being only a one point lead out of a 100 point scale. Whereas that same game was obliterated by the Wii U game in player reviews.

    Fact: The Xbone Sucks. Fact: 'Entertainment' and 'Technology' mags/sites aren't rating it as a gaming platform. They're rating it as an entertainment center.

    But if your interest is in a GAMING platform. It's the least of the Big Three Gen 8 platforms by a significant margin. Beaten out in hardware and consumer friendliness by the PS4, and beaten out in software and consumer friendliness by the Wii U.

    All while being the most expensive.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2013
  15. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    This is starting to veer into rampart fanboyism.

    Yes, to me, Ryze looks terrible and repetitive. I was bored out of my mind just watching ten minutes of the stream.

    Sounds a lot like Knack, unfortunately, only not as hard and punishing. Knack also got much worse reviews.

    You're also forgetting to mention KI, Dead Rising and Forza, all of which look pretty amazing (objectively, none of them are my cup of tea).

    PS4 only really has Knack, Resogun and Killzone as exclusives (Contrast is on PC). One of those is amazing, the others, I wouldn't buy if I didn't want something to play on my new piece of hardware.

    Basically? Every bit of gaming media I've followed has agreed that Xbone has the better launch games. GAMES. They've also agreed that Kinect is ridiculous at navigating TV channels - which points to the opposite of what you're saying.

    I'm not going to even read the link regarding the graphics dropping on Forza, it's boring. These are launch games, go back and look at ps3 or 360 launch games and compare them to AC4 on the same consoles and you'll see how much graphics at this point actually matters.
  16. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    It kinda depends on what you're into. Like, to me, the Xbone has absolutely nothing interesting on it (since they fucked up Dead Rising) on launch, and the PS4's only really interesting launch game is Resogun.

    I bought this thing for inFamous and to play a bunch of random shit in the future, not because of what it has at launch. Because if I did, I'd be buying a WiiU instead (which I'm not because it's going to die horribly once third parties get tired of downscaling their games.)
  17. Lord Raine

    Lord Raine Disappeared DLP Supporter

    May 4, 2010
    Not wanting to go from Xbox to PC because Steam is 'too limiting' is like not wanting to move out of a cardboard box in an alley because houses can only be hundred square foot studio apartments painted blue and filled with plastic lawn furniture.

    Even if we ignore the fact that Steam is an infinitely better service than anything being offered by the Xbox One, there are almost a dozen alternatives, and that's in addition to just, you know, not using a third party client for your games. You can do that. It's possible, I promise. You just go to a store, real or online, buy a game, and then either play it off the disc, or install it completely onto your PC if you've got the space for it.

    That's possible. I promise. Believe it or not, people played games on computers before the year 2000. Swear to God.
  18. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    Yeah? Of the, maybe, hundred thousand sales most PC titles generate, how many do you think are retail?

    Steam is also an infinitely better service, yes, but because it has to be. If as many people were playing these third party titles on PC as they were on xbox or ps3, i assure you, steam would be unrecognisable from what it is today.

    Call Microsoft (and Sony) whatever you want, but to call them shit and PC better? Well, one is allowed to have an opinion, but the vast majority of gamers seem to disagree.

    Mind, this coming from an avid PC gamer who recognises that without console 'port' sales, skyrim would never have existed. Games are too expensive now to produce them on PC only, which is probably why HL3 has taken so long...

    ** roughly 75% of all skyrim sales were on consoles, majority of them on 360.
  19. Lord Raine

    Lord Raine Disappeared DLP Supporter

    May 4, 2010
    What is the internet? What is buying and downloading indy games directly from the developers? What is Newegg, Best Buy, Gamefly, Glyde, and Google Search?

    If you seriously can't figure out how to get games without a third-party client shoving a GUI in your face, you're probably better off with a Playstation or a Bone anyway.
  20. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:

    None of that changes the fact that the PC is the superior gaming platform and that consoles only really exist these days because PC gaming requires a bit more intelligence and the fact that consoles are traditionally the way gaming and many gamers grew up.

    PC gaming is less restricted in capabilities as well. How many games have been damaged because they had to also make them for the Console Crowd, and thus had to dumb them down because Consoles simply /do not/ have the capability to handle complex control schemes that PCs do.

    Additionally, PC gaming is growing at a much, much, much faster rate than Console gaming. Statistics show that PC Games played every year increases at a MUCH faster rate than Console gaming does, all the while, gaming-capable PCs are beocming cheaper and cheaper at a much faster rate than console companies can even release new consoles. Let alone the fact that the Consoles simply cannot keep up in power.

    I paid around $1000 for my PC 5+ years ago. And it still is more powerful than the PS4 and Xbone. I have more storage space, more utility, and frankly the games are better. Additionally, my PC can be upgraded for far cheaper than any Console can be in the power department.

    Console games are inferior in literally every fashion besides ease-of-use, and it's shown that more and more people are realizing this by the fact that PC gaming is growing at an exponentially larger rate than Console gaming is, even when one takes into account the fact that DIGITAL downloads and purchases (an extremely significant part of modern PC gaming) are NOT included in the statistics being used to measure such things.

    Consoles are a tradition, they were the major force behind gaming for a very long time, and everyone knows it, appreciates it. PC gaming, however, was much more expensive and much less approachable for many years. Now, that's been almost entirely reversed. Everyone has a PC, you basically NEED one to get along in daily life if you live in a modern country. Lots of People have gaming-capable PCs without even knowing it. I, personally, have been the one to tell more than a couple of avid console-gamers that they have a perfectly usable gaming-capable PC that they've only been using for the internet and work/school/hobbies.

    You'd be surprised at how surprised THEY are when you point out that graphics on PC are better, games are more complex and indepth, and that PCs are far more reliable and much less likely to have to be entirely replaced than Consoles are.

    Still, none of THAT changes the fact that in the PS4 vs Xbone debate. When looking at them as purely GAMING platforms (excluding all the 'entertainment center' bullshit that Xbone threw in), the PS4 is the far more impressive machine. If you throw in the 'entertainment center' stuff, than the Xbone is great and it's value increases drastically, but if you want a GAMING console the PS4 is more powerful, easier to develop for, is more consumer friendly, and costs less. All of these are acknowledged, numbered facts, and anyone arguing to the contrary is either blind or ignorant or lying.

    It's not 'rampant fanboyism', it's the blatant truth, and if you can't handle blunt, blatant truth, DLP is not where you want to be.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2013