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~/* Witchhunt Game 3 *\~ (DRAW)

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by KaiDASH, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. CrashLTD

    CrashLTD Fifth Year

    Aug 25, 2006

    She is being her usual self of being active as long as she is alive. No alarm bells that I've read so far.

    Typhon - for suddenly deciding to ride my Aekiel RVS.
    Moridin - seems to be building up towncred for Dermon by commending him regarding pointing out my Aekiel vote. Seems to be pretty set on classifying it as naked vote when it is purely RVS.
    Dermon - posts seem a bit fake.
  2. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    That's not what I'm saying, though; not really, at least. I agree that asking questions can be a valid strategy for finding scum; I just found your choice of Zeitgeist and Lucky curious. My insinuation was that you asked questions to people that you deemed would be most apt to fumble them. At that point, you would've been able to jump on them as "scum" and cement your early status. Even when they flipped town, you would still walk away mostly unscathed, because they *did* fumble their questions, after all.

    It's an effective plan, and I'd prefer to not see it happen.

    Reads. A scum list. Outlining scenarios about a town!Moridin world and a scum!Moridin world like you are presumably asking Stojil expound on. Anything where you put forth your opinions would be nice.

    An explanation of why you swapped away from Zeit would be nice too. I mean, regardless of my feelings about what you were doing, if you legitimately felt you were scum hunting then why wouldn't you, you know, try to force a response out of a person you felt made a misstep? The swap looks like a NOU response to me, and has you ignoring your previous actions.
  3. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    I made no comment regarding your vote itself. I was talking more about Dermon's reaction to it, is all.

    Because asking those questions outlines my intentions that much more clearly, and signals to someone who would want to manipulate their answer that they should do so.

    Well, whatever anyone else assumed, Wetnurse certainly seems to have had that idea :p

    I'll answer the last in a few hours. Barebones, Lucky, Wetnurse, Aekiel. Probably a couple others, but I need to reread to give a good answer, especially since those three are individually scummy to me.
  4. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    “Walking beside the guilty and the innocent, how will you raise your hand when they call your name?”
    -- Bon Jovi, We Weren't Born To Follow

    Current Vote Total:

    Aekiel (3): Bill Door (#84), Typhon (#99), Luckylee (#120)
    Moridin (2): Probellum (#77), Fontisian (#85)
    Typhon (2): Sesc (#72), Aekiel (#107)
    Zeitgeist (1): Caesar (#87)
    Luckylee (1): Moridin (#79)
    Fontisian (1): Uncle Stojil (#78)
    Sesc (1): Rubicon (#91)

    Abstaining: Zeitgeist, Kalas, Dermon, Wetnurse

    It requires 8 to lynch, 10 to auto-hammer.

    As always, updated information can be found in the status document.

    As a reminder, all votes must be in BOLD and RED and ON A NEW LINE.

    All votes not in that format will be ignored from this point forward.

    Day has 24 hours and 25 minutes remaining.


    Wetnurse voted Aekiel (#71)
    Sesc voted Typhon (#72)
    Aekiel voted Zeitgeist (#76)
    Probellum voted Moridin (#77)
    Uncle Stojil voted Fontisian (#78)
    Moridin voted Luckylee (#79)
    Bill Door voted Aekiel (#84)
    Fontisian voted Moridin (#85)
    Caesar voted Zeitgeist (#87)
    Rubicon voted Sesc (#91)
    Dermon voted Sesc (#96)
    Luckylee voted Sesc (#97)
    Typhon voted Aekiel (#99)
    Aekiel voted Typhon (#107) | Previous Target: Zeitgeist
    Luckylee unvoted Sesc (#108)
    Dermon unvoted Sesc (#109)
    Wetnurse unvoted Aekiel (#114)
    Luckylee voted Wetnurse (#116)
    Luckylee unvoted Wetnurse (#118)
    Luckylee voted Aekiel (#120)
  5. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Somebody asked me what I thought of Aekiel? My personal view is that he was oddly transfixed by my diffidence, maybe because I was as easy a lynch target as any. Launching a bandwagon on a quieter player is more feasible than launching one on a more ferocious player who is less likely to consign himself/herself to being steamrolled. Why is he launching a bandwagon? Maybe he's scum or maybe he's having a bad day, could be either.

    Caesar's vote befuddles me, but I guess not everything in this thread is readily comprehensible. Caesar, why did you vote for me? Any particular reason other than my wariness?
  6. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    ^This. It hurts my soul.

    Mechanics tricks can help win games and I know for a fact that Aekiel knows this.

    So the Aekiel/Zeitgeist interactions look dodgy as fuck, can we lynch them both? Zeit, post some actual opinons on players, stop being so vauge.
  7. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Nope and yes.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 PM ----------

    For crying out loud man. Why is everyone in this game allergic to scumhunting? It wasn't freaking launching a bandwagon it was putting some damn pressure on you.

    Your responses haven't particularly inured me to you either. Instead of doing much of anything you opt to cast doubt on why I'm bloody pressuring you.

    Seriously though, if people can't get an idea of what I'm thinking by who I'm asking what, are you even looking at my posts?

    I'm off to work in a moment but I'll post some freaking reads if you.

    Moridin - Scum.
    Zeitgeist - Likely scumbuddy.
    Bill Door - Seems to attack me on D1 in every single game we play together. Jesus Christ man, wtf?

    Probellum's post #82 stuck me as odd. The 'I don't expect to find anything' part could easily read as him having prior knowledge of Font's alignment.

    And I'm gone. Later. Hopefully I'll have calmed down some by the time I get back.
  8. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Well you were scum in Tinyhunt and at the moment I think you might be scum again. I can't think of any other times I've attacked you on D1.
  9. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    Aekiel I'm still unsure about...hrmm...His initial defense strikes as towny and continues in that vein, but something about his last post just seems off.

    @Aek: You say people are "Allergic" to scumhunting, but I don't quite see you really poking anybody. Your comment about Bill_Door also struck me kind of how Lexi acted when she was about to be Lynched in Micro Mafia.

    Still not enough for me to vote him over Moridin, right now, but it may change.
  10. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Think of me as an idiot (have fun, guys, this is gold on a silver platter - Sesc, you answer seriously, though).

    I don't get it. The fact he simply apologized makes it more likely he honestly forgot? Wouldn't someone who honestly forgot try to repair to his negligence by rectifying it when called out on it?

    Rubicon has yet to answer (by the way...

    Lynch Vote: Rubicon

    Kalas had some interesting interpretations, some of them spot on, others should have been ranked slightly higher or lower. Problem is, he never posted a follow up (or anything at all) and everyone he's called out among the lower spots has been able to safely ignore him with no consequences.

    Bill Door's ranking in itself is out of whack, maybe deliberately so, to better justify his vote on Aekiel. Beside that, he left out a couple of things I feel deserved to be on the list.

    fontisian: what do you think about Aekiel?

    Speaking strictly from the debate about his readwall?

    Town!Moridin world: Aekiel, Lucky.
    Scum!Moridin world: Zeit, Dermon.

    fontisian and Sesc don't exactly look scummy for how they handled the whole thing surrounding the read-wall, but I can see them reacting like they did as scum with that context (in a town!Moridin world). Ditto for Bill Door (but in a scum!Moridin world).
  11. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Sorry about the absence guys. Christmas is coming.

    Things I don't like on reread:
    Wetnurse's RVS Vote, Wetnurse's flawed game understanding. Rubicon being a willful derp. Bill Door making me twinge.

    Typhon calling me quiet with one 'I'm alive' post to my name. The entire last half of post 99 which was both poorly worded and poorly reasoned.

    Vote: Typhon
  12. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    To encourage you to post something concrete. I thought the implication was clear but sorry if it wasn't. I'm going to leave my vote where it is for the moment because I'm not convinced by your response.
  13. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Oh where to start. In what world should I be telling you what opinion to have on my post? You don't need my permission to think, though from your tone you might need someone else's to poke me.

    Additionally that wasn't analysis. That was ranking. Calling it anything else is just a weak attempt to color perceptions.
  14. Dermon

    Dermon Muggle

    Nov 30, 2013
    @Fontisian, concerning Stojil:

    I like his inquisition into your interactions with Caesar being possibly scripted. I do not agree with him, but his strong follow-up indicates that he is actually interested in finding an answer.

    He put legitimate pressure on Sesc, which is followed up on in subsequent posts.
    He pressures Zeitgeist to a lesser extent, but this:
    makes me wonder why he's thinking so much about bandwagons, and possibly trying to impose his own motivations on Zeit.
    In the same vein, and as you pointed out, there is this:
    It demonstrates the “hyper awareness” that you pointed out as being a characteristic of scumteams. However, at the point at which this was posted, it would be hard to not be aware of Moridin and his recently posted readwall, especially alongside the attacks on him from Probellum.

    I'm more concerned with these:
    These could be legitimate questions in order to move the game along, but they seem simplistic and less than useful, especially asking Kalas to compile his questionwall. On the other hand, he legitimately follows up on them, such as with:
    and the analysis which you prompted in post #130.
    Additionally, he uses a vote to pressure Rubicon to hopefully provide answers to the rest of his questions, which I think is a valid tactic.

    I also agree with his conclusions on the possible connections to Moridin, but I would like to see more of his process of thinking when he came up with them.

    In conclusion, I think that Stojil has put legitimate pressure on people, and is interested in finding answers, not looking busy. Lean town.

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:09 ---------- Previous post was at 14:03 ----------

    @Kalas: I saw going back through Stojil's posting that he was the one who prompted you for the questionwall. When I asked you for conclusions, I thought you had posted it spontaneously of your own accord, and thus would have posted it for reasons of analysis.
  15. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Your posts have been, for the most part, well thought out and analytical. And upon reading that you assume it was something spontaneous? No. That doesn't track. At all. You're smarter then that.
  16. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    I might not be online when it's time to vote, so I'll put a deadline vote for now. I still feel a little diffident, but here's to voting for somebody who was furtively censuring me to form an early wagon. Honestly, he's as solid a vote as any.

    Deadline Vote Out: Aekiel
  17. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Zeit, don't take this the wrong way, but reading your posts makes me want to strangle something. :)

    Unvote: Sesc (explanation below)

    Lynch Vote: Kalas

    The lack of follow up to your question ranking thing, and your response to being called out for it: "a weak attempt to color perceptions" and then continuing to attack Dermon while not outright calling him scum.

    The problem is that your post clearly did express some opinions that seemed to be about alignment.

    "Very oddly directed."
    "This gave me the distinct impression of wanting an echo of your already voiced opinions."
    "Am I making the discussions right guys???"

    You didn't follow up on any of these things, your top scum reads later are completely disconnected from them. You haven't hit back at Uncle Stojil for asking you do to make a useless post except to mention it was a bad question, and you barely made an attempt to do anything productive with his question. Your response is just... there, and then you set it aside and talked about other stuff.

    Then you've suggested Dermon was lying / doubtcasting you twice (way over-defensively) but in your post in between you don't mention him at all and vote one of the top wagons for apparently calling you out on lurking(??) and having a "poorly worded" #99 (but you don't explain what was poorly worded about it).

    (Also, what derp are you talking about in that post??)

    Well, because you didn't ask for my town reads, mostly. Which you seem to understand in your next question.

    Whether you were asking for reads or town "things", it's a pretty terrible question indicating you wanted to look busy. But asking for "towny things" is so bad it's almost funny: it's pointedly pointless. Definite FoS on you for that entire list of questions.

    Could you point out where you've said stuff like "enough distancing" before? I don't remember you doing anything like that.

    As far as town reads go, I'd very tentatively call Dermon town for being unusually townish and focused for a newbie, but he could just be a sociopath. I stand by my original answer that everyone is varying degrees of scum.

    Reasoning makes sense to me. This post is a fair amount better but I still don't understand what in the world you were saying about roles, which is what pinged the most for me. Where/what was your question?
  18. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Which sort of means that when you answered that, you weren't looking for scum and furthermore, judging by your reads and brief (read: terrible) explainations, you didn't even stumble upon possible scum, either. That also speaks a lot about your mindset. If Rubicon wasn't so annoying and useless, and giving me Prophylaxis-flashbacks, I would vote for you.

    I'm not sure what this is beside horrible and scummy in context.

    1) So much? First thing first, you're not in my head and don't know what I'm thinking or how much I'm thinking it. The verb you're looking for is 'talking'. Second, 'so much' implies more than once and that's a lie. Third, for this game's leit-motive of being aware of what's going on (you guys should try it, seriously), I do think and consider bandwagons in mafia, both as town and as scum. How stupid of me, right?

    2) Imposing? Let me quote Zeit's post for you:

    He's talking about the most frequently mentioned suspects and wanting to hear from them before possibly voting one of them. So he's talking about bandwagons and waiting to jump on them, I didn't put words in his mouth or impose my motivations on him. I interpreted some statements pretty fairily and applied pressure to see what happened. What happened is he ignored it, but hey, he's got to get in line behind Rubicon and Kalas to get my vote.

    Take my questions and say what was simplistic and less than useful about them, then offer what less simplistic and more useful questions I should have asked. Finally ask them, either to the original players or to others.

    Please, either answer the question or tell me why the question is pointless/useless. Even more why even asking for town-reads is pointless/useless. I really want to hear this. It will be hilarious.

    I can't be fucked to go back to earlier games (I distinctly remember saying "Enough linking myself to _Player_" at least one more time and "Chainsaw defending for the win!" as well) but last game there was this:

    which I said to scum!Prophylaxis, funnily enough.

    See? This is actually why I asked for townie things rather than town-reads, to force an actual thoughtful answer. Here, you basically tossed out a name and a half-assed reason, behind which scum can easily hide themselves/their teammates, or pretend to have reads, while apatetic town can wallow in their own uselessness. I'm now asking you to point out where he looked townish and focused for a newbie. My earlier question asked you to point out five of this instances. Is it so hard to do/understand?
  19. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand”
    -- Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

    Current Vote Total:

    Aekiel (3): Bill Door (#84), Typhon (#99), Luckylee (#120)
    Typhon (3): Sesc (#72), Aekiel (#107), Kalas (#131)
    Moridin (2): Probellum (#77), Fontisian (#85)
    Rubicon (1): Uncle Stojil (#130)
    Zeitgeist (1): Caesar (#87)
    Kalas (1): Rubicon (#137)
    Luckylee (1): Moridin (#79)

    Abstaining: Zeitgeist, Wetnurse, Dermon

    It requires 8 to lynch, 10 to auto-hammer.

    As always, updated information can be found in the status document.

    As of this post, Day 1 has 6 hours and 23 minutes remaining.

    Reminding you that all votes not in the proper format are ignored.

    Red, Bold and on a NEW line


    Wetnurse voted Aekiel (#71)
    Sesc voted Typhon (#72)
    Aekiel voted Zeitgeist (#76)
    Probellum voted Moridin (#77)
    Uncle Stojil voted Fontisian (#78)
    Moridin voted Luckylee (#79)
    Bill Door voted Aekiel (#84)
    Fontisian voted Moridin (#85)
    Caesar voted Zeitgeist (#87)
    Rubicon voted Sesc (#91)
    Dermon voted Sesc (#96)
    Luckylee voted Sesc (#97)
    Typhon voted Aekiel (#99)
    Aekiel voted Typhon (#107) | Previous Target: Zeitgeist
    Luckylee unvoted Sesc (#108)
    Dermon unvoted Sesc (#109)
    Wetnurse unvoted Aekiel (#114)
    Luckylee voted Wetnurse (#116)
    Luckylee unvoted Wetnurse (#118)
    Luckylee voted Aekiel (#120)
    Uncle Stojil voted Rubicon (#130) | Previous Target: Fontisian
    Kalas voted Typhon (#131)
    Rubicon voted Kalas (#137) | Previous Target: Sesc
  20. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Forgot about the red text. I guess I have been out of this for a while.

    Lynch Vote: Aekiel
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