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~/* Witchhunt Game 3 *\~ (DRAW)

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by KaiDASH, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    We've already had two extensions on this page alone, let's try not to waste them please.

    I don't mind leaving Zeit for now. After I voted for him I came back to the thread a few hours later to find five people in a row voting for Zeit after me. It seemed bandwagonny at the time and seems bandwagonny now. For Zeit to not play is in-character for him, so maybe he can get replaced later.

    Rescind Vote.

    Lynch Vote: Rubicon.

    Rubicon is acting dumber than usual and keeps choosing the let's-make-this-more-difficult-for-town-than-it-should-be option.
  2. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Bill Door: Answer the fucking question

    You're creating a strawman.

    Here's Typhon's initial read of Aekiel, that I prompted:
    Notice that Typhon did not vote for Aekiel at that time, and only had him as a slight scum read for the pre-game behavior.

    Here's the part where he actually voted for Aekiel:
    So, no, Typhon actually had other reasoning for his vote. The strange part of Typhon's post was that before the automerge he claimed Moridin's behavior made him his "new number 2 scum suspect," implying that Aekiel was his number one scum suspect. That's quite a jump from slightly scummy, especially as this came before Typhon actually made his case against Aekiel.

    First paragraph is fine. Second paragraph is also fine. Third paragraph is weird:
    The him is Rubicon, and the you refers to Sesc, for those of you who aren't bothering to go back and look at the post itself. Typhon claims to agree with Rubicon's statement, but completely ignores the bullshit part of Rubicon's argument:
    Fourth paragraph is meh. Then we have this beauty:
    Typhon doesn't say that Rubicon is scummy for not answering the question. No, he say he "would have really liked for Rubicon to just answer the question." He's telling the truth. He would have much prefered his scum!buddy answered the question instead of drawing suspicion.

    If Typhon is scum, so is Rubicon and vise versa.

    The rest of the post is again pretty meh, though the wording in these two paragraphs bothers me.

    The "quite" before "town" and the "obviously" before "think" are extraneous. A townie would be content without them.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 PM ----------

    Now, this is interesting. Vira, could you go into more detail abou Rubicon?
  3. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    What question?
  4. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    The problem is, Typhon bounced. We can't really pressure him. Any thoughts on this Rubi?
  5. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    I'm just bored Vira. The game is dead, and no one wants to lynch scum with me. If day 2 is this dead, imagine what day 3 and 4 will be like. Maybe me being silly will make things more fun. /shrugs
  6. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I shouldn't have to ask three bloody times before you see it.
  7. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    So getting acting scummy and getting lynched is fun? Instead of doing that, you could you know, try to convince people with a proper case. You've been posting single sentence posts, who would lynch someone based upon that? Getting lynched like this is really bad for town Rubi :/
  8. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Wat? I'm pretty sure that Aekiel --> Zeitgeist was not what you argued yesterday (as opposed to Stojil/me), so how can Aekiel's alignment affect Zeitgeist's? And I'm glad that my discussion with fontisian wasn't distancing, then :rolleyes:

    Rubicon, at this point you're trolling.

    You also skipped the first question: What are reasons not to lynch Bill Door? Because I have serious problems seeing them.

    @fontisian: Half a point, I skipped the questions-bit, but the groundwork for the vote was still laid in pregame, and the two posts there. I'm not going to argue about that, however. The thread is so full of wtf right now that I really can't spare the energy.

    Thanks for the input on the post, though. Perhaps it's really the wording that was bothering me.
  9. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    His reason for Zeit was a role read that I don't see.

    I disagreed with the Sesc/Stojil thing at the time but since Stojil is town he was probably right, don't agree with the other parts.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 PM ----------

    Posts 126, 185, 189
  10. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    If you squint, maybe. I don't see anything explicitly saying if Aekiel is Town, so must Zeitgeist, and you did list reasons that work on their own. On the other hand, you made sure to point out that relation for Stojil/me. So you see why that conditional isn't immediately obvious.

    That aside, though, so you don't think Zeitgeist is suspicious, now? What's your impression on his posts today then?
  11. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    They suck, use to many words and don't say enough.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 PM ----------



    ---------- Post automerged at 10:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 PM ----------

    Also anytime I've seen someone resort to using .gifs in their posts they've turned out to be scum, but that's probably got too small a sample size to be true.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 PM ----------

    Okay, reread sort of done.

    A scumtell I like to use after all my reads get blown out of the water is people's posting style. I think scum often make infrequent but very long posts. This is because they don't play as reactively as town and take more time to make sure they don't say anything stupid. Or if they make a lot of posts they will fill them with a lot of semmingly helpful but not actually helpful stuffs, votals etc. No one in this game is doing the latter, Moridin, Zeit, Rubicon and Typhon have all been guilty of the former.

    Moridin, I kinda liked what he did day 1, his posts were okay and I think that's his usual posting style. Since he hasn't been able to post day 2 I'll give him a pass until he is able to play.

    Zeit has posted badly, infrequently and generally ticked every scum box. Even on reread I can't see what Aekiel was getting at.

    Rubicon has done pretty much nothing but tunnel on Kalas, which I don't like. He's been using it as a way to avoid giving any other opinions.

    Typhon/Vira, Typhon was meh day 1 but I kinda like Vira so far. I like the pressure on Rubicon, he has slid under the radar a bit too much so far. Though going from this:

    To this:

    is a bit weird

    Wetnurse has also done exactly nothing ever in this game. Are we getting a replacement, Kai?
  12. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    On look, a long post.

    Day Two:

    Stojil lives an attempt on his life, claims Angel interference. I’m inclined to believe him. Attacking himself to make himself appear innocent is too reckless for Stojil to do.

    Luckylee concludes that because Stojil was protected (hadn’t been confirmed at that time), Aekiel was town. Votes for Wetnurse because he’s not around and his “"Aek was an Rvs vote lol"” (292). Derman disputes Luckylee by saying that Stojil being targeted. In response, Luckylee states, “I didn't consider that for reasons and talking about it anymore would be stupid on my part” (295). Luckylee is firm in his opinion that lurking means scum (304). Wants to know Stojil’s highest scum read (309). Votes Zeitgeist in Zeit bandwagon for shitty post (329). Pushes Zeit for not responding to Kalas question and not voting (350).

    Probellum looks through Stojil’s posts in an attempt to find out why he was targeted by scum, but complains, “it really hasn't narrowed the suspects down at all.” So, basically a useless post (293). Next post Probellum does nothing but speculate on people (from Font’s prompting), but doesn’t vote and points to his newness on why he should leave his opinion (like whether Stojil should say anything about his survivals) to others (306). Tiptoes to the back of the Zeit bandwagon, late (338 ). Gets defensive and innocently confused when people call him scummy (343). Continues confused innocent person defense by denying everything (359). Extends day.

    Font gives questions to various people, but does little else (297). Votes Bill Door for terrible logic aka ‘being town means reads are accurate’ (342). Makes post says that I and Rubicon are scum buds (402).

    Rubicon posts an Extension and makes several paragraphs of off-topic nonsense (298 ). Votes Kalas for not answering his questions from Day One. Then double-posts to say he doesn’t care whether Stojil claims or not (307). Accused of being reluctant to post his reads by Probellum, which he replies defensively. Wants Kalas lynched and sees Zeit as town. Calls out Kalas for not doing much (379). Doesn’t want more time in day as doesn’t see the point (381). Not interested in Bill Door lynch, thinks Luckylee is a “compromise” (386). Tells Lucky to waste his Extension. Still wants to lynch Kalas. “Doesn’t care anymore”.

    Bill Door wants to know whether Stojil was angel protected or not, something close to role fishing (305). Decides that Sesc and Zeit would be more likely to be town because town!Aekiel said they were town, which Stojil rightly pointed out makes no sense (312). Still defends his conclusions (322).

    Sesc doesn’t want role-hinting and votes for Typhon with no reason stated (324). Votes Zeitgeist in Zeit bandwagon for terrible post (328 ). Posts readwall, doesn’t like Bill Door or Prob, annoyed by Luckylee, confused by Font. Votes Bill Door (376).

    Zeit doesn’t want a lynch because he’s scared that they could lynch the wrong person. Lame excuse, post rightfully lambasted (326). Responds by shrugging and trying to make excuses while grabbing the noose out of my hand and placing it around his neck (331). Replies to people with passive-aggressiveness and complaining about seeming scummy because he doesn’t want to play (344). Continues to get angry at people calling him out for not wanting to play (366).

    I post, going after Zeit for shitty post (327). Immediately, a trail of voters vote after me all in a row. Weird as fuck.

    Caesar finally posts to jump on the Zeit bandwagon, but also says he doesn’t like Bill Door, me, and Rubicon (332). Makes a Bill Door Post Reread, and concludes Null but leaning Scum. Refuses to explain town reads (352) as it appears “anti-town” (354). Will to switch to Bill Door lynch if “needs be” (387).

    Derman posts for the second time (336), by posing a question to Zeit, then goes back into lurkdom.

    Kalas posts and votes Probellum for post 306 (341). Reads further in Probellum’s posts and doesn't like the distancing and doubt-casting in it (351).


    Tldr: Moridin and Wetnurse are noshows. Moridin apparently has an excuse. Derman basically doesn't exist, reminds me of a scum version of myself. Kalas is okay, I don't see why people are so gungho about him. Stojil is pretty-much-confirmed town, Font, Sesc, and Caesar are okay enough that I don't care about them. Luckylee is regular Luckylee, unknowable and mostly useless. Bill Door is dumb, I wouldn't mind lynching him but he wouldn't be my first choice. Zeit is Zeit, mostly dead weight but probably town due to past games showing the same style.

    Now, Rubicon and Probellum. I think Rubicon should be lynched by he's trolling the thread and blatantly sabotaging town's efforts. If he doesn't want to play, let's lynch him and get it over with. I don't like how Probellum is trying to come across as confused and innocent when people call him scum. I know why people call me scum, I lurk and resist most attempts to put effort into my posts and read-throughs because I'm lazy, so Prop's attempts to play innocent come across as exactly that, playing. I also don't like how Prop jumped on the Zeit bandwagon, it comes across as more scummy due to it being particularly late and bandwagonny.

    If we don't lynch Rubicon today, I'm fine with lynching Bill Door.

    I see Bill Door has posted as I edit this post, but I don't feel like looking at that right now. Maybe in a couple of hours.
  13. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    For fuck's sake can you people stop misinterpreting what I said. I never said that. I said that someone being confirmed town makes their reads more trustworthy, as in an unbiased opinion, not that it makes them more accurate.
  14. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    And suddenly, I feel a whole lot better about Vira's Typhoon. Funny how one post can have that effect, but there it is. (The Typhon vote was based on the reasons from yesterday, just fyi.)

    BillDoor: An unbiased way to look at the thread -- which is more or less only useful for Mafia, to adjust their reads accordingly ...?

    Just saying.
  15. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Zeit still hasn't really done shit at this point, if it were my I'd have been lynched at this point, which is irking. Rubi's blatant trolling may be an attempt to save either Zeit or BD. I can't be sure at this point. Anyone have thoughts on this?
  16. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    If Rubicon is trying to take attention away from Zeit or Bill Door, then we'll simply lynch Rubicon today and the others later. It's not a scheme that would work since Zeit and Bill Door will likely continue being scummy, and Rubicon would only be buying a day or so.

    I don't think it's probable, but who knows, I can't remember how Rubicon acted in previous games.
  17. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Rubicon's not trying to take a bullet, he's fishing hoping something comes up.
  18. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I feel deeply uncomfortable siding with Sesc against Bill Door, but that may just be the butthurt talking.

    Oh hey Kalas. Feel like contributing?

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 PM ----------

    Vira: Thank you for the summary of Day 2. Now, could you read Day 1?
  19. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    He's right there, he just went through a gender reassignment. Do you not feel you can pressure Vira? Are you suggesting that Typhon replacing out is scummy somehow?

    Mm, I've been working on writing it up.

    So I'm just going to assume you guys have been reading Kalas' posts and what other people have been asking him, and point out some of his more interesting interactions as well as the weird things he's done and never explained. A lot of this is pulled together from notes in my QT.

    Among the questions he didn't like, several seem to pretty clearly be expressing thoughts about whether the person is scummy, but in a vague and weak way: font has "horrible busy-body posts" which "twinged him the wrong way". Caesar is faking his attempt at discussion. These reads were then dropped and never mentioned again.

    Did he follow up on any of the responses to the questions he liked? No.
    Did he follow up on any of these questions he didn't like? No.

    Me, Bill, Dermon, and Stojil all picked up on this:

    In Kalas' next post, there is no mention of anything he said in the first - it's like it never happened, and now he has a new set of vague and noncommital reads on Wetnurse, Bill Door, me and Typhon. The Bill Door read is interesting because he says Bill is making him "twinge", exactly the same term he used to describe one of fontisian's questions. Here it's a read, there it's just a "ranking" in response to Stojil.

    The end of Typhon's #99 simply says that Kalas is quiet, along with Lucky, Dermon, Bill Door, Probellum, and Uncle Stojil, and me. In an auto-merged post, he notes that Kalas posted the question wall, but points out that it doesn't have much content in it. Kalas finds this "poorly worded and poorly reasoned".

    When forced to explain what exactly was scummy about Typhon's post, Kalas quotes that part and says "justifying by comparison is bad and he should know that" (again using the same phrasing as in his wallpost - is it analysis *this* time?) But this is fucking ridiculous considering Typhon didn't vote Kalas and was just commenting on our respective activitity levels - and that Kalas himself was trying to say that his original post was not intended as content. This is so wtf I don't even know where to begin except with a lynch.

    The rest of Kalas' pressure on Typhon this game? "I don't like things you've posted and I don't like how you posted them." Wow. Then he pops in shortly before deadline to build on his Typhon case even more: "Based on what I've read I still think Typhon is the best lynch."

    How did Kalas respond to Dermon's pressure? Not by answering Dermon's question, of course, but by suggesting Dermon is scummy and trying to "color perceptions" by even asking Kalas to explain himself. He continues attacking Dermon in the next post, apparently suggesting that Dermon is lying. (He also tries to say that his post didn't have any analysis to follow up on... but of course, it did. He posted several reads using exactly the same phrasing as in his actual reads post.)

    The best part of his pressure on Dermon is that he's upset that Dermon is poking at him... despite the fact that one of his only attempts to justify his reads is:

    So people are scummy when they don't poke Kalas, but also scummy when they poke Kalas. Great.

    What else happened in Typhon's #99?

    Kalas interactions with Probellum:

    • Kalas #167 looks like a defense of Moridin at first glance: "Hey Probellum, genuinely curious, under what circumstances would you consider a readwall scummy?" When Probellum answers, he immediately withdraws his pressure: "That wasn't a poke. Just wanted your opinion."

    • In Probellum's next post, he graciously accepts Kalas' backtracking and makes some small comment about the value of read walls in response. Then he suggests he "couldn't remember why Kalas was scum" despite mentioning him as scum before, and that he had apparently gotten Kalas confused with me somehow.
    • After being asked to give his true read of Kalas, Probellum puts him as "nullish with a slight town lean" while expressing some concern that Kalas isn't following up on his reads.
    • Uncle Stojil asks Kalas about one of Probellum's posts. Kalas has a pretty clever response in #341: "Really don't like it... unless he meant <this thing that he pretty obviously meant>." Which nicely sets Probellum up to agree that yes, that was what he meant in the next post, neutralizing the pressure. ("Yes, that's what I meant by the second scenario. I guess I should have been more clear, but I'll blame it on having just woken up.")
    • Kalas then suggests that Probellum's "null leaning scum" read on Luckylee is "very reasonable" but "reads weirdly compared to the rest of the post". Then he quotes a final section of Probellum's post, commenting on whether Stojil should claim, and apparently votes Probellum for it without actually saying what was wrong with it.
    • Probellum defends against Kalas' weak pressure in #359.
    Kalas interactions with Luckylee:

    • Zeitgeist asks Kalas to explain what in the world his connection to Probellum is. Luckylee immediately steps in and attacks Zeitgeist.
    • Uncle Stojil asks Kalas to explain the Zeitgeist-Probellum connection and why he's completely dropped his earlier reads on Wetnurse, me, and Bill Door. Luckylee once again chainsaw defends Kalas: "He has still yet to build a case against Kalas." "Answer the original question, why are you suspicious of Kalas?"
    • Uncle Stojil again asks Kalas to explain wtf his reads are: "third time is the charm, I guess. What about the Dermon/TyphVira connection?" Luckylee jumps in again: "My question to you Zeit, why is Kalas your highest scum read? Show your work, every post with a sarcastic pic"
    I haven't gone through Probellum's interactions with Lucky yet, btw, but I do remember that when Lucky asked his wonderful "can we unvote??" question earlier, Probellum quickly dropped a defense that the same question had apparently occurred to him.

    There's also some recent stuff that happened while I was typing this:

    (1) scum self-awareness, (2) doubtcasting against Sesc even though apparently Kalas shares many of Sesc's reads, and (3) completely ignoring all actual content and discussion in both Sesc's post and the entire thread.

    I'm not entirely sure whether this is him defending me or what. I am in fact looking at reactions to my trolling. Lucky is probably the worst. Sesc at least just realized I was trolling. Vira... made a really good post so I'm feeling good about her regardless


    Kalas is scum, has repeatedly contradicted himself, made vague, noncommital & doubtcasting comments against people and then never followed up on any of them, responded with nothing more than one-liners to questions. He has some seriously iffy connections to Luckylee and Probellum. He should be lynched today. Everyone vote Kalas. Etc.

    Lynch Vote: Kalas
  20. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    A truck of votes has parked in my garage because I'm a convenient patsy for a bandwagon. Scum could potentially circumvent suspicion by plodding seasonable votes on me. Sun Tzu asserted that hiding in plain sight is a tactic of stealth and surreptitiousness: you can get away with a lot by fixating on a convenient target.

    On my feelings on Kalas, I will elaborate on that after I respond to a few more posts.

    If the Witches possess a modicum of intelligence, not all of the Witches would be on the Aekiel Bandwagon. However, yes, I believe at least one or two will be on the Aekiel Bandwagon. Statistically speaking, it is almost certain.

    Although the latter does apply, my past history has perpetuated more of the former. Mainly, I misfire and accuse the wrong person. As I stated before, I do not fear death and feel face it with open arms as though he were an old friend. What worries me more is inadvertently killing an Innocent because my scumdar is maladroit.

    I've already addressed this question in my above post. Also, your timing is suspicious: Stojil had asked Kalas to clarify his boggling declaration that Probellum and I are in foul cahoots, and your immediate response is to accuse me and point fingers at anybody but yourself and Kalas, usually opting for stooges like me or Wetnurse. Unless you are a Holy Villager, your posts indicate a franticness which is more sinister.

    I will concede that previously, I refrained from expressing my inner-most thoughts because I did not wish to inadvertently result in a misfire. However, I am expressing an opinion quite assertively in this case: Luckylee, Typhovira, and Kalas are rather troubling, the former particularly.

    Luckylee especially. He particularly enjoys establishing Strawman's Arguments. Basically, saying "Zeit is unwilling to answer all questions" and "Zeit doesn't want to lynch anybody". I never said that we shouldn't lynch: I simply stated that I don't trust my own scumdar enough to lead a lynch wagon correctly. I also never said that Kalas was at the top of my scumlist: these are all exaggerations of what I actually posted to create a Strawman. This brand of a logical fallacy is something that you'd find with potential Witches or Holy Villagers.

    Now, potentially Luckylee is an Innocent, which means that Kalas is his buddy in that regard and Rubicon is more likely to be a Witch. Either Luckylee is innocent or Rubicon is. For that reason, I'd like to lynch one of those two in Day 2 or Day 3.

    Bill Door's role-hunting is ominous and something that is reminiscent of SoupKills. Also, he is the likely Day 2 target. Since I will be up for the next few hours, I will be able to change my vote to Bill Door if we cannot get any traction on either Luckylee or Rubicon. However, for now, I will vote for Luckylee. I need to stick to my instincts, as bad as they may be.


    Vote Lynch: Luckylee
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