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Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Zeitgeist, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Zeitgeist is from Australia.
  2. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Ugh, fantastic. Bill and Titus are tied at 3 votes each. Even if Lyrium were to vote on either, that'd only make 5. We need 7 to lynch--or is that hardlynch?
    Is there softlynch here?
    ...My boss is going to kill me if I'm late. This time, for REAL, night all!
    Lyrium, your move.

    Will reply, if there's anything to reply to, in the morning.
  3. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Deadline vote: Bill Door

    I agree with Prophylaxis that Bill Door is the best lynch target that everyone can agree on. His lack of posting while astonishing doesn't indicate a town Bill world is any longer possible.

    Titus, who is the doctor? What is going on with that?

    Fonti, you can do better then that and you know it.


    ---------- Post automerged at 02:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 AM ----------

    Also, Schrodinger you will answer for you trolling or you will die..buried under mounds of Earth.
  4. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
  5. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    @lyrium, that's a private code between me, prophy and ika. I know I am being weird but it's a code I only want them to understand.

    The doctor is dead in this setup. That's what you need to know. I will explain that post game.
  6. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    Your being selfaware of me reading you, thats what im finding scummy right now. As for titus after veiwing her recent posts. I jsut want to say screw her. Shes town if she is true to role.

    There probally was but im too irritated to go find them now. when i get in a pissy.annyoed mood like this some of the things i say tend to be more confusing/shitty

    Easy then give it to me.

    I already have devined titus role, so i have no need to answer it.

    I hate you so much now jsyk. You did bound yourself though to that, if you die i can speak for you on what you are. But it requires that i live.

    Titus post do feel forced, however [retracted]

    Becasue i have no need to, i have gathered what i needed.

    However why cant loaded questions be answered? I dont know.

    deadline vote: bill doors

    something still irks me about you being scum but for now im just going t o go with this because i got not much else
  7. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Guest of Honour Vote
    ika: 1

    Bill Door: 2
    Bill Door, Schrodinger

    Prophylaxis: 2
    Prophylaxis, fontisian

    Nemrut: 1

    Lyrium: 4
    Citrus, Lyrium, Caligula, Titus

    7 votes needed to assign Joo Dee

    Yet to vote: Lexicat (silverlasso), Sloth, Zircon

    Lake Laogai Vote
    Bill Door: 0 (+ 4)
    Prophylaxis (D), Titus (D), Lyrium (D), ika (D)

    Titus: 0 (+ 3)
    Sloth (D), fontisian (D), Citrus (D)

    fontisian: 0 (+ 1)
    Caligula (D)

    ika: 0 (+ 1)
    Schrodinger (D)

    7 votes needed to send somebody to Lake Laogai

    Yet to vote: Bill Door, Lexicat (silverlasso), Nemrut, Zircon
  8. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Okay, just woke up. Out of curiosity, how long before the day ends?

    Rescind vote

    Elect Guest of Honour: Lyrium

    Not to reread the thread.
  9. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Posting is permitted in this thread until somebody is killed in a pillow fight or at the latest: 12:14PM EST on 10 March 2014. Approximately eight hours remain.

    Guest of Honour Vote
    ika: 1

    Bill Door: 2
    Bill Door, Schrodinger

    Prophylaxis: 2
    Prophylaxis, fontisian

    Lyrium: 5
    Citrus, Lyrium, Caligula, Titus, Nemrut

    7 votes needed to assign Joo Dee

    Yet to vote: Lexicat (silverlasso), Sloth, Zircon

    Lake Laogai Vote
    Bill Door: 0 (+ 4)
    Prophylaxis (D), Titus (D), Lyrium (D), ika (D)

    Titus: 0 (+ 3)
    Sloth (D), fontisian (D), Citrus (D)

    fontisian: 0 (+ 1)
    Caligula (D)

    ika: 0 (+ 1)
    Schrodinger (D)

    7 votes needed to send somebody to Lake Laogai

    Yet to vote: Bill Door, Lexicat (silverlasso), Nemrut, Zircon
  10. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    Alright, so we had a motherfucking firedrill in my fucking dorm, and I still haven't read past page five in this thread, but since there's no conceivable way I'm way waking up by noon now that I'm taking oxy for the migraine, I'm switching my Joo Dee vote to Lyrium. I do not think Bill Door is scum, at least not from the first five pages (ha) and I really disliked Titus's attitude in everything I read so far, so I'm voting for him. Four people haven't voted, so hopefully we make it to seven. Hipefully when I wake up tommorow I'll be awake enough to look through the thread and figure out why you all have a hateboner for bill.
    Rescind Vote
    Rescind Elect
    Elect Guest of Honor: Lyrium
    Deadline Vote: Titus.
  11. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    For anyone voting titus, shes town. he has already made her claim clear as day to me. anyone voting her atm is going to be deemed scum if her lynch goes off. Im fairly sure i know what her role is or what she will claim if needed.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:30 AM ----------

    if she claims anything outside of what he has indicated to me i will know.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 AM ----------

    Elect Guest of Honor: Lyrium

    i still dont trust it to be ther but i rather not have it be randomized
  12. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Okay, here are my expanded thoughts:

    Bill Door: Can't say I agree with the strong scumread that two people here have, but at the same time, I do not have any real reason to believe he is town. His absence, I actually don't think depends on his allegiance, what I remember from BD, he would post if he can, so, I'm inclined to think that he has an out-game reason. His earlier posts really seemed more reactionary than anything else to ika's and Titus' odd way of posting. And yet, the fact that the two, to me as of now, strongest players are advocating for him is doing quite a bit to convince me. Would, of course, suck if that was because both of them are scum.

    Schroedinger: As I said, while I do not have any strong leanings for BD one way or another, it was really suspicious of Schroedinger to vote for BD, given that it was extremely unrealistic for him to gain the 7 votes at this point. Either a troll vote or a really ill-thought action. Suspicious, but I am hesitant to call scum due to this, since it wasn't really smart or effective other than raising suspicion towards himself, which would make for an odd goal. Seems more like a badly played townplayer than scum but I admit, differentiating between badly played town and scum has been a rather loose science to me.

    Citrus: A bit deflective and elusive, although, I guess that isn't all that weird, but still, his answers seemed to never really amount to much.

    Prophylaxis: To answer your earlier question, I didn't vote because there was still time and I wasn't all that certain about casting my vote. I just wanted to hear more reads on the two of them and see which of the two of them had a better chance of getting lynched before casting my vote on the less likely one.

    On him, well, he, alongside Lyrium, seems to be among the stronger players, and I didn't exactly have gotten any strong scum-impression from him.

    Titus: The earlier posts with the odd meta-gaming, alongside the now "coded" language really doesn't lessen my distrust of her. The fact that my other scum-read is vouching for her doesn't exactly help her case.

    Lyrium: Voted for her as she seems to be most "pro-town" player right now, with rather solid reads on most people, although as I said, am not all that convinced on her read on BD.

    Hate to cut this short but I have to hurry to my internship, but will be able to post there, will continue and elaborate this.
  13. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    People, for future reference I am in the GMT time zone. If I don't post after midnight it usually means I'm fucking asleep.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 AM ----------

    Elect Guest of Honor: Lyrium

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 AM ----------

    People who are town:

    People I'm too annoyed by to have any sort of accurate read:

    People who aren't playing yet:

    People left:

    This ain't town thinking.

    Citrus scummate?

    Doesn't like meta, votes for fonti on meta reasoning. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Citrus: 19 posts in this thread so far, only 3 of them have any content, only one of those has more than 3 sentences of content. Feel free to go through his posts and see if you disagree but here's everything important that he has said:

    Vague meta on fonti, scum read on me, where did it gooooo?

    Casts vague aspersions without backing them up with anything.

    His case on me, "Delaying/lack of scumhunting," Misrepresentation of what I've done by parroting what other people have said and they both totally apply to him, like seriously, read his posts and tell me he isn't guilty of delaying and doing no scumhunting. "half-hearted tunnel on me;" that wasn't tunnelling, mate. "behavior doesn't seem to match last game" Wow, much meta, very bad, such scum.

    On the other hand he actually used a semi colon in a sentence so that's nice.

    Case on Titus: Some utter bullcrap about her and Ika, like lol, and really vague accusations that aren't backed up by quotes, identical to what he has on Fonti later.

    Redacted on Proph, did this ever get unredacted? One of several times he promises later content but then never delivers. btw, I really hate that word, it gets constantly misused, people are just using it as an excuse to gives reads without ever explaining them.

    Shitty meta on fonti. Uses same shitty meta later to put her as a scum read. Who knows.

    Shitty meta for a town read on Lyrium, who uses meta from a scum game to get a town read on people? How does that even work?

    Ika: Some weird sexual tension going on with Titus, you guys should just shag it out yo. And... actually yeah that's about it. Struggling to see anything else significant that he's done. So that's meh.

    I do kinda want to lynch him just so I won't have to read his posts anymore though. The little grammar nazi inside me dies a little each time. ;_;

    I got class now and not nearly enough time to sort out the mess that is my opinion on Fonti. I should be able to post over lunch and I'll be done like an hour before the day ends, so I'll be about.

    Deadline Vote: Citrus

    Though I'm not particularly expecting this to happen in time so I'm fine with leaving it to the judge thingmajig.
  14. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Guest of Honour Vote
    Prophylaxis: 2
    Prophylaxis, fontisian

    Lyrium: 8
    Citrus, Lyrium, Caligula, Titus, Nemrut, Schrodinger, ika, Bill Door

    7 votes needed to assign Joo Dee

    Yet to vote: Lexicat (silverlasso), Sloth, Zircon


    JOO DEE has been assigned to escort LYRIUM to her new abode in the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se. LYRIUM is our Guest of Honour.

    Lake Laogai Vote
    Bill Door: 0 (+ 5)
    Prophylaxis (D), Titus (D), Lyrium & Joo Dee (D), ika (D)

    Titus: 0 (+ 4)
    Sloth (D), fontisian (D), Citrus (D), Schrodinger (D)

    fontisian: 0 (+ 1)
    Caligula (D)

    7 votes needed to send somebody to Lake Laogai

    Yet to vote: Bill Door, Lexicat (silverlasso), Nemrut, Zircon
  15. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You

    Deadline Vote Citrus
  16. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Deadline Vote: Titus

    Only real vote candidates seem to be Titus and BD and as I said earlier, I just didn't get the scumvibe from BD as I did from Titus.
  17. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    @Schrodinger, ika is town. Ika would not be admitting to understanding my coded obvcrumbs if scum as he would become suspect number 1 if Kai souped me.

    Second, you bet your ass I will use coded language to send a message to a townread that scum cannot intercept. It is a huge advantage but obviously puts a target on our backs.

    @Everyone complaining I am annoying, I don't see why and I don't care. Did I insult anyone? No. Is this game frustratingly transparent, yup.
  18. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Fuck off.

    This game does not take priority over my sleep and classes, and you have no right to demand that of me.

    My last post had a question for you. Answer it.


    People on Titus: I think I'm picking up what she's putting down, and it's close enough to confirming her as town that we're not lynching her toDay. Put your vote elsewhere.

    Deadline vote: Bill Door
  19. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Fonti, how the hell is that even possible? You weren't there.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:36 AM ----------

    Oh and Bill Door, I am married. So yeah...not chance in hell o sex tension between me and ika.
  20. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Titus: I can't answer that question because of [redacted]. Let's say "understatement" and leave it at that.