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AYAW #2 - Return to Basics

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Riley, May 4, 2014.

  1. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    Thank you. :3 I have been getting on here and there to catch up. Luckily, traditional classes ended today, so I don't have school tomorrow, so I'll be more active then.
  2. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    look: i know you hae exams and all that stuff and everythign but im being blunt right now

    reads first, questions later

    that being said, im going to try to be away from this for the night. seriously if you want somethign right away form me expect this kind of attitude from em otherwise you can wait till tommorow.
  3. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    Why exactly do you think I'm scum?

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 PM ----------

    Yes, well, that's not how I do things. I'm reading through posts, trying to see if anything jumps out at me, constructing a wall, and asking questions that are specifically pinging out at me.

    ---------- Post automerged 05-07-2014 at 12:04 AM ---------- Previous post was 05-06-2014 at 11:59 PM ----------

    I'm confused as to why, tbh.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 AM ----------

    Burkion: Literally, nothing of note since the new game. Sorry to hear about his troubles. :( Null.
    TerRaine:seems to be scum hunting, especially at #343, but I'm not quite following why you think that Sloth is scum. Lean town.
    Sloth: So far, he seems to be acting fairly normal. The biggest thing jumping out at me is his 1st assessment of Loch. He seemed to be blowing things out of proportion, which is surprising, considering what happened in WIFOM with his opening joke being blow completely out of proportion. Null, scum lean.
    Citrus: Nothing of note, other than his scumread on me, which confuses me. Null.
    Ika: So annoyingly difficult to read. >.<; His strategy seems to be to troll people until they are driven crazy and lynch him. I do feel like he's trying to mimic his play from last time, which is suspicious. Also, refusing to explain yourself and demanding reads from me is stupid. Null, lean scum.
    Lyrium: Seems to be acting towny this game. Typical questions, bubbly cuteness. Could be a ploy, but it doesn't seem forced or fake. Lean town.
    Rubicon: Regular scumhunting, but I'd still like an answer to my question. Until then: Lean scum
    MathBlade: Nothing of note yet. I'd like to think that I'm decent at reading her, since I was right back in B&T, and she seems to be acting the same as she did then and in WIFOM. Would like her to be more active, though. Null.
    LochNess: Hardly any posts. (3 thus far?) I can't entirely ignore Sloth's assessment of her first post, but otherwise, there really isn't much to go on. Loch, what are your reads? Who's the scummiest scum and the towniest town? Null.
    Snowvon: At first, I was thinking that Snow was acting normal, but something at #384 screamed out at me: "I'm going to try and answer these without condemning myself for once."
    Why are you acting so nervous? You do seem a little off. I'm not saying that you 'need to act happier', but something does seem off. Usually you aren't so timid. Lean scum
    Dermon:Was way more active in the first game. Not so much now. I've seen him online while I've been here reading through posts for quite a while. Lurking? What are your reads? Null, for now.
  4. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    The fact that you haven't read my posts, and are only concerned with the fact that I scumread you is a start. Props for not OMGUSing at least.

    Vote: Maiden

    For emphasis. This should be a wagon for today

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 AM ----------

    Your reads also dramatically differ from mine on the few points where you even took a stance other than null, which is an additional scumread to why I originally thought you were scum + your read on me
  5. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I feel like whenever I answer a question, I somehow do it as wrongly as possible.

    Because I'm a person who gets nervous easily? Because I actually am pretty timid? Because it's a hell of a lot easier to be bold on the Internet but not all the time? I haven't exactly been here long enough for any of you to have a 100% grasp on how I react to everything.
  6. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Wow! Ya'll post like crazy.

    Due to the sheer number of posts I'm just going to post my reads so far.

    Citrus - Null read, leaning scum. My gut wants me to say he is town, but there are some interactions with ika my top scum read that make me think he is pretending to scum hunt.



    In this post he chastises Ika on being a bad player instead of saying he was being scummy. Trying to leave the implied impression that ika is town.

    ika - I think ika is scummy scum scum from scummyville. I am having trouble finding anything ika is contributing to the general flow except memes and a headache.

    For example:


    In this post he says it will incite more rage, but I really haven't seen/felt rage just trolling.

    Rubicon - Town read. Genuine scum hunting.


    Snowvon - Righteous townie anger portrayed but something feels off here...Town leaning null.


    Lyrium - Null read. I can't get a feel on her. Her play seems inconsistent. For now I'm going townish?

    Dermon - Townish

    Very critical of fake answers but not really seeing a lot that could help out.

    Burkion - Not seeing activity this game. Normally I'd say get rid of a lurker but Ika is ringing so far up the scum read list for me it's overpowering that.

    Atum - I like Atum's reads so far other the gender calling me a dude. :D I don't mind personally as I hate gender classifications but it may confuse other players.


    Lochness - Null read due to lack of posts but townie gut feel because of explaining absence before gone.
    Maiden - Null read nothing really here to go off yet.
    Sloth - Town read and general caring for others. Very much a good play and he could have let Burk's absence seem scummy and didn't. I think it was very sweet.
    TerRaine - Null read, no lean. Seems to summarize the factual content but agrees that ika isn't helping out much and is trolling but calls ika town. Seems very fishy.


    Vote: Ika
  7. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    Vote Count:

    Ika (3) – Rubicon, Dermon, MathBlade
    Sloth (2) – Snowvon, TerRaine
    TerRaine (1) – LochNess
    Maiden (1) – Citrus
    Snowvon (1) – Sloth, ika
    Rubicon (1) - Maiden

    13 alive, 7 to lynch. No soft lynches.

    Day 1 Ends at this time
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
  8. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    Riley's vote count has me with two votes, so my most recent one is TerRaine.

    Will be at a proper computer in a few hours, but until then some quick things.

    Sloth, Lyrium, Rubicon- So far leaning town to me

    Ika- Besides winning the Very Annoying Player award, I don't trust him. I can't do all the meta other people have been doing because I haven't read the past games, but I do think it is very easy for scum to hide behind the giant post counts and millions of "POST MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" posts. Being so ridiculous that people question if scum would be that forward. I would be alright with changing my vote to him later, but don't want to end up rushing the day if people jump on his vote now.

    Snowvon- Also I can see this one as scum (on a seperate team from Ika unless that was some serious distancing right there). Thanks fr sticking up for me though, but I don't know if it was just too much defending me when you didn't know if I was scum or not.

    Maiden- I know everyone is out to get Maiden but when I read through the thread I didn't see quite what everyone else did. I'll go through Maiden's posts properly and see what I missed in my perusal.

    Same goes for all the other players, will look closer when I have a proper computer.
  9. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014

    Your lucky i have work and wont be around, otherwise i would fucking chew you our for even thinking that kind of shit of logic

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 AM ----------

    1. Burkion - town
    2. TerRaine - town
    3. Sloth - town
    4. Citrus -town being a bad scum
    5. Atum -town
    6. Maiden - guts say scum
    7. Ika -town
    8. Lyrium town
    9. Rubicon -town
    10. MathBlade - if town really needs to learn better then to call my rage fake
    11. LochNess - town
    12. Snowvon -could be town, but unsure
    13. Dermon - town

    vote maiden

    if you guys are going to lynch me theres my reads as of now

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 AM ----------

    BTw, i think game is still broken if im reading it correctly.....
  10. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    I was half asleep when I wrote that last night. I'll go back through, read your posts, and put up a better case on you. If I do get lynched today, then I'll try to create a Big Post (nothing at Sloth's level. More like a Baby Big Post), beforehand, so no quick hammers, please.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 AM ----------

    You're right that I haven't been here long enough to be able to read you 100%, but you just seemed different. You shouldn't be afraid of messing up if you're town. That's all I'm saying.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 AM ----------

    Once you get a proper computer, can you put a case together on TerRaine? Like analyze all of his/her (sorry, can't remember at the moment) posts. Nothing's really jumping out at me about how he/she (again, sorry) could be scum.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 AM ----------

    According to your reads, I'm the only scum on your list. Really? REALLY? Don't you have one other scumread? You even labeled Citrus as "town being bad scum". What does that even mean? Why are you hesitant to label Citrus as scum?

    P.S. I'm town, so your reads are totally off.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 AM ----------

    Bill, I see you viewing the thread. Hi, Bill! :D

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 AM ----------

    Also, before I go, is it me or does Sloth seem to be posting a lot less than usual? What's the deal, Sloth? I see that you're online right now.
  11. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    ...It...does? How?
    Experienced players are smarter and know how to seem Town best. Lurkers are suaully frowned upon and we even have players like Mathblade, whose whole beginning strategy is to lynch them first thing. What's your logic here?

    Do you have any stronger reads? Most of your post are empty of real content.

    Ok, so, how come you're reading him as Town? I'm pretty sure I'm the only one wokring on a nullish read on him right now, and I've explained how I deal with him. What's your logic?
    Btw, you should probably ask Bill was a pressure vote is, and what my voting habits were in other games.
    I'd also like to know what about my vote struck you as 'fast', and even aggressive - it was made over an hour and a half after Ness' post, and there had been 4 other votes made at the time, on different targets.
    Love you. ;)

    Quick thing: Ter's a woman.

    Your case on her is interesting, I like the train of thought of it, though I already mentioned why I find it unlikely for now.
    Do you have possible teams in mind? Anything connecting them together?

    (P.S. What sort of work do you do? You don't have to aswer, this isn't mafia-related nor am I using it for reads, I'm just curious by what you've said about it.)

    ...for now, I'd like to know if you feel any of these could be a scumteam? More questions after you answer this one.

    ...Seriously? Do you know who was the last person who tried to pull that crap on me? Lexi. It didn't work out well for her.
    I understand you were pissed for whatever reason, but this doesn't fly, and you should have calmed down by now. Explain.

    Hm. Most of this post focuses on reacting to the statements I pointed out, and only this small section addresses the actual question of why I'm scum.
    I wanted a readwall, not for you to say "oh because other people said so." Point to me to one of those posts where someone game a case on me that you followed, please.
    Don't try to be patronizing unless you're standing on clear, obvious superiority to whoever you're talking to, it makes it look like you're trying to appear so so people think you're the one in the right. (So, yeah, I think you're doing that.)

    Look, I'm trying not to bring RL into this, but I seriously find my suspension of disbelief streched with this.
    We were all in IRC yesterday, and Prophy was very active in it, as were you. If nothing else, you could have poked him there about his lack of mentoring.

    Pointing this out does not make your answers any less wishy-washy, Snow. Just sayin'. -__-
    Your current vote and your possible next vote is on people you apparently have no certainty to their alignment?

    "Don't lynch me, lynch Maiden."
    Ok, why's Maiden scum? Yes, yes, ika's the one calling her out as such, but if you're ok with lynching another player so long as it's not you, you better have a freakin' reason.

    One more time, I didn't mean it that way. XD
    Basically women and homosexual males have a lot of similarities in their mannerisms and expressions when writing. It's not an insult, it's just statistical fact. It doesn't mean anything against you either.
    Sorry if it came off as otherwise.

    'Cause I made it for him, you heathen. Plus my avatar is totally a gif, it just doesn't move. =p

    I'm gonna be honest: I have no clue what's making it so hard for you to follow what I meant about Citrus. I don't know how I could make it clearer than I have.
    On Snowvon, from my perspective, he just voted on me to sheep ika, and then seemed to suddenly defend her (269) in a way I honestly still don't follow, even after Ness' explanation. 295 is much of the same to me, I thought you meant a read wall of sorts.

    1.Snowvon, obviously - reasons in this post and others. Aside from him, you and ika are possibilities. I'm also wondering about Atum's lack of significant contribution, and his reads are...eh...however, it's too early to tell for me.
    2. LochNess - Like I mentioned, due to her limited ability to be active, it'd make it boring if she were. Also, I'd be really annoyed I backed off.
    3. ...Obviously my scumreads?
    4. & 5. A lot of people have pointed out what's wrong with these. What the hell, Lyrium? This is rolefishing.
    6. Ika, probably. He's always a wildcard, and sorry dude, but I'd rather know for certain where you stand than wait a few Days before I can feel confident about it.

    Lyrium, I'd like you to answer all these questions yourself. It's nice that you're trying to contribute, but I don't like how much you seem to be skating by unquestioned. While you're answering that, any updates on your reads? Also, why did you ask 4&5? Explain the townie reasoning.


    Ugh, that back-and-forth between ika and snow is a nightmare of emotions and whining. There's nothing solid to pick up in it, aside from the fact that they're obviously unaligned.
    I'm stickign with Snow because ika does have a point about it being his play.
    Still, ika, you have you answer what's being asked of you and stop being a diva. If you do make it to D2, that won't freaking fly.
  12. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014
    Her/She ^-^

    Awaiting wall of words...

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 PM ----------

    And he doesn't disappoint!
  13. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
  14. Dermon

    Dermon Muggle

    Nov 30, 2013
    I'm beginning to see what Citrus was saying when he scumread you. This just screams of self-awareness, especially when you are currently only at two votes.
    Additionally, I don't see how you can say I'm contributing less than the previous game, considering that that barely made it out of RVS before the re-roll.

    My 3 scumreads are now:

    - with the second two being unaligned with Ika.

    Also, be aware that I'm moving today, so posting may be a bit sparse.
  15. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I agree with the others. This seems really scummy. Day doesn't end for a long way away and you'd have more than enough time to write up a post. It's not like as soon as we lynch we go to night. Ika to me is still a more viable suspect rather than you but this makes me suspect you even more.

    Ika, I noticed you acted angry for me calling it fake, but didn't try to explain any of your thought processes or anything useful. Still nothing useful from it. Until you contribute something useful you're still my top suspect. Time to help town please.
  16. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    So I'm at a computer. HUrrah!

    @SLoth- I train horses and coach competitive riders so kind of hard for me to balance a laptop on my saddle haha.

    I have a question that will make a long post from me easier to do. Is there a way to open all someone's posts at the same time? I know the whole post count thing and click on that, but is there a way to read all the expanded posts at one time? Just seeing if there is a way to do that instead of going back and forth constantly.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 PM ----------


  17. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Sloth, yes I can answer my own questions.

    1.Who's the scummiest player and why?
    Already stated this is my reads. Will update later today.

    The newer players I have a harder time reading so hoping there isn't a cleverly disguised wolf in sheep's clothing among them.

    2.Who is a player you hope isn't a werewolf?

    3.Who is a player you hope is a werewolf?
    The one who gets lynched at end of toDay.

    4.Who is a player you hope is the Seer?
    Someone new and off the radar so scum don't target them.

    5.Who is a player you really hope isn't the Seer?

    6.If you could day vig someone right now, who would you murder in broad daylight and why?
    One of the lurkers so their lurker-ness doesn't derail discussion.

    Anything else?

    P.S. Discussing people's personal stuff\etc without them bringing it up themselves and feeling comfortable about it, makes for lots of sadness.

    Citrus, if Maiden is scum...who is her partner? Any alignments?

    I'm not entirely happy with either the ika or Snowvon lynch. Anything is possible with these two as ika is just chaotic in general regardless of alignment and Snowvon can be diabolical. Need to go back and see who's pushing these two lynches.

    Hey there Dermon and TerRaine, answer questions above please.

    Lochness, that is a very cool job! Also, waiting on your post.
  18. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Going to lunch, so no time for a reply to recent events.

    Still, in the meantime, @Lochness
    I hope to see a good analysis from you when I return.
  19. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    I find it odd Lyrium you didn't ask me to :p I'm including this but adding it to my scummy items list. I'm guessing maybe you didn't need this info because you are potentially scummy but trying to look like you are scum hunting? :sherlock: I find it also interesting that you didn't want Maiden to be a werewolf. Is it possible Maiden/Lyrium are an aligned scum pair? I'm mulling this over.

    1.Who's the scummiest player and why?
    See above. Not enough has changed yet for my answer to.

    2.Who is a player you hope isn't a werewolf?

    3.Who is a player you hope is a werewolf?
    The one who gets lynched at end of today. << Ditto what Lyrium said, but that isn't helpful so ika. Because he seems the scummiest it'd be nice if town was right in its read.

    4.Who is a player you hope is the Seer?
    Someone who makes it to the end of the game so they can win it for town.

    5.Who is a player you really hope isn't the Seer?
    ika for the reason I think he's the scummiest.

    6.If you could day vig someone right now, who would you murder in broad daylight and why?
  20. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    MathBlade, I am the towniest town to town the town. Uptown, downtown.

    Maiden has been seen as being scummy by more then one player due to her pre-re-roll posts. After the re-roll I'm hoping that her luck isn't that bad.

    However, thanks for answering the questions MathBlade. I was focusing on people who I saw on the "Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread."

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:32 PM ----------

    ika, what do you mean by the game is still broken?
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