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DLP: Motel Rendezvous

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Jormungandr, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Why not She-Hulk?
  2. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    This will be my first challenge of the day. After an hour or two of work here, I'll get started on this.
  3. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Yeah... I'm preparing my bunk already, Riley Poole. :D
  4. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    I got 500 words in and then work picked up. I'll finish it and post it tomorrow since I'll likely be busy most of the night, sorry Zeel. I promise, there'll be actual smut to make up for the length of time.
  5. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    No worries. Don't get too boxed in by the word or time limit if you don't prefer it that way. If you mess up a fic with such awesome potential for kinky, I'm going to be disappointed. ;)
    Last edited: May 14, 2014
  6. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Zeelthor, there you fucking go. Now you can stop nagging me about H/Hr Cloak Action.


    “We’re going to get into so much trouble, Harry!”

    Harry and Hermione were walking quickly through the halls, both under Harry’s invisibility cloak. Hermione was in front of Harry and leading the way, as he had his eyes glued to the Marauder’s Map to check their way.

    “Well we wouldn’t have if someone didn’t want to raid the Restricted Section for books.”

    “I didn’t realize your plan involved the cloak and sneaking out after curfew! I thought you’d ask a professor for a pass or something like that.”

    “Why didn’t you ask for one?”

    Harry couldn’t see Hermione’s scowl, but he could sense it.

    “Some stupid rule about regulating the frequency of student visits on the Restricted Section. I’m allowed another pass after the holidays.”

    Harry faked a gasp. “You called a rule stupid? Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?”

    “Very funny Harry! I’ll have you know that-”

    “Shh, quiet.” Harry interrupted her as he forced them to stop.

    “What now?”

    “Mcgonagall and Flitwick, right around the corner.” Harry said, panic rising in his voice.

    “And you say it now?” Hermione hissed.

    “I wasn’t looki-, in here!” He said as he pulled them into a broom closet directly on their left. Just in time, too, because as soon as the door of the closet closed the two professors rounded the corner.

    The closet was smaller than the spacious service rooms Harry had seen before. It barely fit Harry and Hermione in addition to all the supplies it already held. As it were, Hermione was flush against the door and Harry was pressed up behind her, holding the Map with his left hand.

    “Can you hear them?” He asked. She shushed him and pressed her ear to the door.

    “Yes. They’re outside.” She whispered back at him. She didn’t need to, because Harry could hear them. They had come to a stop outside the closet and were arguing about … class schedules?

    “I can hear them, too.” He said. He leaned forward, as if to step closer to the door so as to listen better. This had the added effect of pressing him more firmly against her backside. Hermione let out an irritated noise at being pressed harder against the door, but otherwise didn’t comment.

    She didn’t notice it when Harry’s free hand snaked around her waist, or maybe she didn’t care, thinking of it as him getting a little more comfortable.

    She did comment, however, when she felt Harry’s hand go lower than her waist and brush over her thigh.

    “Harry, what are you doing?” She hissed at him, turning her head as much as she could in the cramped space, which wasn’t much.

    “Be quiet, or they’ll hear us.” He warned, as he replaced them map on one of his pockets. His now free hand found its way to the hem of Hermione’s shirt, lifting it just enough so that it could worm under it. His fingers caressed her flat stomach. His other hand lifted her skirt and touched her inner thigh directly. Hermione let out a whimper when Harry’s fingers brushed the underside of her breasts.

    “Harry, this is not okay!” She whispered as furiously as she could. Harry took this as his cue to remove his hand from her chest and bring it up to her mouth, holding it closed and muffling her protests.

    At the same time, he pressed himself more firmly against her, forcing her face and chest to press up to the door in what must have been an uncomfortable position. This had the added effect of pressing the tent of Harry’s pants against Hermione’s sizable posterior. Harry was glad he was holding her mouth, or Hermione’s groan would have surely alerted the professors.

    His free hand explored Hermione’s nether regions, teasing her from outside her panties and caressing her inner thighs. Harry continued his slow and methodical teasing and felt Hermione grow steadily warmer down there. When he felt dampness on his fingers even through the fabric of her underwear, he pushed it to the side and caressed her pussy directly.

    His precaution to press more firmly against her mouth proved wise, as the intensity of her muffled shout surprised both of them. They both froze in panic, worried that they professors had heard them, but apparently they hadn’t because nobody threw the door open.

    Harry took the opportunity of Hermione’s frozen state to press a finger to her clean-shaven pussy and enter it inside her. She squirmed, but pressed up as she was there was nothing she could do. The wetness was incredible, and before long Harry added another finger and began a steady pumping motion, slowly but surely bringing her to the edge.

    His own erection was getting painful, but he kept pressing it up against her arse, knowing that its time would come, soon.

    “Did you hear something, Filius?”

    Mcgonagall’s voice from outside and the panic it spread drove Hermione over the edge, and she came on Harry’s fingers as he did his best to muffle her moan of release.

    “Nothing, Minerva. Are you sure you aren’t imagining things? It could be Peeves, I suppose.”

    Hermione stood flush against the wall, shaking as she rode her orgasm to completion. Harry felt safe in removing his hand from her mouth and his fingers from her pussy, and holding both hands above her head so as to remove her shirt. Beneath it, she wore a white shirt which he swiftly unbuttoned but kept on, opening the sides completely so that it revealed her impressive bust, held back by a much too tight, red colored bra.

    Harry took to kissing her neck and shoulders, as far as he could reach, as he deftly unclasped her bra and removed it.

    “Harry, stop.” She called weakly, still feeling the effects of her orgasm and still pressed against the wall.

    “I’m afraid I can’t do that, Hermione.” He said as he brought his hands forward to grope her bountiful breasts. Pressed as they were against the door, it made for wonderful pressure. As he massaged the fleshy globes, he thought that he’d never imagined that Hermione was so gifted in that area. There was something to be said about Hogwarts robes.

    Hermione was squirming against him, and her breath was coming in short, rapid gasps as Harry violated her breasts. The Invisibility Cloak stuck around them, making them feel all the more claustraphobic.

    “Harry, they’ve left now. Stop.”

    “I can still see them on the map. They haven’t left.”

    “You don’t even have it open Harry. You can’t just-, mph!” She didn’t complete her sentence, because one of Harry’s hands held her chin and turned her head to the side, so that he could kiss her on the lips with as much passion as he could muster, effectively shutting her up.

    Seeing as she wasn’t trying to move her head away, he removed his hand from her chin and instead used it to rid himself of his pants, lowering them as far as he could reach and kicking them the rest of the way. His shoes were kicked off in short order, and his boxers followed. He lifted Hermione’s skirt up and lowered her panties, so that his erection was situated firmly between her arsecheeks. On realization of this, Hermione tore her mouth from his and gasped.

    “Harry, no. Stop. What are you-”

    She didn’t finish her sentence, because Harry held her hips and drew her backwards after taking a step back, while keeping her upper half flush against the door, making her effectively bend over.

    “You say no, but you are this wet.” He said, his hands brushing the lips of her sex. Hermione whimpered as she pressed her hands against the door for support, but made no further effort to stop him.

    His hands slowly traveled over her body, from her breasts and her belly to her hips, her pussy and finally her ass, over which her skirt lay crumpled. He drew her a little bit more towards him to line up further, and drew her cheeks apart, revealing her lower lips and the tight pucker of her arsehole.

    Harry grasped himself and aligned with her entrance. He leaned forward and touched his chest fully to her back, before slowly easing inside her. The slow pace drew a gasp from Hermione at the first sensation of penetration, but then her panting picked up speed as Harry sheathed himself fully inside her.

    Harry stood like that for half a minute, getting comfortable inside her so as to avoid any premature accidents. Her pussy was just divine, and the view of her bent over and taking him all the way to the base was nearly enough to make him come then and there.

    Hermione’s whine drew his attention. “Harry…”

    “Right.” He said and slowly pulled out, before pushing back in. He started slowly, moving in and out with care as Hermione’s pussy got used to the foreign presence, but as she grew wetter and looser he began pumping faster and faster.

    Harry’s hands found their way to her breasts as his thrusts were accompanied by Hermione’s increasingly louder moans. He kissed everywhere he could reach, which admittedly wasn’t far, showering Hermione’s neck and lips with kisses and light bites.

    Their movements were reaching peak intensity, and the distinctive slap of flesh on flesh echoed in the tiny space and magnified, making Hermione’s already flushed face burn with embarrassment as she struggled to keep her voice to acceptable levels.

    When Harry’s left hand left her breast and reached down to caress her clit, Hermione drew in a sharp intake of breath. She urged him on, calling his name and all but shouting her approval as he brought her to a second orgasm in the same half hour.

    Harry braced himself as she bucked against him, almost pushing him off her. Her pussy tightened incredibly, but he managed to hold off his own release for a while longer. Hermione was practically insensate and leaned even lower against the wall, presenting a better view of her arse to him. It was truly magnificent.

    With a sudden bout of inspiration, Harry slapped her right arsecheek with significant force. Hermione snapped out of her post-orgasmic stupor and shrieked from the pain and the suddenness of the attack. Her surprised shout and her sudden clenching was enough to send Harry over the edge, and he pressed himself as firmly as he could against her back as he came as far inside her pussy as he could reach.

    She felt him spill inside her and moved her hands to his waist, futilely trying to push him off of her while murmuring panting denials. Harry paid her no attention, lost in the pleasure of his still ongoing orgasm.

    When he finally came down from his high, he was flush against Hermione and they were both panting heavily, sweat dripping from their partially naked bodies. Hermione’s pussy leaked their combined juices from around his manhood.

    He slowly eased himself off of her, and used the crevice of her arsecheeks to clean his dick of the various fluids it had accumulated.

    Harry threw the Invisibility Cloak off of them, and Hermione slid to the flood, slowly bringing her legs close to her chest and hugging herself as she tried to control her breathing, her face still flush with arousal, embarrassment and excitement.

    Harry retrieved his wand and vanished all proof of their activities from his person. Feeling slightly more in control and infinitely more relieved, he gazed upon Hermione’s mostly naked form dripping with sweat and leaking his semen, and it was truly a gorgeous sight. Where was Creevey's camera when you needed it. Oh wait, Dumbledore had a pensieve, right? He could use that.

    He wasn’t looking forward to her anger, but this was totally worth all the shit he’d get for it, later.

    She had finally managed to bring herself under some semblance of control and level a dark glare his way. Surely only a small sign of what was to come.

    “You know, Hermione,” he said casually, “I think they’re gone now.”

    Last edited: May 22, 2014
  7. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    That was incredibly disturbing.
  8. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    1. The scene before the sex works okay, but once they hide in the cupboard, the cloak doesn't matter anymore and sorta invalidates the entire concept.

    2. Once they get on to the sex, things get creepy. It's not poorly written or anything but yeah, I did not for a scene where Harry rapes Hermione. You may call it dub-con, but you'd be splitting hairs.

    3. Another issue with the sex is that it transformed them into two characters fucking. You could've changed their names to Draco and Ginny and it would've made as much sense. Hell, it would've made MORE sense.

    Overall, not what I wanted at all, but a pretty solid effort that others might enjoy more.
  9. pidl

    pidl Groundskeeper

    May 27, 2009
    Especially the fact that she shaves and has bountiful breasts. Doesn't really seem like Hermione to me.
  10. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    The bush stays on the head, mate. No lower.

    And btw, someone throw me another challenge. I probably wont do it soon, but its good to have on the back of my mind.

    I remind any takers to check my given list of fandoms.
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
  11. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    You don't deserve ANY CHALLENGES for that AWFUL

    Edit. Although, it would have worked in the TGYraped me thread!
  12. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    I agree with Don, that this story would be better suited for TGYRM thread. But anyway, here is a challenge from the list:

    female!Harry seduced by Narcissa Malfoy by Brukel
    Last edited: May 23, 2014
  13. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    I'm not writing female Harry. In fact, go ahead and assume I will never change anyone's gender for any reason.

    I'll write a second version of the Cloak challenge to satisfy zeelthor.
  14. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Alrighty. -Whoops-

    Some suggestions then. Voyeurism. Rising sexual tension. The risk of being caught. Make sure to have it be obvious that they're best friends. It's something new to them, a bit awkward and they're both terrified that the other is gonna freak.

    I'll see if I can think of something short for the Fem!Harry/Narcissa.
  15. FreakLord

    FreakLord Professor DLP Supporter

    Feb 13, 2011
    Harry Potter/Cersei Lannister is still open. You could take a stab at it.
  16. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:

    Rep, toss me a prompt, you Grecian fuck. Preferably Naruto but HP would be fine.
  17. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    After winning a bet that should, by all rights, have left Naruto a bloody smear on the wall, our hero discovers exactly why the Fifth Hokage is called The Legendary Sucker.
  18. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Rofl @ Tsunade. But accepted.

    This is just a secret plot to make me pick up Shinigami again, isn't it? You sly olive eating arsehole.
  19. Peace

    Peace High Inquisitor

    Aug 17, 2011
    My computer desk
    I'll take Harry Potter/Apolline Delacour by Jormungandr from the unanswered list.
  20. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    What the fuck is this bullshit? Are you high?

    I said I was gonna do another version to satisfy you, doesn't mean I'll listen to your every stupid idea. The new version will include Cloak action in a public setting and zero rape vibes. That should satisfy you.

    If you thought I chose to write another version solely for you, you're sorely mistaken. It was decided only so that I could continue my above masterpiece.

    In fact, why don't I give you a taste, as it were?


    Hermione's fist landed over the top of Harry's head with surprising strength.

    "Ouch! That hurt you know! What is your problem?" Harry said, rubbing his aching head. They were alone in the Gryffindor common room, but had erected a soundproofing spell, all the same.

    "My problem? My problem? You didn't have to come inside me, you moron!"

    "It was the heat of the moment! I already apologised!"

    "What if I'd gotten pregnant?"

    "Aren't there spells for this sort of thing?"

    Hermione's glare would have set fire to anything easily flamable. "There are, and if someone had decided to use them or at least allowed me to do so before basically raping me we wouldn't be having this conversation."

    "None for after the act?"

    Hermione looked scandalized. "And kill our unborn child? Do you think I'm some kind of monster?"

    Harry frowned. "Unborn- Hermione are you listening to yourself? You're not pregnant!"

    "No thanks to you."

    "Listen, I know what I did was out of line and that I owe you one, okay? I already said I was sorry."

    "You owe me more than one, Harry James Potter."

    "Fine, whatever. Name it."

    Hermione calmed down, and seemed to consider. As she did so, a blush slowly found its way to her cheeks.

    "Well ... I've been thinking."

    "Yeah?" Harry prompted when she had not spoken for a full minute.

    "Well, don't you think wearing the Cloak inside the closet was kind of ... pointless?"

    Harry scratched his head. "I guess so. I wasn't thinking very straight. So what were you thinking?"

    Instead of replying, Hermione only blushed harder. Harry decided to venture a guess.

    "You want to use the Cloak ... in a more public place?"

    Hermione nodded. "Don't you dare judge me!"

    "I'm not." Harry said, raising his hands placatingly. "I'm the guy who gets off of dominating, I'm open to new ideas."

    Hermione sent him a dark look. "And don't think we won't be having words about that."

    "You know you love me anyway."

    Hermione didn't deny it. "That doesn't mean you're not in trouble."

    "I guess not."

    "And you better make it special."

    "I'll try. God, who died and made you boss of the universe?"

    Hermione glared at him and raised her fist again. Harry raised his hands in defense.

    "Fine, fine! Jesus, if you could weaponize your stubbornness you'd be monarch of Earth soon. When did you want to try it, anyway?"

    As Hermione's blush, Harry's eyes widened.

    "What, now?"

    What have you unleashed, Zeelthor?
    Last edited: May 23, 2014