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A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin [Spoilers]

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Philly Homer, May 3, 2009.

  1. Dethklok

    Dethklok Order Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    The power of Christ compels him not to tell you.
    Liked Tywin in this. Either on some dark level he was actually impressed by Tyrion all these years, or he was doing the fastest smooth talking of his life. Solid closer.
  2. Eyron

    Eyron Seventh Year

    Sep 9, 2013
    This was a pretty unique season finale, it was more hope and optimism, mixed with adventure. The others were suspense or sudden brutal murders then bam credits, end season
  3. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Wherever whores go.

    (no wait)

    Yeah solid. Jojen had me like wtf, but since he's prolly paste by now in the books it makes no matter, but poor guy anyhow. Solid Mance and Tormund, solid Jon burning Ygritte, will forever love Stannis, shoutout to Melisandre bein' creepy. And that Brienne/Hound fight was pretty goddamn epic. Less said about Jaime and Cersei, the better. Had already prepared myself for no Stoneheart, so. Varys lolnoping back onto the ship was hilarious. But Tyrion icing Shae out of self defence, tho? Well then. Ahh well. Shit happens, still solid.

    Until next year! Woo.

    She's been fucking cousin Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and Moon Boy for all I know.

    (no wait)
  4. fire

    fire Order Member

    Dec 25, 2011
    I'm equivocal about this episode. Long review coming up.


    1) Jon's scenes with Mance and Stannis were solid.

    2) So too was Dany's dead-child scene. The goat-herder was really convincing as a grieving father.

    3) Cersei's scenes were good too, I think. Some people might complain about the whitewashing, but I think it showed well enough the twin pillars to Cersei - her love for her children (and Jaime), as well as her utter ruthlessness and thoughtless disregard for consequences (in this case, about the effects of a public revelation of the incest). This lays the groundwork for her actions next season as Queen Regent.


    4) I also really liked the Brienne-Hound fight - it's fantastically realistic, what with all the grappling and brawling and rolling around trying to stab each other. If I recall my history correctly, this was often how fights between medieval knights occurred - they weren't fancy and skilful sword fights, but desperate physical brawls where you try to grapple your opponent to the ground and then stick a dagger into him.

    5) Sandor's dying ramblings and his request to be killed, as well Arya's utter nonchalance and insouciance, were also very impressive. It really showed the depths of the Hound's despair towards life, along with the nihilistic direction that Arya herself is taking.

    6) The ending itself was magnificent, the music superb. Compliments to Ramin Djawadi.


    7) Then we come to the climax. This is it, folks. The big one. In a season with many season-topping episodes (the Wedding; the Trial; the Duel), this was the scene that was supposed to top them all. This is a scene that is rivalled only by Ned Stark's execution and the Red Wedding itself, in bloody pathos. But it disappoints.

    I utterly disagree with the removal of the Tysha's part. She was the love of his life. Now he learns that she was not, in fact, a whore - his precious brother lied to him. And since she wasn't a prostitute, it meant that his own father had let a barracks worth of guardsman rape her, and then Tyrion himself fucked her, and then PAID HER FOR BEING RAPED.

    Holy motherfucking Christ, even in the brutal world of ASOIAF, this is top-fucking percentage horror.

    How can this possibly have been removed? This emotionally devastating truth haunts Tyrion, not just for next season, but likely for the rest of his life. This is utterly essential to Tyrion's character, that removing it would like removing Jon's status as a bastard, or Dany's knowledge of her Targaryen roots. It would, in fact, be like cutting off Jaime's hand, changing their character - and in Tyrion's case, it changes it beyond recognition.

    This is related to the unjustified change in Tyrion's farewell with Jaime. They were supposed to part with their relationship broken. Again, this is a crucial part of Tyrion's character development - his loving brother, his greatest and most trustworthy friend, his knight in shining armour whom he knew would defend him to the death - and it turns out that Jaime betrayed him, and is complicit in the rape and torture of his goddamn wife. Is it THIS that makes Tyrion hate Jaime. It is THIS that makes Tyrion swear revenge on his beloved brother and all the Lannisters. It is THIS that makes Tyrion reveal Cersei's infidelity. This change fucks over Jaime's own character development, for without this there is no reason for Jaime to doubt Cersei's faithfulness, or to hate her.

    The scene that Tyrion has with Shae was also found wanting, Dinklage's fautless acting notwithstanding. Tyrion is supposed to be filled with hatred. He's supposed to kill Shae in cold blood, and it's supposed to mark Tyrion descending to darker depths. The fact that Shae went for a weapon first utterly changes things. Tyrion is being whitewashed, and in a way that inhibits necessary character development.

    Charles Dance was, as always, dignified and in control as Tywin Lannister. The scene was good, but again felt empty because it doesn't highlight the most essential point about Tywin Lannister - this is a man so brutally ruthless he had his soldiers rape his thirteen year-old daughter-in-law and then made his own teenage son complicit in the rape. I also didn't like the overuse of the phrase "You are my son" - it actually detracted emotionally from Tywin's final statement disowning Tyrion.

    So many things were changed, and for what? I also noticed that Varys got on the ship with Tyrion after deducing from the mourning bells that Tywin was dead by Tyrion's hands - it was actually a pretty moving scene, but again this makes massive changes to the plot, and for no apparent reason.

    TLDR: This was supposed to be the episode where the Lannister family tragedy came full circle to explode in a neurotic, cathartic, orgasmic climax, but D&D gave us blue-balls instead.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2014
  5. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    I was fine with Varys getting on the boat.

    I think the idea is to get rid of Illyrio appearing in the show again, because otherwise they would have to reintroduce the character to the tv audience for a scene that would last about five minutes before he disappears from the show again. Better to have Varys go with Tyrion, explain the situation and be back in King's Landing in time to weaken the Lannisters again.

    One thing I wish they made clear is that Varys Willy Wonka'd Tyrion into seeing his father.
  6. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    In retrospect, Stannis and his gang should have showed up last episode for the attack. This week should have had the burials, and the additional time given to Tyrion to completely sunder House Lannister's inter-relationships.

    I don't know if I should feel disappointed as to how they're cutting out all the depth and character development out of House Lannister for a much lighter feel, or just be resigned to how D & D seem inclined to cut and run the show.
  7. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    The Brienne-Sandor fight was great. And Charles Dance proves that he has more presence on a toiled than most people have on a throne.

    That said, like fire said, there were some really big changes when it comes to character arcs, at least to their motivations. The question is if it will drastically affect future events or not.

    And no Lady Stoneheart contrary to Lena Headey's teasing though maybe they recorded a scene, but left it for the next season.
  8. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    If the scene had happened, that's how it might have went. Feel free to substitute Bronn and Podrick for Pycelle and Qyburn.

    Also, worst season-ending episode ever.

    Where is the "Stannis, Stannis, Stannis!" war-chant? The most anticlimactic 'battle' ever.

    No Tysha. No fucking Tysha. No hatred for Jaime from Tyrion for the betrayal. No vows of vengeance against all Lannisters. Just why? Why couldn't they do this one thing? I mean, fuck... I won't speak more on this since fire put it more aptly than I could.

    And even though I knew it wasn't going to happen, I'm still disappointed by not hearing Tyrion sing along "For hands of gold are always cold, but a woman's hands are warm," while he strangled her to death.

    At least the Shae defense force (a side product of the show) ought to ease up now.

    Also, what the fuck was up with that scene where Cersei is asking whether Gregor Clegane will be weakened or not? My memory might not be all that good, but I distinctly remember that the only reason they kept him alive in the books was to have him well and healthy enough for an execution with which they could placate Dorne for killing one of their high-ranking nobility.

    Now, the problem I have with Cersei's whitewashing is that they're effectively removing some of her flaws/faults, while enhancing and distorting others to make them appear sympathetic to the audience. Namely, her lust for power.

    She would never, ever fucking give up being in power, give up being Queen. Revealing that her children were bastards born of incest would have removed her from any and all seats of power. Her love for Jaime was never a true love, like the one he felt for her, it was akin to narcissism, and their relationship started degrading from the point, heh, his hand was cut off, since he started irrevocably changing, since he stopped being a reflection of herself.

    Yet here she is, the proud mother, the lioness willing to do anything for her cubs, to stay close by and protect them. Ugh, I think I've been put off breakfast.

    I dare not think of what the fuck they're going to do with an AFFC-Cersei.

    Children of the Forest and their flame-grenades sure are something though. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or not. Also, pretty pathetic depiction of Bloodraven. This is how he should have looked like:


    Why am I surprised though, I haven't the faintest clue, since I never liked Bran chapters in the books anyway, and this now gives me even more incentive to skip over his part in the show.

    Good fight between the Hound and Brienne, even though it is completely OC and nonsensical. I mean, what the fuck was she going to do with Arya? Where would she even take her?

    I wonder if they're keeping Stoneheart for next season or if she's gonna be cut out.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2014
  9. Starwind

    Starwind Headmaster

    Nov 21, 2010
    Stannis's entrance was awesome.

    Jon was awesome. Melindsre (sp) seeing Jon near the fire was pretty cool. Him burning Ygritte was a brilliant scene imo. This episode seemed heavily Jon focused.


    Was Sandor being protective of Arya? Was hard to tell but seemed like it.

    I personally don't care much that they changed some of the story as some of it works better because this is a tv show. Personally liked the fact they're keeping the Jaime-Tyrion relationship on good terms. I think they know which characters are fan favourites and play to that like any show does. The Shae stuff I suppose they realise that if Tyrion killed her in cold blood, their would be more Tyrion hate in the fan base - thats my view anyway. I didn't mind the changes one way or another.

    Totally getting the Black Flag feels with the Arya scene at the end.
  10. Himuradono

    Himuradono Professor

    Feb 3, 2008
    I got a chill down my spine when I saw the cavalry charge beyond The Wall. Awesome stuff but I would prefer if they at least gave Stannis and others furs to show how fuckin' cold it is there. They are all acting as if it's just a case of mild winter and not the Ice Armageddon coming with vengeance.

    Jon was awesome, the Ygritte pyre scene was simply epic. And yeah, I'm joining the crow in agreement that Mel has some serious creep factor going on.

    Daenerys weeping and putting her babies in chains got nothing from me. I was actually checking my watch how long are we going to have to watch her. Then there is the fact that they hybridized the scene with a lost home and someone coming before Dany and pleading for something. In canon it was a noble woman asking her home returned to which Dany tells her to go take a hike and that she doesn't have the right to her home because she abandoned it. That was pretty important. Instead we get the scene with an old man that once more shows how inept Dany really is which isn't bad as that's canon. Welp, one kid got crisspied and I think her reaction was rather meh. I know she wanted to show how silently horrified she was at the carbonized bones. But really, she was more torn up about chaining her dragons than she was about the girl. Maybe that was intentional, maybe not.

    Charles Dance, bravo man. It takes some skill to be That dignified while taking a shit and wheedling for your life.

    And what the hell are they doing with this warm goodbye between Tyrion and Jaime? WTF?! Just no.

    Brienne kicking Sandor's ass? Le' sigh. No comment.

    Yep, she did in fact threw that in his face.

    One more thing, two actually:

    1) Brynden Rivers has two eyes in the show. So how the fuck he has 'A thousand eyes and One'? Same with the three eyed raven, Brynden has one eye and the raven two. Cue magical mutation.
    2) Pyromancer Children? Le' sigh.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2014
  11. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Chances are, in the books, Tywin knew and didn't really give a shit since he had Tommen, a Lannister, on the Iron Throne, and he'd planned on making sure it could never happen again by separating Jaime from Cersei.

    Of course, this is just speculation.
  12. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    Most disappointed to hear about the Tysha stuff being axed.
  13. Himuradono

    Himuradono Professor

    Feb 3, 2008
    We'll see how they will proceed with Arya's ninja training. I enjoyed her scene in this one. Especially where she goes for Gulltown? Saltpans? Probably Gulltown or some small harbor. So, I'm actually quite happy with her starting her Bravos quest even though she's far from my favorite character. Will be a nice change of pace.

    Thing is we'll probably get at least half of season V with Dany in Meereen, and I just... it might get boring with her.
  14. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Get? Daenerys has always been boring. The only time she wasn't was when she was with Khal Drogo, and even then the slow mental breakdown Viserys was having was about as interesting. Hell, I'll say it outright: The Beggar King was a more interesting character than the Mother of Dragons.

    Out of the trinity of primary protagonists guaranteed face time (Jon, Tyrion, Daenerys), I'd call her story the most boring and unnecessary.
  15. Himuradono

    Himuradono Professor

    Feb 3, 2008
    That's why I said it might get boring. I still hold hope they will make a divergence somewhere during her arc to spice things up. Because as things are her book arc is fuckin' dumb and boring.

    There's the locusts and no Belwas. So there's that...
  16. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    In a manner of speaking, they will.

    Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

    Next season they'll focus on Dorne/Dornish characters, I think.

    Gotta wonder how long they're gonna drag out the drama at the Wall, with the election and what nots.

    Oh and I forgot to mention this before, but Jaime and Cersei fucking the White Sword Tower was utterly retarded and yet again contradictory to Jaime's character. But book-Jaime and show-Jaime are two different entities, that's finally sunk into my head.
  17. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    At the end of the day, constantly comparing the book and the show is probably stopping you from enjoying the show as much as you would otherwise.

    I can understand the frustration if all you wanted was a direct representation of the books, but I think we're long past the point of expecting that.

    Love / hate the show now for what it is, not for what they've chosen to leave out/ change from the books. It seems needlessly surly.
  18. Himuradono

    Himuradono Professor

    Feb 3, 2008
    Well here's to that and amazing desert shots, I'm rather giddy about how they will represent Dorne, landscapes-wise. Plankytown anyone?
  19. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    I can't help it really, since they seem intent on cutting out rather vital parts of the books that shape and change some of the characters that are more prominent than the rest. Now, it remains a mystery if this is truly a divergence point, OC all the way from here on, or if they will put out some of the stuff in next season, early on, to make up for what they missed out on.

    I mean, we get Grey Worm/Missandei in the show, yet the hostility between Tyrion and Jaime gets shafted completely, so Tyrion doesn't tell Jaime that Cersei's been fucking around, Jaime doesn't start to feel resentment and harbor suspicions, rightly so, towards Cersei, thus nothing happens as it should.

    The discord between Lannisters - Jaime and Tyrion, Jaime and Cersei - is kind of essential for the next season, yet there is nothing here to even hint at it. Why would Cersei and Jaime have a fallout? Why would Tyrion vow vengeance against all of the Lannisters, since he is still on good terms with Jaime?

    I'm not talking about Mya Stone, Edric Storm, Dalla or any other number of minor characters being cut. I'm talking about rather pivotal dialogues, scenes altered so that characters aren't even what they're supposed to be.

    I understand that not everything can be faithfully adapted, I get that, I really do, but you can't tell me that they couldn't have Tyrion bring up Tysha in conversation with Shae this season, it wouldn't have taken more than half a minute or a full minute in a scene where he was trying to convince her to go away, telling her how the last 'whore' that he fell in love with ended up.
  20. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    Ugh, whole post lost in the nether...

    Basically, I took issue with the 'characters aren't what they're supposed to be' line.