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DLP: Motel Rendezvous

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Jormungandr, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Nae

    Nae The Violent

    Dec 16, 2010
    East India Company HQ
    Haha, nicely done Zeelthor.
  2. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Hell, people, you're making me blush. I'm looking at you in particular Zenzao.

    Nooow... How about some Margaret Lefay/Leanansidhe?

    I'd like someone's take on what was going on there.
  3. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    EDIT: Dammit, I'm an idiot.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2014
  4. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Wrong thread, bro. Unless you want Veela versus Sidhe mudwrestling... And why wouldn't you? :D
  5. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Wrong thread?
  6. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Decided to go through kinkmeme threads and copy off the unfilled prompts that weren't slash or really weird. I'm assuming we don't need any Dresden/Bianca.

    1. Harry catches Molly at the bookstore, trying to buy a copy of the Kama Sutra without getting caught; he comes to the conclusion that the best lessons are taught firsthand.

    2. Molly is forced to learn the basics of physical self defense with Murphy. Murphy teaches Molly a little more than they both bargained for.

    Bonus: Murphy gives Molly a good spanking for being a brat.

    3. I'm shocked that no one has suggested this pairing before. Anyway, I'd love to see Harry and Lara in a relationship, mainly because I just wanna see Thomas freaking out at the idea of his brother and sister together. I know that Harry is still protected from the time he slept with Susan, but he's slept with Luccio and is no longer protected from WC vamps.


    "I swear, if you pull something like that again I will bend you over my knee and spank you."

    "That a promise, Boss?"

    5. Always-a-girl!Harry/Molly. In the beginning the student teaches the teacher...then Teach proves she knows a trick or four. Molly's mind is blown.

    Molly's first time with a woman, not necessarily her first sexual encounter.

    6. Susan/Thomas.

    Thomas uses his White Court powers to help her control herself; Susan gives him her bottomless Red Court hunger to feed on; they get along with each other really well, too, and are kind of adorably couple-y; and Harry is incapable of working out his own feelings on the matter, but he's pretty sure he wants to set something on fire.
  7. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Last one sounds pretty good, if written for humour.
  8. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Gilderoy Lockhart and Rita Skeeter.

    Two liars with questionable morals.

    What could possibly go wrong?
  9. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Someone in IRC suggested Molly/Dresden/(Lash) mindboink. Can't be bothered to write it just now, but someone really should.
  10. Diomedes42

    Diomedes42 First Year

    Jan 24, 2013
    Murphy/Thomas. Because why the fuck not?
  11. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Lockhart casts the non-verbal counter to the Animagus while in the midst of coitus and impales lady bug Rita, who explodes magnificently, along with Gilderoy's load, upon McGonagall, who is just walking in.

    /didn't feel up to it
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    >2,500th post
    >doesn't celebrate with a next-level story maneuver
    >disappointment all around

    Come now, Don.
  13. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Speaking of Don and Stories.

    You're months late on the prompt you said you'd fullfill, bro. Where's your game at?
  14. Peace

    Peace High Inquisitor

    Aug 17, 2011
    My computer desk
    This is half a response to Jorm's Harry/Apolline challenge from about 8 months and 10 pages ago.


    It was a chaotic, jubilant affair.

    Nearly one hundred and thirty guests – many of them members of the extended Weasley and Delacour families – had descended on Harry’s estate in the south of France, overrunning the lawn and gardens with buffet tables, picnic blankets and a wild game of quidditch that had already broken three windows and sent several people running for cover.

    The merry atmosphere had filled Harry with good cheer, even as he found himself in the kitchen, helping Apolline. There were so many guests that not even Dobby could feed them all single-handedly, though he was trying mightily.

    “How are you finding France, Harry?”

    “Busy … interesting.” He had been in France for six weeks as part of an exchange between the British Auror Office and its French equivalent, the Office of Inquiry. “Your inquiry agents really know their stuff.”

    Apolline smiled, a flash of white, even teeth against lightly tanned skin. “Not as good as the British Aurors of course.”

    “Oh, I don’t know. They have their moments. We could definitely learn something from their anti-smuggling tactics.” Britain’s porous borders were one of Shacklebolt’s pet topics and one of the main reasons he’d pushed for an exchange with France.

    “We’ve had a great deal of experience with smuggling.”

    “The way Fleur tells it your grandfather; father and uncles were responsible for every piece of contraband smuggled into and out of France at one time.”

    Apolline laughed. “There was a time,” she admitted. “After the war they – what’s the phrase? – went straight and past indiscretions were forgiven as a reward for services rendered.”

    Harry nodded but was barely listening. His eyes had been drawn to the movement of her body as she laughed, trailing down to the hint of cleavage offered by the conservative cut of her sundress. Potions, he wondered, or spells maybe? The dress, despite its conservative cut, clung to Apolline’s body, revealing the firm, generous swell of her breasts. At forty-five Apolline had the body of a much younger woman. Harry wondered if she had indulged in the wizarding version of plastic surgery or if she had maintained her beauty the hard way – exercise, good living and luck. As she turned away and crossed the large kitchen, her low heels clicking on the stone floor, Harry admired the sway – deliberate or not? – of her hips and her long, toned legs as her dress swirled around her knees.

    “I’ll take those out.”

    Harry spun towards the voice, folding his surprise away behind a warm smile. He wondered if Bill had noticed him checking out his mother-in-law.
    The scarred curse breaker flicked-and-twisted his wand and a dozen platters rose obediently from the long bench that ran the length of one wall. “We need more wine,” he said. A loud chorus of screams – some amused, some outraged reverberated through the kitchen. “A lotmore wine. Enough alcohol and we might just get through this day without starting a family feud.”

    Harry grinned. “You just want me to break out the good stuff.” Bill had become something of a wine connoisseur since he married Fleur, who often complained that she regretted ever introducing him to wine.

    “You got me. I’m just using you for your wealth, just like my sister,” Bill deadpanned. After Harry and Ginny’s relationship had fizzled out, the end result of most schoolyard romances, Rita Skeeter had written an article where she claimed that the relationship had ended because Ginny was a goblin, wizarding slang for gold digger.

    “I’ll send a few bottles out,” Harry said.

    Bill grinned and left, the platters floating behind him.

    “I don’t suppose you know anything about wine?”

    Apolline raised a single eyebrow.

    “Right, stupid question.” Her husband’s family owned several vineyards and wineries. After his death they had passed to her and their daughters. “Could you give me a hand?”

    “You know nothing about wine?”

    “Well there’s red wine and white wine and that’s about the limit of my knowledge.”

    Apolline laughed again. “I had better help you. If I don’t, you really will send out the good stuff.”

    “That’s a bad thing?”

    “Fine wine should be savoured, not swilled at a party.”

    “Ah, in that case, you best follow me to the wine cellar.” The estate had come under Harry’s control when the second tier of his trust fund opened when he turned nineteen. He had spent a week exploring it with Ron and Hermione and found the well-stocked wine cellar.

    The entrance to the wine cellar was reached by short corridor off of the kitchen. The door was charmed shut to keep children out and as he fiddled with the countercharm Harry looked out the window that let sunlight pour into the hallway. He could see dozens of people milling about and rising above them all, streaking through the air were the quidditch players. I’ll join them after we get the wine, he decided.

    “Be careful of the stairs,” Harry said as the door swung open with a soft click. “They’re held together with repair charms. I really need to have them replaced. There’re cushioning charms everywhere just in case.”

    He led the way down the stairs, wincing as they creaked in protest beneath him.

    “Oh my!” He heard Apolline exclaim softly as they reached the bottom of the staircase and the lights automatically turned on. She pushed pass him, her breasts brushing against his chest as he turned to give her room.

    Harry felt a surge of arousal as he watched Apolline move around the cellar, occasionally handling bottles. As she found something suitable she tapped it with her wand and it zipped away.

    “This is an excellent collection. Do you know who started it?”

    “My estate manager said my grandfather’s grandfather was a serious collector. Then the next two generations added to it until my father inherited it. I guess he never had a chance to add to it,” Harry said. There was a wisp of nostalgia in his voice.

    Apolline placed a warm hand on his arm, offering silent sympathy. Harry appreciated the lack platitudes.

    He summoned a smile and shook off the melancholy. As he grew older he found himself less troubled by the loss of his parents. Instead he took joy in what he did have, instead of mourning what he didn’t have. However, he suspected that he would never fully shake the sense of loss.

    “A couple more bottles should do it,” he said. “Maybe something special for Bill?”

    “Of course.” Apolline deftly selected four more bottles and sent them on their way.

    “After you,” he said, letting Apolline go up the stairs ahead of him. “I need to lock the door so the kids can’t get in.” Just saying that aloud made Harry feel like a hypocrite. He’d had his first drink when he was thirteen after Gryffindor won the quidditch cup and gotten properly drunk Christmas of his Fifth Year. He didn’t have a moral leg to stand on.

    Apolline stepped out of the staircase, one hand on the door handle to steady herself. There was a crash as a rogue bludger smashed the window and streaked passed her, missing her by centimetres. Half a step behind her Harry heard the breaking glass and her scream and saw the familiar blur slam into the wall.

    He reached forward and wrapped an arm around Apolline’s waist and lifted her towards him at the same time that he stepped backwards. The door came with her. Harry’s foot slipped on the edge of the top stair and he flailed for a handhold with his spare hand. It was no use. Apolline hit his chest and knocked him off of the stair as the cellar door slammed shut. The pair of them tumbled down the short staircase, landing in a heap of tangled limbs at the bottom.

    The cushioning charms saved them from serious injury but they lay still for a moment, getting over the shock and surprise. Apolline had ended up laying half on Harry. Her dress had ridden up, revealing a hint of lacy black underwear. Harry propped himself up on his elbow and Apolline, far from trying to disentangle herself from him, shifted to match his movements, bringing her face closer to his. Her eyes were very blue.

    “Well, that was unexpected.” Her voice had acquired a breathy quality.

    “At least now I don’t feel ridiculous for all of the cushioning charms.” One of his arms was trapped beneath Apolline’s body and he rested his hand on her hip, pulling her body even closer to him.

    “They’re quite comfortable.”

    “Patterned on the inventor’s mattress,” Harry agreed.

    “Is the door locked?”


    Apolline leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips.

    “You should lock it.” Her lips curled into a wicked smile. “And put up a silencing charm.”
  15. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    You goddam tease. WHY stop THERE?
  16. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Agreed. Good job, you tease.

    I feel we need a good Dresden/Murphy fic. Not my
    favourite pairing but at the same time I feel no fic has captured what I like about their chemistry. Going to attempt the Molly/Murphy prompt I copy-pasted off kink memes with
    a twist.

    Dresden/Murphy. Her office. Computer fries. Rudolph almost catches them.

    Dresden/Lily. Another pairing we haven't seen except briefly in Big D's story. Unsure About the specifics.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2015
  17. Diomedes42

    Diomedes42 First Year

    Jan 24, 2013
    I'm working on a Dresden Murphy fic that I really hope captures their chemistry well. The friends who've been helping me proofread and stuff have said good stuff on that front, at least. The sex scene has been written, but I've still gotta finish up the stuff leading up to it. Honestly, the whole thing started out as shameless porn, but it ended up developing a plot.

    Also, YES to the Harry/Murphy in her office. Very Yes. I may try that one out myself.
  18. Diomedes42

    Diomedes42 First Year

    Jan 24, 2013
    So I did the thing.

    I headed into the headquarters of Special Investigations, flashing my badge at the desk clerk as I passed. The action was practically muscle memory at this point. I passed through the bullpen where all the members of SI had their desks, nodding to the officers who I knew as I went. But as I got closer to Murphy’s office, I stopped. I could hear raised voices coming from behind the door. I recognized both of them. One was Karrin’s, and the other belonged to Rudolph.

    I sighed. From what Karrin had told me, Rudolph was getting to be more and more of a pain in the ass for her. The young detective had been demoted to SI for some sort of indiscretion; sleeping with a Senator’s daughter, I think. And ever since then, he’d been angling to get out by whatever means necessary. Even if it meant going behind his Lieutenant’s back. Especially if it meant going behind Karrin’s back.

    I raised my fist and rapped on the frosted glass of the office door, and the argument stopped.

    “Murph? It’s me. You said you had some stuff for me to take a look at?”
    The door was yanked open, and Rudolph came out, shoving his way past me with a dark look on his face. As he went past, he stumbled for some reason. I have no idea why. Certainly it couldn’t have had anything to do with an NBA-sized wizard sticking his leg out. I grabbed Rudolph’s arm as he started to fall, pulling him back to his feet and steadying him.

    “Hey, easy there Rudy. Watch where you’re going,” I said, giving him my best annoying smile. And as I let go of his arm, my hand brushed past his jacket pocket, where I could see the rectangular shape of his cell phone. I sent out the smallest effort of will that I could, and murmured “Hexus" under my breath.
    Rudolph glared at me and stalked away, muttering something as he went. I kept up my annoying smile and gave him a cheery wave. Once he’d reached the elevator, I turned back to the doorway.

    “Hey Harry,” Karrin said, her hand brushing against mine briefly. “Come on in. Got a few cases I’d like your opinion on.”

    I followed her in, frowning when she locked the door behind her.

    “That really necessary?” I asked, waiting with my back against the door while Karrin shut down all of her various electronic devices. She’d gotten into the habit after I’d blown up her computer a few years ago, just by walking into the room.

    Honestly, it’s not like I choose to be this hard on technology. It just happens.

    Karrin gave me a little shrug as she sat down at the desk. “Maybe. Maybe not. I just really don’t want any more interruptions today. Rudolph’s been in twice already, and I’ll bet anything he’s gonna have another pointless reason to ask me inane questions in an hour.”

    I nodded. “So what’d you want me to look at?”

    Karrin handed me a couple of manilla folders, and we got to work.

    We’d been sitting in the office for about half an hour when I felt something brush against my leg. At first, I dismissed it as just a phantom sensation or something. But once I felt it again, only a minute or so later, I glanced down under the desk.

    Karrin was lightly rubbing her foot against me, her shoes already off.
    “Something wrong, Harry?” she asked, voice deceptively casual. To anyone else, it would’ve been a perfectly normal question. But I knew Karrin well enough to recognize the teasing note to her words.

    Also, she’d moved her foot from my calf to my inner thigh, rubbing against me more insistently.

    “Um…I—y—yeah,” I stammered, my cheeks heating up.

    “Really? Not having a hard time with any of these?” She said, emphasizing the word with her foot on my groin, gently pressing against me through my jeans.

    “Hell’s bells, Karrin!” I hissed, “is now really the best time?”

    “Harry, I’ve had to deal with Rudolph and his bullshit all day, not to mention a hundred other kinds of bureaucratic crap from higher up,” Karrin said in a low voice, her eyes narrowed and her cheeks flushed with anger. Well, not just anger, going by the way she was rubbing her foot against certain parts of my anatomy. “I need some sort of stress relief, and I need it now.”

    “But…in your office?”

    “What, you’ve never thought about screwing in your office?” She asked, raising an eyebrow and giving me the look that meant, “don’t even try to bullshit me, ‘cause it’s not gonna work.”

    My cheeks were burning, and I swallowed nervously. “Um…”

    Karrin smirked and got out of her seat, walking around the desk with a slow gait that made her hips sway in a way that was too exaggerated to be anything other than deliberate. She stopped right next to me, our faces at the same level since I was sitting down. Our eyes met and I saw the need there, the look she gave me one of such naked lust that my breath caught in my throat for a second.

    The few other times she’d given me that look, it had led to some very enjoyable memories.

    “So, Harry?” Karrin asked, voice low and throaty, “What do you think?”
    “I think maybe you should get one of those stress balls,” I joked, leaning closer to her, our lips only a couple inches apart.

    Why would I need that, when you’ve got some for me right here?” she whispered, fondling my cock and balls through jeans that were feeling several sizes too small. Air escaped my lips in a soft gasp, and Karrin leaned forward, kissing me hungrily. I responded in kind, helping her into my lap as our lips pressed against each other. Her breath was hot and sweet in my mouth, and I could faintly taste something fruity that she’d eaten earlier. I pressed forward, our faces mashed together, and my tongue slipped past Karrin’s lips. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment, but the rest of her was still focused on the task at hand.

    With her free hand, Karrin had already managed to unbuckle my belt and unzip my pants, relieving some of the pressure. I broke the kiss as she gave me a squeeze through my boxers, my back arching in pleasure.

    “Karrin,” I breathed, my hips moving almost involuntarily, thrusting my cock at her.

    “Mmmmm, Harry,” she murmured, and managed to pull my cock out of the front of my boxers despite the way we were seated. I shivered as the cool air of Karrin’s office touched my length, my hips bucking again. Karrin’s eyes were fixed on my cock now, her pupils wide with arousal. Slowly, she wrapped the fingers of one hand around me, fingertips just barely touching her thumb. Her hips were moving too, grinding against my thigh as she straddled it, unconsciously rubbing herself against me. Even through my jeans and Karrin’s slacks, I could feel the heat from her pussy on my leg.

    “Oh, Karrin,” I moaned, pulling her close for another kiss. She nodded, answering the question I’d been about to ask.

    “Want you to eat me, Harry. Get on your knees,” She moaned as my mouth made its way down her neck, leaving only light kisses and nibbles. She’d made it very clear that I wasn’t allowed to leave any visible marks. I nodded, and pushed her off of my lap. She stood, leaning against the edge of her desk, unbuckling her belt with steady hands. I slid off the chair, kneeling on the floor in front of her, my hands darting to Karrin’s hips. She pulled her hands away and gave me a nod of approval. With one swift motion, I yanked Karrin’s pants and panties down to her ankles, revealing her pussy already wet with arousal.
    I leaned forward, pushing her legs apart as much as I could with her pants around her ankles. My face was only a couple of inches away from her now, and I stared for a long moment, memorizing everything about this scene.

    Evidently I was taking too long, because Karrin grabbed my head and pulled me closer, burying my face against her cunt.

    I let her, not caring about the way her nails dug into my scalp as I got to work. I traced her folds with my tongue, her dripping lips parting effortlessly with the slightest bit of pressure. She tasted sweet, and I began licking eagerly. That drew a muffled moan from Karrin, and I glanced up to see her with one hand over her mouth, trying to keep herself from crying out.

    I wasn’t sure how successful she’d be at that. Karrin tended to be very…vocal when we were together. The only reason we hadn’t gotten any noise complaints is because my upstairs neighbor is practically deaf.

    I pulled back a bit, and gave Karrin a long, slow lick from the bottom to the top of her pussy, flicking my tongue back and forth across her clit once I reached it.
    Karrin went up on her tiptoes for a moment, her back arching in pleasure as I kept licking her. I pulled away for a second, looking up at her. The sight of Karrin, moaning in ecstasy above me, made me want to spend the rest of the day on my knees before her.

    I kept licking, slow and focused, the mixture of my spit and Karrin’s wetness coating my tongue and the skin around her pussy. I moved my hands back a little, and she made another muffled moan as I squeezed her strong, round ass.
    “Oh fuck, oh yes, mmmm fuck,” Karrin said in a breathy whisper, thrusting her hips forward. “More.”

    I grinned against her dripping lips and gave her ass another squeeze, before slipping the tip of my tongue into her.

    As I licked deeper, Karrin’s movements got more and more insistent, thrusting her hips to get more of my mouth in contact with her, breathing faster, legs shaking with pleasure.

    And all of that was just encouragement for me to work harder.

    I leaned back a little, and kissed Karrin. Kissed her deep and slow, tracing her folds with my tongue. Taking one of her lips between mine and sucking at it. As I kept going, making out with her cunt, Karrin’s soft moans turned to delighted little giggles, sounds of pure happiness that were like music to my ears. I licked faster, tongue gliding along her soaking, glistening lips while I drank her in.

    “More,” she laughed, running her strong fingers through my hair again. “Finger me, Harry.”

    I nodded, swallowing a mouthful of her wetness as I got to my feet. Karrin’s eyes, half-lidded from the pleasure, flicked down to my cock stiff and bobbing up and down between my legs. A lazy, sensual smirk spread across her face. I stepped close, bending down to kiss Karrin again. She shoved her lips against mine, tongue running all over them and my own tongue, tasting herself on my lips. Without ending the kiss I slipped a hand between us, my fingertips brushing against Karrin’s dripping pussy. She groaned against my mouth, hips thrusting forward. One fingertip slipped inside her.

    Karrin let out another happy laugh as I started fingering her, the giggles making her boobs bounce a little despite her shirt and bra. My finger slid in and out of her, curling inside her like I was beckoning her.

    I suppose I was, actually. Beckoning for her to come for me.

    Her hips rotated as I kept working, making small circles as I started moving my finger faster. I kissed her again on the lips, and then slit my mouth along her skin, making a trail of soft kisses along her jaw and neck. The position was a bit awkward with our height difference. I had to bend at the waist, sort of crouching and bowing so that I could keep kissing her while I fingered her. There’d been a few times where my back had bothered me after sex, thanks to the weird positions we had to use, but Karrin was worth the discomfort.

    “More,” she said, her breath hot against my ear. I nodded, giving her another kiss along her jaw while my ring finger joined my middle one inside Karrin. She gasped, biting down on my neck as I curled my fingers up, pressing them against that spot inside of her. Her breathing was faster now, coming in time with the movements of my fingers between her legs. I pressed forward, my erection hot and hard against the bare flesh of her thigh. She began rocking her hips, moving them forward as I pulled back, keeping my fingers inside her. I felt a slight twinge of pain in my back, but I couldn’t have cared less at the moment. I’d go to the chiropractor every day, bills be damned, if it meant that I got to be with Karrin.

    “Fuck me!” Karrin gasped, eyes wide and bright. “Now, Harry!”

    I nipped at her neck and pulled my fingers out, bringing them up to my mouth. But halfway there, Karrin seized my wrist and pulled my hand to her face, taking my wet, glistening fingers between her lips and sucking them clean. I pushed against Karrin more, leaving a wet spot of precum on her hip.

    Karrin kicked her panties and pants off onto the floor, lifting herself up onto her desk. Her wallet was sitting on the desk, off to one side, and she quickly pulled a condom out of one of its pockets and handed it to me. I rolled it on, careful not to do anything that might break it. That done, I looked Karrin over with a wolfish grin, taking a step forward. As she lay back on the desk, Karrin spread her legs, gripping them right behind the knee and pulling her knees up to her shoulders.

    “Come on,” Karrin said, staring at me with eyes gleaming with need. “Take me, Harry.”

    I took another step forward, my cock now resting right against her wet, swollen lips. Karrin shivered in anticipation, wiggling her hips and making my cock slide along her pussy. Grinning at her, I put one hand flat on the desk and the other one on her hip, holding Karrin steady as I moved.

    I slid into Karrin, feeling her lips part for me. Her eyelids fluttered for a second as I entered her, a soft moan of pleasure escaping her lips.

    “More,” she said, moving her hips in circles as I slid deeper. “C’mon, give it to me. Fuck me. God, Harry, please just fuck me already.”

    I nodded, putting both hands on Karrin’s hips now, feeling the soft skin under my fingers. Slowly, I drew back, pulling almost all the way out of her.

    When my tip was the only part of me still inside, I thrust forward, driving my length deep into Karrin with a low, primal growl. Her eyes flew open, and she barely managed to slap her hand over her mouth in time to muffle the cry of pleasure.

    I settled into a rhythm easily, sliding in and out of Karrin’s pussy to the sound of her moans and gasps. Each thrust made her desk shake, the contents of its drawers rattling as I moved.

    “Hell’s bells,” I breathed as she clenched around me, squeezing my cock tight. “Karrin…fuck.” I stayed buried inside her, pressing against her and moving my hips in circles.

    “Yeah.” She murmured, squirming under me. “Come on, Harry.”

    Karrin began to rock her hips, moving them fast and frantic, bucking against me as I started fucking her again. Each motion made her whimper under her breath, and her movements were getting more and more desperate.

    “Karrin, hold—hold on. Slow down,” I said, grabbing her hips again to try and keep her still. “You’ll make me cum too soon.”

    “Don’t care,” she panted, writhing against me. “Need it. Give it to me harder, Harry. Fuck me fuck me fuck me!”

    Karrin’s final word was punctuated by a harsh thrust of her hips, one that drove her against me, sheathing my entire length inside her.

    That destroyed what little restraint I had left, sending me into a haze of lust. I thrust harder and faster, driving into Karrin with everything I had. I heard an electrical sound, like something shorting out, but I was well past caring. Both of us were panting, breathing sharp and fast as our bodies moved in tandem. Karrin’s back arched up off the desk as I thrust into her again, her walls tightening around me and her eyes rolling back in her head. Her climax sent me over the edge to join her. I went almost completely still, my cock twitching as I shot my load into the condom.

    Karrin looked up at me, giving me a slightly dazed smile as I pulled out.
    Fuck, Harry, that—,” she started to say something, but both of us froze when the door started to open.

    With the kind of instinct borne of pure panic, I did the only thing I could think of.

    I wove a veil around us.

    Barely a second later, Rudolph pushed the door open and stepped in. He looked around the room, clearly baffled. He even looked right through us.

    Hell’s bells, I’d never managed a veil this good before.

    Frowning, Rudolph slammed the door shut, demanding that Stallings tell him where Karrin had gone.

    I dropped the Veil with a sigh of relief, and disentangled myself from Karrin.

    “That was close,” she breathed, brushing her hair out of her face.

    “I thought you’d locked that,” I said, gesturing at the office door.

    “The lock doesn’t always work, and…dammit, Harry.” Karrin sighed as she caught sight of the smoke rising from her computer.
  19. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Heh. Nice. Feel free to drop a challenge in return. Can't make any promises about doing it, or when, but I'll give it a shot.

    In terms of feedback.

    1. Generally avoid using words like "Cock" and "Pussy". Every so often is okay, but it's generally best to be a bit coy about it.

    2. The dialogue during sex. It sounds like a porno and that is really, really not what you want to go for.

    3. This sort of ties into number 2. Characters. They seemed reasonably within character initially but once it got to the sex, they really broke it.

    Loved the ending. xD
  20. Diomedes42

    Diomedes42 First Year

    Jan 24, 2013
    yeah, those are pretty much what I was worried about. I think I need to do a reread of the books to get the hang of Harry and Murphy again.