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Naruto Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Fluffiness, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Yes it was a bit of an accusation, for purposes of pressure. It was basically the same strategy that allowed me to catch Rubicon as scum in the first 100 posts on Endgames to. And I'm sure you won't believe me, so check my QT from the game.
  2. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I know Q but who else?

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:21 ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 ----------

    No I believe you there. After all if Endgames is the one where I was Tia I caught him too. I think Rubicon scum meta is becoming more apparent the more we play with him.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:27 ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 ----------

    That and this game Rubicon replaced into a screwed slot. I don't think very many people town read Rubicon

    Prior strategy doesn't necessarily make you town especially with how you and Typhon interacted. That post grouping gives me the creepsZ
  3. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    At work, so I can't do as much of this as I'd like, but

    I was simply being practical. If you have a strong scum read and a fairly firm scum read and there is a wagon on the firm scum read and not much support for your strong read, then putting a vote on your strong read is purely symbolic. I hate that, because that sort of shit doesn't matter (this, in essence, was one of my cmplaints with Citrus's EoD Day 1. You're not going to subvert the wagon without proving that person is town, presuming the players on it are town, and that can't be done in my case because I think Waco is scum. I just think Qg is more scummy. That's all. Until I can make my full read post on him, that's going to have to do.

    Responses in green here.

  4. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I am trying this new thing where I let others respond :) Does anyone else get the creeps here? Or am I and maybe Von the only ones with this idea of Typhon and Waco?
  5. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Waco, your thoughts on Citrus v Z?
  6. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    @Math, heading out for a bit, will post after I get back
  7. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    @Waco I will try to be here but like I said I would like your reads. This would also answer Titus's question too I think. If I am not please answer this question upon your return.
  8. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Coming down with a bit of a sickness right now.

    Will spend most of the day in bed to make sure it doesnt get worse and i can work the next two days.

    Will be around end of day tomorrow and as much time inbetween as I am out of bed.

    Will try to answer the questions asked to me in the meantime. Should be home from work this time tomorrow. if I cant do it before then, I will force myself to do it in the 4-5hours before EoD.
  9. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special

    Un-CC'd: TMNT, Titus




    Snowvon- Upon re-read Banks' #1830 summed up my thoughts about Snowvon's posts. Just feels like he's trying to avoid stepping on toes. Sheeping the entire bottom 7 of FOnti's read wall on day 1 was a bit much too. Could be 3p. Meta-read involved.
    Typhon- Upon my re-read, I can sorta see what your saying with #2051, Math, but the biggest thing that stood out to me was that he seems a little too self aware, a little too much noticeable thought on to how his posts look, which I usually see as a scum tell in less experienced players.
    Kalas- His Day 2 has him dropping for me. He tries on multiple occasions to call attention to Jan's hammer, gets involved voting for Titus, and then backs down hard under pressure from Titus & Math and disappears.
    - In the scum Titus universe I had been assuming pre-claim, I didn't think much about the issue of his switch from TMNT to Titus and the mislynch comment. Given Titus' flip, I think he might have been looking for a way to pick up town credit for moving off of someone he knew he was town. Additionally #2488 felt like he was role-fishing.

    Q- Already said

    Kalas & Jan are likely not scum together.
    Titus, gun to my head as the wall shows it's Citrus > Zenzao, but it's not black & white to me. Both have some points I agree with, but I think Citrus feels a little more genuine, and both are players I struggle with.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 PM ----------

    @All: I have to start getting ready for work, so please leave a notification with any questions, and I'll get back to you when I return
  10. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    This was mind numbing at times but here you go Titus.


    Post 2. Early statement that he hasn't fully read the setup. Neutral by itself but could be scummy depending on later posts.

    Post 4. Answering Newcomb questions. Responses fine.

    Post 26. Dismissal of RvS scum tells. Justified. Deep Ones reference to older game?

    Post 41. On the nose. Aggressive. I like it.

    Post 43 good follow up.

    Post 49. Jokes meh, still answering newbie questions which I like.

    Post 63. Poke on Typhon about Titus reads.

    Post 115. Questioning Pozzai on Banks post 113 https://forums.darklordpotter.net/showpost...28034&postcount=113

    Post 124. Questioning Pozzai again. ASking about impressions on two seemingly unrelated TMNT and Banks posts. Automerge asking TMNT for any site scum games. Pointy but at the point when the thread was starting its shift against TMNT (as noted in post 123).

    Post 223. Not sure how I feel about this one. Blatant reaction test on Newcomb yet somehow advising at the same time. The generic list of scum hunting techniques is a bit weird as well. That could easily have come from a wiki, why not give a little more set up specific advice?

    Post 230. Instantly backs off Newcomb pressure when called on it. The 'you're not getting lynched so I don't care' bit is fairly scummy. That's not how you approach potential scum reads.

    Post 234. Pressure on Titus about Wac read. Fine.

    Posts 242. Follows up 234. Good.

    Post 246. Continued follow up. Getting more pointed to Titus. I like the wording.

    Post 683. Return from the absence. Votes Pozzai without being caught up. Top scumreads the two biggest wagons at the time iirc. Nervous about me cause I'm not around sure. But of Banks based on rep? And town reading Xanidel? Titus' next posts sums up my thoughts well.

    Post 714. Joke post.

    Post 814. Questions Q on Jan scumread. Tone implies wanting to compare notes.

    Post 827. Joke post.

    Post 832. Asks Typhon (scumread) for thoughts on the leading wagon TMNT and Titus/Math. Less pointed then I'd like on a scumspect.

    Post 857. Following up on Jan. I like it.

    Post 870. Feels like he's ramping down the Jan pressure. Implying there's a reason for how he's posting (and I assume what he'd been previously scum reading for?)

    Post 874. Softballs Jan a question on playstyle.

    Post 876. Asking Pozzai why he's getting on the TMNT wagon.

    Post 886. Asking fonti about Q.

    Post 890. Weird Pozzai interaction. Really weird.

    Post 893. Flat out calling Jan town now. More Pozzai weirdness.

    Post 895. He likes me! He really likes me! Math down to town leaning null.

    Post 898. Joke post.

    Post 900. Non serious post.

    Post 916. Good post, addresses Math's points on Titus driving the TMNT lynch. Reasonable follow up question.

    Post 984. Filler.

    Post 1230. Starts a weird defense of TMNT. Compares one real game then goes to the daychat defense. Something my sig is designed to prevent. (I thought you liked it Atum?)

    Post 1233. Clarification.

    Post 1235. Filler.

    Post 1237. More filler.

    Post 1241. Disbelief of Titus claim.

    Post 1385. Finally something meaty. Lots of righteous anger at Titus for the reveal, lots of good points, shows a good knowledge of the setup. (Atum though, what was with that fonti question? How long do you expect to survive? Really?)

    Post 1392. Follow up on Titus.

    Post 1406. More follow up on Titus.

    Post 1629. Questions Titus' potential survival. "But sure, do what you want, I just don't think TMNT is a good lynch. " This rubs me in all the wrong ways, especially for someone they have been townreading/previously defending. Distancing from a potential lynch?

    Post 1641. Returns to defending TMNT.

    Post 1643. Push on Titus for reads.

    Post 1645. Math interaction.

    Post 1992. Expresses liking of Zenzao, especially the very similar reads. Questions about Rubicon, which I really like in light of D2. Posting while still being 250 posts behind, something I really don't like.

    Post 1994. Pressure on Titus.

    Post 2001/2003. Minor Mathblade interaction.

    Day 1 End. Atum was not around to engage in post TMNT reveal discussion.

    Post 2213. Pushing Math on early day end. anger feels genuine.

    Post 2224. Relents on push about day's end.

    Post 2229. Explanation on why discussing lynch targets is *gasp* a good thing.

    Post 2233. Poke on Math about fonti.

    Post 2260. Scumreads down as Math, Q, Pozzai with a potential Typhon replacement. Von goes up to towny. Lack of vote sits a bit oddly.

    Post 2262. Concurs with Titus on potential scum strategy, holding off on soup to later I believe.

    Post 2267. Hate this post. Just a mangling on any pressure that could have been been used.

    Post 2269. Filler response to Titus.

    Post 2273. Questions Math based on her fonti read. Lacks oomph due to 2267.

    Post 2275. Solid poke on Titus using proposed scum teams.

    Post 2282. Pushed Math for scumreads.

    Post 2287. Clarification post.

    Post 2294. Follow up on Math, pushing for scum team. I like it.

    Post 2305. Corrects Banks on his hilariously bad reading of the setup.

    Post 2307. Explains the issue with a fonti!Judge world which I agree with. Posits that town!fonti knows she's dead N1 which reads weirdly, as Atum had previously expressed a belief that Titus wouldn't be surviving.

    Post 2309. Clarification post.

    Post 2312. Calls out Titus on scumteam reads.

    Post 2314. Calling out Titus, asking for a real case. Reasonable.

    Post 2317. Clarifying roles for Banks. Again.

    Post 2319. See above.

    Post 2324. Do not understand what Atum thinks he's getting out of asking people how long they think they'll survive.

    Post 2326. Calls out Titus. I like it.

    Post 2328. More Titus argument.

    Post 2332. Even more Titus argument. I like this post though.

    Post 2336. Backs up Titus. Dislike.

    Post 2345. Wants reads from Titus to confirm Math. Not seeing the connection.

    Post 2349. Something I touched on in 2352 but weak case. Feels grasping.

    Post 2351. Clarification on MB case. Pushes me on saying early day's end was Jan's fault not Titus'.

    Post 2355. Not inconsistency. More like exaggeration. Not getting where the 3 inconsistencies comes from.

    Post 2357. Actually decent observation on Math changing scumteams.

    Post 2360. Poking Math.

    Post 2380. Response to Newcomb that comes off as a weird half defense of Mathblade. Asks for scum game.

    Post 2392. Asks Math question on past games. Mechanics stuff with Newcomb.

    Post 2398. Continues asking for past games. "Leaving town!fonti alive is almost gamethrowing." (Then why did you think Titus was going to die?)

    Post 2400. Clarification.

    Post 2405. Hate this post. No lynch is always the least optimal thing to do. Can't stand people that don't understand that.

    Post 2408. Pushes Q on a scum motivation post.

    Post 2415. Accepts Q's response.

    Post 2418. Discusses with Citrus on what Kabuto can actually do in a dead Orochimaru situation.

    Post 2492. Pokes Math, pokes Titus. Shows weird gap in set up knowledge. Directs Typhon to scum!Citrus cases. Doesn't offer opinion on them.

    Post 2494. Calls out Zenzao on scum reading Math?

    Post 2546. Stops the roletalk. Major like.

    Post 2562. Asks for an explained townread on Math. Feels like a deescalation of pressure.

    Post 2564. Titus interaction on Math read.

    Post 2567. Filler.

    Post 2611. Quotes Pozzai's rainbow but no comments other then his own absence. (Side note, Pozzai forgetting Atum is weird. Full stop.) Pokes Typhon, Q, snow, Titus and Newcomb. For reads.

    Post 2613. Jokish post on Pozzai.

    Post 2615. Votes Pozzai. This feels weird but it also reads like it was supposed to feel weird.

    Post 2617. Joke post. Kind of kills any pressure from his vote.

    Post 2623. Plays off Pozzai vote as a joke. Questions Titus on waco. Promises Snow an updated Typhon read.

    Post 2626. Questioning Titus on what order matters. There are a couple reasons it could be, but not a bad question per se.

    And that's the final post.

    Atum has his good points and his bad points. Fro the most part I like his questions, pokes and pressure though a couple weird phrases throw me off. My biggest scum feeling on him comes from how he frequently sabotages his own pressure, it reads like someone who wants a way out if he's called on something. Most importantly though, I can't see him being group scum with Rubicon.
    Atum there's a couple questions in brackets I'd like you to address.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 PM ----------

    Waco, I wanted a policy lynch on Titus. I spent a lot of time cooling my head, then a lot more time working on the above. If you want to ask any questions though, feel free.
  11. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013

    Atum Pozzi Waco or Waco Pozzi Von?
  12. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Titus -- Please quit derping. Atum and Von are town. I would bet my life on it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:04 ---------- Previous post was at 13:48 ----------

    Oh and please address Kalas's questions.

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:04 ---------- Previous post was at 14:04 ----------

    Never mind those are to Atum. Derp.
  13. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Who's the fourth member? If its Rubicon the 1st can't be true. The 2nd is possible but I feel like Q's worse then Wace or Von.

    And what happened to Citrus? Last I remember you were scum reading him.
  14. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    +1 on this post.

    Pozzai is Tobi.

    This is the only world to me that is possible right now.

    Kalas you also do get a smacky. Typhon and Waco are clearly trying to start a mislynch wagon on Q. Waco then puts Jan who has no chance in hockey sticks of being lynched today as their second scum read.

    Unless some radical argument comes from someone other than Waco or Typhon why I am wrong on this I am keeping these two together.

    The only switch I MIGHT entertain is Pozzai being scum and my wild card guess being 3P but I highly doubt that.

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:15 ---------- Previous post was at 14:11 ----------

    Waco Kid is blatantly trying to egg Titus on by putting Atum and Von in his reads there and hoping Titus would take over and argue for their lynch. Blatant scum is blatant scum.

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:26 ---------- Previous post was at 14:15 ----------

    Further more either Waco is lying in post 9 or lying now about why he fucked up the mechanics in that post I am calling him out on about day soup. Link: https://forums.darklordpotter.net/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=827828

    If he had read the setup it is clear poison is a night action.

    Blatant scum. *sigh*
  15. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Bleh, I never try to form teams. I just townread people and lynch the outsiders.

    Besides, just because something is suboptimal doesn't mean scum wouldn't do it, and I remember having a conversation/argument with Titus about this a couple games ago.

    (In a DM game where I was scum, my team performed so horrendously (and still won!) that fontisian immediately townread me because she thought I would know better.)

    My bad.

    You sort of did tunnel on me a bit in previous games, so I'd say yeah, a little.

    Kindly get rid of the 'sheeping fonti's read wall' because my reads are independent of hers.

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:30 ---------- Previous post was at 17:28 ----------

    If this were the case, my lynch order for your undecided would be Kalas > Citrus > Zenzao. I haven't been paying attention to possible bussing though. ,_,
  16. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Why can't the first be true with Rubicon scum?
    Who has been making the points against Q, Waco and Von. Who has been trying to doubtcast the townblock (including you and Jan)? Waco. Who leaves himself room by saying both Citrus and Z are scummy? Waco.

    @Math, Typhon is not likely to be scum.
  17. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Von I say this with all the love in my heart <3
    Sometimes it is stupid not to form teams. You don't have to base your scum reads on it or use it as strongly as I do but it can help to eliminate possible worlds or see group think/strategy in future games. Some posts may not look scummy by themselves but with a team lens are scummy as fuck.

    Almost everyone is doing that to some extent. E.g. If anyone is scum reading Banks that might be an exception. Banks quite frankly pushed on Rubicon so hard there is no way Banks is scum with Rubicon.

    I just cannot see both Q and Waco Kid being scum together.

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:34 ---------- Previous post was at 14:33 ----------

    Fine. We agree to disagree. Lynch Waco butt and post game I point this out to you.

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:38 ---------- Previous post was at 14:34 ----------

    Oh and Von I will consider your order but mainly I need to focus on bringing Titus to the light. Listen to your town block please Titus.
  18. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Titus because on my Atum reread he and Rubicon don't fit together. He got in on the Rubicon stuff right around when it had the potential to be an actual counter wagon to TMNT.

    And what happened to your Citrus read? Just link me to a post or something.
    MathBlade rereading the whole Waco interaction now.
  19. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I understand, it's just not (and never has been) really part of my meta and I almost never bother with it because it usually gets done by players who can do it better than me. And in this game, there is absolutely no way I'll have time to go back and try to piece different teams together with my work/sleep schedule. But I'll keep this in mind for future games.

    I do definitely agree with the Banks thing, and. That's pretty much my entire read of him.
  20. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat

    Pozzai explain my color as the primary push on Rubicon the like 95% scum poisoner?

    Hello everyone. At work trying to catch up. I'm a bit behind could use a Waco case if possible.