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[Spoilers] Worlds 2015 - TRASH TALK ALLOWED

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Lungs, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    To be honest if it were Gnar instead of Darius I think Zion would have potentially done better lol.
  2. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Went back, rewatched the entire game. I still contest that Dlift got carried till endgame. His play was static and safe and boring for the most part. He was hit by more skillshots than he dodged both inside and outside teamfights (17 v 11), missed half as many skillshots as he fired (6 vs 11), with the vast majority of landed skillshots being on tanks/non carries, and had more assists than kills come endgame.

    Overall, the most impressive thing about his performance was his farm. The problem here is that I've never been particularly impressed by passive ADC play, vs teams of comparable skill. Especially on teams/in comps that heavily favor protecting said Star Player/ADC. Syao is right that it's the team's job to set up the ADC, but the team doing their job right isn't a good reflection on the ADC near as much as it is for the team that protects him.

    His endgame performance was admirable, but not superb, and we all know that Doublelift is capable of better. He didn't catch out anyone important with Zap! till the end. He didn't make any particularly clutch plays, he didn't even attempt things like dragon steals with his ulti, which he used only very rarely.

    CLG pulled out the win, and that reflects well on NA, but after years and years of letdowns, I'm still pretty sure they're going to crash and burn.

    For reference, here's my not-100%-but-pretty-close notes (of shit I deemed important, which is admittedly subjective) with timestamps:


    all times are approximate within 1~2 seconds.

    17:28: Dodge braum in full view.

    19:46: Hit. Braum.

    23:07: hit. Braum.

    25:17: Misses skillshot.

    25:20: hits skillshot on braum, misses trist.

    25:37: *Dodge/Braum-Miss.

    26:12: Dodge/Braum-Miss*

    27:42: Forces Trist Flash w/Ali

    30:34: Hit. Braum.

    31:22: Dodge Braum.

    35:03 lands E on reksai

    35:32: Dodge braum - Teamfight Dance.

    35:34: Flashes Gnar Ult. TF

    35:40: Eats Ulti!gnar Q(?) TF

    35:41: Ult blocked by Jungler TF

    35:50 - 35:54: Trades evenly with trist TF

    37:07: Takes outer tower.

    37:54: eat steak boomerang teamfight

    37:57: Eats steak boomerang teamfight

    38:53: dodges ekko teamfight

    40:10: explanation about Aphro building zekes to help Dlift. (Doesn't actually happen.)

    43:29: confirmation of Pause initiated by Riot.

    47:40: Dodges braum

    47:46: misses Zap!

    48:19: hits Zap! on Reksai

    48:27: Hits Zap! on Mega Gnar

    48:48: dodges braum, pretty slick teamfight

    49:05: kills trist/gets killed by ekko/Ali dies right after. teamfight

    52:25: caught out by ekko right after cutting off avenue of attack. teamfight

    54:18: eats boomerang

    54:53: eats braum ult Teamfight

    55:07 - 55:13: chases off braum/ekko, lands Zap! on Braum

    55:38 - 55:40: stays just out of ekko range/picks off braum

    55:44: pointless ult, misses anyway.

    55:49: walks RIGHT into ekko sphere thingy

    55:03/04: sniffs out the bushwhack set by FW

    57:08: catches reksai with ali? Lets him get away, forces flash/misses ult. No kill.

    59:02/03: stays outside ekko field range/dodges braum q TF

    59:07: trist assist/takes tower w/team TF

    59:43: lands Zap! on Reksai long range

    59:50: caught by ekko TF

    59:51: eats Braum ulti, cleanses a knockup/field slow LOL TF

    1:00:01: Darius kill assist TF

    1:00:16: eats reksai q(?)

    1:00:42: lands Zap! on braum TF

    1:00:52: lands Zap! on Braum TF

    1:00:58: forces gnar flash/misses ult TF

    1:01:03: forces trist flash/out of fight TF

    1:01:06: reksai kill assist TF

    1:01:10: lands Zap! on braum TF

    1:01:13: braum kill assist TF

    1:01:14: eats boomerang

    1:01:18: dodges boomerang

    1:01:36: eats gnar boomerang TF

    1:01:38: gets Gnar Ult'd/Cleanse TF

    1:01:39: gets Ulti!Gnar Stunned TF

    1:01:44: lands Zap! on trist w/Elise setupTF

    1:01:46: flashes ekko ultiTF

    1:01:47: gets ekko killTF

    1:02:04: end of game

    Admittedly, he wasn't terrible or horrible, or a huge weight, but he wasn't near as amazing as we've seen him perform and as far as I'm concerned that means his performance was subpar. Especially against a team that veterans like Doublelift and Co should have styled on all game long, instead of being slightly outplayed for most of the game.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2015
  3. Swirly Mango

    Swirly Mango Seventh Year

    Sep 30, 2014
    Sydn'y, Oz
    Why is everyone disregarding C9's win over AHQ? That was the most dominant victory over a non-wildcard team so far. Hell, it was the number 1 team from Taiwan*. By comparison, CLG looked shit. Everyone is saying Dlift played awesome. Well yeah, he had a Lulu buffing him at every moment of the fight. Any top-tier ADC should be playing like a madman with a Lulu buffing him. Considering we have so many, that's not that special.

    And Walking Disaster, you said that Dlift was carried until the late game. Congrats, you just summed up the ADC role.

    *It is Taiwan right?
  4. mangaguy

    mangaguy Fifth Year

    Jan 3, 2010
    Your skillshot count is flawed in evaluating Doublelift's performance because you forgot THE most important factor in adc damage- the auto attack. Landing skillshots/avoiding skillshots is important, but what is more important is getting off sufficient autos during the teamfights on good targets while not getting caught out. I'm not going to go back to check every auto on a champion, and as a result, I could be wrong, but I recall Doublelift was very good about getting his autos off without getting forced out/dying, especially after the early game. He only died once, and that was after killing Tristana to prevent the reset train and then getting jumped on by Maple.

    And stats of the game back me up on this:

    He dealt 43.3k damage compared to Kkramer's 25k. He outdamaged every other champion in the game by a high amount, even though his team was losing (in terms of kills and eventually gold) for most of the game. He used the buffs from Lulu effectively to position and get autos off on priority targets. Yes, he only got three kills, but he dealt a ridiculous amount of damage and was likely the primary damage dealer on most, if not all, of his assists. He was a major reason for the comeback and the victory that game, and his performance, while not perfect, was exceptional.
  5. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    A fair point, but I'm pretty sure I recall at least two instances where he had notably terrible target selection. Like spending 95% of a teamfight autoing the Tower sort of terrible target selection.

    Plus a couple instances where he Was forced out of fights due to trades/getting poked down. Though one was admittedly after/while forcing Trist out of a fight as well.

    Really, with Alistar (+Darius) for big beefy high tanks, considering he outrangeed everyone on the enemy team till Lategame/Endgame, the fact that he was safe just doesn't say 'especially skilled play' to me. It doesn't say horrible, either, but not impressive.

    Before anyone bothers, I'm talking about relative to the level he's playing at. OF COURSE he would crap all over me, like an entire flock of seagulls that got into a prune juice shipment.

    Interesting, thanks.

    I wish there was a damage dealt to champs vs time graph, but no such luck. Because I'd bet that a large amount of that damage was dealt during the endgame, where he did, admittedly, do work. But where Health Pools are also notably larger and thus damage-dealt-to-champs raises much faster. I never contested that his performance during that period of the game was good, just that getting there he was static and passive when he could have and should have been way more active and impactful.

    Really, we can argue this all day and all night. But my perception is that he was far, far from the top of his game, and not anywhere near worth the praise that some CLG fans are heaping on him like he was World Class Superstar ADC in that game, when he clearly wasn't.

    Doublelift did his job, but I just don't agree that he did it particularly well, or that his job is terribly difficult or complicated compared to other roles on the team. But I'm an APC main who gets very tired of watching ADCs taking credit for shit their supports/junglers/teammates set up, so I could be somewhat biased.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2015
  6. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
  7. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    ... Did you miss FNatic's near perfect game vs IG or are we suddenly ranking #1 LMS higher than #3 China?

    Though I'll give you it was the 2nd best game of the day for me. C9 have really improved in the break (which I hoped they would, their bracket run whilst amazing was some of the sloppiest League I've seen this year, throughout the entire gauntlet) & I think they stand a shot at getting out, depending on which IG show up for their remaining 5 games. With that said, I'd still say IG to get out with Fnatic, but I wouldn't be surprised (and am in fact very hopeful) if C9 really take it to IG and give us two cracking games.

    Not much else to say about today's games, think they went the way everyone expected. I guess CLG had a shaky start but they pulled it back rather nicely, though I've yet to sit down & watch their game or the SKT game with my full attention. Also Fiora is such a dumb champion right now, holy.
  8. Swirly Mango

    Swirly Mango Seventh Year

    Sep 30, 2014
    Sydn'y, Oz
    Fnatic's near perfect game almost became drawn out when Reignover was stunned and Skarner could still flash over and smite, which he did. It was dumb luck that Fnatic still got Baron.

    Edit: What I'm trying to say is that after the first 10 minutes, at no point did it seem like C9 was going to lose or were playing badly. They dominated the second half of the game, what there was of it.

    Fnatic fumbled the fast tower push and minion bounce, and then almost gave away Baron.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2015
  9. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Any contested smite always requires a bit of luck, it doesn't take anything away from Fnatic's performance.
  10. Swirly Mango

    Swirly Mango Seventh Year

    Sep 30, 2014
    Sydn'y, Oz
    Think of it this way. Once Fnatic positioned themselves in a way that let an ashe arrow hit their jungler from the most likely direction (mid inhibitor/bot inhibitor tower) they forfeited most of their right to Baron. It no longer became IG's Baron to steal, but for Fnatic to steal because IG had Smite.
  11. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    You do realise you can still use smite when stunned? It's only a suppression that stop it. You can also use things like heal, cleanse, ghost, etc. Any summoner spells other than flash and tp.

    It was just a 50/50 smite battle and Kakao went too early, smiting at ~1000hp, so the baron died before Reignover could use his.
  12. Swirly Mango

    Swirly Mango Seventh Year

    Sep 30, 2014
    Sydn'y, Oz
    Fuck. Me. Guess everyone can tell I dont play jg. Ima shuddup for awhile.
  13. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Thoughts on today's schedule?

    I predict TSM loss, Origen win and CLG win. Dunno about H2K. SKT will win.
  14. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    I'm saying wins for KT, LGD, SKT, EDG, Koo and PAIN.
  15. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Pretty much expected outcome. Having said that, strong showing from TSM in the first half of the game before they tilted and started derping. There was even hope that they might pull out a win for a bit, there.

    A better showing than I expected from them, even if they got stomped after 15 min.
  16. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Thanks for ruining the 3/0 against Koreans, TSM.
  17. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
  18. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Motherfucking XPeke. He hits one ult all game, ez quadrakill.
  19. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
  20. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006