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WIP The Malachite Series by Lazov - M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Sesc, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. mknote

    mknote 1/3 of the Note Bros. DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2009
    Melbourne, Florida, United States
    Actually, I did. Considering what I read, I honestly felt that this was in the save vein as previous trolls on DLP. It wasn't me being sarcastic, I was honestly wondering if you were trolling.


    I'm not. If I'd read your initial post more clearly (I'll admit fault to that), I would have avoided the story like the plague.

    I'd also like to offer a differing opinion.

    I haven't read OTWTG, but I think both DrizzleWizzle and Chris Widger's Slytherin!Harry series are better, with the former recently displacing the (unfortunately) abandoned latter.
  2. Pirazy

    Pirazy Groundskeeper

    Dec 29, 2010
    Know how I know you're full of shit?

    EDIT: Disregard previous line.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
  3. Nuit

    Nuit Dark Lord

    Feb 14, 2010
    The Peach State
    I thought he meant better than The Malachite Series.
  4. mknote

    mknote 1/3 of the Note Bros. DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2009
    Melbourne, Florida, United States
    Correct. Having not read OTWTG, I obviously can't comment on whether it's better or worse than the series I listed. Rereading what I wrote, I could have worded it better.
  5. andy50

    andy50 Groundskeeper

    May 6, 2013
    I remember people saying how the plot should be changed based on how the character changes and not the other way around. Reading this has finally made me understood what that meant. 2/5, and keep in mind I have lower standards then most people on this site. The author butchered all the character, and who the hell are these oc's.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

    huh, the thrid book is a lot better, i'll change my rating to 3/5
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
  6. Pirazy

    Pirazy Groundskeeper

    Dec 29, 2010
    Finally got around to reading it and a big fucking thank you to Sesc for reccing it, first and second book, as promised is pretty damn weak, but then the author turns around and shows the largest improvement in writing ability I've ever seen. Srsly, he went from clichéd dime-a-dozen bin-fics to real-fucking-close to library quality in under a year, that's pretty damn impressive.

    Only annoying thing is the various events that the author skips and then brings up later, aunt Marge and Lupin. He never went back to the Dursley's after getting his letter, opting to stay in that inn in knockturn so I dunno how that confrontation happened. As for Lupin, Hadrian can barely find out anything more than the names of his parents so I dunno how he found out about Lupin..
  7. Stan

    Stan Order Member

    Aug 19, 2014
    It was fine. I actually found the second book to be the best of the lot - the third book is much too slow paced and I'm not entirely sold on the Daphne-Harry thing. Harry spends way too much time describing his magic for my liking. Plus, Luna is shit. Any Luna who is transformed to a sharp tongued Slytherin is an auto-fail to me - it destroys everything wonderful about Luna's original character.

    There were some very good parts though - Harry's interactions with Dumbledore and Snape were great and I really want to see Harry murder Dumbledore. Too few fics have Harry actually murdering Dumbledore. Too few.

    Overall 2.5/5 rounded up to 3.
  8. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Did no one notice this thing started updating again? Last chapter was 19, and it ended with Sirius getting kissed by the Dementors, Harry unresponsive, and us not knowing how we got there.

    So halfway through the first new chapter, the magic of the story is back and I'm in love all over again -- it's 05:30 and I can't stop reading. TL;DR, quality picks up were the third book left off, there's three long, new chapters, go read them already.

    Link to first new one.
  9. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    Yeah, I've noticed, hope it gets updated today again - until last week the updates seemed to be steady.

    I find it hard to critique this series. It's a huge guilty pleasure of mine. It contains lots of awful cliches, yet for some reason I'm mostly not bothered by them – probably because they usually receive a unique touch, a certain spin. The writing is shaky. At some parts it's really great, especially at laying atmosphere and feelings, yet it frequently goes a bit too purple and grandiose, and my inner cynic can't help but cringe at it. It also often gets verbose, with entire passages explaining at great lengths issues that are quite obvious and discernible from the action.

    Something that didn't bother me at first but had started grating on my nerves as the series progresses, is Harry's character. He comes off as very heavy-handed sometimes, even, shall I say... autistic? I guess it's a realistic consequence of his abusive childhood, but holy fuck does it get annoying at times when he fails to show an ounce of nuance, for all his "cunning", and acts just as myopically as the Gryffindors he despises so much. It becomes increasingly harder to sympathize with his character, and his chronic angst doesn't help at all to make him seem less of a tool. Daphne and Edgy!Luna are a bit hard to swallow as well.

    The good news is that the author indeed seems to be improving as he goes, and the latest chapters show the characters as much more rounded and three-dimensional then they were before.

    I think that the fic's greatest quality is the worldbuilding, and the way it explores the day-to-day magical life, rather than the usual crazy adventures. Sometimes it's simply nice to read about life at Hogwarts, especially when it's so intricately described, and the story manages it very well. Just for that I give it a 4/5.​
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016
  10. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Professor

    Jan 18, 2015
    I've noticed, but I'm waiting to see if it's actually going to be a thing, or one of those sputtering updates that happen after a long break before finally dying out. I hate to get my hopes up.
  11. Nicovi

    Nicovi Fourth Year

    Mar 13, 2015
    Yea, fingers crossed for continuous updates.

    I rather like the characterization of Daphne and the quality did increase a lot in the third part.

    People have mentioned the cliches, but the thing that annoyed me the most were the multiple POV of some situations. A good author can pull that of, but in this fic it mostly felt repetitive.
  12. Tiberiusnero

    Tiberiusnero Muggle

    Dec 31, 2015
    High Score:
    Seen it recommended many times and decided to give it a go. This first and second book are as promised pretty slow. However, I really like the third book especially the characterization of Daphne. Additionally, the author is improving with each new chapter.
  13. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany

    Given that Harry found Sirius early, the question remained why and how he would still die. I'm not entirely convinced, I think, but by and large, it works. Harry should have gotten Sirius far away from Hogwarts, but considering Sirius even left the cave to walk into Hogwarts, that probably wouldn't have worked either. It's Sirius' own recklessness that got him killed. (Snape would feel a deep sense of satisfaction.) About the only thing Harry could have done was to stun Sirius before he went to fetch Peter, but that's hindsight.

    So yeah, all the better outcomes probably are armed with the boring foreknowledge of fix-it-fics.

    That aside, what I'm still interested in is what the deal with the Dementors was, that scene that Neville & co watched. I don't think that was explained.
  14. newageofpower

    newageofpower Professor DLP Supporter

    Feb 24, 2015
    It lives! My god, the story became even more intense.

    The setup of Neville vs Harry is obvious now. I feel like I'm watching a train crash in slow motion - I can't tear my eyes away.

    Believable too. Sirius's lack of control, his impetuousness. Harry's hope. Sirius's incestuous relationship with Bellatrix. The Black madness.
  15. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    You mean his meeting with the Dementor on the seventh floor? I haven't read that scene in a long time, but I think it was just a kind of "take the bad memories away and let me hear my mum's screams" kind of deal. Or maybe I see it like that because it reminds me of a different scene I like.

    This chapter certainly explained things, though I guessed most of them anyway. Can't say I like the Bella plot too much.

    @newageofpower, what do you mean about a crash between Harry and Neville? have I missed something? because Neville doesn't seem to be very prominent here, other than being Harry's mirror.
  16. newageofpower

    newageofpower Professor DLP Supporter

    Feb 24, 2015
    Atram Noctem

    Harry will attempt to save Bellatrix, for the memory of Sirius, if nothing else. This will setup Harry Potter as The Archenemy™ for one Neville Longbottom, who already has a low opinion of Harry.

    NL is already seen as a Good Guy by most observers, and Harry has Probably Dark, Possibly Evil sort of reputation.

    Sure, Harry couldn't give two shits about Neville, but the converse is not true.