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Pet Peeves v.11

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Syaoran, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. Amythyr

    Amythyr Squib

    Sep 23, 2015
    Forgotten Realms
    These are some of my pet peeves.

    1) Bashing:I abhor all types of bashing.

    2) Wrong-Boy-Who-Lived: I dislike them mainly because of bashing involved-Some people like to bash James & Lily Potter in these type of fanfics

    3) Tragedies: I simply dislike the fanfictions(and fictions) with tragic endings. In the same note, I don't bother reading the James/Lily fanfictions..since I know they end in tragedy.

    3) Original Characters: I do dislike most fictions that are OC-centric, I also dislike when OC are Mary/Gary Sue. I online like OC when they are in a minor role.

    5) Romance Centered Fanfictions:Nothing is wrong with them.They are not just my cup of tea

    6) Slash: As I said above, It is simply not my cup of tea.

    7) Songs in the fanfiction. The only exception is Sorting Hat's Song

    8) Time Travel in which Harry tries to preserve timeline and changes nothing.

    9) Marriage Acts(and CRA in Naruto)I also think that 95% of fanfictions with multiple pairings are trash.

    10) Rehash of canon and "Reading the Books" type of fanfiction.

    11) Political Harry when he is 11 years old.

    12)Gender Benders.Any character that has their gender changed.
  2. Heather_Sinclair

    Heather_Sinclair Chief Warlock

    Jan 19, 2008
    The Eighth Circle of Hell
    I'll quote myself.

    Bellatrix is Voldemort's most trusted follower. He knows how to play his tools properly. He held nothing but disdain for Peter and called him Wormtail, IMO to remind him of his betrayal of his closest friends and who his loyalties belong. A dig to remind him that if he wants anything that resembles a normal life one day, that he remain loyal. At least until he got that nifty silver hand. Then he was treated even more like a bag of shit.

    So... speculation.

    Bella gets a pleasant shortening of her name. Her loyalties have been and remain unwavering.

    Snape and Malfoy get called by their full first name. Their loyalties are generally self serving, and provide important services, but remain Voldemort's because he believes that they fear him enough to not betray him as long as he's powerful and alive.

    Everyone else gets the last name treatment for the most part.

    It's inconsistent at times, but I believe I would never hear him call Peter, 'Petey'... which was my original point.
  3. Ravenlark

    Ravenlark Squib

    May 29, 2015
    I feel like fanfiction.net has decreased in quality over the past several years and a lot of common themes pop up that can be really fucking annoying.

    1) The first one is polyamory. Polyamory can be a completely legitimate style of relationship. However, the stories are often poorly written and just seem a way to shoehorn in Harry getting to bang a bunch of women at the same time. Plus, how many teenagers (as it is often depicted at Hogwarts) have that type of relationship? It just seems weird that so many people continually choose to portray him as having six girlfriends at the same time rather than have him date one person at a time or have an open relationship.

    2) The idealization of Snape. I'm not advocating bashing, but the criticism is never there or completely understated. He was a brave man who was bullied. He also threatened to kill a child's toad, routinely ignored racist slurs, slandered a dead man to his child's face and was generally an emotionally abusive dick. I've had tough teachers, but at least they were fair teachers. He wasn't fair. Not to mention that in the novels he was completely fine with James and Harry being killed. Did he really expect Lily to fall into his arms after he played a part in getting her family killed and was friends with some of the worst people who probably raped and murdered other muggleborns? Anyway, the continual portrayal of his adult problems as the result of Dumbledore or his teenage years is borderline ridiculous. He never seems to take responsibility for his own actions and the slobbering over him in Cursed Child is gross. I feel like people could write a nuanced, strong portrayal of him but instead he is always infantilized by both fanfiction writers and JK Rowling.

    3. The Harry inherits 9 houses type of thing. I can buy the Black family, as maybe Sirius was able to twist it or his grandfather had regrets when he saw most of his family gone except for Harry (this was back when he was portrayed as being Dorea's grandson in FF). However, being Lord Hufflepuff-Emrys-Slytherin-Whatever and all that is inane.
  4. CrippledGod

    CrippledGod Banned

    Jan 11, 2013
    At this point there are probably more pet peeves than actual stories.
    That's my pet peeve.
  5. JoJo23

    JoJo23 Unspeakable

    Mar 22, 2008
    "Marauder" era fics that dont even attempt to be moderately canon complainant.

    I assumed initially that it was due to a few of the more famous ones being pre-DH, but even the best part of ten years on and most by and large still dont try. I suppose this ties in with a lot of the writers just wanting to write a generic high school story.
  6. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    Fics where a male Harry transforms into a girl. Particularly when he decides to just accept the transformation.
    Also fics where Ron doesn't become Harry's friend because every sentence from Ron ends with an exclamation point. Yes Ron could be annoying at times but he was a realistic kid with a child's idiocy and he did grow out of it eventually.
  7. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    The premise could be interesting if it's a curse or something and Harry is horrified by it and does everything he can to reverse it.
  8. Graves

    Graves Squib

    Oct 16, 2016
    High Score:
    For me it would be fics that make people who have never been hinted at being gay or interested in the same sex suddenly gay.

    Also bashing, fics with bad grammar that the author doesn't try to improve, and wish fulfillment fics.
  9. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    That would depend entirely on how AU the story is.
  10. chaosattractor

    chaosattractor Groundskeeper

    Mar 30, 2016
    High Score:
    So no super! or indy!Harry fics for you? :p
  11. dysphere

    dysphere Squib

    Oct 1, 2016
    High Score:
    I think minor elements of wish fulfillment are okay, but it has to be executed more realistically. I mean, being a wizard, that's pretty unrealistic, and a lot of people want to be one, but introduce problems the wizard might have, like, say with other people, and it becomes more compelling. As long as it isn't drama for the sake of drama, which is also bad writing.
  12. guestreader

    guestreader First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Unnaturally polite 14 years olds is a peeve and slightly terrifying. It even becomes creepy if they are a timetraveller who attempting to use manners and politeness to hit on someone young enough to be their daughter. I very much dislike the idea of the world changing and girl's knickers dropping just because one person is polite, I'd have thought that every Hufflepuff outside of GoF and Zac Smith is unfailingly nice, polite and tolerant.
  13. Ghosthree3

    Ghosthree3 Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2012
    Getting a decent way into a story (say 30k words or so) before seeing all the red flags that it's slash has got to rank up there as one of the most annoying. It's like a nasty trap.
  14. Alpaca Queen

    Alpaca Queen Fourth Year

    May 12, 2014
    New York
    Eh, at that point I'm willing to give the slash a try. I mean, there's nothing inherently wrong with gay romance, it's just that it tends to get written horribly in fanfiction. But if I've gotten 30k words into a story and I really like it, then I'll also trust the author enough to give them a shot at it.

    But yeah, it's horrible in general when you have to give up a story you like when it just fully embraces some horrible cliche or pet peeve of yours. There's this real sense of betrayal, too, which just makes things worse.

    Damn it, author! You were supposed to bring balance to the story, not leave it in darkness!
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
  15. Ghosthree3

    Ghosthree3 Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2012
    I mean, maybe for you... I can't possibly read that though, not as a center piece anyway. I can put up with it if it's on the side among side characters I care less about but the main character (Harry)...

  16. anvyl

    anvyl Third Year

    Sep 9, 2014
    Just came upon a pet peeve of mine that i didn't remember for a long time.
    When a girl is described as having hair the length of 'just above/below her waist/ ass / knees/ all the way from Scotland to Mozambique'.
    In my entire life i have met exactly one girl who had hair that was longer than to her shoulder blades when put in a pony-tail, and it was uuuuuuugly. She hadn't cut her hair for years. Its the perfect recipe for the split ends of hell.
    Anybody know what's up with thtat=
  17. Plotless

    Plotless High Inquisitor

    Jan 8, 2015
    I have an Australian friend with hair that goes to her lower back. It looks pretty good, though she spends a lot more on conditioner than most people. I think it's just a matter of the amount of care you put into it, like with most other things.
  18. Ghosthree3

    Ghosthree3 Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2012
    Most of the girls I know have hair coming down to around the middle of their back or a bit above tbh. Maybe it's just not a thing where you live.

    (Which is the correct length)
  19. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    No, hair like that is pretty common. My ex had long hair down to her butt. And it looks good in a ponytail as well. Kind of my fetish.
  20. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
    My hair could be described as waist length, since just above the waist or waist length is basically mid/low- back and not that unusually long. I think when people describe waist length hair most people imagine hair below the belt which is technically hip length hair. Knee length hair is admittedly more unusual.

    Loads of girls go through a long hair phase, I could sit on mine till I cut it off at 16. It can end up a mess is not frequently trimmed and maintained but its not all that uncommon, especially if your lazy about getting haircuts.