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What do you want to read?

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Jon, May 2, 2017.

  1. Dicra

    Dicra Groundskeeper

    Nov 12, 2014
  2. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Persona/HP fusion.

    Harry attempts to steal Voldemort's heart and change the Dark Lord's cognition. While on the run, Hermione is caught while they are attempting to destroy a horcrux, and Harry reveals full knowledge of the prophecy in order to keep Hermione alive.

    Knowing that the horcruxes are in fact being moved, Hermione and Harry begin searching for a different way to circumvent Voldemort's hold on the wizarding world. Harry, growing more and more disillusioned as he becomes Undesirable #1, is driven to experiment with the connection he shares with Voldemort, although his only initial successes seem to be infuriating headaches and sleeplessness.

    It's around this time that Harry begins dreaming of another world where he is a prisoner garbed in black and white jailed in a suspicious velvet room. The warden, a long-nosed man, informs him of his impending rehabilitation, which is set to begin immediately.

    The significance of these events are lost on Harry, and he passes them off as a wild dream, initially hiding his secret from Hermione until it becomes obvious that his magic has started to act up, causing him to lose control often enough to compromise their safety in the wilderness.

    Soon, Harry finds himself slipping not into slumber, but into another world formed around solely of Voldemort's cognition -- a twisted, cave-like Hogwarts where gigantic snakes clash with hideous creatures of myth roaming the halls. He makes his way through a series of challenges, unlocking a path to the Headmaster's office, where Voldemort's shadow awaits...
  3. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    I think the most important thing for me when judging what I want to read comes down to relatability.

    I want to read something relatable.

    Now, to be quite clear, the entire premise of Harry Potter (magic, an entire hidden world, etc.) is quite obviously not relatable.

    But I want to read about characters that behave like human beings. I absolutely despise fics where characterizations are butchered to the point where it's like I'm reading about alien interactions or some shit between wizards on screen. It's probably the biggest reason why fanon cliches like marriage contracts or the whole Victorian-esque House system bothers me.

    I want to be able to step into the character's shoes and understand why he/she made the choices that he/she made. Be able to empathize with the character in times of despair, and be able to cheer alongside him/her in moments of triumph. Good stories are ones where you can sink into the world and just immerse yourself. Where you can forget who you are and just explore another world.

    Obviously, there are other notable features required to make a story great, but if we're talking about the one thing that I absolutely want to see in a story, then relatability would be it.
  4. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Averis heavily considering a Persona/HP fic atm, though not what you asked for specifically.
  5. fvital92

    fvital92 Squib

    May 8, 2017
    Juiz de Fora - Brazil
    High Score:
  6. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    I'd be interested in helping you with it (provided you wanted some, of course). I'm not really all that worried about the specifics, just the idea of entering Voldemort's cognition and it being a warped version of Hogwarts appealed to me.
  7. Eilyfe

    Eilyfe Supreme Mugwump

    May 27, 2014
    Drunken Dumbledore and Harry shenanigans with mentor parts and magical mystical mystery solving. Basically humorous.

    If you could write like Terry Pratchett that'd be great too. Would appreciate it.
  8. KGB

    KGB Headmaster

    Jan 18, 2011
    What I have always wanted from HP fanfiction is a serialized Harry as auror fic.

    Short 30-40k sections of Harry taking down a monster/villain of the week with some overarching plot that stays in the background most of the time.

    I am sort of surprised that I have never really seen one. As it would be the perfect way for someone to stretch their creative muscles in a familiar and established setting without the commitment of a full blown fic. Every time you hit a writers block on the main plot just jump on a side adventure.
  9. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Yeah no dramas. Next time you're on IRC message me and we can chat about it.
  10. crimson sun06

    crimson sun06 Banned

    Jun 21, 2013
    I am a sucker for redemption fic and would love to see one involving Voldemort with the point of divergence being moments before his death when Harry tells him to try and feel remorse as he has seen what becomes of him otherwise. Voldemort rifles through Harry's memory via legilimency and Harry allows it to let him see for himself resulting in him changing his mind about his ways.

    I also favor mentor fics with the mentor as the protagonist, though I really haven't seen any maybe I haven't been looking hard enough.
  11. Feanor

    Feanor Third Year

    Sep 25, 2006
    Honestly at this point the thing I want most is a fic I'm even remotely interested in that updates regularly.
  12. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    There's not many of these. Hell there's not that many of these in fiction in general, I think. You might find a story where the protagonist/MC is the older guy who has taken someone under his wing, so from the younger person's POV that guy is the mentor, but...

    To me that's not a 'mentor fic' in that case. I feel like when talking about a mentor it's in reference to the protagonist. I wonder if this is what you mean as well? Where the kid being mentored is still the protagonist, he's just not the main character. Like how Ishmael might have been our primary character but Ahab was the protagonist.

    For example... if you wrote a story where Harry Potter was still the 'main character' of the series, you just gave him someone as a mentor and told that story from their eyes as they try to guide/mentor the hero.

  13. crimson sun06

    crimson sun06 Banned

    Jun 21, 2013
    I meant fics which explore the dynamics of relationship between a mentor and their protege, mainly through the eyes of the mentor and the main conflict in the fic revolving around the mentor with the apprentice playing the role of a deuteragenist.

    I would like Harry as the main character, though I would like to see him in the role of a mentor instead of the apprentice. There are more than enough of the latter in the fandom I believe.
  14. Tydestorm

    Tydestorm Squib

    Jul 25, 2014
    I'd like to read a fic exploring the magical societies of other countries and how they compare to Britain's.
  15. Hesser

    Hesser Squib

    Jan 6, 2012
    So, quite a lot of people mentioned the following:
    - more mysterious magic,
    - HP universe explored, as in countries, different kinds of magic, races and their abilities,
    - relatable/believable characters,
    - building on canon,
    - ?talented characters, characters making an effort, having real skills, being mentored,
    - romance as a part of the story rather than the main focus of it.

    I would like to add gritty realism and characters taking time off. What I mean with the last one is that there are lots of stories where everything is oh-so-significant. Game of Quidditch or house rivalry is treated as something as important as the Battle of Normandy, every interaction, decision and conversation has far reaching consequences, and when Harry is taking a dump it is an important, life changing dump that is the most significant dump that a man has ever... dumped.
    Sometimes the story just needs the characters telling jokes, finding themselves in silly situations, making stupid but small and totally insignificant mistakes, having some strange mannerism that makes them more human, or having a hobby, say, collecting stamps.
  16. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    Most of the elements I wish to see in HP fics were mentioned I will add few.

    -Sirius mentor Harry (requires more badass Sirius).
    -Guerrilla Potter (done properly)
    -No Time turners, Truth Serums and other world breaking devices that are never used.
    -Fic in pre-canon that Explore the Marauders and bring out their full potential.
    -More Supernatural world.
    -Decent cross overs
    -Rorschach blot Odd Ideas turn to full fics
  17. BlitherBlip

    BlitherBlip First Year

    Sep 10, 2017
    In general, I love worldbuilding and big, epic stories with lots of characters. Bungle in the Jungle, Renegade Cause, The Denarian Trilogy, Wastelands of time and its sequels. But then I also like lighthearted fun stuff like A Black Comedy or Seventh Horcrux. Crack annoys me though.
  18. Harry_J_Potter

    Harry_J_Potter Second Year

    Apr 9, 2013
    I want to read a niche crossover between Witcher and Harry Potter. Probably the only way it'll happen is me writing it.
  19. Nikarell

    Nikarell Squib

    Nov 14, 2017
    I'd like to read any fanfiction with well constructed worlds and characters.
    I like political fics, but I don't like having a 7 years old Neville speaking like a member of the Parliament, it seems so unreal even in a fantastic world.
    I'd love to read DA with a more 'activism' side, that's actually doing something to let the world know Voldemort's is back and againt ministry intervention at Hogwarts.

    Fics with the golden and silver trios, not only as a team but as a group of friends, with more important roles for Ginny, Luna and Neville.

    If the fic have OC, they've to be well developed with their own personality, story, hobbies, [dis]likes, etc. Also their role have to have sense in the story.

    I tend to avoid bashing and ooc, even of characters I don't like. (I already don't like them as they are in canon I don't read more reasons for doing so)
    Also I'd never read anything with pairings like dramione, pansmione, drarry, snarry and any abusive pairing where the writer assumes one bully the other because they love them.

    No crossovers.

    I don't like some deaths and situations in canon so I usually look for fics where things are different.
  20. Nevermind

    Nevermind Minister of Magic

    Mar 18, 2017
    The Medium Place
    High Score:
    I find the lack of competently written crime stories in the Harry Potter fandom to be disappointing. Give me one good story of this type for every 1000 Dramione/Snamione/Drarry/Snarry and I would be eternally grateful.

    On the other side of the spectrum, I generally avoid stories that are too heavy on romance, in any fandom.