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WIP What You Leave Behind by Newcomb - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Celtic Bard, May 22, 2016.

  1. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    I read this story after seeing it being recced all over the place in that Best Fanfiction ever thread.

    And I was like, hey, it'd be a good idea to tell Newcomb what I thought about it. But I didn't want to necro this because it'd probably disappoint people that there is no new chapter.

    Then I got this from Newcomb...


    This story was a pleasure to read. Although there were aspects of it that I've disagreed with (notably Aberforth's characterization and the fact that he actually wound up being Headmaster, which doesn't seem to jive with my image of him), and stuff that I wasn't sold on (the Secret Rooms stuff. I'm hoping to see a little more before passing judgement on the idea), overall the writing is extremely high quality for fanfiction.

    The character interactions in the story are what really sold the story for me. The banter between the kids is subtly clever, which is really hard to pull off (most of the time it just hits you over the head and you're just like hahaha?). Also, while sometimes a couple characters seem a little old for their age, mostly the characters behave like they're 12-13, which is one of the most important and under appreciated aspects of any "rewrite of the series" fic.

    So yeah, really really enjoyable story, would very much like to see more in the (hopefully near) future.

    Hey, Newcomb? Your turn bud :).
  2. robin000

    robin000 Squib

    Nov 17, 2016
    London England
    High Score:
    Hi All, firstly, sorry for joining the dreaded update spammer crowd. I've read the first couple of chapters of this on ff.net and I'm liking it so far. But, it says on ff.net that the last update was in 2015? So, is it being carried on here? I'm guessing so because it doesn't have the abandoned tag.
  3. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    The abandoned tag is very loosely applied. As far as I'm aware, it's basically used when we are aware that the author has abandoned their work, or nothing from them for a sufficient period of time leads to that assumption.

    Generally, DLP is very lenient on the second half, in light of the fact that authors sometimes put down work for years between updates. That, and the obvious preexisting WIP tag meaning effort is required to change a category, lends itself to a strong presumption for WIP over Abandoned. It does happen, however - see TheSanti's signature work recently moving back off Abandoned.

    Anyway, in this case Newcomb is around and kicking, so the story won't be labeled abandoned unless he makes it clear that he's stopped working on it. As far as I recall, he's still working away at it, but there's nothing more in the WBA than on FF.net.

    /not a mod
  4. robin000

    robin000 Squib

    Nov 17, 2016
    London England
    High Score:
    Thank you for the clarification. I'm new to posting on DLP so I'm not fully conversant on the nuances and etiquette regarding posting yet. Hopefully I can get my head around it soon, without committing too many faux pas.
  5. NyxMaximus

    NyxMaximus Muggle

    Jan 7, 2017
    London, UK
    High Score:
    So I just really enjoyed reading this story.

    The writing feels similar to that of the original books, and makes the whole thing just sort of 'fit' into the whole Harry Potter universe really well.

    I also quite enjoyed the portrayals of the different characters. Dumbledore really does feel like he came right out of one of Rowling's books, and the way that the other characters react to him is interesting I think. Also, there are non of the traditional fan fiction cliches where the characters ar concerned. Like Cho isn't a bully, Cedric isn't just a 2-dimensional handsome nice guy, Daphne's not an 'ice-queen' (shudder from just writing those words) and Harry seems to have believable levels of power.

    That's another thing, the magic in the book is just...fun. It comes off as a distinct thing that is fun and interesting, like you could properly study it and improve in its use. And there are no 'magical core' crappy things anywhere.

    Overall I just had a lot of fun reading he story, and the first chapter comes off as a mystery so I won't spoil that.


    Also, I understand that real life gets in the way and all, but I hope that some updates come soon enough. It's too good to abandon!!! Lol
  6. kelkorkesis

    kelkorkesis DA Member

    Jan 22, 2017
    Devlet-i Aliyye-i Erdoğaniye
    High Score:
    First of all I want to state that I really really really liked what the author did with Arresto Momentum.

    Premise is interesting. I liked way characters acted and the development of underdeveloped characters from canon. Story surprised me very much with what was happening with Harry and I enjoyed that very much. Rooms of the Founders is an interesting idea.

    The way author portrays the magic is awesome. Duel on the beach scene was so much fun.

    I am desperately waiting for Harry to reach the revelation Dumbledore mentioned. Getting too close was such a tease.



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