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RWBY Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Newcomb, Jun 2, 2017.

  1. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    On the other hand, if the person is already V read then the wolves ALREADY wanted to shoot them. I don't see how confirming them changes that. If anything, it guarantees the person doesn't have any further town powers to use and so shooting them is essentially hitting a VT

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ----------

    (EBWOP: I mean unless they can grant doublevoting to multiple players, but that sounds broken as hell so >_>)
  2. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    I was actually thinking they might be able to do that but that probably is broken thinking about it.

    Yeah they're actually essentially IC now so claiming is probably fine.
  3. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    What Miner is doing with Jarizok looks like Miner just never had the opportunity to pull back from his initial aggression in #303.

    Saying you've got a scumread on Vaimes for *reasons* is a valid bamboozle tactic for scum because the default thing to do is to beat everyone else to the Vaimes townread when you know that he is town. So Jarizok casing him for poor reasons fits that, and then Miner had a very early opportunity to call Jarizok out for a poor case. Many players in the game would have done it, just Miner got there first.

    Then he doesn't really do much with Jarizok for the rest of day, voting him as 'consolidation' in #828 and directly replying to him a few times. This is odd given the supposed confidence of the read and the fact that he claimed not to understand why Plotless was being lynched in #668.

    I also went though Jarizok's d1 iso, but there's not much interesting there. I think his miner read / reasoning is very light and beyond 1 post he hardly tried to convince anyone or make it happen at all.

    Miner's d2 wall post (#1146) is pretty lazy / bad for many players.

    Lazy: blab, fable, waco, fonti, quiddity, Stanari

    Bad: Kai, Jarizok.

    I'll expand on the bad; his read on me is ultra surface level and essentially a 'he appears to be trying too hard', which is laughable as a reason. Then he presents my quote negatively and implies that there's much more than that, which I contest - The quoted bit is not inherently bad and regardless, I doubt he has many more cases of such.

    Then all he wants to say for his top scum read is to quote DC a few times and say that Jarizok is doing a poor job of trying to get him lynched.

    Absolutely none of this screams 'not aligned' to me, and much of it is the kind of footsies you'd expect from scumbuddies who are at odds in the thread.
  4. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Kai, buddy, I said that Jari was doing a poor job of trying to get me lynched way before DC ever said that.
  5. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Fable - Can you let me know more why you're removing Stanari from the PoE rather than adding Fontisian (Since I don't really disagree with adding Fontisian, I think the Jan kill is a bad look for her and her lack of real scum reads throughout the game is a concern). I'm not a brave enough man to make a solid call on exactly which two of Q/Waco/Pie are scum here, just think I think it's highly like that two are and that's probably the best I've felt re; scum reads this game. Wouldn't mind you filling in the %'s I did since I'd love to hear where you are with it too confidence wise.

    @Kai - Thanks for the elaboration, heads spinning a little so not going to read it deeply right now but on a skim I don't really agree but can at least see where you're coming from, fresh eyes in the morning will certainly help with it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 AM ----------

    My preference in terms of the shot if you're making it while I'm asleep is Waco > Q > Jarizok/Stanari > Everyone else? Something around that at least, really think it should be one of Waco/Q though.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 AM ----------

    Also the more I think about it the more I'm happy to add Blab to my lock town pool so pretty certain [Acio, DC, Vaimes, Fable, Blab] contains 0 mafia which should mean firing into the pool remaining has a pretty high odds of hitting mafia.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 AM ----------

    Rambly probably incoherent stuff

    Like if I'm playing with the assumption there's 5 scum here and that my 5 lock town reads are correct and that I think there's maximum 1 scum inside of Jarizok/Pie/Cobalt that leaves me with 4-5 scum (Probably 4 since I'd say there's probably 1 in that grouping) inside;

    Adult (Miner)
    The Waco Kid

    So technically it should be like a 4/7 chance of hitting scum.
  6. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Fonti ISO

    I'm not actually sure fonti has interacted with stanari all that much. That's not wolfy but I'm noticing a pattern here where the people who are interacting with stanari are the people I'm pretty strongly village reading where as there are a lot of people who are keeping stanari as a question mark but I feel like arn't doing much to resolve it. No idea what that means for stanari's alignment though.

    Really wish there were time stamps on these quotes because fonti's posts with content are somewhat infrequent and it's hard to get that across. This post isn't bad except it's just expanding on consensus reads fonti said she already agreed with. Probably null.

    I feel like the meta read on vaimes here is wrong. He got stubborn with his vote at times during our champs game.

    I hate the waco read here especially if he does flip wolf. I feel like she's justifying him doing nothing.

    This was out of nowhere....

    Reasoning here is fine I guess? But I hate that she uses "tempted to claim" as part of it considereding I did the same thing in WH8 so she knows it's not necessarily AI.

    I like this most for the most part except fonti's PoE seems not great. Ignoring me there's plotless (flipped V), waco who I coulda swore she was V reading but maybe that was actually a joke? I can't tell with fonti sometimes. Stanari is kind of a lame read to have here, and jari who I think she's actually V reading today? So if there is a wolf there it's waco which okay he just feels obvious at this point anyway so I can't really give that V cred.

    I kind of like this post for some weird reason? Like yes it's pushing the easy lynch but it is also true that plotless was kinda deadweight who probably was never not getting lynched this game so he probably was better over jari. This obviously changes majorly if jari is a wolf in which case I will probably chainlynch fonti right after.

    This feels like too much though and is some really bad reaching. I also find it bad in a villagery way, it's what I was trying to ask before if fonti would do this kind of thing as a wolf because it does seems kinda weird trying to bury plotless this hard if she knew how he was gonna flip.

    I'm definitely chainlynching fonti if jari is a wolf at this point. Post is fine otherwise though but I'm kinda wondering where fonti's PoE is at right now.

    I think there's potential for fonti/jari and fonti/waco w/w but beyond that I'm really torn on fonti and she's probably still null for me which feels bad after doing an ISO like this.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 AM ----------

    Yeah I think it's more I'm a little iffy on how people are acting around stanari rather than anything she's doing herself.

    It's like there's a large amount of people who suspect here but very few are actually doing anything about it? Feels off.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 AM ----------

    Feel like waco is 75% to flip wolf here?

    If that happened I'd put it as 70/30 Q over pien.
  7. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Give me a gun and there is a significant chance I shoot myself!

    Also good morning. Not replying to walls from a phone but I am here and sort of coherent.
  8. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    How do you feel about the gamestate overall?
    Think we are on a good track? Bad track?
  9. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    RWBY Mafia Votal 2.4.

    Waco [3]: DC, DC, Pienyan.
    Jari [3]: Cobalt, Miner, Kai.
    Pienyan [2]: Reg, Quiddity.
    Cobalt [1]: Vaimes.

    Not Voting [8]: Acio, Blab, Fable, Font, Jari, Stanari, Waco, Zenzao.

    With 17 votes alive, it will be 9 votes to soft lynch and 13 votes to hard lynch.
  10. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    I think we are on a track where I never manage to put myself in a position where I can be an effective scumhunter. (Whoever called me self-centered is absolutely correct!)

    This game is operating largely on a different plane of existence than I am, but I do think town is pretty well positioned. My instinct is sort of that scum is trying to bury town in walls, but that's very colored by annoyance.
  11. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Good afternoon.

    I'm sorry, this looks like a soft accusation. Do you have something to say?

    ---------- Post automerged at 13:43 ---------- Previous post was at 13:42 ----------

    Question: how are we going to handle Stanari.

    Shoot her? Lynch her? Let her hang around and hope she plays before LyLo?
  12. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    In my head you are in the group of people that I can't read because lol how do you get leans off content anyway. Is that clearer?

    Although looking at your iso now I seem to have unfairly splashed some of my Opinions on the rest of your pile onto you. Uh. Sorry.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 AM ----------

    I haven't been lynched or killed by town since...a long while...so that will kind of feel bad, plus the whole self-preservation thing, but a) I think I'd be happier dead and b) I do not feel optimistic about my chances at self-clearing here.
  13. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014


    I don't know what the problem is, but I'm pretty sure 95% of your posts are all excuses for not playing. You cannot be allowed to survive to endgame like this, because you will always always always be lynched, and I don't want mafia to win from lynching you if you're town.

    I just don't understand. You're new to the site, but not at all new to mafia. Where exactly are you having trouble getting into the game?

    I have a hard time seeing you act this way as either alignment, so please help me out here so I can understand you and stop worrying about whether or not you're just openly lurking mafia.

    If you're town, play to your win condition and either help us see you're town or help us find mafia.

    ---------- Post automerged at 13:57 ---------- Previous post was at 13:55 ----------

    There's really no nice way to say it, but the whole boo hoo me thing is bizarre, to say the least.

    If you don't feel comfortable playing or something, that's a whole other issue you should talk to the kids about.

    ---------- Post automerged at 13:57 ---------- Previous post was at 13:57 ----------

    Wow, the mods, not the kids.
  14. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:

    Any chance you can shoot some time tonight? I think it would help with discussion and I don't wanna risk anything if we don't get the extention for whatever reason.
  15. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    It'll have to wait at least three and a half more hours. I'm at work.
  16. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Lmao Vaimes!

    Yeah stanari walk up to a random group of children and tell them your problems. xD
  17. Acionyx

    Acionyx Muggle

    Apr 21, 2016
    High Score:
    Okay thought a little on the situation and might as well: /I'm/ the votegiver. No one seems to especially be pushing against me being cleared as the gunsmith so I figured they were okay with the situation/hoping for me save them for a night but my own role makes the utility of staying quiet questionable I think? Like at worst this changes little but at best GS may have a skewed gameview that needs clarifying.

    IMO if the gunsmith is font/quiddity/miner/blab/zenzao/stanari/cobalt then them claiming helps me with figuring out the game at least.
  18. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:

    Vaimes you haven't been FPSing have you?
  19. Acionyx

    Acionyx Muggle

    Apr 21, 2016
    High Score:
    Digging in votals at the moment there's more in this than I thought this game actually had.

    Vaimes [3]: Waco, Jari, Acio.
    Stanari [3]: Font, Quiddity, Blab.
    Fontisian [3]: Adult, Fable, Cobalt.
    Zenzao [1]: Vaimes.
    Fable [1]: Stanari.
    Acio [1]: Reg.

    Not Voting [6]: DC, Jan, KaiDASH, Plotless, pienyan, Zenzao.

    Fontisian [4]: Adult, Fable, Cobalt, Stanari.
    Vaimes [3]: Waco, Jari, Acio.
    Stanari [2]: Font, Blab.
    Cobalt [2]: Pienyan, Kai.
    Zenzao [1]: Vaimes.
    Pienyan [1]: Quiddity.
    Plotless [1]: Reg.

    Not Voting [4]: DC, Jan, Plotless, Zenzao.

    obalt, Stanari, Blab.
    Vaimes [2]: Waco, Jari.
    Cobalt [2]: Pienyan, Kai.
    Stanari [2]: Font, Adult.
    Plotless [2]: Reg, Quiddity.
    Quiddity [2]: DC, Acio.
    Fable [1]: Zenzao.

    Not Voting [3]: Jan, Plotless, Vaimes.

    Stanari [5]: Font, Adult, Vaimes, Plotless, Blab.
    Fontisian [3]: Fable, Cobalt, Stanari.
    Vaimes [2]: Waco, Jari.
    Cobalt [2]: Pienyan, Kai.
    Plotless [2]: Reg, Quiddity.
    Fable [2]: Zenzao, DC.
    Quiddity [1]: Acio.

    Not Voting [1]: Jan.

    Stanari [4]: Font, Adult, Vaimes, Plotless.
    Fontisian [3]: Fable, Cobalt, Stanari.
    Fable [3]: Zenzao, DC, Quiddity.
    Cobalt [2]: Pienyan, Kai.
    Quiddity [2]: Acio, Blab.
    Vaimes [1]: Jari.
    Plotless [1]: Reg.
    Pienyan [1]: Waco.
    Jari [1]: Jan.

    Jari [4]: Jan, Cobalt, DC, Fable.
    Stanari [3]: Font, Adult, Plotless.
    Quiddity [3]: Acio, Blab, Vaimes.
    Fable [2]: Zenzao, Quiddity.
    Plotless [2]: Stanari, Reg.
    Pienyan [1]: Waco.
    Cobalt [1]: Kai.
    Vaimes [1]: Jari.
    Waco [1]: Pienyan.

    Jari [5]: Jan, Cobalt, DC, Fable, Kai.
    Plotless [5]: Stanari, Reg, Font, Acio, Waco.
    Stanari [2]: Adult, Plotless.
    Fable [2]: Zenzao, Quiddity.
    Quiddity [2]: Blab, Vaimes.
    Vaimes [1]: Jari.
    Waco [1]: Pienyan.

    Plotless [7]: Stanari, Reg, Font, Acio, Waco, Vaimes, Pienyan.
    Jari [6]: Jan, Cobalt, DC, Fable, Kai, Blab.
    Stanari [1]: Adult.
    Fable [1]: Zenzao.
    Waco [1]: Pienyan
    Reg [1]: Jari.
    Kai [1]: Quiddity.

    Plotless [7]: Stanari, Reg, Font, Acio, Waco, Vaimes, Pienyan.
    Jari [7]: Jan, Cobalt, DC, Fable, Kai, Blab, Miner.
    Fable [1]: Zenzao.
    Waco [1]: Pienyan
    Reg [1]: Jari.
    Kai [1]: Quiddity.

    Plotless [7]: Stanari, Reg, Font, Acio, Waco, Vaimes, Pienyan.
    Jari [7]: Jan, Cobalt, DC, Fable, Kai, Blab, Miner.
    Stanfari [1]: Plotless.
    Fable [1]: Zenzao.
    Reg [1]: Jari.
    Kai [1]: Quiddity.

    Plotless [11]: Stanari, Reg, Font, Acio, Waco, Vaimes, Pienyan, Jan, Quiddity, Blab, Jari.
    Jari [6]: Cobalt, DC, Fable, Kai, Miner, Zenzao.
    Stanari [1]: Plotless.

    RWBY Mafia Votal 1.15.

    Plotless [12]: Stanari, Reg, Font, Acio, Waco, Vaimes, Pienyan, Jan, Quiddity, Blab, Jari, DC.
    Jari [5]: Cobalt, Fable, Kai, Miner, Zenzao.
    Stanari [1]: Plotless.

    RWBY Mafia Votal 1.16.

    Plotless [12]: Stanari, Reg, Font, Acio, Waco, Vaimes, Pienyan, Jan, Quiddity, Blab, Jari, DC.
    Jari [5]: Cobalt, Fable, Kai, Miner, Zenzao.
    Stanari [1]: Plotless.


    Fontisian [4]: Adult, Fable, Cobalt, Stanari.
    Vaimes [3]: Waco, Jari, Acio.
    Stanari [2]: Font, Blab.
    Cobalt [2]: Pienyan, Kai.
    Zenzao [1]: Vaimes.
    Pienyan [1]: Quiddity.
    Plotless [1]: Reg.

    Not Voting [4]: DC, Jan, Plotless, Zenzao.

    Fontisian [4]: Fable, Cobalt, Stanari, Blab.
    Vaimes [2]: Waco, Jari.
    Cobalt [2]: Pienyan, Kai.
    Stanari [2]: Font, Adult.
    Plotless [2]: Reg, Quiddity.
    Quiddity [2]: dichotomousCreator, Acio.
    Fable [1]: Zenzao.

    Not Voting [3]: Jan, Plotless, Vaimes.

    Stanari [5]: Font, Adult, Vaimes, Plotless, Blab.
    Fontisian [3]: Fable, Cobalt, Stanari.
    Vaimes [2]: Waco, Jari.
    Cobalt [2]: Pienyan, Kai.
    Plotless [2]: Reg, Quiddity.
    Fable [2]: Zenzao, DC.
    Quiddity [1]: Acio.

    Not Voting [1]: Jan.

    At this point all scum are in play which is an indicator towards stanari town I think.

    Probably the big thing I've gotten from overall votals so far is that if I had the gun at the moment I'd strongly consider shooting in blab/quiddity/font. Jari's not necessarily a shit shot to take but Quiddity/blab look gross regardless of jarilignment and I'm not sure it's indicative of font either way.
  20. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Um. Acio. I'm town, I think Miner and Von are strongly town, Plotless was town, and Blab is townish. If all of that is accurate, what does that say about the Stanari wagon (genuine question, I'm not asking for the "she's scum with a ton of town voting on her response)?

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 PM ----------

    I'd like Kai to address my reasons for townreading Miner and Jari.

    I'd like Reg to look at Jari's refusal to vote Plotless and Jari's refusal to vote Miner last game and tell me if he thinks they're similar.