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Couples I love

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Midknight, Jun 8, 2005.

  1. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    damnit, Ron + umbridge would of been sweet to write as his punishment, lol

    I've no desire to rewrite 10,000 words leading up to his imprisonment however, lol otherwise I'd use it.
  2. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Harry gets a blood quill in detention... Ron gets raped in detention... sounds good to me.
  3. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

  4. Treck

    Treck First Year

    Oklahoma City Oklahoma USA
    Umm This is Ron you are talking about. you can't rape the willing. :roll:
  5. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Sorry about that tiny mistake. He rapes Unbridge? Unless she is willing too... then thats just something made in horror movies.
  6. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Ghost Planet
    shed have to be willing.... she aint getting it anywhere else.. cept maybe the centaurs and fudge.. though.. well... she might now have been so willing for the centaurs....

    hey! there is an idea! Umbridge and fudge gang raped by the centaurs!.. fun for the whole family!
  7. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    I bet Fudge and her are lovers. She would suck his toes if he said it would further the Ministry. It's kinda like the White House thing with Bill Clinton... ROFL!
  8. shadowhunter

    shadowhunter Guest

    Harry/Bella- guh....*wipes drool* Probably one of my most favorite ships. I'm actually starting a story on them right now and hope to have it up soon.
    I just like the idea Bella being the older woman and teaching Harry the darker way of things.

    Harry/fem!Blaise- 2nd most favorite ship. I just like them. No explanation for it.

    Harry/Patil twins- Though I have yet to see a story with Harry and the both of them together, I just like Parvati (especially in Parvati Prevails) and Padma (jeconais' Object Trilogy).

    Harry/Cho- was one of my first shippings and always will be on my list of favorite ships.

    Ron/Avada Kedavra- has recently become a favorite of mine. I mean, red and green go well, don't you think?
  9. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    lol @ Red and Green go well together. So bloody true.

    Parvati Prevails... havnt read that.
  10. shadowhunter

    shadowhunter Guest

    'Tis on Fictionalley. It's HILARIOUS! :lol:
  11. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Is it Harry/parvati? I woudlnt mind reading it if it is.
  12. shadowhunter

    shadowhunter Guest

    Yup. Though it starts out as Parvati/Draco. >.<
  13. parselmaster

    parselmaster Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    My favorite pairings are
    Ron/Avada Kedavra
    Dark!/Nymphadora Tonks

    And one nightmare I hope never gets in my head again

    though if you add a dementor it kills 3 birds, well actually, toad, bat and hybrid goat-bee but hey, whos checking.
  14. Treck

    Treck First Year

    Oklahoma City Oklahoma USA
    Linkage please :)
  15. Lord_Slytherin

    Lord_Slytherin Third Year

  16. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Bah, Draco is a fag.
  17. Treck

    Treck First Year

    Oklahoma City Oklahoma USA
    Ahh yes. Snapes love interest. :shock:
  18. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Ghost Planet
    .. the power snivellus knows not proved that i think...

    but yeah.. draco ish a mommas boy bitch like dudley... i wonder why everone is soo intent or orally serving the little ferret faggot
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I used to think that Harry would get together with Ginny, but something about that didn't seem right. So, I went back and read each book about five times each (again) and found so many indiscrepencies within the books that prove to myself (and anyone whose actually reading the series with a fine tooth comb, a sharp eye, and an intelligent mind will see) that Harry will never get together with Ginny. In fact, JKR is pointing more towards a Harry/Hermione relationship than anything else, you just have to look a little more beyond the obvious red-herrings and into the symbolism.

    Really, any person, who's actually looking and reading closely, can see that it's going to be Harry and Hermione that get together, not Ron and Hermione, with Harry and Ginny. Ron's far too immature for 'Mione, and Ginny isn't enough of an involved character with Harry. Also, if you have read OOTP, then you would have realized that Ginny puts a life-threatening situation on the same level of a dare. If she cares that little for Harry, then we are never going to see her have a relationship with him. Hermione, on the other hand, is so involved with Harry (and always prefers to spend time with Harry instead of Ron) as well as worries about him all the time, and puts Harry first in any dangerous situation (and any other occasion), will be the most likely to end up with Harry, if he lives past book seven. So please, as you have already started to turn a fic towards a Harry/Hermione relationship, please keep it that way, as it should always be.

    To all of you people out there who keep saying that they like HARRY and female-Blaise ships, let me point out to you that JKR SPECIFICALLY STATES ON HER WEBSITE THAT BLAISE ZABINI IS A MALE! (And to watch for HIM in the upcoming books!)

    Really, you can't go changing people's genders from what JKR made them, simply because you're more comfortable with minor characters being the way you like them, rather than the way they were made (because you've read FAR too much fanfiction)!

    She also states that Neville and Luna will not be getting together.

    You all really should visit www.jkrowling.com

    Harry should be darkly neutral, I think he's much cooler (or hotter, or sexier depending on your point of view and the words you like to use) that way. He and Hermione should almost always be in the same house.

    Not too sure on where I stand with slash. I guess as long as it's not Harry slash, or Hermione femmeslash, I'm probably okay with it. I hate stories that have any character changed into a girl or boy, instead of being their original sex/gender as JKR made them, just so some authors can get around the fact that they don't like slash, but still want a boy with a boy or a girl with a girl. Just slash it, and the rest of us will read it if we feel like it, and if we don't, we won't!

    Ships I adore:
    Harry James Potter & Hermione Jane Granger;
    Marcus Flint & Katie Bell;
    Blaise Zabini & Hannah Abbot;
    Neville (Frank?) Longbottom & Ginevra Molly Weasley;
    Ronald Bilius Weasley & Luna Lovegood;
    William Weasley & Fleur Delacour;
    Charles Weasley & Other Character(not sure yet, the one I love making up is Titania Arielle Lestrange);
    Fred Weasley & Angelina Johnson;
    George Weasley & Alicia Spinnet;
    Oliver Wood & Cho Chang;
    Severus Snape & Professor Sinistra, the Astronomy witch (I've always called her Lydia for some strange reason, as well as a Ravenclaw);
    Remus John Lupin & Nymphadora Tonks;
    Lucius Malfoy & Narcissa (Black) Malfoy;
    Draco (Lucius?) Malfoy & Avada Kedavra
    and the occasional Neville (Frank?) Longbottom & Pansy Parkinson, and Theodore Nott & Ginevra Molly Weasley

    Animagus forms I like:
    Black Panther, Ocelot, Black Siberian Tiger with white stripes (could be a magical large cat), Snow Leopard, Lynx, Gray/Black Wolf, Dark Pegasus (aka Nightmare, they have large dragon-like wings and a silver horn. Their coats are black, with red fire forming their manes and tails, and flaming sparks coming out of their hooves.), Thestal, and Phoenix (Black with Silver for Males, White with Gold for Females).
  20. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff


    If you've actually watched the pitiful excuse for a third movie, which JKR herself has said gives away alot of what she's going to do with the characters personal lives in book 6 and 7, you'd see it is Hermione and Ron who keep having those "touchy" moments NOT Harry and Hermione.

    Almost every shot that contains Harry is either him + everyone, or just him. Hermione shots are almost always, with the exception of the last few minutes when they use the time turner, Hermy+Ron.

    And ppl write Blaise as a female, because there is alack of useful females in canon. Luna is a nut, Ginny and Hermy both suck balls, Cho is a crybaby, and the other Grif girls are brainless gossips.

    Daphne and Blaise were all that was left really that hadnt been touched on.

    I like Susan Bones, but everyone writes her as a stupid person who's only useful b/c of her aunt.