Getting Breath of the Wild 2 at some point. I've never been as high on the first game as some people (I don't even think it's a top 5 zelda game), but the teaser hints at a darker world, which should be cool.
I'm looking forward to it, I just hope they add a harder difficulty at the start of the game and not a DLC like BotW. BotW base was a bit too easy and by the time the master mode came I'd well and truly finished it, and as great as BotW was it's not a game with a ton of replayability once you've pretty much found everything the first time. But yeah, if the map design and exploration is anything like BotW I'm sure I'll love it.
Re: Breath of the Wild 2 - I'm looking forward to it, I just really hope they fix the weapon degradation shit. That took an otherwise amazing game and made it really goddamn awful to play. Also, I'm laughing my ass off at the news that FF7 is gonna be multiple games. Some friends of mine are crying about it right now and the schadenfreude is delicious.
But they had mentioned many times before it was going to be multiple games/episodes? Did everyone just forget that or had somehow come to the conclusion that wasn't true anymore?
No, they said it'd be two games. One as a straight 1:1 remake but with better graphics, and one as a reboot with new mechanics and basically bringing it into 2019. There was never any talk of it being episodic that I saw.
There was never an official announcement re: number of games as far as I remember, but it was a pretty prevalent rumor after it was announced, with some semi-legit backing from Jim Sterling, among others.
There definitely was. I remember talking about it here, possibly in one of the old E3 threads? There was also a thread here specifically about the ff7 remake circa 2015, but I cannot find it for the life of me. They at least mentioned very early on that it would be released in parts, and that started a cringefest of complaints about episodic games.
I remember hearing that it wasn't going to be a single release that you could play the entire game off too.
Found where we were talking about it. Everything Else Video Games Thread These posts also have links to the articles about it being multi-part release. We've known since Dec 2015.