I like her visuals, but gameplay wise I don't think I'll like her. Totems are single target, get consumed by ult so you have to time it correctly which is a hassle and she's electro. Teleport is nice, I'll give you that. First impressions obviously, but I'm leaning on not pulling which is totally good as I'm saving for unspecified character in the future lol.
Yae looks amazing and her animations are so smooth. But her playstyle is clunky and her numbers look a bit garbage right now. Edit: a few hours after this, she's getting buffs. Good changes that make her less clunky to play, but still kinda meh damage numbers, and really baiting c2 or c3 pulls, like a lot of Inazuma characters.
Really wish we had an anemo shielder/healer. Ayaka shenhe sayu and mona is absolutely insane damage, like no joke easy 1 million C0 Ayaka burst, but I miss that Diona shield real bad.
Just call me a certified Ganyu haver because finally!! I've been waiting so long for a Ganyu rerun that Eula came out, had a rerun 6 months later and then there was still another six weeks before Ganyu. I lost the 50/50 on Zhongli though. Considering going hard on primogems and spending it all on the banner and then topping up the rest with cash because I somehow still don't have Diona and playing Ganyu is clunky without shield. My freeze Ganyu stats look so cursed: 18% CR 230% CD
Finalized censored reskins. Kinda perplexed by Jean's top retaining the backless and sleeveless bits. Like... literally nothing has been censored beyond a hint of cleavage.
I have to say I'm kinda disappointed by Ganyu's damage. I have a 80/250 with a Harp and obviously overworld is kind of a joke killing everything from kilometres away in 1 shot, but in abyss it's not the kinda of upgrade I thought it would be and I'm coming from a C6 Noelle as the carry and that's hardly a meta comp. Maybe it's the current abyss or me being shit at games, but while running national on 1 side and Ganyu freeze on the other it was always Ganyu lagging way behind. Like <1 minute on one side and close to 2 minutes on Ganyu's. Then I tried Tazer and Melt Ganyu and can't say it improved things much. Maybe I need to get better with the rotations, but for now it's underwhelming.
Do you have Amos Bow? Ganyu's damage only gets stupid high with Amos and wanderer's 4pc. If you're running anything else i.e. harp/crescent/hamayumi with like blizzard strayer build, her damage is lower than f2p C0 Ayaka blizzard strayer.
For melt I was using 4pc WT, for freeze a 2NO/Glad because I didn't need more crit. Both with Harp. I've been doing some abyss just for testing purposes and what I figured out was that my rotations needed some work and my freeze comp had some energy issues. Was a bit too focused on big CV numbers lol. I'm still working on Melt, but for now I've switched to an EM sands and I'll see how that works.
Jean's new outfit physics are pure derp. The sides of her tits still flap around underneath the rigid black shirt layer when she is Gale Bladeing, which somehow makes this look even more ridiculous than it did before.
The codes be: AB7VJC9EGDAZ VTPU3CQWYCSD WT7D3CQEHVBM Chasm in 2.6. 2.5 gonna be a tough choice between Yae and Raiden constellations. Or Ayato. Or the upcoming Dendro...
It’s going to be equally tough to choose between pulling for Yae or Kazuha. I’m currently leaning towards Kazuha unless Yae turns out to be completely game-changing.
Logged in for what's very likely the last time to spend all my primos on Yae. Got C6 Diluc and Yae came on the very last 10pull, lol...
I have my kawaii ara ara foxgirl. Time to let genshin sit for another several months until a new waifu shows up.
I was hoping that Kazuha would be reran this next update, so I am disappoint. I’ve completely farmed everything for him to be maxed in every aspect, and now it’s gonna be at least 2 more months until he’s back at the minimum. There are a lot of new events in the new update as well as a new area, but I am unconvinced so far as to whether or not it makes up for the lack of Kazuha. Ayato is here as well, but I’ll probably wait on whether or not he hits like a truck before I pull him.