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Harry's Wealth

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by rj_stone2, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. the-caitiff

    the-caitiff Death Eater

    West Central Florida USA
    Transfigure the ratty looking cheap robes into something that looks like a million bucks.
  2. In the fic I'm writing Harry get Sirius will and the black vault that has millions of galleons and tons of priceless artefacts, but they are in a seperate room and only a direct descendent, or faimly member of the current heir, can open it becuase you have to have a sufficient amount of Black blood to open it. While in the main vault room there is around, maybe 50, 000 galleons. Therefore it's there but Harry Can't access it.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2006
  3. SushiZ

    SushiZ Auror

    Island of Time
    I hate fics about him going to Gringotts and finding out that he owns like 7 other vaults that belonged to the hogwarts founders and shit like that. He ends up with like more fucking money than Bill gates, has like 10 castles, 5 villas, 6 mansions, 3 quidditch pitches and like owns all the stocks in every fucking company, muggle or magical.
  4. I'd like to see a story like that but he just abuses it all and gives nothing away. Is there a fic like that?
  5. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    High Score:
    What do you mena by abuses it? Like he spends it on him self, in which case yes, tehre are lots of fics where he spends on himself and only gives minimal amounts or small gifts to his friends.
  6. bornagainpenguin

    bornagainpenguin DLP Archivist

    [SIZE=-1]Finite Incantum[/SIZE] ?

  7. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    That would be hilarious.

    Harry finds out the Weasleys have survived on conjured food for years.

    With a simple "Finite Incantum", the Weasleys degrade into a small bit of slush as their conjured molecules dissapear.
  8. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    High Score:
    A fitting end to a disgusting family!
  9. Muttering Condolences

    Muttering Condolences Card Captored and buttsecksed

    Thank you for clearly not reading my post. My point was that 5 pounds per Galleon is ridiculous. Assuming Galleons are pure or close to pure gold, the Goblins are losing hundreds of dollars per Galleon made.

    Using the Converter provided by Cervus (under the assumption of Galleons being made of pure gold), let me show why melting Galleons is a good idea.

    First, Arthur gets his weekly pay check from the Ministry for one or two hundred galleons. Galleons are describes in Canon as 'heavy', so let's say 10 Galleons equals 5 pounds. Arthur melts these ten Galleons in a simple 5 pound brick of gold. 5 pounds is 80 ounces.

    Second, gold is worth $308.60 Pounds Sterling per ounce on the stock market. Now we have an 80 ounce brick of gold with a price tag of $308.60 per ounce. 308.60 times 80 equals 24,688 pounds. Wow, that's a hefty chunk of change for ten Galleons.

    Third, now that Arthur sold this brick of gold and has a shit load of muggle money in his pocket, what should he do? Thats right, head to Gringotts to exchange it for Galleons. Using the Converter, we know that one Galleon is worth 3.01 pounds. So 24,688 divided by 3.01 equals 8201 Galleons plus change. So Arthur turned a profit of 8191 Galleons.

    This is why melting down Galleons for the gold is a good fucking idea. Any wizard can be a rich son of a bitch in couple days. Fortunes could be built in a few days. The Weasley's could go from dirt poor to Malfoy-rich in a couple days, with no one the wiser.

    If Arthur had melted 100 Galleons into a 50 pound brick of gold he could have eventually converted it into 82,019 Galleons plus change. Not bad for a weeks work.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2006
  10. thapagan

    thapagan High Inquisitor

    Muttering, somewhere out there is a fic that addressed your idea.
    The Money is magic. tah dah.
    It was, I think a post voldemort fic with rufus as the villain, grigrotts was closed
    goblins were talking rebellion and Albus was trying to "mint money" to get around
    the goblins. Sorry I can't remember better, it took a good shot at explaining the wizard monetary system.
  11. the-caitiff

    the-caitiff Death Eater

    West Central Florida USA
    Just call in Bill Weasley or another curse breaker. If they cant break in, spend that quarter of a million pounds on some explosives and/or a thermite wand. How about some of Grunning's finest diamond tipped drills and drill out the hinges?

    From canon, magic should be pretty easy to subvert through muggle means. Blood transfusion from Tonks or Andromeda... Hey look, I'm a Black by blood. Or better yet drain the ferret to get that nice Pure and non disowned Black Blood.
  12. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    High Score:

    Just a small point. $ means US Dollar. £ means GBP. Please don't mix them up, or even worse, do what you did and use $ then say Pounds Sterling.
  13. Lol, yeah I thought about the blood from other Blacks, assuming Tonks doesn't work I was thinking of a subplot of Harry desperatly trying to keep the Blacks alive and out of prison so he can access his fortune.
  14. Muttering Condolences

    Muttering Condolences Card Captored and buttsecksed

    Sorry about the currency symbols. Does anyone know how to type the pound symbol?
  15. CaptainG

    CaptainG Third Year

    Cambridge, UK
    ^ shift 3 on a proper (English) keyboard, not sure about on an American one.

    In all honesty, I like the idea of a super-rich!Harry, but then i also like Political!Harry, and for me the two seem to go hand in hand.

    I agree with the smelting idea though, which is why I believe they must just be golden coloured, maybe steel inside.

    What really annoys me about rich!Harry stories is when he gets a load of money and is then all like 'Let's give 2 million galleons to the Weasleys.' He leaves himself with another 30 million or so, but its still like 5% of his net worth (I can't be bothered to work it out properly at the moment),

    Back to the topic at hand, I think you go for 500k Galleons in his vault. Then if you decide to up the money he gets, have something like the Potter Vaults are locked away until 17 or marriage or something like that - I'm sure many people here (under 18 or so) have savings accounts that they cannot touch until then.
  16. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    High Score:
    What i think would be good, would be if his vault contained something around the 500K mark, but that he ahd a lot of otehr money tied up in businesses and such like. The Potter Family Company, or something, where nearly all the money made from their investments is put back into other investments. This would make him not overly rich in practice, but highly influencial, as he would own portions of a great many companies.
  17. What's to stop him from just selling his share in any given company and becoming super rich. I have NEVER read a story where Harry has a stake in a business and do something with it or even gets asked about it besides fire Dursley or Give ron Quality Quidditch and Hermione Flourish And Blott's.

    Wouldn't the people in either of those stores know his family owns it and just give him everything?
  18. mjc

    mjc Seventh Year

    The same thing stopping Bill Gates and all the rest from doing the same thing...the moment they start selling the value drops.

    As for the value of the Galleon versus the Pound...it doesn't really make sense based on the prices we do know. Remember, the price of a copy of the Prophet is 5 Knuts (or about 0.01 Pounds or about $0.07...it goes up slightly later).

    Also, somewhere, I can't remember exactly, but I think it was Remus or Sirius mentioning that James didn't HAVE to work...that means to me he had enough money to support a family without working.

    And, yes, prices are all over the place...using the 5 to 1 conversion rate a wand is worth 35 Pounds and a book 45. A large pile of candy costs the same as a ride (without toothbrush and hot chocolate) on the Knight Bus. So it is hard to say how much money is needed to 'live on', because the prices seen in the books don't make much over all sense. Nor do the wages paid...especially if you are willing to accept the Daily Prophet that JKR wrote for the Official Harry Potter Fanclub as 'canon', because in that 'newsletter' there are quite a few wages listed. Like 7 Galleons a week for Gringotts dragon feeder...and 42 Galleons a month for an assistant manager at Flourish and Blotts. A Hit Wizard makes 700/month...
  19. Dark Lord Rostam

    Dark Lord Rostam Button La Famiglia Midknight

    Jesus, what does Arthur make? 1 knut a month.
  20. mjc

    mjc Seventh Year

    Actually, I think he was paying Fudge for the privilege of working there...