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Naruto Manga Thread

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Verse of Darkness, Feb 17, 2007.

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  1. plastic.jonbenet.doll

    plastic.jonbenet.doll Temporarily Banhammered

    The land of nomads
    Bijuu's chakra is more potent then almost any ninja's except of Madara and Hashirama. At least we know that Madara have unusually strong spiritual energy (Yin chakra) while Hashirama have very strong physical energy (Yang chakra). In a way, they are similar to sons of Rikudou Sennin.
  2. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Am I in the Dragon Ball Z thread?
  3. plastic.jonbenet.doll

    plastic.jonbenet.doll Temporarily Banhammered

    The land of nomads
    Slug Sage probably. According to Kabuto there are only three places where human can learn senjutsu: Myōbokuzan, Ryūchidō, Shikkotsurin. And according to Orochimaru, Katsuyu live in Shikkotsurin.
  4. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Sage chakra powers up whatever you use it for.
  5. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    So that's what the Old Father Tree in the Black Company is - a strange and powerful god-tree from a different and strange dimension, having an evil god (the jiuubi? ;D) burred right under him.
  6. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Man, I hope not. I prefer to think that he wasn't ever contracted with one of the animal tribes (even if he learned it from them) and became a human sage. Or it's tied to his Mokuton somehow and he's a tree sage.

    Somehow Hashirama being a slug-summoning sage would bother me a lot.

    dat susanoo
  7. plastic.jonbenet.doll

    plastic.jonbenet.doll Temporarily Banhammered

    The land of nomads
    Mmm... I always wondered why Senjutsu changes ninja differently? I mean both Naruto and Kabuto were using natural energy but one became more toad-like while the other snake-like.
  8. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Most likely it's because Naruto signed the toad summoning contract while Kabuto signed the snake summoning contract. Whatever connection is created from the blood signature which allows them to summon those animals must also impact the form they take when they absorb natural energy.
  9. Sechrima

    Sechrima Disappeared

    NRW, Germany
    I definitely think Hashirama is a Slug Sage. As stated already, there are only three places to learn senjutsu, and Hashirama's Sage Mode is distinct from those of the Toads and Snakes. Also, it would make sense that his granddaughter inherited his summoning contract. Furthermore, we know from Madara that Hashirama excelled at healing, and had a technique even better than Tsunade's Creation Rebirth/Strength of a Hundred. The Slug contract is all about healing, so it would be appropriate.

    As for why his Mokuton benefits so much from his Sage Mode, I think that's just par for the course for all sages. Senjutsu is the process of enhancing your normal abilities with natural energy. Hashirama's Mokuton is already very rich in physical energy, so adding natural energy would make it ridiculously powerful.
  10. PotterFan

    PotterFan High Inquisitor

    The Road of Life
    Considering that Kabuto was no master at Senjutsu, I don't think it's wise to take anything he says on the topic as gospel.

    The first person to master senjutsu was The Sage, he didn't learn it from Slugs or Toads or Snakes. I'm inclined to believe that Hashirama falls into the same category. Meditating on his special ability and the very nature of chakra in solitude is something I can see Hashirama doing; and then accidentally stumbling on the secret of Senjutsu.

    However, even more likely, is that he learned Senjutsu from trees.
    Think about it. Trees are living parts of Nature. They have chakra, and because they're trees they don't move so they are hotspots for natural energy. Monkey see monkey do.
  11. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Kabuto was a perfect sage so I'd think he'd qualify as a master at senjutsu. And considering the type of person he is, I'd expect him to know more on the subject of senjutsu than most. IIRC, whether the Sage of Six Paths ever learned senjutsu is unknown.
  12. PotterFan

    PotterFan High Inquisitor

    The Road of Life
    Perfect Sages are the ones that can interact with the World Stream and still look human. Hashirama is the only one that manages this, and I think it's because he wasn't "marked" by a Summon Clan. Naruto is in second place. Only his eyes change. Then you have Kabuto n Jiraiya fighting for third with all their strange mutations.

    Kabuto saying "Perfect Sage" is just his ego and ignorance talking.
  13. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    In the Tesla
    If we aren't going to count the huge markings Hashirama gets on his face when he uses his Sage Mode, why count Naruto's eyes?
  14. Sechrima

    Sechrima Disappeared

    NRW, Germany
    Slugs don't have eyes, so why would Hashirama's eyes change when in Slug Sage Mode?

    Kabuto's physical appearance was mostly due to injecting himself with Orchimaru's DNA. If he hadn't done that, and had become a Snake Sage, probably only his eyes would have taken on a different appearance, like Naruto. The fact is, Kishi has made it clear that Kabuto is a perfect sage, and that Kabuto is very knowledgeable about a great many subjects. His claims about senjutsu should be taken seriously.
  15. PotterFan

    PotterFan High Inquisitor

    The Road of Life
    Because those facial markings are the mark of a Sage, according to Fukasaku. Naruto and Hashirama both have them, even Kabuto and so did Jiraiya. Mentioning them is inconsequential.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 AM ----------

    Where did Kishimoto make that clear?

    As for Kabuto's transformations - The only mutation thing his usage of Sage Chakra created is his horns, and maybe a bit of pigment darkening. That's a pretty big mutation IMO, compared to Naruto and Hashirama at least.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2013
  16. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    No, the markings on Hashiramas face are FAR more extensive than Narutos. Naruto basically just gets yellow eyeliner, while Hashirama looks like someone scribbled all over his face with a black marker pen.

    Infact, it seems that even Hashiramas eyes change.

    I was looking for a picture of Hashiramas SM to link here, and I went looking for the first time its shown (Madara vs Hashirama flashback) since I figured that would be the one Kishi spent most time drawing.

    Look here:


    If you check out Hashiramas eyes, they do change. His eyes are painted as a solid black all the way at first, but when he goes to SM you get this dot in the middle, then white, then a black circle. Kinda like a 0-tomoe sharingan thats not red actually. Hashirama also gets the black circles around the eyes, and in addition he gets that circle on his forehead and those two lines going down his cheeks. Hashirama actually undergoes more visual changes than Naruto does.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2013
  17. plastic.jonbenet.doll

    plastic.jonbenet.doll Temporarily Banhammered

    The land of nomads
    I just reread chapters where Naruto was training in senjutsu and probably found the reason why his eyes are changing in sage mode to resemble toad's eyes - he used toad oil to sense natural energy. So Kabuto probably used snake venom and Hashirama used slug slime or something...
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2013
  18. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Doesn't make much sense to me to say that the change is because of the toad oil. It's just a shortcut that draws in natural energy for you automatically. And it'd mean that a toad summoner who doesn't use the toad oil to learn wouldn't turn into a toad or gain the markings of a toad sage.
  19. plastic.jonbenet.doll

    plastic.jonbenet.doll Temporarily Banhammered

    The land of nomads
    I don't think there are other ways to learn senjutsu without use of toad oil, snake venom or slug slime. Otherwise someone like Sandaime would have mastered the sage art.
  20. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Erm, no. Like I said, toad oil is a shortcut. It's not necessary for learning senjutsu. Learning to sense and absorb natural energy is difficult takes a long time to learn. Naruto knew he didn't have a lot of time so he asked if there was an easier way, which is when Fukasaku told him about the toad oil. It speeds up the training but is riskier because he's drawing in natural energy before he's learned to sense and control it.

    Hiruzen isn't a toad/snake/slug summoner and he may have never even possessed high enough chakra levels to qualify.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2013
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