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The 100 Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Cobalt, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Oh okay. When I say bad it usually means "maybe scummy but I can't tell yet". I don't really make a habit of calling people bad lmao.

    Do you have any thoughts about the game?
  2. tsaiah

    tsaiah Squib

    Lmao, I forgot to tell you...

    I've played maybe 1384736 games with Stanari; she's the one I'm the most confident on being able to get a good read on, probably within the first few days.

    I've also played (and specced) a few intense games with Beruru (and so far I've always been right there, hue). Nothing Happens (aka Smilefires) I've played with a couple of times, found them harder to read.

    I have limited experience with almost everyone else (via my first game here / last year's MU anniv mash, mostly), except for a couple of people I don't think I've had the pleasure with before.
  3. Nego

    Nego Banned

    High Score:
    Not too many, no. I was catching up while drinking my morning joe and nothing really stuck out for me.

    I'm not a fan of M Plus 7 if that's any good but I also want to trust Beru when they say M Plus 7 posts less as a wolf.
  4. tsaiah

    tsaiah Squib

    Hi, Stan! Share some dead grapes with me?

    Looking forward to you getting past your 'holding cards close to the chest' phase. :p
    --- Post automerged ---
    Just...making myself a note to go back and look at page 3 again later in case of future relevance--there's some potentially interesting stuff in there, but I don't feel like I'm parsing all of it well right now. Wish we had bookmarks.

    (Also I'm very sorry if this is too spammy, I promise it'll stop soonish.)
  5. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    What's your process like early on in mafia games?

    The nachos are melting as I type this and I am drinking from a provisional wine glass.
  6. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year


    Still haven't slept.
    I will spare you any additional talk about myself for now.

    Gemma feels okay. It is weird that we are both kind of dancing on broken glass around each other trying to be the best we can be.
    But i don't think she has done anything outside what i believe her scumrange to be.

    I like negos reaction to gemma calling his entrance scummy (and the comment about making friends), but i am somewhat certain both his entrance and his reaction mean little for his alignment.

    I really should not think about this game right now.
    It feels like it is leading nowhere.

    I don't want to go back right now but didn't bears only say that m7 posts less as wolf when the game goes longer or something like that. (Could have been in a pre game convo we had a week ago).

    If that is true then nego soft shading m7 while defending him by missrepresenting betus post ever so slightly is something i could see partners do.
    Just something for future generations to consider.
  7. tsaiah

    tsaiah Squib


    Looking forward to hearing your thought process behind that question, actually. What were you hoping to get from it? (Also, Citrus, I think I already like you--not sure alignment -wise yet, but I mean like as a person! xD)
  8. Nego

    Nego Banned

    High Score:
    I tend to shitpost early on and reaction test people and make them scum read me so that I can read them better.

    True game doesn't begin before I get to analyze EoD wagons.

    If that's a thing I totally misread what Beru said and I'm going to pin the blame on it being an early morning for me.
  9. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Jan, I don't feel weird around you, if that helps.

    Nego, what are your pronouns sorry?
  10. Nego

    Nego Banned

    High Score:
    I prefer they/them/their but don't get annoyed if someone uses something else.
  11. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    My mistake-ish.

    I still don't think that bears calls m7 town with this post. Even less so because m7 was on their "easiest svcumteam of my life" list onepost ahead of this.

    So my point still stands i just suck at reading/remembering.
  12. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Alright. Well, I would normally be pushing you right now and talking about worlds where you could be mafia but I decided that I don't really want to talk about reads much this game so I guess you'll have a harder time reading me than you might otherwise.

    What do you like about EoD wagons?
  13. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    More the way you were careful about not pushing my buttons felt like walking on eggshells.

    It is fine.
    Better we act this way than fighting for bad reasons tbh.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Now i feel bad for never asking.

    To quote any telltale game:
    "Jan will remember that."

    (And then it has no effect on the end result. Fuck you telltale for your fake choices)
  14. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Oh I would have added that part if I was talking to anyone else as well I'm pretty sure. I recognized that my post probably came off a bit strong and I couldn't be bothered wording it properly to fit my mood so I just clarified at the end instead.
  15. Nego

    Nego Banned

    High Score:
    I think you're misunderstanding me here because imo M+7 was posting a lot as I remember seeing his name a lot while catching up.

    Granted, it's nowhere near the post count he had in his Champs qualifier but it's still early stages.

    In any case I'm going to just sheep Beru about M+7 if they are town in this game.

    I like to analyze EoD wagons, look for patterns, who votes who, who doesn't vote anyone, who's on a wolf wagon, who might have just saved their scum buddy on the last second, whose reasoning for their vote is empty, etc. etc. It helps me figure out who to ISO and who not to suspect.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Absolutely no need to feel bad, friend!

    Like I said, I don't mind it if people use the wrong pronoun.

    I've embraced it when they do in the past.
  16. tsaiah

    tsaiah Squib

    Having hard read his champs game, I can kinda see that, yeah (altho he didn't actually strike me as being that consensusy here in the first place).

    Gonna consider that a question, hue. Haven't played with him until now, but I read his qualifier game (he was town) with...well, some intensity? And I'm liking what I'm seeing so far.

    On top of that, he's asking for so many of the same things I want to know that I eventually started reading ahead to see if he'd asked something already. xD Which is comforting in that it makes it feel like we might be viewing the game thru the same lens.

    And I haven't read his scum games yet, but I think Beru did, during the qualifier.
  17. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Please don't do this thing.

    Also, reading people off activity feels bad to me, from a meta perspective. Like, as soon as you start including how active someone is as a significant factor in how you are reading them, it becomes something they feel compelled to do in order to secure that read, and I really don't want M7 thinking that he has to spam the game in order to get townread.
  18. Nego

    Nego Banned

    High Score:
    Eh, it comes more down to me not knowing how they post and thus trusting someone who I'm confident about knowing how to read them.

    But fair, I get what you mean.
  19. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Be more scummy, so that M7 pushes you! This is the best solution!
  20. Nego

    Nego Banned

    High Score:
    Sounds good!

    Vote: Eidolonic
    --- Post automerged ---
    I'm not sure how I'm supposed to vote though tbf.