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The 100 Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Cobalt, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Reveal will come at / shortly after scheduled day end time.

    Night will last until 24 hours after scheduled day end time as planned.
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  2. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

  3. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    The 100 Mafia - Day Five

    No flavor because you fucking hard lynched so you can wait lolz


    M Plus 7 was lynched! M Plus 7 was...

    Raven Reyes, Vanilla Town

    It is now Night. Night will last 24 hours from scheduled day end time. Day Six will begin on Sunday, July 29th at 1 AM EST (tomorrow/Saturday night).


    Beruru - Miles (Lynched Day Two)
    BootyPudding r. Corrdorr r. Nego - Harper (Lynched Day Four)
    Citrus - Clarke (Killed Night Three)
    dLGN r. Jan - Cooper (Lynched Day Three)
    Empoof r. tsaiah - McCreary (Shot Night Two)
    fenwicked - Echo (Lynched Day One)
    fontisian - Monty (Killed Night Two)
    Gemma - Bellamy (Killed Night One)
    Jarizok r. Miner
    KaiDASH - Murphy (Shot Night Three)
    Nothing Happens
    Regfan - Madi (Killed Night Four)
    M Plus 7 - Raven (Lynched Day Five)
  4. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

  5. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Full reveal in a little bit.

    Newcomb has died! Newcomb was vanilla town.

    Day will last 72 hours or until you fuckers hammer early again.
  6. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    Hi, @Jarizok. Yes, you. Please do stuff.
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    Actually, that goes for everyone ;D :knife:
  7. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    I’m on V/LA in my other games, but since deadlines are shorter on this site + game is almost over, I’ll prioritize it.

    Anyway, vote Eido

    The only way we don’t lynch Eido toDay is if people swear up and down to lynch him in lylo, no matter how much of a fuss he makes. I don’t care if you lynch me or Jarizok - do not let Eido live in endgame if you won’t kill him now.
  8. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    Hi Vaimes hello!
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    Really now.
  9. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Hi Stanari.

    Please lynch Eido toDay.

    No offense, but I don't think you'll be able to withstand his pleas in LyLo.
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    I can't actually recall whether or not Cobalt lets scum use actions + kill simultaneously. Can't be assed to log into his homesite right now, I'll check after I've slept a bit.
  10. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    You underestimate my ability to paranoia-lynch overly charismatic players the day before lylo.
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    (I hear you.)

    Also, that would be a yes, but the relevant part is actually not that :V
  11. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    I want to believe. :v

    I'm not going to make a formal case against Eido. "Everyone else is town" about sums it up. Plus everything Newcomb and I said yesterDay.

    A major red flag is that Eido's paranoia about Newcomb is pretty fake. Newcomb was super obvious town; doubly so when you consider how much of his enthusiasm would have completely whooshed away after Day 2 if he were a part of this game's scumteam.

    I don't really know what Eido's plan was when he decided I was townier than Newcomb, but it's not a real read. He and Newcomb are a lot more familiar with each other and I highly doubt he could really think for a second that Newcomb could ever be scum this game.
  12. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    I'm going to bed but, Vaimes, think you could talk about Eido's meta? My particular interest is his town (maybe also scum) meta in comparable situations (eg. in the POE at endgame). Names of games also acceptable (even preferable) but it's so specific that it's hard to search for. Isn't urgent, and if anyone else (or Eido himself) would like to weigh in, that's perfectly fine.

    I feel like I'm nibbling at the edges of the actual question here, but can't do anything about that.
  13. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Dunno if my description of it will be super helpful/coherent but I'll grab links after some rest, if he doesn't do his own metadump by the time I get back.
  14. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump


    Feel like I'm getting set up pretty hard here. I don't really understand the Newcomb NK at all given we'd have had a pretty nasty fight today and it'd have almost certainly resulted in my lynch.

    I guess 'it'll make Eido look bad and get lynched anyways, and Newcomb is dangerous' is a possibility?

    But whatever.

    I'll even agree to getting lynched in F3, because there's no chance it reaches F3. Everyone else is town.

    Vote: Jarizok
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    Jari's done nothing but tunnel M+7 for gamedays, and it never felt like he was actually trying to figure out his alignment. Coasting on earlier town credit, maybe he just knew he wasn't going to win? I dunno.

    But Stanari's the vig, Smiles is town, Vaimes is town, so game just ends here.

    I'm not putting a shit ton of effort into this, but would much rather just end it today since game ends, we pop bottles, and I get to keep the streak going 320 games.

    I don't really trust people not to lynch Vaimes over Jari in a F3 either for that matter, so this removes that option.
  15. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    But he's town.
  16. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    He can't be.

    I believe strongly in Vaimes being town, and that's like, mechanically the only other possibility.
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    Literally willing to chain lynch Jari, and then myself, and say if it's Vaimes he earned this one, because I have near 100% confidence game just ends here. I frankly don't trust you or Smiles not to lynch Vaimes over Jari in a F3 (and I want to keep my 'never mislynched' streak alive).
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    I'm not sure there is a meta comparison btw Stanari. This is the first time in a long, long time I haven't just died n1-n3 range (or we won before people started tinfoiling me).

    I think last time I was even in consideration for a lynch as town was The Hobbit AUJ on MTGS if you need to dig up a game, but that was kind of different situation.
  17. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Vote: Eido
  18. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    I know this game is slowly/quickly crushing everyone's souls but can I please have a little more than that?
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    There is an easy way to fix the Vaimes part (it's called hammering it through our skulls), and also I have a really hard time believing you would ever consent to be lynched under any circumstance?
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    @Nothing Happens

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    I am going to murder all of you with my bare hands <3
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    The aforementioned relevant part, by the by, is that The Office exists.

    I can't figure out what gain it would be to misrepresent this, but it is a thing.
  19. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    ? They shouldn't have been able to use an action and do the night kill there. I don't really remember the setup, but it's not something I tend to allow because it fucks with tracker results, and like forcing choices on the scum team.

    If I allowed it that specific game, idk. Must have been a last minute balance tweak or something, but is certainly not the norm. This is all game design type stuff anyways and not super relevant, especially given like... I'm using that to clear Smiles, not open up a lynch.
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    I mean. I'm not really consenting to be lynched, because the game just ends with a Jari lynch. I'm more just saying it for others' peace of mind, that I'm 100% clearing Vaimes, so it turns it into me vs. Jari. There's two lynches left.

    I'll go through and pull stuff out that indicates Jari scum I guess, but it's really just as simple as me locking Vaimes in as town, and him being only option. I think Jari knows he has no avenue to victory here, and has known it for a while. The 'tunnel' on M+7 was not a tunnel of someone who thought he actually had found a wolf, or a tunnel from someone who was trying to determine M+7's alignment. Just something for him to be seen doing.
  20. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    You definitely allowed it but yeah, I have no idea what gain it would be, so.....meh.