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The 100 Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Cobalt, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    Well I think that's like, part of the idea. Suspect your partners, but just so you look good should they ever flip. The Day 1 with 2 dead slots, one of which happened to be scum, didn't really help.

    Also not sure Beru's lack of presence helped things since that very 1D Tsaiah read expired, but they weren't around to really drive it home and had something else going on with Eido. But if Eido is scum, that's about where I'd consider it sociopathic, because that's really all Beru did.
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    Like I think we're in a similar kind of game state where people are here because they had interactions that look Good Enough, and that's what the last scum was going for. I would think Jan was trying to work his way in there as well, and dLGN after him, but got mechanics'd.
  2. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    But like, it doesn't look good when you halfass a bus.

    This conversation is like half wine, half tactics, half "why", half stupidity (my own).

    I don't understand what you mean by the second part. It did cross my mind that Eido might have been able to induce Beru to Post More as a wolf but on the other hand he wasn't really that engaged but on the third hand he wasn't that disengaged either.
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    Similar? Similar to what?

    Also I think dLGN's EOD was the opposite of setting up a run deep? (And maybe moreso if he was with someone who could also swing it without compromising his position, like Eido?)
  3. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    This post follows up that Vaimes response from before.

    Not Vaimes scum? It's a weird sequence. This seems like one of those posts aimed at projecting town more than doing anything else, to reference that discussion we once had about how people think about playing scum. Doesn't develop the suspicion and it continues to be a tomorrow thing.
  4. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    Mission: I see what you are pointing at but have trouble ascribing meaning.

    Reversing TMI: I have no idea what you're talking about.

    Nice-feeling: I think there is more than that, but also I don't think anyone ruled out Eido w/Vaimes v?
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    Wow. That was a sudden blast from the past, lol. I agree but I don't really see where you're going with this? It's not really a tactics post so it's somewhat harder to read, unless you see a co/unalignment in the tone or something?
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    I'm reading bits of D1 and literally every time Eido townreads Jan, I have to tell myself that most of the town was and augh.
  5. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    Like, the two things Beru wanted to do Day 1 were:
    Lynch Eido
    Lynch Tsaiah as she fell away from thread

    If Eido's scum, that's two scum as Beru's main targets. They wind up just settling on fen but don't seem happy about it, just "ok".

    And similar to last year's finals game, I would think? I think dLGN's EOD was supposed to get him deep though, because as weird as it was, it lynched a wolf and I think we'd have much more of a favorable opinion if Empoof didn't also flip wolf overnight. He'd have to play off not voting Empoof if we actually flip him instead but he was pretty consistent on the read involved being bad. I don't think it's a move he necessarily has to make with a partner who has sway to move that lynch.

    Also, even if they want to make that move, I'm thinking back to what Newcomb was saying about not awarding cred for wanting to lynch the role cop instead, because it'd imply wolves heavily preferred lynching into their vanilla partner like I thought.
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    My suggestion with reversing TMI would be knowing Vaimes is town and Eido's scum, but using that post to wish the opposite for some reason. Was ruling the Eido w/Vaimes v world out a joke? I know Newcomb posts about it.

    I think that post is potential Beru/Vaimes unalignment, like Beru's shelving their want to lynch Vaimes but trying to make a show of towny pretense around it directly at Vaimes to not make it raise the alarm bells Vaimes seemed to have in his initial response.
  6. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    Oh, Beru's the one doing the sociopathic bussing. I thought you meant Eido and I was like ...?

    I don't think Beru either wanted or was representing themselves as wanting to lynch Eido? Like their D1 felt like halfhearted poking attempts entirely. Maaaaybe not as much on Tsaiah.

    Uh, this post just started turning into words divorced from meaning, and I need Food, but I'll be back for the rest.
  7. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    Well they do mention knowing they probably couldn't get an actual lynch off on Day 1, but were just sticking that kernel of an idea out there that Eido's actually scum. I think that's just facing the reality of the situation, in a way. But it's in lieu of having more serious scumreads unless scumreading fonti between the two is supposed to count.
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    Okay I finished Day 1. Probably gonna take a bit myself.
  8. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    Who what where.
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    Attacking Eido as his partner is never really a bus anyway? Just distancing.
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    He would probably have gotten a day pass (or day passes) but even when I was looking over the EOD overnight, I hated dLGN's EOD. Obviously that doesn't rule out wolves thinking that it would have gotten them cred. It does feels dangerously-exposed levels of power to be wolfing if your partner is Eido, although it might make sense if Eido is the one that they want to send deep? Maybe? IDK?

    I don't really understand what you mean by the second part.
  9. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    Newcomb, as part of his reads on people:
    Maybe my wording is a poor choice then - is it not a bus if you don't lynch them?
    I mean, I didn't like how he went about it either, but I went into night just being...kinda mad it worked to lynch a wolf, still thinking dLGN was pretty town.

    Second part is just me high-fiving myself from like, 3 Days ago; I dunno if there's much to read into it because thinking the fourth wolf was trying to save the role cop is a little preemptive as a place to start from.
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    I think what I might be doing is over-reading by thinking everyone's posts are Extremely Serious and the reads and interactions, or lack thereof, are all done with some confidence and intention. It just winds up with me putting a lot of stuff on the table and staring at it and going "hm" a lot with my hand on my chin.

    Like I couldn't tell you who I favored right now for scum other than "probably not Vaimes?" as even though he's not even in this multi-ISO, he has a certain density of strange interactions with the flipped people.
  10. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    My friend, reread Newcomb's conditional again :p
  11. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    I don't get it.
  12. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    Vaimes is villa or with Eido.

    Vaimes is w/w with Eido, or Vaimes is v (and says nothing about Eido)?
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    Relatable in my head if not in my heart.
  13. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    Oh I'm probably just stapling his Eido read onto it then.

    Either way, for our purposes, Vaimes and Eido can't both be wolves in this game state anyway. I thought I was actually getting at something with that.
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    - _ -

    Although your Beru townread is like, a mental snapshot type of read that feels really good to me even though it's wrong.
  14. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    I think it's only a bus if you're trying to lynch them? But that's neither here nor there.
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    Yeah, it's a great/insightful/beautiful read, but it's also likely a sub read. Alas.
  15. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    That invalidates it how...? Jari said he'd been following along, so for all we know he could have experienced Beru's D1 posts on the same time scale we did.

    He did spring from the mod with a reads list fully formed, after all.
  16. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    It's easier to produce beautiful reads without TMI?
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    Beautiful being shorthand for a variety of attributes.
  17. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Movie over. Sup.
  18. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    Empoof and Jari have rather long interactions but I'm unsure of how indicative of anything they are. Ones with Beru seem more fruitful because they're doing things like both voting Citrus before Jari flips around and they talk about it. dLGN enters and leaves without really touching Jari, but seems to help Eido out with his "getting stupid pressure on D1" reminder thing.


    I think. This is currently skewed rather unfairly to Eido though.

    I'm like almost through EOD2 and want to sleep. I'm on the wrong coast for this game.
  19. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    Reverse...TMI? owl.gif

    That seems possible.
  20. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    I have no idea what you're on about with it being a sub read then.