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Disney Princess Mafia: The Revenge

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vira, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Beru I have some issues with you.

    The way you are going about solving the game here feels really awkward and I don't understand how you're believing that Jan and I are just town here and you only need 2 more townreads to win. I think on a superficial level the thought makes sense but when I look at it from the perspective of "Beru actually having these thoughts" it makes less sense and I wonder how you arrived there so easily and why you don't seem interested in examining that more deeply and I'm wondering why your continued approach to the game doesn't seem to match that.

    I am not really seeing you working through your reads at all and that bothers me. Your read on Waco in particular is very hard to understand so if you could talk more about that that would be really helpful. What is Waco citing that doesn't exist and how does that mean he's probably a wolf? If everyone seems town except Waco why doesn't that make you paranoid about everyone you think is town? How sure are you that he is a wolf?

    Also don't understand how "I want to try to eat the n1 kill" is a thought that you're genuinely having here; I don't know you super well as a player but you don't strike me as the type of player to eat the mafia kill over fontisian/Regfan/Jan/Vaimes if they are town so can you talk about that a tiny bit please?

    Basically just really struggling to understand your approach here so if you're town and my problems make sense to you please help me understand?
  2. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    I have very few reads that I feel good about, Fonti!Town about the only one I have some degree of confidence in. Have a decent chunk of pairings I think are unaligned at right now which is faaaairly handy for a game this small.

    I really liked a lot of Fontis progression re; Beruru, a lot of it matched exactly how I was thinking/feeling when reading along with it. Her comment about Bears in 61 fit my impression of Bears 45, her move of vote in 83 and the explanation in 100 and 114 mirrored a lot of my reactions towards Berurus posting in that period. I've seen Fonti be able to sort of get ahead of thread consensus as scum before and beat me to reads that I'd be having when following along but it's more /how/ she's got to the read and /how/ she reacted to it here that I like.

    Berurus posts don't look /as/ bad on a reread now and I think I'm just having problems with it in a similar way that I had problems with her posting in Hydra Game 6. Think she'd feel a bit awkward playing up the "I'm trying to get shot N1, lets try and get auto-circles" here as scum but then again not exactly the most logical thing for her to be thinking as town which is ehhh overall? Have liked her recent few posts enough to just let her do her thing and get a read on her later.


    @Fonti, can you run me through the Koalas town read without resorting to a dull "I think he's more of a used car salesman as scum" type answer please? I'm sort of with Gemma in that I found the "Tunnels compromised" from Koalas in 19 awkward/not to really fit with his prior posting there, it's the type of comment I'd throw out as scum thinking people might town read it, the rest of his posting comes across fairly null so you showing me what I'm missing is much appreciated.

    @Gemma - I've explained the Fonti town read above, the Jan one was mostly liking his read on you, the growth in strength in it felt really organic and the pop in with the "I can't stop thinking about X being scum and it's feeling more and more right' is just... a feeling I've had so many times before, that said his scum range is bigger than I'd expected it to (That "Last time I was scum read this much I was scum" was just such a ridiculous post for someone to have the balls to make as scum in the Westeroes game) so I'm a little more uh cautious when it comes to reading him based on posts like that.

    (Sorry Vaimes, other people walled before me. I wasn't the first, I promise.)
  3. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    66 hours left in day.

    For someone who spent an entire month playing 12/12, this is an impossibly vast span of time for just one day.

    The reason why I'm jumping around so much is that my brain hasn't realized that I don't have to post 500 times a minute lest my words get lost in a deluge of like 30 other people also racing to the top of shitpost mountain this game.

    ... I'll mellow out eventually. Right now I have to wake up for work in 6 hours but I can't sleep because my brain thinks there's also only 6 hours left in day. Wew.
    --- Post automerged ---
    also Gemma: I used to have that reputation.

    A bear can have aspirations for the future, too.
  4. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Above post of mine should read "town read this much" not "scum read this much" (RE; Jan in Westeroes game).

    Thanks for the answer re; Fonti there Gemma, there's mostly two reasons why I asked; I think you've been sort of over-focused on Fonti inside the early parts of this game which is pretty understandable for raisons and probably not hugely alignment indicative. But I think the sheer amount of "What's your read on Fonti" type thing makes /slightly/ more sense coming from town if you're not confident in your ability to read her early and would make less sense if you're in a "I back myself to read her D1" type one. I also want to know how much you both think you can sort of push past the "I think they might be scummy but I don't want to be wrong on them so I'll keep that to myself" type thing to see how much I should be trusting/factoring in your reads on each other.
  5. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Regfan I need you to talk me through your fonti read more please because it's very vague and you're mostly just like saying ~mirrored thoughts~ therefore you townread her? That doesn't make sense to me.

    The sidepoint about her having fooled you as mafia before feels throw-away and not really factored into your read that much. I don't get how you're so sure on her in so little time with how wide of a range she has as mafia.

    What are your unaligned reads?
  6. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    I made a origami house out of tinfoil and Gemma and Fonti live in it.
  7. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Eh tbqh Regfan this just looks like a lot of busywork from you. Please be more town if you are town.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Ohmygod yes please!!!
  8. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    Actually Gemma, how do you feel about Jan right now?

    Like, if it doesn't make sense...
  9. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Hm ok. Thanks.
  10. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    @Beruru - Can you talk a little bit more about DC's 95 for me, I've only played one game with him and that's The Game That Shal Not be Named but I actually slightly town read that post from him, it feels like a real thought even if it doesn't fit the gamestate at the time.

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't have that much better an explanation on my read on her then that?

    The game that I'm talking about was a game I was in a Spoiled Obs and not as a player but she took stances inside the game that I'd have taken if I was in the game and town consistently and stances that the town for the most part moved/agreed with. But the way she got to the stances and how she went about it felt differently to here with Beruru.

    I'll hold my unaligned reads for now.
    --- Post automerged ---
    I'm still reading the thread and have only ISO'ed about half the playerlist so far and we're what ~6 hours into the game? Not particularly sure what you'd be expecting here and really weird that you're making a statement like this.
  11. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    It's not that it doesn't make sense to townread him, it's the way you got there and how you're holding that I'm confused about. Like, you've come in, arrived at Jan/me town, voted Waco because shrugemoji, and then you've kinda got no other thoughts? Feels... stilted.

    Am townreading Jan a bit, think he would have done more with his read on me if he were mafia rather than coming in with it, talking about it more kind of vaguely and then in more detail in response to me, not really /pushing/ it exactly so much as kind of having spleen, then basically backing off weakly with a clarification about his scumgame. It's early and that's not a super strong point but that + his concerns are actually stuff he's talked about with me privately before so I know they're thoughts he could be having as town means he's above null for me.
  12. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Gemma, wouldn't mind you pulling up DC/Vaimes's ISOs and letting me know what your thoughts on them are.
  13. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    Ugh, not being on MU means I have to actually explain what I'm doing every time I do a thing. right.

    Ask me when it's not like 2 am, tho.
  14. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Can you talk about what exactly the way was that she got to the stances that's different? Like, you clearly have a very precise idea of her behavior here and how it compares and how it affects your read so I feel like this is something you should be able to talk about in detail pretty easily. What you have is super vague and doesn't help me understand you at all.

    Am not expecting ~greatness~ or anything like that from you, but fmpov you've written out a bunch of ~words~ that seem reasonable but feel pretty directionless. Like you're dedicating a bunch of time here to how I'm reading fonti and some thoughts in miniature about that and it feels like these are things you'd be more inclined to file away and mention briefly if at all?

    Like how is my "what's your read on fonti" thing what you want to talk about most here when you've said it's all barely indicative of anything?
  15. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    @Regfan - It just feels like he's upset because he's not town and his actual surprise at a wagon not being there for him already was pretty ???
  16. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    The question about Fonti/Yourself is mostly something that's just information for me to consider working forward in this game, right now when your reads are probably at your lowest on each other is the time when I'm more likely to get a less biased type answer. I think knowing how much to trust your reads on each other here is actually pretty vital particularly given a lot of my slip ups in past games have been trusting peoples reads elsewhere, not to say that I haven't had a hell lot of misreads myself but yeah. I don't want a situation to ever arise where it's like, you call each other town, one of you die fairly early on and I'm left later in the game going "Well X thought Y was town, but I'm reading Y as slightly scummy, helap?!??"

    But like I said, we're in the super early stages of this game, I'm just compiling information and reading through the game, when I have something super important and urgent that I want to get down, I'll make it pretty clear.
  17. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    I don't even have to go into the ISO to tell you I don't understand anything dC has done and the questions I'd need to ask him would just be really laborious for everyone and ultimately probably unhelpful anyway so I'm kind of just waiting to see what he does next to hopefully get a read on him.

    Talked about Vaimes in 184.
  18. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Eh, could kind of see that? I've no idea how many times he's been run up early as town D1 anymore but I'd remembered him saying something about it being a 'thing' last time I played with him and if that's still the case I think the reaction makes sense as town.
  19. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    I understand that. Still feels like a weird approach.

    Just saying.

    You feel weird.

    And... ~things~
  20. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Fair re; DC.

    And I agree with the "Vaimes moving his vote feels town" point in that I think he'd find it awkward to do that as scum and would worry it'd be his downfall but barring that I'm kind of eeeeh on his posting so far, think I'll be able to get a read on him when he's posted a little bit more.